Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 6: Serving others with beauty

It was freezing cold in the tent.

In addition to Pei Ran, who was at the head, there were several generals.

No one thought that Feng's daughter was so bold. The generals were a little stunned when they saw the cold look on the general's face.

They are discussing military matters.

In the past half month, the situation has been turbulent.

The Northern Yong Army defeated several cities in a row and was separated from the Southern Qi Kingdom Xinzhou by a river. They had strong troops and strong horses and could only cross the river in the morning and evening. However, the problem at hand was that there was insufficient food and grass to support a long-term front...

The Qi State claimed to have assembled an army of 500,000. The Emperor of Qi appointed Xiao Cheng, King of Jingling, to lead the army, with Ningyuan General Wen Xingsu as the vanguard, preparing to cross the Huai River to counterattack Andu and fight to the death with the Beiyong Army.

The war is imminent...

How could the general allow a girl to act recklessly in this moment?

"Bring her closer."

Pei Madang's voice was not high-pitched, but he was cool and had a lot of authority.

Everyone looked at each other and their bodies immediately tensed up.

Ao Qi opened the curtain, but Feng Yun didn't take a step for a long time.

"Yaoyao, come closer..."

"Come closer and let me take a closer look..."

The voice in his memory was like a curse that blocked Feng Yun's steps.

She couldn't hear this.

Once upon a time, the low whispers were followed by those messy and profound suffocations and bliss that almost brought her to the point of death and despair...

From a distance, Feng Yun couldn't see Pei Man's expression clearly.

The atmosphere in the big tent was extremely cold, and it was empty. There were no unnecessary furnishings. Just like Pei Madang, he was simple and monotonous, and he looked ruthless at first glance.

She calmed herself down and walked in as calmly as possible.

"Feng's daughter has met the general."

Not hearing Pei Ran's response, Feng Yun raised his head and bowed gracefully. His plain clothes could not hide his charming face, without the fancy clothes and gold hairpin, but his bright and gentle appearance made people unable to take their eyes away.

Pei Madang's dark eyes were deep and he looked at her from top to bottom.

"How do you raise food? Rely on the red taro on the mountain?"

Sure enough, he already knew about this.

Feng Yun smiled knowingly.

"Red taro is just an accidental acquisition, and it is not a skill. But the little girl not only knows how to manage millets and farmers, but also has many talents that others do not have. The general swept through the cities all the way. He mounted his horse to manage the troops and dismounted to manage the people. He needed me People like this work for you.”

In this era, all the eight princes and nine ministers had the power to appoint officials. It was an elegant matter to appoint people independently.

This is especially true in war-torn places. With the army controlling the people, Pei Madang needs more subordinate officials to do errands other than marching and fighting, and to handle daily general affairs.

After going to five cities in a row, there were many people who came to Pei Madang's tent to recommend themselves.

But someone as arrogant as Feng Yun is the first.

Pei Ran said: "This general has no shortage of capable people."

Of course Feng Yun knew this, "But the general is missing me."

Pei Mad stared at her coldly without saying a word. Several generals in the tent already felt that the storm was coming, but Feng Yun was calmer than when he entered the camp.

She said: "It is no secret that the Beiyong army is short of food at the moment, and Qi's cities are being lost one after another. It is bound to mobilize the army and use the strength of the whole country to fight to the death with the Jin in the Huaihe River. It will take some time for the food and grass supplies of the Jin to arrive before the battle. General If we rashly engage in a decisive battle with the Qi army, there may be risks, but if the opportunity is lost, it is still unclear whether the advantage will still be on the Jin side when the Qi army slows down..."

Several generals kept exchanging glances.

Feng Twelfth Mother stood in front of the tent, looking as pretty as an orchid in bud.

She was clearly a delicate girl, but she explained the situation at hand accurately.

Feng Yun saw Pei Ran staring at him and spoke calmly.

"Xiao Cheng, King of Jingling, was born in a famous family. He had great talents and was well-known throughout the world. Therefore, the Emperor of Qi Dynasty was quite afraid, which led to his not being reused for many years. But the current situation is that Qi Emperor Xiao Jue is afraid that he will not be able to suppress it. The princes and aristocratic families in the Manchu Dynasty had no choice but to appoint King Jingling. There is also my stepbrother, General Ningyuan Wen Xingsu, who is brave and good at fighting, and versatile in both civil and military affairs. If the two of them join forces, we can take advantage of the natural dangers of the Huai River. A battle with the general..."

There were people pumping gas constantly in the tent.

Feng Twelve Niang is so brave to say that.

Are you really not afraid of the general beheading you?

Feng Yun didn't seem to notice, but he still said to himself, "I know Xiao Zicheng, I know Wen Xingsu, and I know the Qi army. I can conspire with the general." (Xiao Sanlang's name is Zicheng chēng, one sound)

Pei Ran didn't speak for a long time, and his eyes were cold and threatening.

When Feng Yun looked over, he only saw a chill that penetrated his muscles and bones.

"Xiao Cheng's wife? Very good. Come and wait in my tent tonight."

Feng Yun:......

A fate that cannot be escaped? Going round and round and back to the beginning.

In the eyes of men, beautiful women are like prey on the hunting ground. The most beautiful one is the rich reward for the bravest. The more popular they are, the more they want to come out on top. Taking the enemy's prey as their own may be their greatest happiness...

She is Xiao Zicheng's fiancée and Wen Xingsu's stepsister. Is this the reason why Pei Madang wanted her in his previous life and in this life?

"I am the one that Xiao San refused to marry. Could it be that the general doesn't know about it? Or is this just what the general wants?"

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows mockingly, and Pei Ran caught this little move.

He placed the tea cup lightly, indifferently.

Feng Yun chuckled lightly and tried to speak in a respectful and calm tone: "Beauties are easy to come by, but counselors are hard to find. Without Feng's daughter, the general would still have a sea of ​​flowers. With Feng's daughter, the general can save himself from worries. I Advise the general to think twice..."

Pei Madang raised his eyes coldly, staring with death.

Feng Yun continued indifferently: "The beauties presented by Andu County are all carefully selected, each with its own merits. Shao Xueqing has a graceful figure, and her fat is like jade. Lin E has a slender willow waist, and the lotus steps of flying swallows. Wenhui has cherry lips. Bai Te, the song is charming, plump and graceful, and the most gentle..."

This one has good skin and a delicate figure.

The one with big eyes and pretty shoulders.

This cherry mouth is proficient in music.

That slender waist and superb dancing skills...

Feng Yun spoke like an old madam, sincerely arranging a concubine for Pei Ran to sleep with... just because she knew that General Pei did have a strong need in this area, and if he was not satisfied, he would not be able to escape from the clutches of the devil. .

Several generals were stunned when they heard this.

Has Feng Twelve Mother never looked in the mirror?

Who could be as beautiful as her?

Feng Yun asked: "General, do you want to consider it?"

Pei Madang's emotionless eyes were particularly dark at this moment, "Is it because of Xiao San that you don't want to serve me?"

Feng Yun smiled, "No. How long will it take for those who use sex to serve others? Feng's daughter has long made a vow to serve others with her whole life."

In his previous life, Pei Ran loved her very much. During his three-year southern expedition, she was the only one who accompanied him, making many women envious——

But didn’t it end badly in the end?

Who would have thought that Pei Madang could expel his beloved concubine from the capital just because of a soft word from the young and beautiful Empress Dowager...

Thinking of this, Feng Yun's heart became cold.

However, regardless of male and female matters, Pei Madang is generous and loyal, and is the best partner for big things.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "General, why don't you let me give it a try?"

Pei Madang sat up and looked at her, his posture unmoving, as if he didn't bother to say a word to her. He waved his hand, and Ao Qi came over and chased her away with a sword.

"Get down!"

Feng Yun raised his eyes and looked over.

The general's face was cold and he sat very upright. He was tall and indifferent, like a ruthless piece of wood. However, the surging emotions in his deep black eyes made Feng Yun extremely familiar. Subconsciously, his legs felt a little shaky. soft……

It is a strong memory from the body.

Feng Yun avoided looking, bowed, and hurriedly retreated.

Ao Qi followed him out with a sarcastic tone: "Good luck to you, girl. If it were someone else today, I'm afraid my body would be in a different place."

Feng Yun laughed, "Are your generals so scary?"

Ao Qi raised his chin, his handsome face full of arrogance.

"That's not called scary, that's called... a hero!"

Feng Yun: "Great heroes don't kill people indiscriminately."

Ao Qi frowned, "Don't you think you are living well?"

Feng Yun: "Do you think your upper beam is not straight and your lower beam is crooked?"

Ao Qi lowered his face.

He didn't like Feng Yun talking about his uncle like that, and he was confused about what she did today.

"It's no wonder that the general doesn't believe you. Why do you think you, a woman from the Qi State, want to be a counselor of the Jin State? If you help the Beiyong Army raise food, you are making an enemy of the Qi State..."

Feng Yun smiled.

After decades or hundreds of years of war, the originally unified country fell into pieces. Today's Jin, Qi, and Yunchuan countries have the same clan and ancestors. During the war years, the people moved around and lived together so mixedly that they could no longer tell you from me. The constraints of imperial power from family power led to the common people's concept that "family" comes first and the country comes last.

Especially for her, after all the suffering in her previous life, the result she wanted most in this life was the unification of the north and the south, so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment instead of endless wars.

She answered calmly.

"What about Jin, what about Qi? It's all the same to me."

Ao Qi let out a light sigh, her eyebrows dancing with joy, "The girl chose the Jin Dynasty and abandoned the Southern Qi Dynasty. She is very discerning. Our general will surely dominate the world and kill everyone."

Feng Yun smiled softly.

It's true to kill everyone, but as for dominating the world...

Does Pei Madang have such great ambitions?

We had been together for three years in the previous life, but Feng Yun didn't fully understand Pei Man's thoughts. He was not a good talker. During those three years, apart from the exchanges on the bed, they hardly said anything else...

If he really has that ambition to end the chaos and division in today's world, that would be great.

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