Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 9 Deer antler supplement

Ao Qi entered the tent and looked at the two people with strange expressions, with doubts on their faces.

But Pei Ran obviously had no intention of saying anything more. He took the helmet from the table and walked past Feng Yun expressionlessly, so coldly without any emotion.

"Take the people."

Ao Qi was no stranger to his uncle's temper, so he agreed, "Here."

Feng Yun didn't say anything. He followed the figure from behind and disappeared into the tent. His stiff body became active again, as if he had walked away from hell. He took a long breath and saluted Ao Qifu.

"Guard Lao Ao."

Ao Qi snorted, "The general is really partial to girls. If it were anyone else, if he violated military regulations twice, he would have received at least thirty military sticks."

Feng Yun: "When did I break the military rule twice?"

Ao Qi glanced at her quickly and said, "The first one is food, the second one is my concubine."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment and smiled without saying a word.

Ao Qi: "The general always drinks and eats with the soldiers at the same time. He doesn't open a single stove. He especially hates sending people to his room. Girls are really good at breaking taboos..."

He glanced at Feng Yun again and said dissatisfiedly: "I don't know what's so good about this girl, but she allowed the general to tolerate her again and again."

Feng Yun stopped hesitantly, raised his face and stared at him, "Don't you know, Guard Ao? Then take another look, can you look more carefully?"

Ao Qi suddenly bumped into her bright black eyes and looked into each other's eyes. His ears were burning. There were countless entanglements in his mind for no reason. He was so confused that he quickly held the knife and walked away, as if there was someone behind him. The ghost is chasing.

The young man's embarrassment caught Feng Yun's eyes and he couldn't help but laugh.

Fight with her!

No matter how bad it was, she would have lived two lifetimes.


Daman was detained in the guard camp, squatting on the ground like a rabbit, with red eyes, not daring to look at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun didn't say much and took her back to the camp.

Xiaoman and the other two maids have returned.

After escaping, several women cried and laughed.

Only Feng Yun remained silent and waited until Ao Qi's footsteps faded away before she quietly pushed the white-glazed lotus seed jar brought back from the Chinese military tent to Daman.

"Try it and see if the chicken still tastes the same."

Da Man knelt down with a bang, "Young lady, please punish me."

Feng Yun smiled: "Where did you go wrong?"

Da Man lowered his head in shame and looked embarrassed, "Before leaving the city, the Lord of the Palace repeatedly told Xiao Man and I to protect the girl Zhou Quan... The servant girl Hao Cao was born in a humble background and knew that it would be difficult to please the general. Only then did she I made my own decision and melted the velvet antler powder into the chicken soup..."

Feng Yun snorted coldly, "You underestimate Pei Madang too much."

If a mere can of chicken soup with velvet antler powder could make Pei Ran lose his sense of proportion, would he still be the feared General of Hell?


Xiaoman couldn't understand these meaningless words and looked at Feng Yun at a loss.

"Girl, sister...what's going on?"

Wen Hui and Ying Rong were both at the side. They pulled Xiao Man and shook their heads to signal her not to say anything.

Feng Yun did not shy away from it, and said slowly and calmly, "Deer antler nourishes the kidneys and strengthens yang, produces essence and blood. What did you say Sister You did?"

Then he turned to stare at Daman, "I asked you to deliver soup, not to deliver cheap!"

Daman trembled, and for a moment he had the illusion that he didn't recognize her.

Is this still the dull and meek Feng Twelve Niang from the Prefect's Mansion?

She was frightened in her heart and knelt down, "The servant is wrong. The servant should not take the initiative... But the servant did this for the sake of the girl. You and I are in the enemy camp, and our lives are uncertain. If I are lucky enough to ask for help, The general is happy, and from now on the girl no longer has to suffer in this smelly barracks..."

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, "What did I tell you before you left?"

Daman's throat was stuck and he didn't dare to look into Feng Yun's eyes.

"The girl asked the maid... to act with caution. If the general likes me, I will stay and wait in the tent... If the general has no intention, don't ask for trouble, flatter me or seduce..."

"Then what did you do and what did you say?" Feng Yun took the small scimitar she brought from Andu County in her hand and gently stroked the blade as if she cherished it very much.

Daman knocked his head on the ground, trembling with fear.

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes and said, "Say."

His lips were pouting, his cheeks were red, and he was speechless.

Xiaoman cried and knelt down, "Girl, please forgive me..."

"Get up!" Feng Yun threw the machete with a sullen face, and fell to the ground against Daman's forehead. She was so frightened that she screamed, knelt and crawled over to hug Feng Yun's legs.

"Girl, spare your life, girl, spare your life! The maid will never dare to do that again, never again."

Feng Yun's expression remained unchanged, "It is absolutely unacceptable for you to serve in front of me and betray your master."

Daman slumped to the ground in confusion, tears twitching at the corners of his mouth, "Girl, do you really have the heart to kill the maid? The maid used to be in the house... just because her facial features were very similar to the girl's, she was killed by Mrs. Chen. There are frustrations everywhere, and maids are also miserable people.”

After Xiaoman heard this, he begged for mercy with tears streaming down his face, "Sister is wrong, but she has good intentions, girl..."

Feng Yun brushed his knuckles on his knees and said calmly: "Don't be afraid. I won't kill her again after I rescue her, but listen carefully, you only have one chance, and you won't do it again."

Daman whimpered and kowtowed vigorously.

Feng Yun looked away tiredly, "Let's take a rest."

This night is destined to be sleepless.

Occasionally, there would be a crisp sound of footsteps from the patrols in the camp, combined with the whimpering of the night wind, which easily made Feng Yun fall into long and distant thoughts.

After her past life, Feng Yun didn't think she was still a chaste woman, and she wouldn't dream of keeping her chastity for anyone in such a chaotic time. Pei Jue was handsome and had a lot of troops under his command. He could protect her now, so there was nothing wrong with it.


She was the beloved of Li Sangruo, the queen mother of Jin. Sleeping with him was a big pit of fire, and she found it troublesome.

Moreover, she didn't want these in her life.

She didn't want to rack her brains with other women to compete with men for the little bit of favor that could be withdrawn at any time.

It was also after she understood this truth that she had a new understanding of Li Sangruo.

A young harem woman, surrounded by wolves, had to support her young son to ascend the throne and rule the country in the name of the queen mother. How could she not have the ability to control people's hearts?

With such an ability, what else should Li Sangruo have?

Pei Cong fought desperately outside, his horse hooves trampled over countless bones, wasn't it just to protect her and her son's kingdom?

He loved her!

Feng Yun laughed in the dark night.

Let the fortune teller's fourteen-character motto die!

Why did she have to be so short-lived? Why couldn't she make a smooth life as a female captive other than serving in the emperor's bedchamber after being deserted by her friends and relatives?

Why couldn't she walk among the flowers without getting a single leaf on her body?

Maybe she was thinking too much, and she came back to her senses when she heard someone shouting in the dead of night, "Call the Puyang doctor to come quickly."

Was the Puyang doctor Puyang Jiu?

The camp called him in the middle of the night, could it be that Daman's can of deer antlers had gone wrong?

She only drank a small half bowl of the chicken soup in the can, and the rest went into Pei Cong's stomach.

Feng Yun got up and tried to walk around the maid sleeping at the door and tiptoe out...

"Girl?" Xiaoman opened her eyes in a daze.

"Shh..." Feng Yun shook her head to signal her to be quiet, "I'll go out and take a look."

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