Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 2 The Pretty Lady in the Camp

The Beiyong Army was stationed at Yanzi Cliff, thirty miles outside Andu City.

The cliffs were steep on both sides, and an official road was looming between the mountains. The sound of horse hooves passed by from time to time, which suddenly increased the atmosphere of killing.

The county governor offered his daughter to surrender, and the soldiers were excited as soon as they heard the news in the camp.

Since the expedition, there have been only beacon fires and smoke, empty cities with bones, and the suppressed emotions have been rolling wildly in purgatory. I have long wanted to take a breath.

What can soothe the army better than beauty?

"Here they come!"

"The beautiful concubines of the Southern Qi have entered the camp!"

The donkey cart drove into the barracks with a creaking sound.

The air became hot for no reason...

It is said that the women of the Southern Qi were gentle and soft, and the twenty beauties were just like that. They walked gracefully, and their waists were as if they had no bones, and they were more graceful and charming than each other...

Then, what about the beautiful lady of the Feng family?

The soldiers stared.

This is their trophy.

At the general's command, they can do whatever they want.

The soldiers' hearts seemed to be filled with fire, burning fiercely...

"In Wanning City, I killed ten!"

"I killed twenty!"

"I also have military merits!"

"Don't dream. When will it be your turn to mess around under the general's tent?"

"But the general..."

Didn't he also take in the beautiful girl from the Feng family?

Isn't this a signal for the soldiers to indulge in meat?

The barracks were restless, and amid the clash of weapons and curses, twenty beauties were taken to the East Camp. It didn't take a while, and there were cries coming out, and the soldiers escorting them were not very polite to them.

Feng Yun was actually no different from these beauties, all of them were female prisoners of the Beiyong Army, but the general didn't say anything, and the camp didn't want to embarrass her, so they arranged a separate residence for her.

"Remember, you are not allowed to enter or leave the camp without permission, otherwise, if anything goes wrong, you will have to take care of it yourself."

The young man in armor was young and handsome, and his tone was fierce.

Feng Yun said: "Young general, I have a favor to ask."

Ao Qi's cheeks were hot as a sweet and soft breeze blew over.

He was originally planning to kill the enemy and make merit in the battle of Andu, but he was ordered to escort the female captive back to the camp. He was very unhappy and his tone was hard.

"My name is Ao Qi, and I am the guard in front of the general's tent. Just call me by my name, not general!"

What a young and arrogant young general Ao.

How old is Ao Qi this year? Sixteen, or seventeen?

Feng Yun looked at the resentment in his eyes and felt very complicated.

This Ao Qi is not only a guard in front of the tent, but also has an identity that only senior officers know - Pei Jue's nephew.

He followed his uncle to fight and gain experience, and admired Pei Jue to the extreme. Therefore, in his previous life, he was disgusted with Feng Yun for "seducing" his calm and self-controlled uncle, and he caused her a lot of trouble.

Feng Yun didn't want to be an enemy of this hot-tempered little bully, so she bent down slightly and bowed, "I'm very uneasy when I first arrived at your military camp. Before the general comes back, please ask Guard Ao to protect me."

The beauty's smile made people's hearts beat wildly. Especially Feng Yun was in a really good mood, the arc of her lips, once hooked, reached the bottom of her eyes, and her eyebrows and eyes were shining.

Ao Qi was stunned for a moment, his heart beat violently, and he became inexplicably irritated.

This girl, her face is whiter than jade, her waist is thinner than willow branches, she wears a loose dress with a wide belt, plain and unadorned, but her chest is bulging, her demeanor is graceful, and her misty eyes seem to hide a pool of autumn water, gentle and charming...

When marching and fighting outside, the camp is full of rough men, and with a beautiful girl by his side, it is inevitable that they will be very restless, and it is possible that someone will get excited and cause trouble...

"I know what you are worried about."

Ao Qi was so anxious that his face turned pale and he was very impatient.

"There are not so many beasts in the Beiyong Army! I'm outside the tent. As long as the girl doesn't run around, you can be safe... Wait for the general to return to the camp, then it depends on your luck."

Feng Yun hummed, "The general can't come back tonight, I'm afraid there will be trouble in the camp."

She suddenly said this, which scared people to death.

Ao Qi asked in surprise: "What are you talking about?"

Feng Yun said half-truthfully: "Guess."

Ao Qi: ...

He has seen too many prisoners.

They cried and were led like cattle and sheep with ropes in batches, and sent to the capital of Dajin to be slaves driven by the nobles. They begged, cursed, and spitted, but none of them were as calm as the girl from the Feng family, who was like visiting relatives.

Before dusk, news came from Andu.

Feng Jingting played a trick on General Pei.

Fengcheng Xianmei seemed to be a sincere surrender, but in fact, the treasury had been emptied. Feng Jingting himself took advantage of the slackness of the Beiyong Army to burn the treasury and granary, set fire everywhere in the city, and took the opportunity to flee south with his personal soldiers and family members through the secret passage...

Andu City was in chaos.

Feng Jingting left a mess for Pei Cong.

Ao Qi got the news and wanted to eat Feng Yun alive.

"What a vicious heart! You fooled the general like this, aren't you afraid that the general will be angry and sacrifice the lives of 30,000 people in Andu City?"

Feng Yun looked at Ao Qi with a bad look in his eyes and lowered his eyes.

"I didn't know."

He smiled again: "You also saw that I was just an abandoned son of my father."

Ao Qi glared at him: "Then how do you know that the general can't come back?"

Feng Yun gestured for him to open the curtain and look at the sky.

"The rainstorm is coming. The suspension bridge of Andu moat can't withstand the flood. Once the wind and rain are strong, the flood will be overwhelming, and the general will be trapped in the city."

Ao Qi's face changed again and again.

The red glow of the clouds hung in the sky, and the moonlight just appeared over the top of Yanzi Mountain. Where did the rainstorm come from?

Seeing that he didn't believe it, Feng Yun's tone became even more indifferent.

"Yanzi Cliff has a pass guarded by it, and the terrain inside is high and flat and sunny. At first glance, it is a good place to set up camp, but..."

She turned her eyes, "This rainstorm will be unprecedented. Yanzi Cliff is surrounded by mountains on all sides. Once landslides and falling rocks occur, floods will come. I am afraid that your army will not be able to withdraw the camp in time, which will cause great disasters."

She is like a charlatan.

A beautiful and beautiful charlatan.

Ao Qi half believed and half doubted, and found the chief of the guard, Qin Dajin.

Qin Dajin looked at Feng Yun's face stupidly, his eyes were straight...

My goodness!

Feng Jingting's daughter is indeed beautiful. She is so tender and pretty, just like a fairy from a painting. Anyone who sees her will not want to...


Ao Qi coughed, and Qin Dajin came back to his senses and remembered what he was doing.

"What do you know about the celestial phenomena, little girl? The summer heat is coming, and the weather is hot. There will be no rain for three years. Don't disturb the army."

After saying that, he looked at the donkey cart parked outside the tent by Feng Yun.

"What's on the girl's cart?"

Feng Yun's eyebrows did not move, "Dowry."

Dowry? How can a female captive offered by a defeated general have the face to call it "dowry"?

Qin Dajin snorted and walked towards the donkey cart...

These days, the Beiyong Army has been moving very fast.

There are many soldiers and little food, and it is very difficult to supply materials.

Qin Dajin opened the door and saw a cart full of food, and his eyes lit up.

"Hiss!" A yellowish clown cat got out of the car and growled at him in protest.

This thing is still a cub. Although it is thin, its bones are more than one circle larger than those of a domestic cat. Its eyes are fierce and wild. It is a cat, but it doesn't look like a cat...

Qin Dajin couldn't help but take a step back.

He wanted to teach Feng Yun a lesson, but he didn't dare.

The general didn't covet women before, but he accepted Feng Jingting's gift. What if he had a crush on Feng Shier Niang and took her as his concubine? Wouldn't he be making things difficult for himself?

At night, it really started to rain.

The sound of the rain was so strong that it instantly darkened the sky.

Qin Dajin became nervous. Fortunately, Feng Yun warned him. Before the rainstorm started, he sounded the gongs and drums, urging the soldiers to withdraw the camp and protect the supplies.

However, this rain still brought extraordinary troubles to the Beiyong Army.

All the food and grass that were not transferred in time were buried in Yanzi Cliff.

Wait until the rainstorm is over before counting...

Twenty soldiers are missing, dozens of cattle and sheep, especially the food and grass just bought from Wanning City, the loss is heavy.

Qin Dajin fell to the ground in the mud and howled loudly.

"I am guilty of death!"

Kneeling down: Please collect and recommend a dragon, muma~

Public period, normally updated at 12:00 noon (today is the first day in advance), if there is any accident, I will inform you in advance, thank you sisters~

籴:pronounced as dí, meaning to buy food

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