Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2030 Poison Cave, Dry Soul Essence (Please subscribe)

The stars shifted, the world changed, and after a dizzy, nauseating, dull and upside-down feeling.

Meng Zhao and several others appeared in a cave. All they could see was a dark mess and a sinister state.

What caught their eyes was a black smoke, which was carried by a breeze and blew towards the direction where Meng Zhao and others were.

Before Meng Zhao could speak, an elder of the Lei family had already reminded him,

"Everyone, pay attention, hold your breath, use your body's true qi, and expel this poisonous miasma from your body. Don't be careless."

With the Lei family elder's reminder, the people scattered in the cave immediately acted according to his words, and Meng Zhao was no exception.

At this time, he was disguised as Lei Chongfeng, and the blue arcs on his body turned into a gas shield that wrapped him up inside, isolating him from the outside world.

When the black smoke reached the body surface and fell on the body-protecting Qi, the moment the two came into contact, a hissing sound of corrosion and destruction was emitted. Meng Zhao could even keenly sense the continuous consumption of the body-protecting Qi, which required the person who performed it to continuously use his power to maintain it.

Those with deep power and good foundation are fine, but those with shallow foundation and insufficient cultivation, if they stay in such an environment for a long time, will easily end up exhausted and exhausted.

Of course, such black poisonous miasma is only the most basic harsh environment of the poison cave, far from being dangerous. The more dangerous thing is hidden in this endless black land.

Less than ten feet away from Meng Zhao's right front, the black and hard ground, like a stone slab, suddenly cracked a crack, and then a black shadow drilled out of the crack. It was a black centipede as long as an arm and as thick as a palm, with a thousand feet like a dragon, and an unparalleled ferocious breath.

Of course, its lethality is far less powerful than those fierce beasts, but the scary thing is that it is extremely poisonous. Even if a congenital warrior has profound skills, if he is bitten by it, he will probably die.

And such poisons and such crises are actually the norm in the entire cave.

Centipedes are just poisons that are easier to find and prevent. There are more poisonous insects and poisons. There is no breath, no signs, just like the most brilliant assassin in the world, waiting for you to reveal a flaw, and then give you a fatal blow.

This place is really not a place for people to stay. Unless it is poisonous, devouring each other, it can survive in such a harsh environment. Otherwise, even if you are as strong and fierce as Meng Zhao, you can't expect to be like a fish in water in such an environment.

At this time, in addition to Meng Zhao, there are four warriors of the Lei family, Yan Libing, and the master-level horse-faced ghost in the entire cave.

As for Lei Wanche, Liu An, the Bull Head God, and other Lei Family masters, they should have been randomly teleported to some Lei Ze after entering Jianmu Cave Heaven.

Meng Zhao was slightly disappointed. The land of Lei Ze was mysterious and strange. In fact, it was very attractive to him. Maybe he could rely on the thunder law of Lei Ze to improve his means of attack.

This cave was really unremarkable to him. He didn't practice poison skills. He had feathered insects, which could be said to be immune to all poisons and indestructible to all poisons. It was meaningless.

At this time, after avoiding the first wave of poisonous miasma, everyone quickly gathered together.

Under the premise that Meng Zhao did not reveal his identity, the horse-faced ghost should have been the strongest, and the master's martial arts could also bring a little sense of security to everyone.

Unfortunately, although the horse-faced ghost joined them, he was relatively passive and unwilling to be the leader of the group. Perhaps it was related to his taciturn personality.

Yan Libing wanted to take the lead in this small team, but although he was of good status and came from Yujing City, he knew nothing about Jianmu Cave Heaven. He was completely in the dark and naturally had no competitiveness.

Finally, the elder of the Lei family pointed out,

"Chongfeng, you are the hero of my Lei family. You are in charge of this trip. Explore this place as soon as possible to see if you can find opportunities. In addition, we will write down the terrain and everything we have experienced nearby, and use it as the foundation of my Lei family in the future."

In fact, it stands to reason that the last time Lei Chongfeng landed was Lei Ze, and he was also unfamiliar with this poison cave area. However, this elder of the Lei family happened to land here, which was far more suitable for the identity of the leader than Meng Zhao.

But he himself did not have this idea, so he was willing to assist Lei Chongfeng, that is, Meng Zhao.

Meng Zhao took the lead and looked around. It was a wasteland. There was almost no difference in sight. The four directions of southeast, northwest, and northeast were all the same.

Even if the Emperor used the Qi-Seeing Technique, he could only barely see the poisonous gas, poisonous miasma, and poisonous substances all over the ground. There were no more.

After asking the elders who came here last time and discussing it, everyone decided to move towards the east in their impression.

In fact, they could not tell the east, west, south, and north at all, but they took the sense of direction before entering Jianmu Cave Heaven, which was barely acceptable.

Along the way, everyone formed an outward-facing elliptical formation, with Meng Zhao at the head, and scattered in all directions. Everyone could barely have a direction to explore, but once there was danger, they could shrink the formation at any time and return to the crowd.

This kind of movement was naturally very slow, but it must be said that the harvest was really a lot.

In a short period of time, in addition to all kinds of strange poisonous substances, many people, including Meng Zhao, got a kind of black, sticky, clay-like thing.

In fact, this thing was seen by everyone who came to this poison cave last time. There were quite a few, but no one was interested, and they were also worried that it was something harmful.

It turned out that this time Yan Libing was very knowledgeable and recognized that this was an extremely powerful detoxification substance that dried up the soul.

Generally, they grow in extremely harsh and highly toxic environments. Over the years, various types of toxins are infiltrated, mutually infiltrated, strengthened, or digested, resulting in the birth of a kind of earth-level treasure.

It may be that the baby was born by using the characteristic of fighting fire with fire and combining it with the specific rules of heaven and earth.

Natural detoxification products, even some so-called poisons that have no cure, can be alleviated and suppressed by using this dry soul essence, combined with advanced skills and unparalleled medicinal power, to slowly detoxify.

It can only be said that knowledge is indeed the primary productive force.

Just like last time, everyone in the Lei family entered Baoshan and returned empty-handed.

There is no way, people are ignorant, even if they see the real treasure, they think it is poisonous.

Fortunately, Yan Libing was knowledgeable enough, otherwise Meng Zhao wouldn't be able to recognize such treasures.

I read a lot of his miscellaneous books, but after all, he majored in martial arts, not Confucianism, so naturally there were some omissions.

Yan Libing is a serious Confucian disciple with a wealth of knowledge. He knows much more about many heavenly and earthly treasures than most people imagine. (End of chapter)

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