Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 8 Heroic Spirit

Feng Yun's expression did not change.

When they came out of Andu City and entered the enemy camp, they should have been prepared for their fate.

But in Feng Yun's memory, after Pei Jue took her in in the previous life, he gave Lin E and other concubines to generals with military merits. Most of them had a good ending. Some were very favored, some gave birth to children, and had no worries about food and clothing...

It seems that Lin E had overstepped her bounds and changed her fate in this life.

She was too stupid to think that Pei Jue was like the dandy young men in Yu Tang Chun, thinking that she could get close to him just because she was pretty. Pei Jue was such a cautious person. If he had taken in a beautiful concubine, he would have been killed by his enemies many times. At least in her last life, when she followed Pei Jue for a few years, she was the only one around him...

"Twelve Lady, you and I are both from Qi, we should help each other..."

Lin E was so panicked that her face turned pale, and she lay on the ground with her shoulders shaking. "It's my fault. I don't know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is. I offended the noble lady. I slap my face. Twelve Lady, please be generous and don't bother with me..."

She slapped her face as she spoke.

Feng Yun laughed, "I'm not a straw boat, don't shoot arrows at me. You should have cried a few more times in front of the general and hit a few more times to get the general's love..."

Her expression was calm and gentle, without any malice, but her words were sharper than the tip of a knife.

Seeing Lin E crying bitterly, Xiaoman also started crying in panic, "Girl, is my sister going to be in trouble?"

Feng Yun looked at the camp illuminated by the fire, thought for a while, and called Alou, "Go to the central army tent and ask why Daman, the maid the general gave me, hasn't come back yet?"

Alou bowed and said, "Yes."

He quickly disappeared from Feng Yun's sight, and soon, Ao Qi brought him back by the arm.

"The general has ordered——"

Ao Qi left Alou and clasped his fists towards Feng Yun with a gloomy face, saying: "The governor of Andu County presented his beauty with sincerity, and we should make the best use of it. Except for Feng's Ayun, who has made great contributions in finding food and is exempted from labor, all other concubines will be sent to the barracks to reward the soldiers and appease the army."

After saying that, he looked at Xiaoman and Lin'e, shook his head, and said, "Take them all away."

A group of soldiers came over aggressively, some with knives, some with shackles, not only to take Xiaoman and Lin'e away, but also to take away all the other concubines in the same camp.

Almost instantly, the barracks were filled with crying and shouting.

Xiaoman was so scared that her face turned pale, and she screamed continuously under the pull of two soldiers, and Lin'e even collapsed on the ground...

"Shi Er Niang, save the maid..."

"Girl, save my life!"

The crying was sad and heartbreaking. In this world, the lives of female prisoners are no more valuable than those of animals.

Feng Yun gently stroked Aozai's back hair to prevent it from getting restless, and his eyes calmly watched the scene in front of him, watching the concubines being pulled out by the soldiers, dragged, pulled, and pulled, listening to their begging and shouting, hesitating for a long time before speaking.

"Guard Ao, take me to see the general."

She spoke softly, as if she was not frightened.

Ao Qi snorted with a little contempt: "Girl, it's better not to go. The general spared you, and you are secretly happy. If you go up to plead for others, you will be ignorant of the current situation..."

There were cries all around, and Ao Qi was a little impatient, but he had eaten Feng Yun's food, and he was short-speaking, and he was reluctant to let this beautiful girl die.

"Even if the girl goes, the general will not see you, so give up this idea."

"He will." Feng Yun's face was indifferent, and it was impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry: "The general is waiting for me to beg him."


The Pei character flag fluttered in the night wind.

In the central army tent, Pei Cong was wearing light armor and holding the Biyong sword, preparing to leave the camp.

The guard Ye Chuang came in to report that Feng Yun wanted to see him.

Pei Cong paused and said nothing. Ye Chuang thought the general would be furious, and hurriedly bowed his hands to apologize. Unexpectedly, Pei Cong took off his helmet and put it on the table, raised his hand to signal him, and sat back.

Ye Chuang was stunned for a moment before reacting: "I obey your order."

The Jieqiu Mountain camp was foggy, and the surroundings were gray at night. Only the light in the central army tent was the brightest.

Feng Yun walked into the tent. It was not a long distance, but she used up all her strength. In her previous life, she also walked into Pei Cong's tent step by step. At that time, her heartbeat was faster than now, and she was more afraid than now...

"Feng's daughter, meet the general."

Ignoring the cold eyes, Feng Yun bowed her head slightly.

No response was received.

Pei Cong was as taciturn as always, and only killed people with cold eyes.

Feng Yun took the initiative to explain her purpose, "General, I'm here to pick up my maid Daman. She came to the central army tent to deliver chicken soup and didn't go back. This is the person the general rewarded me. The general's words are as good as gold. I won't go back on my word, right?"

She lowered her head.

Pei Jue could only see a section of snow-white jade neck.

"Come closer."

The familiar voice was colder and harder than before.

Feng Yun subconsciously looked up at him. Their eyes collided in the air. Her throat tightened and she felt very thirsty. She quickly lowered her head and pretended to be scared, bowing.

"Please forgive me, my maid is ignorant and offended you..."

Pei Jue hummed faintly, but it seemed like nothing happened.

The tent fell silent. In the suffocating wait, Pei Jue slowly stood up and walked towards her.

The slight sound of the armor rubbing against each other was very clear in the empty tent. Feng Yun counted his steps as if she was counting her own heartbeats...

Pei Madang was extremely tall and looked at her from above, giving him a natural advantage and pressure. Seventeen-year-old Feng Yun was not short, but she could only reach his shoulders. The disparity in physique made her feel dangerous and she couldn't help but take two steps back...

Pei Ran stopped and asked her: "Who do you think this general is?"

Those eyes were extremely cold, as deep as black pools.

Feng Yun thought about it and replied, "As a general, I am a great hero. He is the kind of hero who will never bully the weak, innocent, women and children... an unparalleled hero!"

Pei Ran:......

In the eyes of people in the five Jianghuai towns, the heinous and murderous King of Hell forced her to be praised as an unparalleled hero. Perhaps Pei Madang did not expect that she could be so duplicitous, so he was speechless for a moment.

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Pei Madang doesn't like to go around the bush when he kills people.

If you listen patiently, your life can be saved.

What's more, what she said was half true and half false.

Pei Ran is indeed notorious, and he bullied her in his previous life, but their relationship was not equal from the beginning. Pei Ran never promised anything, he just doesn't love her. Compared with Xiao San, he is not a gentleman, but his behavior He can be considered magnanimous. He was also good to her during the three years they were together and gave her a lot of happiness. Some aspects are worthy of praise.

At least now, Feng Yun thinks there is no need to fall out with him.

"If I didn't respect the general, how could I recommend myself as a counselor? Knowing that the general hates Qi Nu, how could I give away my beloved maid? Just because I believe that the general is an upright man, an iron-blooded husband, and disdains the villain's behavior..."

Top hat after top hat, she said it like it was true.

Who told Pei Ran to do this to her? The situation is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Feng Yun believes that Pei Madang is still the same Pei Madang, and occasionally he can hear a few flattering words...

Pei Ran's face was expressionless, and his eyes looked at her with no emotion, but he seemed to have accepted her compliment. He turned around and walked back to the case to sit down. He looked at the white-glazed lotus seed jar and said, "Drink it."

This was sent by Daman...

The chicken soup is here, where are the people?

Feng Yun walked over slowly.

The table was a little short, so she had to kneel down to pick up the white-glazed lotus seed jar.

"Does the general suspect that the chicken soup is poisonous, or is he dissatisfied with my maid?"

Pei Madang's cold eyes flashed with a trace of ridicule, "If you want to satisfy me so much, why don't you try it yourself?"

Feng Yun's heart beat wildly, as if some emotion was pinched into Pei Madang's palm.

She pretended to smile hard, "I'm afraid that little girl may not have this blessing..."

Pei Man lowered his eyelids, as if he was impatient to hear her, "Drink!"

This was a commanding tone that she could not resist.

Feng Yun poured out a bowl of chicken soup from the can, held the rim in his mouth and drank it slowly.

The pampered girl in the mansion of aristocratic family, with delicate skin and tender flesh, aggrieved and fragile, her jade neck moves silently when she swallows, her eyelashes tremble lightly in the firelight, she has a seductive charm...

As soon as Pei Madang's cold eyes glanced at him, those desires that were habitually suppressed in the depths surged forward. All he had to do was to break out of the cocoon and overturn all his calmness...

It's time to take your medicine. he thinks.

"General, I can't drink anymore..." Feng Yun didn't know what Pei Madang was thinking, and didn't care much. He continued to pretend, "I was sincerely offering the soup and beauty, and wanted to serve the general, but I didn't want to, but he aroused suspicion... It's difficult for a counselor ah."

Pei Ran glanced at the red thread in her eyes and said, "I won't do this next time."

"Here." Feng Yun bowed his head and saluted. Before his voice fell, he saw Pei Madang leaning over to take the bowl she had just drank from, pouring the chicken soup in the can, and in front of her, he raised his neck and took a big gulp. drink.

Pei Madang has a tall and straight Adam's apple, which slides along when he swallows soup, which is very annoying. Feng Yun even knew that that part of his was extremely sensitive, and a gentle kiss would make him gasp and go crazy...

At the end of the night, the firelight shining in the camp playfully stuck the two shadows together, bringing a kind of misplaced intimacy, as if the petite girl snuggled into the general's arms, lingering silently...

Feng Yun was tugging at the distant memories, so focused that he forgot where he was. The moment Pei Madang put down the bowl, he noticed the shadow on the ground, as if he was being choked. He quickly put down the bowl and stood up, with a cold expression on her face.

"If you make your own decisions in the future, I will not forgive you."

Feng Yun came back to his senses and felt embarrassed, "Is the soup not delicious?"

Pei Madang didn't look good and said expressionlessly: "Do you think you can please me by giving me a few concubines?"

This is the calmest tone Pei Mad has spoken since Feng Yun met him in this life.

Feng Yun wanted to laugh a little.

It turns out that General Pei not only suspected that she had ulterior motives in asking the maid to deliver soup, but also thought that Lin E and Yuan Jiao were all arranged by her.

No wonder he got so angry. No matter how impatient he was, he didn't want to be treated as a breeding pig.

Feng Yun quickly apologized, "It's not my fault to presume on the general's preferences. But the concubines also have true feelings for the general, so why not..."

Pei Madang's expression turned cold, and Feng Yun immediately took advantage of the situation. In other words, "Why don't you tell me directly, general, how can I be your counselor?"

Pei Man's eyes scanned her expression.

Serious, but disingenuous.

He asked coldly: "You said you swore a poisonous oath, what if Israel does something to others?"

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment before he realized that he was asking about the poisonous oath he said in the Chinese military tent that day, so he smiled.

"If you break this oath, my man will die a bad death!"

When the two people's eyes crossed, Feng Yun saw Pei Mad's Adam's apple rolling obviously, and the familiar sense of crisis suddenly rose. At that moment, her heart beat faster, but she heard Pei Mad's clear and cold command.

"Ao Qi!"

Today is a long chapter with more than 3,000 words. Love you, sisters, don’t forget to add it to your bookshelf, otherwise you may lose me~~

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