Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 5: Gifting a Maid

Just after noon, an order came from the camp.

The army was about to move out of the camp and leave Yanzi Cliff, but Feng Yun and the twenty beauties were going to follow the baggage team and set off in the first batch.

The troops did not move, but the food and grass went first. The carriages and horses of the baggage team were endless, flowing forward like a rolling tide.

The small donkey cart was sandwiched in the middle, still driven by Alou, and Aozai was lying on it and sleeping soundly.

Feng Yun got on the donkey cart, and the beauties walked with him.

Such differential treatment made Lin E very angry. But she was beaten yesterday and her face was still injured. She didn't dare to say anything more. She just went over and begged Ao Qi, who was guarding her, to get her a car for transportation.

Ao Qi could not see the grievances of the beauties, and responded angrily:

"Can you be like the girl from the Feng family? The general has a special favor for her, but not for you. Be honest, walk properly, and don't force me to tie you up with chains..."

A Lou whispered, "What kind of favor is that? That's called blindness."

The general could not see the fairy-like appearance of his family's Twelve Niang, and treated her as a prisoner, guarding her with those singing and dancing girls. A Lou was very unhappy.

Ao Qi glared at him fiercely, and he was also confused in his heart.

My uncle is taciturn and not good at talking, but he asked about the flood warning in detail last night, and then he showed special favor and allowed the girl from the Feng family to use her donkey cart, and specially sent him to guard it...

This matter is very strange.

The baggage train moved slowly and did not rest at night. The concubines were all beautiful and delicate. They suffered a lot before they came to their senses and remembered what Feng Yun said...

"How did Feng Shier know that there would be no rest at night?"

"I'll tell you secretly. I seem to have heard that Shier Niang had opened her eyes when she was young. She was extremely smart. Even the Taifu called her a prostitute. Later, because she leaked some secrets and killed her mother, God took back her consciousness and she became stupid and foolish. She has lost her spiritual energy..."

"What is the third eye? People say that she is insane!"

"Shh! Be careful not to let her hear. Do you think she looks crazy?"

"I am going crazy. Can anyone pity me? My feet are worn out and I can't walk anymore..."

The concubines walked away crying and wailing. Feng Yun was swaying in the bumpy donkey cart. She didn't sleep well and had a messy dream all the way...

In the dream, there was the heartless Xiao Sanlang, and the three years she and Pei Jue had been entangled.

In three years, Pei Jue never gave her a name, and she never had any hope...

When she was given to Pei Jue by her father like an object, she didn't know the good plan of her biological father and stepmother, didn't know that her half-sister Feng Ying would marry her fiancé Xiao Cheng, didn't know that they had been thinking about it for a long time, and thought that it was a great sacrifice for her to devote herself to the enemy. She hoped that her father and Xiao Lang would cross the Huai River, recapture the lost land of Andu County, and rescue her home...

It's funny to say that since her mother passed away in her previous life, she has been confused, living in a daze and in a nightmare. It was not until she died tragically in the Qi Palace, died tragically in Feng Ying's laughter of success, and was abandoned by everyone that she was completely awake...

At dawn, the baggage team stopped to rest and made a fire to cook on the spot.

Feng Yun once again took out cooking utensils and ingredients from her donkey cart like a magic trick. Half a bag of dried mushrooms was soaked, and a large pot of mushroom soup was boiled, and a little salt was added.

The aroma of mushroom soup filled the entire baggage camp.

The current situation is completely different from the previous life. Feng Yun has a real sense of rebirth and is in a much better mood. She served Ao Qi a bowl of mushroom soup, which made him "slurp" and almost swallow his tongue.

"What is cooked in the soup, why is it so delicious?"

He had never eaten mushrooms before, and couldn't help asking questions.

Feng Yun couldn't explain how she knew which mushrooms were edible and which were poisonous.

It seemed that these skills were something she had known since she was in her mother's womb. But later, her mother passed away, and her consciousness gradually degenerated after being stimulated. After rebirth, these skills suddenly came back.

"Hey! Let me try it too..."

Qin Dajin put his hands behind his back and shamelessly squeezed over to ask for a bowl.

When the fresh soup entered his mouth, his expression suddenly changed and he was greatly surprised.

"Delicious! Isn't the food from the Jade Pool just like this?"

This man was beaten with thirty military sticks yesterday, his buttocks were almost broken, and he walked with a limp, but it didn't stop him from talking non-stop.

"Food is scarce in the camp, and the soldiers eat wheat balls and watery Hu cakes all day long. There is no oil, no salt, and no taste. It tastes very bland. If we can pick some mushrooms and cook them into soup and cakes, it would be a good thing..."

His eyes were dark and he was worried about food and grass.

As far as Feng Yun knew, the food and grass problem that the Beiyong Army would face was much more serious than what Qin Dajin said...

A bold idea suddenly popped up in Feng Yun's mind.

"I can take people to the mountains to pick mushrooms and find food for your army."

Qin Dajin was frightened and turned pale, and rejected it outright.

"No, no, I can't bear the blame from the general."

No matter what Feng Shier Niang's previous identity was or what she will be in the future, she is now a female prisoner of the Beiyong Army. Who dares to let her leave the camp without the general's order?

Feng Yun smiled, "Why not report it to the general and see what he says?"

The road was raining heavily, and the baggage team hurried on the road and was very tired. Feng Yun had not seen Pei Jue, and didn't know what he was thinking until the team arrived at Jieqiu Mountain to set up camp, and Qin Dajin brought good news.

"The general has given orders that the girl can choose four of the twenty beauties as servants, and lead the gang to go up the mountain to collect mushrooms."

This result is surprising.

All the concubines looked at each other in disbelief.

They are both female prisoners, but what does it mean that the general rewarded Feng Twelve Niang's four servants alone? The general didn't say anything about taking her as his concubine, but he treated her as his own.

The moment the general's order arrived, Feng Yun clearly felt that the attitude of the escorting soldiers around her had changed. The previous hot eyes had faded away, and some did not dare to look at her anymore.

Feng Yun had no expression, his beautiful eyes were dark, his eyes were scattered on the faces of the concubines, and he spoke lightly.

"Who is willing to go up the mountain with me?"

A woman in troubled times has a body like duckweed.

Feng Twelve Niang can't protect herself. What good future will she have if she follows her? But following the general, I have someone to rely on from now on...

Whether to be a concubine or a servant is not a problem for a beautiful woman...

At first, only Daman and Xiaoman came to Feng Yun's side. They were slaves of the Feng family and followed orders.

As for everyone else…

It took a while before two people answered.

"I would like to be with Twelve Mothers."

"And I……"

One is the singer Wenhui, who is just about to give up on her betrayal.

There is another named Ying Rong. She is an embroiderer. She fled from Wanning County to Andu County and went to live with her biological uncle and childhood sweetheart cousin.

This time, her uncle exchanged her for two pieces of autumn silk and twenty shi of corn from Feng Jingting.

Feng Yun nodded, took out the scimitar from the donkey cart and hung it on his waist, then threw the turtle into the basket.


After several days of rain, there are many fungi in the mountains.

When Feng Yun saw edible fungi, he would stop and carefully teach the foremen to identify them, and then explain the differences between edible fungi and poisonous fungi.

A group of people were shocked.

At that time, people would pick the fungus growing on mulberry, locust, elm, willow and other trees for consumption, but these unknown things were not touched in the camp.

Why does the Feng family daughter know this?

It's not like a girl who was pampered and raised by a wealthy family...

The gang leaders were very excited and were very busy picking mushrooms, digging wild vegetables, and hunting prey.

Ao Qi and a guard named Zuo Zhong followed Feng Yun.

At first glance, they looked like Feng Yun's attendants rather than guards.

Xiaoman is more lively than Daman and talks and laughs loudly.

"The general loves the twelve mothers."

"The Twelve Mothers will have great blessings in the future."

"We will also be blessed if we follow the girl."

Xiaoman is very optimistic.

Daman is optimistic but pessimistic about Xiaoman.

Most of the sons and daughters in the world are unlucky. No matter how beautiful the Twelve Mothers are, they will always be old one day. In such troubled times, good or bad looks are nothing more than different prices when selling wives and daughters...

Feng Yun said nothing, as if he couldn't hear Xiao Man's words.

She used a machete to cut off the thorns in front of her, and stepped on the wet grass as she walked very quickly deep into the mountain.

Ao Zai didn't know when he jumped out of the basket and climbed up the tree.

Like a small beast, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After a moment, it popped its head out from the other end of the tree.

There was a small pheasant in his mouth.

flutter! The bloody chicken fell down and flopped on the ground.

Xiaoman was so frightened that her face turned pale, "Ah——"

Feng Yun hissed, "Squat down! We have a big deal."

Shuangman immediately became nervous and leaned against her.

Feng Yun clenched his scimitar, his beautiful eyes firm.

A lush plant with large leaves grows in a forest full of weeds, like a field that has been cultivated by farmers and then abandoned. A wild boar was eating in the soil. When it found someone coming, it ran away...

Whoosh! Ao Zai jumped up from the forest with one claw.

The soldiers excitedly grasped their weapons and surrounded...

There is pork to eat!

Howls and cheers resounded through the forest.

But Feng Yun's eyes were not on the injured wild boar, but on the large-leaf plant in the weed forest.

"What is this?" Ao Qi asked curiously.

Feng Yun's face returned to normal, "Taro."

"Taro?" Ao Qi's eyes lit up, "Is it edible?"

Feng Yun didn't answer. He put down his backpack and walked over, picking up the taro seeds protruded from the wild boar and observing them.

It's red taro, a big piece of red taro.

Ao Qi saw her thoughtfully and felt very anxious.

"Girl, please tell me, can you eat it?"

Ao Qi, who came from the Northern Jin Dynasty, had never eaten taro, but people in the south of Qi State had long grown it as a snack.

Feng Yun said: "It is edible, but not edible."

Ao Qi asked: "Where do you start talking about this?"

Feng Yun said: "If you can get the method, it can be eaten. Otherwise, it is extremely poisonous. Wait until I meet the general."

She threw the taro she picked up into her basket and called Ao Zai.

Ao Zai fell from the tree into her basket with perfect accuracy. His two paws climbed up Feng Yun's shoulders obediently. He licked his lips with satisfaction as he ate something delicious.

Feng Yun gently stroked its head, "You are quite proud today..."

Ao Qi looked at it, inexplicably jealous of the ugly cat.

A group of people carried the wild boar and returned with baskets of wild mushrooms.

As soon as I returned to the camp, I heard that the general had arrived. Some soldiers made a private bet on what title the general would give to Miss Feng.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun put down his backpack and took the initiative to see Pei Ran.

When people bow outside the tent, they will be surprised when they open their mouths.

"Feng's daughter is willing to serve as the general's adviser and help him raise food and fodder for military needs."

Instead of being a concubine in the tent, you want to be a staff member in front of the tent?

Is the Feng family girl going crazy?

Since ancient times, how could women be counselors?

This book is set in an era of political chaos. The originally unified country has been divided for a long time. There have been frequent wars for dozens or hundreds of years. There have been wars among the princes, warlords, the three kingdoms, or the confrontation between the north and the south. The emperor has changed every few days. The people are displaced and have no peace. Therefore, people will migrate everywhere to avoid wars and live together. They have long been mixed to the point that you can't tell me from you.

Before the division, the three kingdoms of Jin, Qi, and Yunchuan in this article originally belonged to the same unified country. Because the power of clans in various places constrained the imperial power, the people's concept was to put family first and survive in troubled times. They didn't have such a clear concept of the "country" that was constantly changing due to frequent wars.

The same is true for the heroine. Her family also migrated from the north to the south. After her rebirth, she hoped to see the restoration of unity, a peaceful life, and an end to the endless wars. This is one of the reasons why she chose to help Pei Cong. Of course, emotional factors such as hatred for Xiao Cheng and the Chen and Feng families are also important reasons for her choice.

If we use the concept of a country in the real world to set a country in a specific historical period, many things will not hold true. The three views of the ancients are also not scrutinized.

Otherwise, why did Wu Zixu, who was born in Chu and served Wu, become famous and leave a heroic spirit for the next generation? In the era of war and chaos, personal honor and survival are not easy to define with today's thinking.

The author is not well-educated and has many shortcomings. Please read the book for fun. If you don't like it, just turn it off. Don't ruin your good mood because of a book.

Thank you!

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