Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 7 Filial piety and deliciousness

Soon after Pei Cong returned to the camp, Qin Dajin went out to buy grain.

But in the chaotic world, those who could escape had already fled, the crops turned into weeds, and the granaries were starving to death. Nine out of ten houses were empty, and it was more difficult to find food and grass than to find money.

Pei Cong refused to let Feng Yun be a guest, so she changed her mind.

She asked Ao Qi to take people up the mountain and dig up the red taro on the mountain, along with the taro stalks and the taro and taro buried in the ground.

The mountain was full of taro, and a group of people dug for several days.

The kitchen didn't know how to eat it, so Feng Yun taught it step by step.

Boil the taro stalks, blanch them, pickle them for cooking, cut them into sections and dry them for later use, which is crispy and delicious. Scrape the skin of the taro and taro, and then steam them in a pot. They taste fragrant, soft, and sticky, delicious, and filling.

Taro and wild boar could not completely solve the problem of food and grass, but they solved Feng Yun's urgent need - Pei Jue did not let Feng Yun go to sleep with him again.

What he said that day seemed to be a passing cloud.

This small achievement allowed Feng Yun to have her own small tent again, and Ao Qi allowed her to live with four maids.

Having escaped a disaster, Feng Yun happily taught the head cook to cook food, fulfilling the promise of "serving people with talent".

The kitchen slaughtered the wild boar, and part of it was pickled according to Feng Yun's instructions, and what should be stored was stored, what should be boiled was boiled, what should be stewed was stewed, and what should be roasted was roasted. Usually, the food made in the kitchen was done in a hurry, just to fill the stomach, and did not care about the taste. After Feng Yun's instructions, they found that the same food tasted very different.

For a time, the fragrance spread throughout the camp.

Feng Yun won the attention of the soldiers with his real skills.

"The girl from the Feng family is beautiful and skillful, she is really a wonderful person."

"Feng is from Qi, will she have evil intentions?"

"What are you afraid of? The general has eaten it, will he poison you to death?"

"Hey! After the war, I will also ask for a new wife from Qi..."

"I heard that Feng is promised to Sanlang of the Lanling Xiao family, who is titled King Jingling... If our general hadn't come to attack, I'm afraid she would have been married..."

"Hehe, when the general doesn't want her anymore, we will ask her to come over, and then she will sleep with Sanlang Xiao's wife..."

The Xiao family of Southern Qi, Dujue Sanlang. Xiao Cheng is extremely talented and famous. Even these rough men in the camp have heard of him. He is the son of a century-old family and a natural nobleman.

Several soldiers squatted to eat, and they became more and more excited as they talked, just for the sake of talking fast.

Suddenly, a kick came from behind.

Bang! The bowl fell to the ground and kept rolling, and the man also fell to the ground.

"Which killer——"

The roar was stuck in his throat.

The man met Ao Qi's angry eyes and went to pick up the bowl listlessly.

"Just talking. Guard Ao has been following you all day long, but you have never thought about it? It would be better for the general to reward you instead of protecting Feng's daughter like this?"

Ao Qi's breathing stagnated, his face was as hot as a monkey's butt, and he gritted his teeth and drew his sword in anger.

"You dare to talk nonsense to the general's men? You are going to die!"

Several soldiers were scared and sweated.

Ao Qi picked up a few pig bones from the kitchen and threw them into Aozai's bamboo bag.

"You are lucky."

Aozai sniffed twice, turned his face away in disgust, and licked his paws.

"It's not a dog, it doesn't chew bones." Feng Yun picked up the pig bones, pickled them with salt, and put them in her donkey cart as usual.

Ao Qi stretched his neck to look inside, wanting to know what treasures were hidden inside.

Feng Yun pulled down the curtain and suddenly stuffed something into him.

Ao Qi looked down.

Wow, it was a palm-sized piece of beef.

It was so spicy that he licked his tongue.

"I'll take it to honor the general!"

Feng Yun:...

You useless thing, you haven't changed at all, you still respect Pei Jue as a god.

Seeing Ao Qi walk away happily, Shao Xueqing, Lin E and Yuan Jiao dared to come out of the tent to ask Feng Yun.

"Twelve Lady introduced me to the general's tent, how did the general respond?"

Shao Xueqing's voice was soft and shy, but her eyes were full of expectation.

Feng Yun had no expression on his face, "The general didn't respond."

The concubines exchanged glances and their tone became more enthusiastic.

"Twelve Lady, we are both Qi women."

"We are both generals' concubines, so we should take care of each other."

"Sisters should work together and be favored by the general, that is the way out..."

"The general is a man among men. If I am favored by him, I will definitely take care of my sisters in the future..."

"Me too."

"I am the same..."

Listening to the concubines vying to express their feelings, Feng Yun's eyes were a little complicated.

What man among men? In private, he is a wild bull without restraint, and he would not be satisfied until he kills people. If they knew this, I am afraid they would not be able to say these words...

"Twelve Lady, next time you pay a visit to the general, can you bring me with you?"

The one who asked boldly was Shao Xueqing.

Among the twenty beauties, she has the highest status. She is the fourth lady of the Andu County Magistrate's family. Although she is a concubine, she asks herself that except for the daughter of the Feng family, she is the most qualified to serve the general.

But the general did not summon them, and the other generals did not dare to ask for them. They had an awkward status in the camp, and they could not be as calm as Feng Yun, so they spent all their time in worry...

Waiting for the dust to settle was more tormenting than being in the dust.

"Shi Er Niang, can you help us think of a solution?"

Feng Yun suddenly bent down and dragged a bloody pheasant out of the donkey cart.

"Who can pluck the feathers?"

The concubines were surprised, and no one responded for a long time.

Isn't that what servants do to deal with dead chickens, chop and feathers? They are beautiful ladies with gorgeous faces, how can they do rough work?

"No one knows how?" Feng Yun asked again.


The concubines stared at her, wondering what she wanted.

Feng Yun handed the pheasant to Xiaoman.

"Clean it and stew it for your sister to bring to the general."


Feng Yun didn't look at the expressions of the concubines, and asked Daman to heat the pot, cut some ginger slices, wash and chop the chicken, and simmer it slowly. When it was almost done, he threw in a few chicken fir flowers found in the mountains and cooked it until it became soupy. The juice is precious and extremely delicious, so I scooped it up and put it into the white-glazed lotus seed jar I brought...

Xiaoman is only fourteen years old and Daman is sixteen.

The two sisters look alike, but have very different temperaments.

Xiaoman is naive and straightforward, but Daman has his own little thoughts.

In her previous life, she had a true admiration for Pei Ran. She even betrayed her for Pei Ran and reported her letter to Xiao Zicheng to Pei Ran. As a result, her letters were intercepted and Pei Ran punished her several times...

As a master and servant, let her fulfill her wishes.

At least Daman served Pei Madang willingly, and she was not a bad person.

Of course, another very important reason is that Daman's eyebrows are somewhat similar to hers. When General Pei is satisfied, it is the best time to speak...

"Everyone, please come back."

Seeing the girls staring at him eagerly, Feng Yun twitched the corner of his mouth.

"I was given the opportunity, but you didn't want it."

The concubines were angry and regretful.

If they knew that Feng Twelfth Mother had such thoughts, they would be willing to bite a live chicken, not to mention ripping off chicken feathers...

"Twelve mothers."

"Good sister..."

Lin E came forward to please Feng Yun.

As soon as Feng Yungang frowned, Ao Zai jumped up and rushed towards her with a roar, a small yellowish shadow filled with murderous intent.

With a tearing sound, Lin E's clothes were torn.

The screams did not stop, and several people were so frightened that they ran back to the camp.

Feng Yun smiled and carried Ao Zai back, held him in his arms and gave him a beautiful kiss.

"Don't be afraid! My sister will protect you, but you must remember not to hurt others casually, understand?"

Ao Zai's little head was pressed against hers, rubbing gently, very well-behaved.

It was as if the ferocious monster showing off its power just now was not it.


In the evening, Daman sent chicken soup to the Chinese army's tent, but he never came back.

Xiao Man could not sit still and cried in panic.

Who doesn't know that General Pei is notorious for being bloodthirsty and willing to kill people? She doesn't know if her sister stayed to serve the general or was killed...

There was no news at all in the camp, and Xiaoman's eyes were red from crying.

"What should I do? Twelve Mother, will my sister be eaten by the general..."

Feng Yun said: "It's better to eat it. I'm afraid he won't eat it."

Xiaoman looked at her in horror.

Ah Lou also raised his head in shock.

The atmosphere was extremely weird.

They had heard people say it in the mansion...

The Twelfth Mother had abnormal behavior since she was a child. She went crazy and refused to recognize her relatives...

You won't get sick again, right?

"Twelve mothers..."

Ah Lou wanted to say something, but before he could, Lin E ran over crying and knelt on the ground.

"Save me, save me..."

Feng Yun didn't answer, and Lin E sobbed and explained the whole story.

Just now, she and Yuan Jiao seduced and bribed the guards, sneaked over, and wanted to recommend themselves to the general as a pillow, which angered the general.

"The general has killed four defenders... He wants to send all my concubines and me into the camp to reward the six armies..."

Feng Yun: I told you a long time ago that the general is not easy to serve.

All the girls: You didn’t say that!

Feng Yun:? ? ? Didn’t you say it? If you ask the readers, they all know it.

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