Mythology Starts with Childish Skills

Chapter 805 Objection (please subscribe)

Facing this person's doubts, He Liu's expression became serious. After thinking for a while, he said,

"What Brother Xu said does have some truth. However, you have forgotten that although we are now successful in martial arts, others, even the descendants of the demonic sect, do not dare to look down upon us. But in our early years, we also grew from weak to strong.

Only people like you and me know how difficult it is for a person to survive and become stronger in such a cruel and bloody world. Only by holding together for warmth can we prevent these younger generations from following our old path. Have a brighter and more brilliant future. "

"Okay, that's well said. The sun will tell you about Mr. He's heart. We are willing to follow Mr. He to the death. This will be our unswerving ambition."

This attitude of standing in the position of the weak made He Liu instantly win the favor and conviction of the numerous Houtian warriors present. A person who was willing to stand up for them was indeed worthy of following. The crowd was suddenly filled with emotions, and they wanted to kneel on the ground and call daddy immediately.

It's rare to have such a big leg willing to help them. There is no need to choose between hardships and smooth sailing. What does it matter if you have to be a dog licker for this?

On the other hand, all the innates sneered at such words, but the warrior surnamed Xu said coldly,

"Brother He, you haven't answered my question directly yet, so there is no need to use this to change the subject.

Who are we? It's the evil way, selfishness is instinct, what are those juniors doing to me?

They deserved it when they failed to live up to their expectations and were ostracized and insulted by others. They only blamed themselves for not being strong enough.

It's all like this, but instead of trying to work hard, you have to drag people with no relatives and friends like me into the water and protect them from wind and rain. This joke is a bit too much. "

This idea represents the attitude of the numerous innate warriors present in the East District. Everyone is sweeping the snow in front of their own homes, so who cares what others are like?

Some of them are more cool-tempered, let alone irrelevant people, even if their brothers have problems, they will ignore them.

Evil and demon are never complimentary words. While powerful, it also means various negative character emotions. Of course, this is also recognized by the Evil Demon Dao himself and will not even refute it.

Meng Zhao also shook his head. He Liu's thinking was still too simple. Similar methods can be used to force people in the righteous way to submit. Because of righteousness, status, inheritance, etc., even if a person in the righteous way is unwilling to do so, Even if he didn't want to, he had to hold his nose and admit it.

But if you put this set of moral kidnappings in the evil path, you will inevitably encounter acclimatization, because the innate values ​​​​of the two are not even the slightest difference, let alone self-sacrifice for others?

Many people have already seen that He Liu's real idea is to use the current group of innate masters to establish an organization, expand influence, protect the potential acquired warriors from wind and rain, solve their difficulties, and provide them with A stable and worry-free growth environment.

When these acquired things grow into innate ones in the future, the organization's power will rapidly develop and expand, and even become a behemoth alongside the authentic demon sect.

Although the ultimate goal is a beautiful wish and fantasy, it may not be impossible to achieve.

If it can be done, He Liu will definitely become the founder of the magic way and his name will go down in history.

However, those who will benefit from this will be the leaders who formed the force, as well as the acquired warriors who have received protection and currently do not have strong martial arts. As the cornerstone and backbone of the force, the innate warriors have no benefits to gain, and may even work hard for it. , and have enmity with many forces. It can be said that there are no advantages but many disadvantages.

Originally, He Liu's formation of a force wouldn't offend people very much, but this way of benefiting oneself at the expense of others makes people feel very uncomfortable. And most of the people here are self-centered. If I don't feel comfortable, neither can you.

Therefore, soon, one after another people responded to the warrior surnamed Xu, expressing clear disgust and even opposition to the establishment of a force.

Of course, due to He Liu's reputation and influence, the words were not said too harshly, but the meaning was conveyed accurately.

That is, you want to form a force, protect this group of acquired warriors, provide them with an excellent practice environment, and create a force organization comparable to the Demon Sect. You can figure it out on your own. We can cheer you on, but we will never participate in it. , let alone burn yourself as a candle to illuminate others.

This was even the innate consensus of most people. Only a few of them got He Liu's promise, or some of He Liu's close confidants thought about it and said a few words for him, but they didn't cause any splash.

However, these words angered a large number of acquired warriors, and many people were even more anxious to scold this group of innate warriors.

They feel that He Liu's formation of a force is a great thing. From now on, we have an organization and a backer. We no longer have to act based on people's faces, and we don't have to be robbed of benefits when we encounter them. Naturally, we have to deal with this matter. Made.

Anyone who opposes this matter is a person with bad intentions. They even ignored the huge disparity in force between nature and nurture, and made veiled sarcasm and even insults.

However, no matter how loud their voices are, they are just voices and cannot form a powerful force. In the final analysis, the geniuses of the East District are the real target group and masters of this rally.

"Brother He, you have also heard it. It is already clear what kind of people these people are. If we take huge risks to hold up the situation for you, and we will be hated or even retaliated by others in the future, will we still have to rely on these people to get back and forth? Help?"

A Xiantian sneered. He was not dissatisfied with those words, but they were very useful to use against He Liu, and he even felt a little happy.

He Liu gets the benefits and they provide the coolies. How can it be so cheap?

He Liu also felt that he had taken it for granted at this time. The smile on his face faded and his expression disappeared, becoming serious.

Normally, with his influence and prestige connections, it would be very simple to form a force. He could also recruit a few innate friends to make it happen, but that was all.

In order to truly grow and become successful, it is not enough. It must be joined by a large number of innate masters.

Therefore, he carefully arranged this opportunity, thinking that he would be able to respond to everything at once, but it turned out that this was not the case.

This group of innate warriors have all experienced the vicissitudes of life and have a thorough understanding of human relationships. It is simply more difficult than climbing to the sky to bring such a complex, changeable, and selfish group of people together.

The reason why the Demon Sect is a Demon Sect is because the inheritance is orderly and the disciples are trained since childhood. They have a minimum of loyalty and identification with the sect. This is something that a person like him who became a monk halfway and established a force will never be able to compare with.

Not only that, there is another person who said,

"Putting all this aside, He Liu, the force you formed must be divided into three, six and nine levels. So who is higher and who is lower, who gets more benefits and who gets less benefits? How do you rely on it? What will satisfy everyone?

If you can't solve this problem, don't try to recruit us into the group.

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