Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 3 Rites of Zhougong

After the torrential rain, leaves and branches fell on the ground, and the mountains slid down, creating a desolate scene.

The soldiers guarding the camp were hungry, carrying soggy food and grass, cleaning up supplies, and setting up camp again. No one cared about the beautiful female prisoners of the enemy.

Feng Yun found a place with leeward and made a fire to cook.

She took out a cooking cauldron from the donkey cart, took out a few round eggs, boiled them in boiling water, peeled one open, ate the egg white, and stuffed the yolk into Ao Zai's mouth...

Ao Zai half-squinted his eyes, eating very happily.

Ao Qi almost drooled at the sight.

How long has it been since you had eggs? He couldn't remember.

In troubled times, the days of marching and fighting are very hard. I often eat this meal without finishing it. I don’t know if there will be a tomorrow even if I live today...

Feng Twelve Niang's little donkey cart with rich supplies was extremely inappropriate in the army, but it was his most beautiful reverie at the moment.

Ao Qi walked over and said, "I want to eat too."

Feng Yun smiled and asked, "Why should I give it to you?"

A breath stuck in his throat. Under Feng Yun's half-smiling gaze, Ao Qi's scalp tightened. He pointed at the clown cat licking its lips and his mood became very bad.

"Its surname is Ao, and my surname is Ao too."

"It's a cub, are you a cub too?"

"I'm...sixteen years old and haven't even grown yet, so I'm naturally a cub!"

Feng Yun did not expect Ao Qi to be so confident.

She took an egg out of the bowl and handed it to him.

Ao Qi's eyes lit up, and his stiff jawline softened, and the position of his lower lip was slightly upward, showing a handsome and arrogant young boy.

But before the peeled egg entered his mouth, the air around him suddenly solidified.

Countless pairs of eyes were staring at him, but no one spoke.

The soldiers with tired faces and soaked clothes were not very old, and some of them even looked skinny. They were not the tall and powerful soldiers of the Northern Yong Army as rumored.

The world is in chaos, the world is torn apart, the emperor is replaced by someone else at every turn, the people are hungry and have to change their sons to eat, and the soldiers are often hungry, and life is very difficult...

The white boiled eggs exude an alluring aroma.

But Ao Qi couldn't eat anymore.

He wrapped the eggs angrily and stuffed them into his arms.

"I want to leave it to the general."

A rapid sound of horse hooves came from the other side of the mountain.

The sky and the earth are foggy, and the sun shines a little golden light.

A tall figure sped out of the mist in the mountain forest, lifting the reins and riding the horse. The hard armor emitted a scorching light in the morning light. Behind him was the cavalry of the Northern Yong Army rushing in like a tide, stretching across the mountains.

"The general is back!"

"The general returns in triumph!"

The horses neighed, the mountains roared and the tsunami roared.

The black gold embroidered cloak and the "Pei" flag fluttered in the wind, and a burst of crisp air came over...

For a brief moment, Feng Yun seemed to have thousands of images turning around in his mind.

She thought of the three years of entanglement with Pei Ran...

No one among the soldiers here would believe that their ruthless general, sitting high on his war horse and looking down at the world like a falcon, was very different from those before him and those behind him.

He is like an iceberg in front of others, and it is difficult to say even one more word. He is like a volcano after a human being. Once it erupts, it will erupt like molten lava. He will stalk her, scold her harshly, and even warm her bed in the cold winter nights. Then he will lift her up, rubbing her ears and temples together, going crazy...

General Pei's pampering of people is very fatal.

Feng Yun has seen all kinds of handsome and handsome men.

But I have never seen anyone like Pei Ran...with a human face and an animal heart.

The barracks had not been packed yet, and the twenty beauties were all in the open air, watching Pei Madang riding into the camp and passing among the soldiers. They bowed down early and bowed down.

"I have met the general!"

She moaned softly, and her slender waist filled her side with green emerald green swaying.

Pei Ran dismounted expressionlessly and handed the reins to Ao Qi.

"The general is back!" Ao Qi's admiring eyes never left his uncle's face since Pei Madang entered the camp.

He was excited, excited, and slightly nervous and glanced at Feng Yun.

"Fortunately, the girl from the Feng family warned me last night, otherwise——"

The surroundings were suddenly quiet, and Ao Qi's words were stuck in his throat.

He saw the general stop.

A gust of mountain wind blew by.

Feng Yun stood in front of the donkey cart, with her hair loosely pulled up and her skin as white as jade. Her loose clothes allowed the wind to press her body tightly, showing off her exquisite curves. As a prisoner, without any makeup, she was like the bright moon in the sky, covered with beauty. Ancient and modern, exquisite and unparalleled in the world.

The victorious soldiers were stunned.

The Feng family's daughter deserves the word "shuse".

Under the vast sky, in the dead silence, there is a calm beast's blood boiling, secretly reveling. No one spoke, but everyone's eyes were messy. They wished they could immediately perform the courtesy of Duke Zhou on behalf of the general...

Feng Yun's heart was not as calm as it appeared.

Eyes facing each other.

The past entanglements replayed in her mind like a revolving lantern. Under Pei Madang's strong pressure, it was difficult for her to calm down.

Fortunately, Pei Ran has no common memories with her.

He was the same as the day we first met him in his previous life. He had not been groomed, his beard was unkempt, and there was a faint circle of green under his eyes. It was fatigue visible to the naked eye, but it made his facial features extremely sharp and sharp, and his eyes were lustful and cruel...

The difference is that in her previous life, Feng Yun was just like those beauties, and she prostrated herself deeply in front of him out of fear, hoping that the general would take pity on her...

"Ao Qi?" Pei Ran suddenly raised his scabbard and pointed at the cooking utensils next to the donkey cart, his brows furrowed.

Everyone suddenly realized that the general stopped not because he was greedy for beauty, but because he saw someone violating military regulations.

Ao Qi was shocked.

The Beiyong army, from top to bottom, did not open private kitchens, including Pei He.

Ao Qi could not explain why he was bewitched, and actually agreed to let the girl from the Feng family use cooking utensils to cook a small stove. Hearing the voice, he hurried forward and clasped his fists.

"General, this is the food that the girl from the Feng family brought from Andu City. There was a flood in the camp, and she was meritorious in warning. I let her cook some food. It was my fault and had nothing to do with others..."

"Why did you bring rice into the camp?" Pei He asked without emotion.

Feng Yun smiled slightly, and his voice was clear.

"I heard that your army feeds on the enemy, and often uses human flesh as food. I'm afraid I can't get used to eating human flesh."


Someone laughed softly.

Pei He glanced coldly, and the generals fell silent.

"Detain them together."

After saying a few cold words, in the stunned eyes of the generals, General Pei went to the central army tent without looking back.


A dull sound came from the central army tent.

Qin Dajin's painful howl startled the birds on the top of the tent and made them fly away...

Losing soldiers without fighting and destroying all food and grass is a capital crime.

Everyone was worried about Qin Dajin.

They were also worried about the little girl from the Feng family.

The general kept her as a female prisoner and obviously had no desire to accept her beauty. Coupled with what her father Feng Jingting did, I'm afraid her situation is worrying.

Alas, the general is really squandering natural resources! No, a beauty.

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