Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 1639 Delusions, Practice (Please subscribe)

Meng Zhao glanced at Monk Chengkong, not angry but confident. Even with the monk's state of mind, he felt that just one glance from the other party could send him into an abyss. The gap was really too big.

Just like an elephant and an ant, if the two really have souls and intelligence, then the latter will be tortured to pieces due to the overwhelming advantage of size alone. How can it be said that there are too many ants to kill the elephant?

In the same way, every move and even a tiny expression of Meng Zhao's life source, Yuanmai Chengkong, can have a profound impact on him.

Meng Zhao saw that Monk Chengkong had a good background and a solid foundation. With the Prajna Buddha light in the bay leaf cassock, not to mention the Grand Master, even the Great Grand Master would have a chance in the future. If there were more colorful glazed purifying relics, heaven would People are not immune to prying eyes.

However, this opportunity depends on whether Meng Zhao gives it to him. If not, the other party may not even be able to keep the Baye cassock. Therefore, Meng Zhao's attitude is very important now.

"Monk, do you know my past experience?"

Monk Chengkong nodded. Meng Zhao's reputation as the Dragon King of the North has been spread all over the country. His past background and life experiences have also been unearthed, and he has attracted a wave of fans. He can be said to be a model of tragic counterattack in life.

"Then you know very well that I have been associated with Buddhism for ten years. Although I have not understood the essence of various Buddhist scriptures, I can still criticize them. I can be regarded as half a Buddhist. Do you recognize this? "

The real Meng Zhaowei had never become a monk. He had fasted and chanted Buddha's name in Daci'en Temple for ten years, reciting many essentials of Buddhism.

And when the real Meng Zhao died, Meng Zhao was the only one in the world, and his experience was also Meng Zhao's experience.

What's more, Meng Zhao's first martial arts in this life was the Buddhist Arhat Boy Kung Fu. His cultivation of Qi was originally obtained through initiation from Buddhist monks.

It can be said that Meng Zhao is indeed half a Buddhist, even though he has never been ordained as a monk, and he is not even a layman.

Regarding this, Monk Chengkong did not dare to deny it. He could only suppress the doubts in his heart and nodded, saying,

"Yes, Benefactor Meng has practiced Buddhism and cultivated his mind for ten years. Perhaps it is the foundation of these ten years that has enabled Mr. Meng to rise up and shine forever. You can indeed be regarded as a member of the Buddhist sect."

"Okay, since I am a member of the Buddhist sect, and I am also familiar with the unique magical skills of the Buddhist sect, the seven-colored glazed purifying relic is also a rare treasure for me, which is enough to push my cultivation to another level. Why should I give up? Relic, return it to you?"

This is also human nature. I have always disliked those who have few opportunities and few treasures, but I have never heard of people who dislike those who have many opportunities and many treasures.

Even if Meng Zhao obtained the Qianlong Dragon Vein and the Sheji Ding, it would not prevent him from obtaining another relic.


Monk Chengkong was also speechless. Although he was a monk and a martial artist, he knew very well the value of the relic. It was definitely the most precious treasure of Buddhism. For Buddhist practitioners, it was a great blessing from God, which was extraordinary.

After thinking about it, he had to say,

"Donor Meng, the seven-colored glazed world-purifying relic was left by the first ancestor of our sect. The Buddhist teachings on it are extremely profound and mysterious, and the power is also extremely concentrated. It cannot be used easily.

It is indeed very difficult for non-disciples of our sect to use this relic. "

This is to make Meng Zhao retreat when he realizes the difficulty.

Meng Zhao smiled slightly and raised one palm upright in front of his chest. In an instant, a shadow of the Buddha appeared in the void behind him, with bright golden light, bursts of Sanskrit sounds, monks chanting sutras, Arhats subduing demons, and celestial dragons. Waiting for many strange scenes to follow.

At that moment, based on Monk Chengkong's Buddhist cultivation and background, he almost thought that Meng Zhao was a true Buddha of the time, a divine monk, and a first-rate holy monk.

However, before he could make a move, the vision behind Meng Zhao had disappeared without a trace, and everything suddenly seemed like a dream.

It seems both real and illusory, making people feel confused, empty, dreamlike and full of Zen charm.

Others were also shocked. This Meng Zhao is simply a monster that is hard to find in ancient times. Not only is he the direct descendant of the Red Flag Order, but he is also proficient in the unique skills of the Dragon Way. Now he is showing such a strong, powerful, divine and holy Buddhist incompetence. The magic power is really terrifying.

The key point is, are you practicing so many profound stunts that are not part of a system? Aren't you afraid of conflicting with each other or even going astray?

Even though they were so suspicious, they also knew that Meng Zhao must have a magical method to solve it. Otherwise, how could he have reached the unpredictable state he is at now?

"How about it, my Fudo Ming King's Mahamudra Kung Fu for subduing demons is the highest magical skill of Buddhism. It can even condense the fruit of Buddhahood. With my wisdom, I can understand the mind of Fudo Myoyo and absorb the thoughts of Buddha Dharma in the relics. Isn't it possible that I can't use it? ?"

As soon as these words came out, Monk Chengkong had no idea. Not only could it be used, but to put it bluntly, with Meng Zhao's supreme talent and this supreme Buddhist power, he was 70-80% sure of condensing Buddhahood with the relics. Comparable to all the ancient Buddhas.

Monk Chengkong was speechless for a moment. After thinking about it, he couldn't find a good way, so he had to sigh.

"In that case, the young monk has nothing more to say."

He is also well versed in the essentials of Buddhism and is not too attached. Although the relic belongs to the ancestor of his sect, he does not really regard the relic as his own private property and cannot be interfered with by others.

On the contrary, after seeing Meng Zhao's profound Buddhist magical skills, he stopped thinking about it and instead came up with the idea that if Meng Zhao could really use relics to achieve Buddhist achievements, then it would not be a bad thing.

Buddhism is vast. People come and go as they please. Buddhism in the world is one family. If we are our own family, how can we distinguish each other?

With this thought, the thoughts in Monk Chengkong's mind were pure and untainted by impurities, and his merits became more refined.

Others may have been a little slow to notice this change, but Meng Zhao saw it and was amazed.

In fact, Buddhist martial arts and methods are indeed the most effective in saving all sentient beings and opening up the door to convenience.

Although bloodline and qualifications are also important, they are not absolute.

Buddhism actually pays more attention to conditions and enlightenment.

If one can understand Buddhist principles and implement them within oneself, then martial arts practice will be smooth.

On the contrary, bloodline and qualifications are all obstacles that hinder him.

Therefore, it is not a fantasy that even the most ordinary mortal, a monk, can truly possess great virtues, great wisdom, and reach the highest level of martial arts.

At the same time, even if you have no blood, no qualifications, or even no understanding, and no connection with the Dharma, as long as you are willing to work hard and persevere, big achievements may not be possible, but small achievements are not difficult.

Unfortunately, there are many delusional people in the world and many people who are eager for quick success.

Not to mention other things, this monk Cheng Kong is indeed superhuman in character and wisdom, and has the demeanor of a great cultivator.

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