Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 1 Offering a daughter to beg for surrender

On the day when the iron hoofs of the Beiyong army stepped into Andu County, Feng Yun got up and got busy before dawn.

Everyone in the mansion was packing up their belongings, but she was the only one who methodically sorted and packed the dried mushrooms, dried vegetables, dried meat, rice and other things, and arranged them neatly.

"Twelve Niang!"

Alou rushed into the backyard like a fly, panting with deep fear.

"The Beiyong army is attacking the city! The Lord of the Mansion asked you to go there immediately..."

Feng Yun put the dried radish into the oil paper bag without turning her head, "Why are you panicking? No matter what army is coming, you have to eat."

This year, Feng Yun is only seventeen years old. She is the eldest daughter of Feng Jingting, the governor of Andu County, and his first wife Lu Sanniang. She is the eldest daughter of the youngest branch of the Xuzhou Feng family. She was engaged to Sanlang of the Lanling Xiao family while she was still in her mother's belly.

The wedding should have been completed last year...

But Xiao Sanlang is the legitimate son of a century-old family, a member of the Qi Dynasty royal family, and was named King of Jingling. He has a high lintel and high standards. Before the wedding, he asked to guard the mausoleum of Taizu, so the wedding was delayed.

"I feel guilty for letting my son commit himself to the enemy general."

"The enemy is at the gates of the city, and my father... has no other good plan."

"The safety of the people in the city depends on my son."

"Twelve Niang, my father can only count on you."

The army is approaching the city, and the weakly defended Andu City is in danger. Feng Jingting's tone is heavier than the other, and his breath is uneven. The dignified governor is completely confused.

Feng Yun is terribly quiet.

Since her biological mother died and her stepmother came into the house, her temperament has changed drastically.

No longer as smart as she was when she was young, she became dull and slow. To put it nicely, she was docile, to put it bluntly, she was stupid. In Feng Jingting's eyes, she was the eldest daughter who had nothing to offer except her beauty.

After taking a quick bath and changing her clothes, Feng Yun did not say goodbye to Feng Jingting.

She asked Alou to stuff the supplies stored in the hut into the donkey cart, which was full. Then she quietly picked up a short-tailed, pointed-cheeked little cat dozing on the low table and gently stroked it.

"Aozi, we are leaving."

"Ayun..." Feng Jingting called her, raised his sleeves and wiped his eyes, with a look of panic on his face, and his voice was choked with sobs, "My son, don't blame your father for being cruel..."

Feng Yun turned back and stared at him, "Does your father have any intention?"

"..." Feng Jingting choked.

Feng Yun laughed, "Push the daughter of the original wife into the fire pit, so that the daughter of the current wife can marry her brother-in-law legitimately. From now on, Feng and Xiao will be married, and the country and the beauty will be at your fingertips... If I were your father, I would at least buy two firecrackers to hear the noise."

Boom! The surroundings were quiet for a while.

Feng Jingting had an illusion that the sky had fallen, and he was suddenly breathless, "Silly child, what are you talking about?"

Feng Yun slowly took off the veil on his head. Without the obstruction of his vision, his eyes were dark, more beautiful, colder, and brighter, and a trace of ridicule shot straight at him without any obstruction.

"I don't want Xiao Sanlang anymore. I will give him to you and Chen's daughter, as a reward for his kindness. From now on, you and I are father and daughter, and we are no longer friends, and we owe each other nothing."

Feng Jingting's face changed drastically, looking at Feng Yun's back as he resolutely walked out...

At that moment, his mind was very dazed.

Twelve Niang shouldn't be like this. She would not be unfilial, would not talk back, would not lose her temper, and would not say anything about breaking off a relationship.

"She has the spirit of a demon, and half of her body is charming. She is beautiful but has a short life."

This is what the fortune teller said when Twelve Niang was born.

She has been unparalleled in beauty since she was young, and no one in the eight counties of Xuzhou can compare to her. This is exactly what the fortune teller said. This is her fate.

"Don't blame me, it's her fate." Feng Jingting thought.

The streets of Andu City were covered with dark clouds.

The enemy army was about to enter the city. The cries and shouts from the closed alleys of the market and the sound of horses passing by on the streets magnified people's inner fear to the extreme.

Pei Jue, the general of the Northern Yong Army, was a cold-faced monster.

It was rumored that he was eight feet tall, as strong as a mountain, cruel and cruel, and eating raw meat and drinking blood was a common occurrence. Sticking a door sticker could drive away evil spirits and ghosts, and saying his name could stop children from crying.

The King of Hell is just across the wall, and the city will be broken in a moment.

The shadow of death loomed, and the shouts were like sobs.

"Listen - the war drums of the Beiyong Army are beating!"

"The city will be broken!"

"The city will be broken!"

"The governor Feng Gong - surrendered!"

With a bang, the city gate opened.

Alou held up the letter of surrender and drove out of it in a donkey cart.

The black wheels slowly moved forward, and twenty beautiful girls were neatly arranged on the left and right of the donkey cart. They had exquisite makeup and wore gorgeous skirts, but their eyes were red, as if they were going to die.

The strong wind wrapped the fallen leaves, and a piece of spring scenery floated into the vision of the Beiyong Army soldiers...

It seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a long time had passed, the donkey cart finally stopped, and stopped in the middle of a group of wolf-like soldiers.

Feng Yun's fingers slowly stroked Aozai's back hair.

Through a thin curtain, feeling the naked and cold eyes from all directions.

"Andu County Governor Feng Jingting offers his city and leads 3,000 soldiers and 35,248 civilians to surrender to your army!"

No one responded.

The dark Beiyong army was silent.

Alou knelt on both knees and held the letter of surrender above his head.

"Andu County Governor Feng Jingting offers his city and leads 3,000 soldiers and 35,248 civilians to surrender to General Pei of the Jin Kingdom!"

Feng Yun could hear Alou's crying voice.

If Pei Cong refused to accept, the Beiyong army would trample Andu City.

The men and women, old and young in this city would soon become piles of nameless corpses.

Alou shouted louder and louder, until his voice was hoarse.

Until the fifth time, someone finally responded.

"Accept the gift."

The cold voice, without a trace of human touch.

Pei Jue may not be a human being in people's hearts. But when he opened his mouth, some people couldn't help crying. The lives of the people in the whole city were saved.

It's not that no one offered begs for surrender in the past, but Pei Jue refused to accept it.

Burning, looting, and slaughtering, that's Pei Jue. The corpses of the guards' whole family were hanging on the tower in Wanning City, 80 miles away. That was the murderous General Pei.

The soldiers looked at the spoils in the donkey cart curiously, imagining what kind of beauty Feng Shier Niang would be, and how the general made an exception?

The girl from the aristocratic family, delicate and beautiful, they couldn't even touch the corner of her clothes before, but now she has become a prisoner. This made the Beiyong Army, who fought bloody, so dry that their pores were dilated and their blood boiled.

"Line up and enter the city!"


At once, drums were beating and thousands of horses were roaring.

Feng Yun lifted a corner of the carriage curtain and saw only the cold armor and the terrifying edge of the four-foot Biyong sword that passed by...

The figure of the man quickly disappeared in the middle of the overwhelming army...

His face could not be seen.

The donkey cart slowly took Feng Yun, going in the opposite direction of the army entering the city, and drove towards the Beiyong Army camp in the whistling sound.

"Is Twelve Niang okay?" A Lou asked worriedly.

Being abandoned almost throughout her life, Feng Yun no longer felt bad. She pinched Aozai's thick paw pads and smiled, "I'm fine."

A Lou was scared, "What are you laughing at?"

Feng Yun put her chin on Aozai's head and pursed her lips.

In her short-lived previous life, she had been General Pei's favorite concubine for three years.

In her previous life, Feng Yun's life was very bad.

She had been promised to King Jingling of Southern Qi, followed a general of Northern Jin, and married an emperor of the Xin Dynasty. She had met a beautiful woman, liked a gentleman, and even met a beast in human clothing, which just proved the fortune-teller's saying "beauty is short-lived"...

At the moment of her tragic death in the palace of Qi, she prayed to God that the scumbag who betrayed her would meet scumbag women in her next life.

So Feng Yun came back three days before the Beiyong Army attacked the city...

Life can be reversed, and she also wanted to buy two strings of firecrackers to hear the noise.

Hi! After five months, I, Jin Hansan, am back again.

"Changmen Hao Xi Yao" is Si Jin's twelfth book. Like every previous book, I am happy to meet again, but I am nervous to write. In the unpredictable future, I don’t know whether it will please you, nor whether it can be written to a satisfactory ending as I wish, but every time I write, Si Jin is full of sincerity and looks forward to your likes...

Okay, now let’s start, turn over a new page. If you love, it is expected that in the many months to come, Twelve Niang and I will be by your side, watching you make a lot of money and be happy (bowing, bowing to the ground)...


Changmen has a thin waist, and it is good to read the fourth tone hào, and it is good to like it.

The "jué" in Pei Jue is pronounced as jué, and the "jué" in rampant.

The "ao" in Aozai is pronounced as áo (I almost named it Aobai)

Finally, this article is fictional, so be careful of textual research parties~~

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