Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 804 Questioning (please subscribe)

However, this is not a bad thing. It is easier to get in touch with than a bad person with pus, and it is easier to accomplish things.

In addition to the Lord of the Immortal Palace, He Liu himself is also very capable and ambitious. Therefore, he can obtain the support of the Demon Master and rely on his past relationships and connections to pull off today's gathering.

In fact, the meeting was successfully held and successfully completed. He Liu's prestige has been raised to a higher level. If there are no accidents, his idea of ​​establishing an organization based on the conflict between the Demonic Sect and the casual cultivators should be What can be successfully achieved only differs in scale.

At this time, in addition to being interested in the two treasures collected by He Liu, Meng Zhao also had thoughts about him.

A person who is ambitious, capable, and has a backing is qualified to be his friend or even partner.

At this time, the fierce debate on the court had intensified, and the atmosphere had turned from fiery to tense. It seemed that a fierce battle was about to start at any time, and blood would be spilled in the hall.

However, the two sides in the argument were mostly Houtian warriors from the other three areas. The East Area where Meng Zhao was located seemed relatively calm. It wasn't that no one discussed the pros and cons of the matter, but it just seemed very calm.

Seeing that the situation was so embarrassing, He Liu seemed to have expected it. He did not show an angry or angry expression. Instead, his smile remained unchanged. It was not until someone was about to lose his temper and start a fight that he spoke to suppress the situation and said,

"Everyone, please calm down. This is the main hall of the Immortal Palace. No private actions are allowed. If you have any dissatisfaction or confusion, you can ask me and He will tell you everything."

When this person spoke, the sound waves were like curling smoke, going straight into everyone's ears, carrying a power to calm the restlessness.

"This He Liu's martial arts is quite powerful. It seems to integrate the Buddhist purification sutra skills into the wonderful sounds of the demonic path. If it is a Buddha, it can suppress the inner demons. On the contrary, it can be evil and seduce the inner demons."

Zheng Que was very knowledgeable. After seeing He Liu's methods, he said to Su Can, Niu Dali and Meng Zhao who were beside him.

"More than that, this guy's physical body is very terrifying. I'm afraid he has already developed some kind of demonic body and has already achieved it. His combat power is so strong that it cannot be compared to ordinary innates."

Meng Zhao didn't have so many ideas. He Liu's martial arts was high, but compared to the master of the Immortal Palace and the master of the demonic path that he had just met not long ago, the gap was huge, so the impression it brought to him was of course average.

At this time, a Houtian warrior from the West District spoke loudly,

"He Jun, you are a big shot innately, and we are just small characters in the future. Whatever you say, no matter what you say, you cannot go against it even if you are unwilling or unwilling.

But, don’t the seniors who are all innate have no idea at all? Why don't you ask them what they mean? "

This person was either a chess piece arranged by He Liu in advance to test the Eastern District's innates, or he was a person who did not want to be restrained and felt that he was not strong enough, so he brought the topic to the Eastern District's innates.

But no matter which one it is, the topic has been thrown to all the innates. It is difficult to reach a conclusion whether to accept it, how to accept it, and even who will accept it.

Meng Zhao was not a member of the evil path, let alone a loose cultivator. He definitely did not intend to come forward to take care of this matter and planned to remain invisible throughout the whole process. Similarly, several people around him had the same idea.

Of course, the premise is that He Liu does not provoke them, otherwise the King of Heaven and I will not give him face.

But there was a relatively active Xiantian who started the show.

I saw this man with big ears, eyes like crescent moons, and deep purple lips. He looked majestic and rich, but also had a sickly and evil feeling. He stood up on his own initiative, attracted everyone's attention, and asked calmly,

"Brother He, what you said is that the disciples of the demonic sect oppress the casual cultivators, so they want to form a force to support the majority of the casual cultivators. Regardless of whether they have this ability or not, let me tell you something, and you can answer my doubts.

Since my cultivation, there have been more than a hundred big and small battles, with blood on my hands and no less than a thousand lives lost. However, most of them are still casual cultivators of the evil path, and there are very few disciples of the evil path.

This shows that those who have direct interest entanglements or even conflicts with us are actually fellow casual cultivators. The disciples of the Demonic Dao Sect are indeed arrogant and domineering, but they have very little interaction with us, so how can we bully them? This is the first point"

Let’s talk about the second point. Now that we have cultivated the innate martial arts, we have achieved success in demonic arts, we travel freely and horizontally, and we act entirely according to our will. We are unrestrained, disrespectful of heaven and earth, and if the people of the demonic sect want to bully us, they have to look at their hands. Is kung fu hard enough, and why does it need any force to back it up? "

"Okay, what Brother Xu said is good. This is exactly what we want to say. We have all experienced so much hardships in our cultivation to this day. Even if the disciples of the demonic sect are large, they may not be able to get an advantage when they meet us, so what's the point? Oppression?”

The man's words immediately attracted a round of applause, and most of them were innate warriors from the East District. Some people used the method of sound waves to diffuse the volume and spread it throughout the audience. It was extremely clear. However, the sound was distorted and the source could not be heard. It was obvious that someone was targeting him. He admired his views very much, but was afraid of He Liu's jealousy, so he hid his identity.

Even Meng Zhao couldn't help but agree with the person who had just spoken.

He is not considered a novice now, and he has some human connections in the Demonic Way.

As for the Demonic Sect, he was the first to come into contact with people from the Hell Realm, but he was tricked to death and robbed Tu Xiu's treasure. Later, he became the people from the Demonic Hall, including the ugly candidate Saint Son, Gu Simonan, Yun Fei At the same time, Wei Qi can be regarded as a strong person in the human world, and they are all upright and Miaohong.

As for casual cultivators, Xue Ying, Niu Dali, Su Can, Zheng Que, etc. also have good relations with him.

However, no matter how you look at it, those who come from sects and those who come from casual cultivators do not have an extremely antagonistic and contradictory relationship. On the contrary, most of them are equals and even have friendship with each other.

To put it bluntly, it is still a matter of strength.

Those who can grow wildly and reach innate status without relying on sects are mostly those with extraordinary talents or encounters with amazing blessings. Their future is one thing, and their combat power is another. Even if they are from a major demon sect, Don't dare to look down on such reckless, strong and vicious people.

Take Niu Dali as an example. Before Wei Qi and Gu Simonan thought of his title of Killer, their first reaction was not contempt or disdain, but caution and fear. This shows that the status of casual warriors is not what He Liu said. So unbearable.

What the big-eared man named Xu said is exactly in line with this point.

You guys are free and unrestrained, and there is no place for being bullied. You have been on the line since you came up, and used a righteous stance to coerce everyone into silence. Do you really think that we are two hundred and five, and you can do whatever you say?

Therefore, except for some die-hard supporters of He Liu, most innates still agreed with the doubts raised by the warrior surnamed Xu.

This is what they want too.

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