Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1192 Cold Heart Technique (Please subscribe)

Not only that, Meng Zhao was also curious before about what methods and means Si Peng used to win over generals like Hong Tianzheng, but now he has learned from the main master.

The fire magic skill that Si Peng practiced has a certain ability to restrain cold poison.

Luo Ning, the water envoy he had become friends with, also had a certain miraculous effect on treating cold toxins.

The two of them came from time to time to remove the cold poison from Mrs. Hong, activate her qi, blood, muscles and bones, and prolong her life.

It is not difficult to understand that Hong Tianzheng's feelings for Mrs. Hong were befriended and bound by Si Peng's favor.

This is the right medicine. It can only be said that Si Peng's luck is better.

If Xiang Qing has a way to help Mrs. Hong slow down or even completely eliminate her illness, she can also win over Hong Tianzheng.

Now that the words have been spoken, Meng Zhao has begun to think about it. He can also take Si Peng's path.

There is a saying, not to mention taking Hong Tianzheng under his control, just to gain a foothold in the Shenwei Army soon, he will need some help.

No matter from any angle, Hong Tianzheng is the most suitable candidate.

Therefore, after listening to this story and waiting for Hong Tianzheng to feel relieved, Meng Zhao continued to ask,

"It turns out that it is really sad that General Hong and his wife have such a troubled past.

But what exactly is the sign of the cold poison that Mrs. Hong suffered from? Can you elaborate?

I am a student of a strange man. In addition to his achievements in martial arts, he also knows a lot about some wonderful arts.

Maybe it can help, or at least make Mrs. Hong's life more comfortable without suffering. "

Although these words are a bit communicative, they also reveal his goodwill. It depends on whether the other party will continue.

Hong Tianzheng was not surprised. Instead, a ray of light like a star burst out from his eyes, and he said excitedly,

"In that case, I would like to thank General Lu.

I don’t have many requirements. As long as I can make A-Yuan’s life more comfortable and not suffer too much, I’ll be satisfied. "

In fact, just as Meng Zhao could sense his starry body at the beginning, why didn't he notice Meng Zhao's specialness?

From what he could see, although this man was young, his origins were unknown, his demeanor was extraordinary, and he had an unfathomable and incomprehensible sense of mystery. He was definitely not an ordinary person.

Especially when it comes to spiritual communication, the other party may have some unknown impact on him, which makes Hong Tianzheng toss and turn and find it difficult to calm down.

It's not that he is resentful just because of this little thing, but maybe this person is related to A-Yuan's illness.

The two of them left the south, visited the Central Plains, and then came to the border of the North. They had too many hopes and too many disappointments, and they had even gradually moved towards despair recently.

However, Hong Tianzheng is a tough man, and he is not willing to miss even the slightest possibility or opportunity.

Therefore, after discovering the specialness of Meng Zhao and the strange connection with himself, he immediately wanted to ask Meng Zhao to help his wife see a doctor.

He had never even met Meng Zhao before, and he didn't know if he could see a doctor or if he had medical skills.

This was a nonsensical thing, with no beginning or end, but he couldn't care less about it.

As long as there is hope, even if an old farmer is said to be able to cure a disease, he will be willing to kowtow and bow down to ask him to come out.

For him, no one in this world is more important than his wife. They are each other's life, and they love each other more than they love themselves.

Now, what Meng Zhao said was exactly what he thought, so he was so happy and excited, and all kinds of emotions were intertwined, it was difficult to express. In the end, he could only tell Meng Zhao not to be too stressed.

After that, he told some of Mrs. Hong's symptoms and the specific process of her original injury.

What that scum gave Madam Hong was a powerful love medicine. It was very poisonous and acted directly on people's blood. Even a naturally strong person would find it difficult to get rid of it.

Madam Hong was just an acquired martial artist at that time. Although her cultivation was good, she had no way to deal with the medicinal properties of this medicine.

However, due to her family background, she is proficient in a forbidden method called the Cold Heart Technique. Once used, the power of ice can be born in the body within a very short period of time and freeze itself, preserving the body from decay.

The birth of this access control method is actually quite legendary. It was created by a female expert because she was afraid of the passage of time, her appearance would age, and she was afraid of seeing herself with chicken skin and gray hair, so she worked hard to create it.

The purpose is to delay aging and maintain youth forever. Even if you are on the verge of old age and death, you will still look as youthful and flawless as a 28-year-old girl.

It's a pity that such a magical skill that can preserve one's appearance is not so easy to create. The female master did not succeed. Instead, she accidentally mastered the skill and turned it into a forbidden skill, which is the Cold Heart Technique.

Once used, the power of ice will be born in the body, corroding the body, which is harmful rather than beneficial.

Note that what is mentioned here is the power of ice, not the true energy of ice. The former is the power of heaven and earth. Warriors above the master level can only sense and control it with Shenyuan. The latter is only cultivated by innate warriors and does not count. rare.

Of course, there are no useless martial arts in the world, only useless people.

The Cold Heart Technique can allow acquired warriors to create the power of ice, which is of course an unparalleled feat. Therefore, many people have studied and analyzed it, hoping to understand the secret and solve the mystery of the master.

Unfortunately, this martial art can only be said to be the product of chance and coincidence, with its unique characteristics, so no one has gained anything, and even if they have gained something, they have mostly dismantled this martial art.

For example, the complete version of Hanxin Jue can be disassembled and used to restrain fire poisons to heal injuries, or to assist in spiritual practice, or to cut off distracting thoughts and demons, etc. However, most of them also have certain hidden dangers.

Mrs. Hong is familiar with this method in order to understand some principles from its formulas and assist her own practice.

But he didn't expect that he was drugged by an evil person, and the drug's properties were soaked into his blood. He could not escape his desires with his own willpower alone. He could only risk his own life and use this forbidden martial arts to suppress the drug's properties with the power of ice.

For a normal person, once this ice technique is used, death is certain.

But Madam Hong was different. She was first poisoned by a strange poison that melted into her blood, and then when she was about to freeze, she was fed a Fiery Pill by her father, and she hung her life with unparalleled profound cultivation.

The center spent countless resources just to give it a chance to survive.

If it were anyone else, the grass on the grave would have grown taller.

And it is precisely this kind of chance coincidence, the powerful charming poison, the power of ice, the fire pill, various genius treasures, and even the true energy, are all mixed in his bloodline, and are affected by the special power of ice. Integrated into one, forming the current special situation of Mrs. Hong.

This is simply not something that a simple doctor can solve.

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