Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1216 Countermeasures (Please subscribe)

Time passed slowly due to Si Peng's repeated adjustments and arrangements.

This fire envoy is well versed in the principle of planning before taking action, and will never fight an uncertain battle. Even Meng Zhao and others don't know what kind of back-ups he has prepared.

Meng Zhao had already made corresponding preparations and had already let go. He temporarily handed over the command of the five thousand Danchi warriors to Hong Tianzheng, letting him take charge in case of any eventuality.

At the same time, when I went out this time, I didn’t know when I would be back, so I nursed Mrs. Hong’s body in advance and tempered her energy and blood, which was considered a favor to Bo.

Similarly, Mo Li, a man with an unruly temperament and a greed for power and wealth, also selectively let Hong Tianzheng take over the military power under him. However, for him, he could not trust Hong Tianzheng, and he also arranged a lot of back-up precautions.

But in general, the people on Si Peng's side had been prepared long ago and were just waiting for the news to arrive.

The news from Su Hongtu was not slow to arrive. Just four days after Si Peng met with Su Hongtu, he gathered a few people and quietly left the Shenwei Army camp in the dead of night to join Su Hongtu. …

In an elegant stone house, Xiang Qing was dressed very differently from the Taoist priests in the past. He was wearing a piece of cyan soft armor, which showed a soft luster in the candlelight at night, giving him a hint of domineering military commander.

There is a long sword hanging on the waist. The wooden handle looks simple and the scabbard is fragrant with vegetation.

His eyes are clear and green, shining brightly, his skin is delicate and white, moist and full of vitality, and combined with his handsome and extraordinary appearance, he is really a good general with majestic appearance.

There are many people under his seat. In addition to the beauty Luo Ning, the water ambassador, there are also the two great generals recruited by He Xin, Xu Fei and Shen Zhihang, who are close friends.

Then there is Gou Shuping, who has a sinister eyebrow and a mustache above the corners of his mouth.

His martial arts skills are mediocre, so he can squeeze into this circle. In addition to being decent and loyal, the most important thing is that he provides a lot of confidential information.

"Gou Shuping just brought news that Si Peng, Wei Hua, Mo Li, and Lu Yang have left the camp.

According to the information I have, the other party should be joining Su Hongtu to practice martial arts and protect Su Hongtu.

Tell me, how should we respond? "

In fact, Xiang Qing had already learned from Gou Shuping that Su Hongtu needed the flesh and blood essence of ferocious beasts to practice martial arts, and he also knew that once the other party succeeded, he would definitely come to seize his power.

But he could endure it and never said a word.

It wasn't until Si Peng and others left the camp tonight that they gathered their troops and told the story. I don't know what they were thinking.

Judging from the current situation, he was slow at one step and slow at the other. In the fight with Si Peng, he was already at a disadvantage. In fact, the final result was probably not very good, and it was more likely to be serious. .

However, there was no panic on his expression, and his tone was calm and methodical, which did not cause turmoil among his subordinates.

Luo Ning has a gentle temperament and is completely obedient to Xiang Qing. He has no opinions and doesn't say a word.

On the other hand, the two guard generals looked at each other and felt that something was wrong.

Xu Fei and Shen Zhihang are both generals in charge of five thousand guards. They have a high status among the Shenwei Army, second only to the Five Holy Envoys, and on equal footing with Hong Tianzheng, Mo Li and others.

Xu Fei is a big man about thirty years old, who fits the image of a fierce general. He has a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and a beard. His body is as strong as an ox, and his voice is loud and loud.

"This happened so suddenly. We don't know anything about what skills Su Hongtu practiced, where he practiced them, what the guards around him were like, what height he would reach after he practiced them, etc.

Xiangshi, your lack of intelligence is too great. If you act radically, you can easily fall into the trap set by others. What I mean is that you should check it out first, at least you can't act rashly. "

It really goes with the saying that people should not be judged by their appearance. It is clear that Xu Fei looks like a fierce Zhang Fei, but he acts cautiously and steadily. Without practical information for reference, his actions and decisions tend to be more conservative. .

This made Xiang Qing frown, a little displeased, but he didn't say anything, he just turned his attention to Shen Zhihang.

This Shen Zhihang looks very elegant, with a refined appearance and fine features. However, he is actually quite famous among the Shenwei Army, but he has a bad reputation.

Because he was born as a demon warrior, I don’t know which family he belongs to, but he is undoubtedly practicing demonic arts.

For a long time, Shen Zhihang's name was synonymous with terror in the eyes of the middle and lower-ranking officers of the Divine Power Army. It seemed that he was a big devil who behaved badly, was cruel, vicious, and murderous.

However, I don’t know if it’s because of his change of heart. At least since he took charge of the guards, nothing bad happened, and there were no inexplicable deaths among the Shenwei Army.

This has made his reputation a lot better, but he is still a person that everyone talks about in the Shenwei Army.

Facing Xiang Qing's gaze, Shen Zhihang sighed, his thin shoulders seemed to be carrying a mountain, with invisible pressure, and he said slowly,

“We must respond and cannot let Su Hongtu master Kung Fu so smoothly.

However, now that most of the people on Si Peng's side have left, can we start with military power? "

Xu Fei's eyes lit up at this suggestion. Rather than confronting Su Hongtu, Si Peng and others directly, he preferred to launch a sneak attack to seize the opponent's military power when the opponent's lair was empty.

From this point on, even if Su Hongtu makes any breakthrough in the future, it will not have any impact on the overall situation.

Because the opponent's basic base is gone and the general trend is downward, which cannot be resisted by an individual.

"I agree with this suggestion. Now that Mo Li and Lu Yang have left, their soldiers will have no one to control them. Isn't this our opportunity?"

Luo Ning shook his head, stirred his hair with his fingers, and said softly,

"This can't be done. As far as I know, Hong Tianzheng has not left. Mo Li and Lu Yang have called the military power into his hands. With his prestige and ability, it is not difficult to take charge of the army."

He Xin also spoke at this time,

"Hong Tianzheng has great martial arts skills and is unfathomable. He is also very proficient in the art of war. If we really fight, even if we can win, we may not be completely victorious and our losses will not be small. So I don't agree to start directly with military power."

At this time, everyone focused their attention on Xiang Qing.

Xiang Qing also made a very fatal point,

"Have you forgotten that in this army, apart from you and me, apart from Sipeng's lineage, there is a force that cannot be ignored, and that is He Wuji and the other two generals.

Normally we just have minor conflicts and he ignores them, but now that the army has changed, how can he remain indifferent?

Therefore, a sneak attack on Hong Tianzheng and his army must not be carried out. "

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