Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1215 Meeting, strange (please subscribe)

A thin snow fell in the mountains without warning, and scattered snow particles hit the ground, whitening the desolate Hushan Mountain.

In front of a deep and bottomless cliff, Su Hongtu stood with his hands behind his back, his big sleeves fluttering, letting the wind and snow hit his face without paying attention, but with a unique expression, as if he was enjoying the cool and tangy charm. .

"Si Peng, do you know what day today is?"

After the words fell, what came with the wind and snow was Si Peng's red robe, which was as bright as fire. It was so eye-catching in this white environment where the sky and the ground were all white.

"I can't remember. From the day the heavy snowstorm started, calculating the season has no meaning in Liangzhou."

Si Peng's hands hung on his waist, and his long hair was neatly combed and tied into a ball with a jade hairpin.

His eyebrows were faintly red, and his eyes were sharp and strong, just like his overall style, which was full of passion.

Although Liangzhou is on the border of Dayong, in the past, the four seasons were distinct, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the rotation had never gone wrong.

This is Dayong's famous pasture and horse farm, where countless well-bred horses were bred and raised, making great contributions to the elite cavalry of the dynasty.

However, with a heavy snowstorm, everything came to nothing. There were no longer four seasons here, only dead silence.

The warmth of spring, the sunshine of summer, and the harvest of autumn are all gone. Only the chill and ice and snow of midwinter have always shrouded this troubled land.

Therefore, there is no problem with Si Peng's answer, because the four seasons in Liangzhou are indeed unclear now.

"It's really meaningless. Then do you know the truth about this snow disaster?"

Su Hongtu's tone was strange, and his tone seemed to be suppressing something, which made Si Peng confused.

"The truth, a snow disaster is a snow disaster, the heart of heaven is moving, and the natural scene, how can there be any truth?"

Si Peng felt that Su Hongtu today was a little more talkative than the one he was familiar with before.

He believes that the snowstorm is just a natural law of heaven and earth. Flowers are not as good as every kind, and people are not as beautiful as a thousand suns. The same is true of nature. There are good weather and good weather, but there are also times of drought in the middle of winter.

The only difference is that the damage and impact caused by this major snowstorm far exceeded what most people expected.

"Have you ever thought that this big snow disaster in the North is actually related to a certain person?"

Su Hongtu once again said something strange, even weird, and Si Peng shuddered involuntarily.

His skill was profound, as pure as strong wine, as gloomy as the forest, and his fire energy made him feel no discomfort in the face of this fierce and cold energy, but it was no match for Su Hongtu's simple words.

"Snowstorm, man, are you kidding me?"

Si Peng couldn't believe what kind of person could have such majestic and incredible power to influence the movement of heaven and earth and cause such a huge disaster, radiating the land and affecting several states in the north. It was simply impossible for humans to do this.

Perhaps, in recent times, those who had reached the realm of ancient gods and demons could do it, but are there really such people in this world today?

Impossible, absolutely impossible, because in today's world, grandmasters are already top masters, and it is still doubtful whether there are celestial warriors, let alone gods and demons.

"Maybe it's a joke. I heard a rumor. It's very interesting. It said that the heavy snow disaster in the North was actually the result of someone receiving a legacy from a fallen god and demon from ancient times. Because he couldn't contain this majestic power, It just caused the heaven and earth to change and caused such a huge disaster."

Based on Su Hongtu's understanding of martial arts and the world, he actually didn't think there was any reason for this.

First of all, ancient gods and demons are truly powerful beyond common sense, and are completely different from another species called humans.

Flying into the sky and escaping from the earth, burning mountains and boiling seas, catching stars and grabbing the moon... these are gods and demons.

It possesses incredible power, masters the essence of the Dao, condenses it into the fruit of the Dao, and rests with the Dao.

In an extremely powerful world, such as in ancient times, gods and demons are just a part of the world.

However, after countless years of changes, the rules of the world have long since changed.

To the world, powerful beings such as gods and demons are no longer fishes in the sea, but may be giant whales in the pond. A turning over can lead to violent turmoil in the world.

In the same way, it is not impossible that the gods and demons are too majestic and powerful to cause a severe snowstorm in the North.

But Si Peng obviously didn't believe this rumor, and shook his head and said,

"I don't believe this rumor. It's very simple. The ancient gods and demons were so powerful, how could they fall so easily?

Even if there are really fallen gods and demons, after that long time, they have either turned into decay or been intercepted by others. How can today's people inherit the power of those gods and demons?

I think you have some problems in your heart right now. You seem to be affected by some kind of remarks. You are not the heroic Su Hongtu I know. "

Si Peng was very dissatisfied because he sensed something unspeakable in Su Hongtu's language and attitude.

Is it a kind of awe of overly powerful power, or is it the impatient desire for that huge power?

Does it have anything to do with the martial arts practice this time? Or is it because he was stimulated by this statement that he wanted to practice this amazing skill?

He felt very bad. Su Hongtu shouldn't have such thoughts.

Su Hongtu was startled, then smiled, shook his head and said,

"Yeah, maybe it was approaching that moment, and I was a little concerned about gains and losses, and was swayed by some words.

But don't worry, with the essence of the flesh and blood of the ferocious beasts you sent me, I am very sure that I can master that miraculous skill. When you and I join forces, we can defeat Xiang Qing in no time. I will not forget our plan. . "

Su Hongtu's statement dispelled Si Peng's doubts and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"That's good, Brother Su, you are a person who does big things. You must be firm-willed and down-to-earth in your work. We have put everything on you, but don't let us down.

Also, Xiang Qing seems to have received some information, which may hinder you.

Therefore, I plan to lead a few masters to protect you while you practice, to prevent others from coming to destroy it.

You are all familiar with the candidates, I, Wei Hua, Mo Li, and the last person is named Lu Yang.

He is the son-in-law of the Danchi clan. He is highly skilled in martial arts. As the seventh general of the Divine Power Army, he is also one of ours.

The flesh and blood essence of the ferocious beast I sent this time was obtained by hunting with his men. He is a rare talent. "

When Su Hongtu heard about the Dan Chi clan, he unconsciously thought of Geng Po Mo, who had been missing for a long time and was suspected to have died.

However, he just felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Facing the representative of the Dan Chi clan who was powerful and had joined the Shenwei Army, he would not mix too much personal emotions.

After all, those who do big things don't stick to trivial matters. If one Geng Po Mo can be exchanged for more talents and support, the deal won't be bad.

"I don't worry about your work. As long as there are no problems with the person, I won't treat him badly after the work is completed.

Si Peng, you have to be prepared. This time may be our last fight with Xiang Qing and others. Don't be soft-hearted. "

Si Peng felt sad, but didn't say anything, just nodded.

From the day we parted ways, the battle of life and death one day in the future was destined.

I just hope that when the time comes, he will win.

No, it must be him who wins.

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