Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 4: Excessive heat can harm your body

The place where the female prisoners were guarded was at the northernmost part of the camp.

After the heavy rain, the ground was very wet. Feng Yun used oilcloth to pad the only straw mat in the tent, kneeling and listening to the wind calmly, with an elegant and quiet demeanor, without any panic.

She knew very well what kind of person General Pei was.

Even if she was as beautiful as a fairy, he would not be tempted...

Of course, if she didn't do these little tricks, such as warning of heavy rain and bringing her own rice into the camp, then in the eyes of General Pei, it might be the same as in her previous life, and he would just regard her as a vase for sexual gratification and raise her like a canary.

Now Pei Jue will be more cautious.

In order to avoid being stabbed by the person next to him in the middle of the night, he will not take her easily.

Feng Yun was very satisfied with this cold reception, but the beauties hated it very much.

If Feng Shier Niang hadn't been so nosy and annoyed the general, how could they have ended up like this?

Before, Feng Yun was the daughter of the county governor, superior to others, and the concubines were in awe of her. Now that they were all female captives, they suddenly woke up.

In this chaotic world, the lives of female captives are cheap.

The only thing they can rely on now is the grace and love of the man in the central army tent.

The depressed atmosphere did not last long, and someone stared at Feng Yun and mocked her.

"Hui Niang, why don't you stay away from the noble lady of the Feng family? Be careful that the thunder will strike you in a while, and you will suffer the unprovoked disaster for nothing!"

The twenty beauties were carefully selected by Feng Jingting.

They were all fat and thin, each with its own merits, and only beauty was selected, not background.

Lin E, who was speaking, was a famous dancer in Andu City. She thought she was both beautiful and talented, and she was beautiful beyond all the beauties. She had long disdained Feng Shier Niang's reputation of "the most beautiful woman in the eight counties of Xuzhou". When she found an opportunity, she would naturally stab her.

Wen Hui, who was named, was a singer. She had a miserable life. She was redeemed by a wealthy man in the city for less than half a month before she was offered up.

Hearing this, Wen Hui sighed subconsciously.

"Ah'e, don't make trouble."

Lin'e glanced at Feng Yun and smiled in a yin-yang way.

"Your Highness brought her own rice into the camp. Are you afraid of causing trouble? Did your Highness share one of her eggs? Oh, now your Highness has angered the general and caused the sisters to suffer. Are you afraid of causing trouble?"

Several beauties were instigated by her and were ready to move.

Lin'e looked at Feng Yun sitting as steady as a mountain, with a noble look of a woman from a noble family. She snorted and walked in front of her with a twisted waist.

"I heard that your Highness had madness when she was young and was almost burned to death as a demon. Is that true or not?"

Feng Yun did not move.

"Did you kill your mother? What did you say killed her? Why are you so mean? Tell us, let us hear it!"

Feng Yun half closed her eyes, as if she had not heard.

Lin E couldn't hold back any longer. The noble airs of a noble family were naturally disliked by a dancer like her. Her face changed, and she stretched out her hand to grab it hard.

"A bitch is worthy of sitting on a straw mat? Get up, roll over and shrink!"

Someone took the lead, and the atmosphere immediately became excited. Several beauties followed Lin E and surrounded her, obviously relying on their numbers to bully Feng Yun.

Feng Yun tilted her head and looked at Wen Hui, who was at a loss to stop them, "You are a good one."

She lowered her head and tidied up her messed-up sleeves, "You can hit her!"

"Yes." Two girls squeezed through the crowd, pulled Lin E's body and greeted her with a big slap.

The two slaps were solid.

The beauties were caught off guard and were stunned.

Feng Yun took a look and shook her head, "This dish is too plain. Give Lin Ji some meat. Beat the meat a little bit, so that it will be more colorful and tasty."

Snap! One, then another!

One after another, the slaps rang out.

Lin'e's fair and smooth face was swollen and red, and seemed to have swelled up. She shouted for help, but no one dared to help. The beauties retreated in fear, their faces pale.

Feng Yun looked around, his eyes calm and gentle.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you..."

"I am indeed sick, but it is the kind of strange disease that refuses to be bullied."

Feng Jingting was her father, the governor, and the legitimate son of a noble family with troops at home. How could he not arrange two useful people for her among the twenty beauties?

Daman and Xiaoman, who beat people, were the daughters of the governor's housekeeper, and the servants of the Xuzhou Feng family. They followed their brother to practice martial arts since childhood, and were more than enough to deal with the powerless singing and dancing girls.

"You want to ride on our girls' heads, do you think you are a hairpin?"

Lin'e was kicked viciously by Xiaoman and knelt in front of Feng Yun, crying miserably.

"...They are all the general's concubines... What right do you have, Twelve Niang... What right do you have to hit people... The general will not let you go... Help... General, come and save me..."

The weak like to bully those who are weaker than themselves, and when they can't bully them, they start crying, all pitiful.

Feng Yun lifted Lin E's red and swollen face with regret.

"You have nice phoenix eyes..."

He asked with half-closed eyes, "I wonder if they taste good when eaten?"

"What are you going to do?" Lin E was terrified and her voice broke with fear.

Feng Yun said lightly, "Aozai likes to eat beautiful eyes the most. If I dig out your eyes, will the guards outside come to save you?"

It was quiet outside the tent.

The guards seemed not to hear.

The law of the jungle is the rule that Pei Jue likes. The entire Beiyong Army is crazy about blood under his rule. Seeing the female prisoners killing each other, they might be secretly happy?

Lin E didn't care to cry, her whole body was trembling with fear. The surroundings were quiet and no one spoke. For a long time, only Wenhui weakly pleaded for her.

"Twelve mothers, please spare A'e, we are all pitiful people."

Feng Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, "I'm sitting on this straw mat. Do you have any objections?"


"Don't dare."

"It's time for your lady to take your seat."

The atmosphere in the tent became inexplicably warmer.

They smiled to please, but Feng Yun didn't feel happy. People compete in the world, but the first battle of her rebirth was actually to grab a shabby straw mat.

"Everyone, please take the time to rest. At night, I'm afraid there won't be any rest for you..."

at night?

Could it be that the general wanted them to sleep with him?

All the concubines were in panic.

Ao Qi was captured by Pei Man and trained with the sword for an hour.

He was almost paralyzed from practicing, and Pei Madang returned to his room with a cold face and asked him to call the medical officer.

Puyang Jiu was the son of Imperial Physician Ling, and served as a military medical officer during the Southern Expedition.

He is one of the few people who dares to speak freely in front of Pei Ran, and he can also be regarded as half of Pei Ran's friends. One look at Ao Qi's eyes asking for help, and he knew that Pei Ran was probably sick again.

The battle at Andu didn't start, and the violence in the general's blood had nowhere to vent, which made him feel uncomfortable again.

In addition to relying on drugs to control the body that has been unsatisfied for many years, fighting and fighting are a good way to vent energy.


"Why bother?"

After Puyang's nine pulses were cut, he sighed.

"The yang energy is surging, the blood is flaring, and the energy is far beyond ordinary people. The general is born with extraordinary talents, so he can just take advantage of the situation, why embarrass himself?"

"Shut up!" Pei Madang was very tall. He had just taken a cold shower. His eyebrows were water-stained, his facial features were more sharp, and the whole camp was filled with a cold atmosphere.

After years of restraint, it had become a habit for him, but Puyang Jiu felt uncomfortable for him.

It is said that General Pei is cruel and bloodthirsty, but with such extreme repression, can he not kill more enemies on the battlefield? Only the fighting and unscrupulousness on the battlefield can suppress the screams that penetrate into the bones...

I originally thought that he was thinking too much about accepting Andu Meiji.

Who knew that they were all imprisoned?

Puyang Jiu said it with sincerity, "If you suppress it for a long time, you will suffer greater pain when it encounters a backlash. It's a fool's errand (Pei Madan's word is "Wandering"). Excessive heat will harm the body, and it is better to remove it than to block it..."

Pei Madang was still cold, "Prescribe medicine."

That innocent face made Puyang Jiu want to beat him up.

In fact, Pei Man's illness is just that he is superior to ordinary people in some aspects. The yang fire is too strong and the yang front is too strong. It is not a life-threatening matter, especially for a man in a high position. He can have as many concubines as he wants. , there is no need to restrain, let alone be troubled by this...

In other words, this is a blessing that others cannot ask for...

Puyang Jiu advised him again: "It's just female prisoners of the enemy country. Take them all and find a few that you like and add them to your account. Who dares to say that your general is not good?"

Seeing that he remained silent, Puyang Jiu kept up his efforts.

"I think the Feng family girl is pretty good. You can tell at a glance that she is soft and charming..."

Pei Ran turned his face, his eyes cold and cold.

The two have known each other for many years, and Puyang Jiu is not as afraid of him as others.

"You don't like Feng's daughter? You can also look for a few other concubines. There will always be ones who can serve others. Don't hold yourself back, let alone think that this is some big problem. At the age of twenty-something, she deserves it The dragon is strong and the tiger is fierce..."

"Puyang Jiu!"

When Pei Ran's voice turned cold, Puyang Jiu suddenly realized.

"Could it be that you are trying to protect yourself..."

Zheng! Pei Madang suddenly pulled out the Piyong Sword.

"That's all." Pu Yangjiu looked at the sharp four-foot sword, swallowed back what he wanted to say, and looked at him with sympathy and admiration.

"I won't tell you. Prescribe the medicine, prescribe the medicine."

Sisters, add it to your bookshelf to make reading more convenient.

See you there tomorrow at 12 noon~

Puyang Jiu: Dear readers, please answer. The general’s disease seems to be a bit severe. What medicine did this miracle doctor prescribe for him? (Feng Yun: Another scumbag-)

PS: I saw someone asking this question, so let me tell you. Nagato has a slim waist, and long pronunciation is cháng, which is easy to pronounce hào.

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