Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 2100 Hesitation (Subscription required)

"According to my spiritual perception, the direction Zhao Ruling and Yu Changkong seem to be heading is not the Fire Dragon Cave or the Yanzhou Divine Sword Hall, but Lingwu City. Are they going to find the Northern Meng Dragon King?"

The Heavenly Demon Palace Master's eyes were as bright as lightning, but he was also a little hesitant. It was not that he did not want to hunt down the two, but he had two concerns.

First, he was worried that his spiritual perception would still be blinded by Zhao Ruling, making a wrong judgment and falling into his trap again.

Second, the Heavenly Demon Palace Master was also a little afraid of Meng Zhao. This fear was not due to his so-called Northern Meng Dragon King and the great master martial arts that was now spreading wildly in the north.

He was afraid of this person's mystery and unknown background.

In particular, he knew best that this Meng Zhao of the Meng family was not a real Meng family son, but an imposter. As a result, he took over the magpie's nest, turned the guest into the host, killed the real Meng Zhao, and confirmed his identity.

The Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace didn't know much about him. Being mysterious and unknown meant that he was unfathomable. Even if he claimed to be invincible in his magical power, rarely met an opponent, and had a treasure on him, he would not easily provoke such an opponent.

It was Zhao Ruling's various means and arrangements that opened up a glimmer of hope for him and Yu Changkong.

"Forget it. It's not easy to deal with Meng Zhao, and this move may just be in line with the thoughts of Beitang Sheng and Zhao Ruling. It can't be done.

"With Meng Zhao's identity and the potential he showed, Beitang Sheng, this villain, must be like a thorn in his throat and a thorn in his back. It's impossible for him to remain indifferent. He should have tried to make a move, but unfortunately he didn't succeed.

If you have to kill Zhao Ruling, it's better to start from the source.

It's the same now.

For this, it's the Meng family's hundred-year and thousand-year plan. For this, let alone a young man who has evil intentions and is instigated by others, even if the second branch is completely wiped out, it's worth it.

Although the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace has been deep in the polar ice field outside the Great Wall, he has his own information channels and knows the general situation of the world like a pattern in the palm of his hand.

Compared with Meng Zhao, he hates Beitang Sheng more for breaking the bridge after crossing the river.

Not to mention, Zhao Ruling is indeed an old monster who has lived for more than a hundred years. He grew up in such a treacherous place in the palace. His grasp and insight into people's hearts are really incomparable to ordinary people.

Now, the fake Meng Zhao has become the real Meng Zhao. Not to mention him, even Beitang Sheng can't expose his identity and then send him to the eighteenth level of hell.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend. How could he not understand such a simple truth?

This is also easy to explain. Regardless of whether this fake Meng Zhao has the so-called Meng family bloodline, his current reputation, power, and unparalleled martial arts potential are what the Meng family desires, so even if it is fake, the Meng family will treat it as real.

In addition, Zhao Ruling didn't want to confront Meng Zhao directly. He thought that the Lord of the Demon Palace probably had the same idea.

The leader had red hair like fire, and wore a fire dragon robe. He was about thirty years old, and his aura was as deep as the abyss, and as blazing as the sun.

"Here is the center of the earth dragon's turn. Hiss, what kind of terrifying power is this?"

This place is only twenty miles away from the gate of the Fire Dragon Cave. The earth vein is connected to the dragon vein of the Fire Dragon Cave. The underground cave is full of spiritual energy and amazing Yuanli. The rocks and soil all gather spiritual energy, so the stability is far beyond other places.

This is a matter of mutual benefit if they unite, and mutual loss if they separate.

But through these arrangements one after another, the Lord of the Demon Palace will always have some concerns and fears.

Moreover, he has cultivated the supreme way of heaven and man, and his realm is higher than Zhao Ruling. He also has some understanding of the theory of destiny.

Beside him, there were three old guys, all of them were quite old, and their auras were somewhat similar to the dragon not far away.

It can be seen that this person is indeed a powerful figure, and perhaps a great enemy of Beitang Sheng. If I go to find him today, let alone whether I can kill him, even if I can, it may not be of any benefit, and may even help Beitang Sheng. "

Of course, he only had such an idea. As for whether he really wanted to ambush at the place that must be passed to Yujing City, the Lord of the Demon Palace could not make up his mind.

One of the old guys looked at the wounds all over the ground and the bottomless pit formed after Emperor Ruyi exploded, and his eyes were straight.

The two of them had to return to Yujing City anyway, so why not ambush at the place that must be passed to Yujing City, and perhaps there would be gains."

The Lord of the Demon Palace thought again and again, and after thinking for a long time, he still did not follow his intuition and go to Lingwu City.

Under the influence of destiny, some people are just bugs beyond the imagination of the world. They are powerful in martial arts, powerful in power, extraordinary in means, and decisive in killing, but they cannot defeat the favor of destiny.

To a certain extent, the pursuit of these two people still falls under the supreme scepter.

The identity of the fake Meng Zhao is not important. What is important is that this person has risen all the way. Not only has he gathered an invincible trend, but his luck is also extremely amazing. He is undefeated. Since his debut, he has rarely even tied, let alone lost.

The Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace disappeared quickly, and not long after he left, a group of people, along with a hundred-foot-long dragon, rushed over.

He saw through this point, so he took the initiative.

Second, he did not want to kill Meng Zhao, but helped Beitang Sheng eliminate a big worry.

What the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace thought was indeed reality.

Although they were all martial artists who had cultivated to the master level, they took advantage of the power of the dragon. Compared with the Fire Dragon True Lord who relied purely on his own breakthrough, the gap was still quite obvious.

This is also why Zhao Ruling specifically asked Yu Changkong to spread the news about the Supreme Scepter, create a false impression, and lead the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace away to buy time.

Whenever someone thought that they could suppress him with their realm, they were always slapped in the face by Meng Zhao, which shows that this Northern Meng Dragon King is very well hidden.

Meng Yuanqiao, the previous generation of the Meng family, knew Meng Zhao's identity, but instead killed the real Meng Zhao and saved the fake Meng Zhao.

He didn't necessarily think that Meng Zhao would be able to stop the Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

After all, his current priority, in addition to hunting down Zhao Ruling and Yu Changkong, is to find the Supreme Scepter and complete his own ideas.

First, he doesn't want to provoke Meng Zhao, who is very likely to be favored by fate, mysterious and unpredictable, and whose trump card is unknown.

Meng Zhao has unlimited potential and is very likely to be a great enemy of Beitang Sheng in the future. The Lord of the Heavenly Demon Palace will never attack him unless it is necessary. Instead, he may lend a helping hand at a critical moment.

Even though they are masters with the power to control the heaven and earth, it is impossible for them to cause such a huge destructive force to the land containing the Yin-Yang Cave.

Because many forces will be directly dissolved by the earth veins.

It is precisely because the earth veins are like a net, interconnected, that a cave is destroyed and bursts out with unparalleled destructive power, which will cause a major earthquake and even trigger the mountain protection formation of the Fire Dragon Cave.

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