Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1193 Method, Dawn (Please subscribe)

Similarly, a simple martial arts master, even a master martial artist, may not be able to save Mrs. Hong.

In the final analysis, Mrs. Hong herself is a collection of coincidences.

A forbidden technique that was born by chance, and a person who survived after using the forbidden technique by chance.

How can a miracle caused by a coincidence and collision be cured by ordinary methods?

Just like Mrs. Hong's father, General Hong, or the famous doctors the couple had visited over the years, none of them could completely cure Mrs. Hong's illness.

And even a master like Si Peng, who is proficient in fire magic, combined with the water user Luo Ning, can only alleviate Mrs. Hong's discomfort and delay the onset of cold poison, but cannot completely eradicate the cold poison.

Even when Meng Zhaoguang heard these situations, he felt very troubled. He felt that his 100% certainty had gone to 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​could still disappear at any time.

"How about it, does General Lu have any idea, even the direction?"

Hong Tianzheng, a man of iron bones and solemnity, was looking at Meng Zhao eagerly, with a pair of thick and colorful eyes full of hope and longing, which looked really poignant.

But Meng Zhao would not fight an uncertain battle, so he could only tell the truth,

"Listening to what General Hong said, Mrs. Hong's situation is really a rare miracle. It can't be solved by simple medical skills or martial arts masters. Especially the power of ice, combined with its bloodline, is equivalent to both prosperity and prosperity. It’s a relationship where both sides suffer, so don’t act rashly.”

Simply expelling the power of ice is actually not impossible, but the key point is that Mrs. Hong's bloodline has become abnormal and can independently derive the power of ice. Even if it is removed, it will regenerate after a while. This is A method that treats the symptoms but not the root cause.

"However, I do have a few ideas. The power of ice, including the so-called potent poisons, the power of fire elixirs, and the power of various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, are all integrated into the blood.

You can find a way to exchange blood, or through martial arts practice, or through blood exchange medicine, or through medical skills. "

Although this world is not as high-tech as the previous life, the level of medical skills is extremely high.

But the local super magical martial arts gave many unbelievable things the basis for their existence.

For example, when it comes to blood transfusions, in the previous life, we had to consider blood type mismatches, etc. In this life, we are more judged by our martial arts skills. If we are good at martial arts, we can mediate with nature and have insight into yin and yang, which are all ordinary.

Hong Tianzheng shook his head and gritted his teeth and said,

"I have thought about this method for a long time. I have also visited a hidden miraculous doctor. His medical skills are so high that he has actually replaced people's limbs, changed their blood, and even performed a cesarean section to remove their bodies.

But the miracle doctor told him that the ice power in A-Yuan's body had already merged with his body under the influence of many external forces.

Bloodline is not just blood, but also includes a person’s innate vitality, organs, bones, etc.

Even if all the blood in the body is temporarily drained, new hematopoiesis will still regenerate the power of ice, and blood transfusion will not help. "

"Well, I also think this is a bit difficult, but it is actually still a feasible method.

General Hong should know that the purpose of our martial arts practice is to strengthen our bodies and constantly transform and transcend.

Before practicing martial arts, the body may not be able to weigh more than a hundred kilograms, and the endurance is not outstanding. However, once the martial arts is successfully practiced, not only the muscles and bones are strong, but also have many supernatural powers. Even if one does not use his inner strength, he is still far beyond the scope of ordinary people. .

This is actually the transformation and sublimation of innate talents, which is the transformation and achievement brought about by martial arts.

Maybe blood transfusion with medical skills cannot achieve the effect of treating Mrs. Hong's cold poison, but blood transfusion with martial arts may not be impossible.

This is like reborn, cleansing the blood and cutting the marrow, which is the way to make it easier to innate. "

Hong Tianzheng's eyes flashed, and he was greatly surprised, because he had never thought about this fact, or in other words, he subconsciously ignored it.

He had thought about blood transfusion, his father-in-law had thought about it, and many experts he had visited had also thought about it.

However, under the words of the miracle doctor, this road seems to be blocked, because he has pointed out that the existence of blood is not the basis for the power of ice, but only a carrier.

The real source is Mrs. Hong's entire body, so blood transfusion is useless.

However, Meng Zhao's words were like a wake-up call, making him happy and annoyed at the same time.

I was really obsessed with ghosts. How could I forget such a simple truth?

In fact, this is not very unusual. On the one hand, he cared too much about Mrs. Hong and was deeply involved in this matter, which confused the authorities. On the other hand, he was also misled by the miracle doctor's statement.

In fact, we can't blame the miracle doctor, but blood transfusion in medicine and blood transfusion in martial arts are not the same thing.

The latter is actually far more troublesome and complicated than the former.

While Hong Tianzheng was happy, he immediately thought of this, his expression became stagnant, his smile faded, he shook his head and said,

"It can't be that simple. Martial arts requires a lot of effort. Not even one among tens of millions of people can do it. Moreover, the method is so rare that A-Yuan's body can't hold it."

This is not false. Some of the so-called descriptions of cleansing the essence and marrow, or even rebirth, are all similar adjectives. At most, they remove some toxins and impurities from the body, and few actually say that they replace the blood.

Even the so-called special physique is, in a general sense, just an awakening, not a blood exchange.

Meng Zhao smiled, he had the best say on this point, because he was the beneficiary of the blood exchange.

At the acquired stage, he successfully exchanged blood and awakened the dragon body. He knew the feeling best.

It can only be said that the danger is really dangerous. Not to mention a narrow escape from death, with Mrs. Hong's physique, there is absolutely no possibility of success.

But it is also true that the benefits will be huge. As long as the blood exchange is successful, it will be a true rebirth.

Even if it cannot completely eliminate the hidden dangers in Mrs. Hong's body, it can greatly delay its onset, indirectly improve Mrs. Hong's vitality, and pave the way for the removal of hidden dangers in the future.

Seeing Meng Zhao's mysterious smile, Hong Tianzheng's expression changed, an idea came to his mind, and he said in surprise,

"Could it be, could it be that, General Lu, you know this method of exchanging blood and know the secret behind it?"

This really gave him a big surprise.

The origin of the other party is so mysterious, and his martial arts skills are unpredictable. Maybe there is hope?

"I'm just kidding. When I was a child the day after tomorrow, I had a blood transfusion experience. It was indeed a narrow escape, but I also accumulated a lot of experience, which may be helpful to Mrs. Hong."

As soon as he said these words, Hong Tianzheng's domineering aura escaped uncontrollably, his breathing became rapid, his eyes widened, and his blazing gaze made him want to swallow Meng Zhao in one bite.

The dawn, the dawn that accumulated under disappointment and despair, was really rare for him.

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