Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 10 Returning a Favor

The crows are quiet in the cold mountains.

Feng Yun came out and faced the moonlight at the martial arts training ground.

Pei Ran had been practicing for an unknown amount of time. Sweat covered his naked upper body. The bulging muscle lines seemed to contain huge tenacity. Under the dim moonlight, they exuded an unspeakable wildness.

He was precise and quick, his body soared like an eagle hunting, his spear danced like a tiger and a tiger, and he picked out sparks from the boulder in the training ground...

This moonlight!

It’s really heart-breaking.

"Hiss..." A low gasp sounded from behind.

Feng Yun turned around and saw Xiaoman and Daman huddled by the tent, staring at her with wide eyes...

No, look past her and stare at Pei Madang on the training ground.

Want bad things! Feng Yun was shocked.

Sure enough, I saw the man's posture suddenly stopped, as if he noticed something, and suddenly turned his head to look this way...

Beads of sweat slid down his brow.

The dark eyes were fierce, wild and had an indescribable coldness.

Feng Yun was a little lucky that there was no light on her side.

She could see Pei Ran clearly.

Pei Ran couldn't see them.

After a moment of pause, there was light moving beside the martial arts training ground. Thinking that Puyang Jiu had arrived, Pei Manang inserted his spear into the weapon rack, put on his robe and returned to the camp, leaving only a stern figure behind...

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief, glared at Daman and Xiaoman, held his heart in his hands, and waited for a long time before going back to continue dreaming.


In the Chinese army tent, Puyang Jiu stared at Pei Madang's red eyes under the light, and was so frightened that he almost turned around and left.

"Do you think this is cannibalism?"

Pei Man leaned on the hard table, one leg stretched out, big beads of sweat rolled down from his strong chin, and his breath could not calm down for a long time...

Rough and low breath.

There was murderous intent in his eyes.

Puyang Jiu knelt down and took his pulse.

"The yang is extremely strong, so you must have taken some warming and tonic medicine! What's going on? Didn't I tell you repeatedly not to take supplements? You have too much to save, so why should you take supplements?"

Pei Madang pursed his lips and looked at him for a moment, "I was accidentally fooled by a villain."

"Is this happening?" Puyang Jiu looked incredulous, "Who dares to disturb Tai Sui? If you name his name, I would like Three Sticks of Qingxiang to worship him as your teacher!"

Pei Ran's face dropped coldly, and the irritability in his eyes could no longer be suppressed.

Seeing this, Puyang Jiu smiled in his eyes as if he thought of something.

"Is it that Feng girl? No wonder..."

He was a popular medical officer in Zhongjing. He had played so much in Shilihuachang that he wished he could teach him step by step.

"You will be punished by God if you don't enjoy the good fortune. You are as good-looking as those who put on makeup and makeup..."

"Puyang Jiu!"

"I'm sorry." Pu Yangjiu shook his head and chuckled: "With such a beautiful moonlight, I could have eaten some good food, but I had to take medicine... That's all, take a bath first, and then do acupuncture, you can solve it too What a great night’s sleep.”

Hearing his verbosity, Pei Madang frowned impatiently.

"Get out of here quickly!"

"Huh? Burning bridges across the river?" Puyang Jiuyi didn't react for a while.

"Want to stay and soak together?" Pei Ran asked back.

"No need, no need, just do it yourself, do it yourself."

Puyang Jiu's expression changed as if he had seen a ghost.

Then he bent down and saluted, and walked as fast as the wind.

Bathing in the camp was not pleasant enough. Puyang Jiu once went down the river with Pei Ran regardless of life or death... That only experience had a great impact and hurt on him. The Puyang medical officer was so proud in front of General Pei. The little witch saw the big witch and never dared to take off his clothes in front of him again.

At dawn, Ao Qi waited outside the tent.

Not far away, sixteen concubines wept and sat on a flatbed truck, not knowing where they were being taken...

Ao Qi saw that she looked good, so she stepped forward and cupped her hands, "Congratulations, girl."

Feng Yun bowed and returned the courtesy, "Did the general agree with me to be a counselor?"

Ao Qi didn't expect that she was still thinking about this matter. She held the waist knife in her arms boringly, her expression was not good-looking, and her voice was lazy, as if she hadn't woken up.

"There are no women left in the Beiyong Army camp. In order to avoid shaking the morale of the army, the general has ordered the girls to be sent to Andu County. As for them..."

After saying that, he curled his lips and hummed softly, "Bless yourself."

Feng Yun was not surprised.

Pei Madang was very strict in running the army, but he sent them all away in such a hurry, not only for this reason, but also because he was preparing for the war in Xinzhou...

There will be a fierce battle sooner or later between Pei Madang and Xiao Cheng.

On the way out of the camp, Feng Yun once again received the attention of the soldiers.

No matter what she and Pei Ran thought, in the eyes of the Beiyong Army officers and men, it was almost certain that she was the general's concubine.

When the donkey cart landed at the prefecture of Andu County, Feng Yun opened the curtains. Before he could see the door clearly, an old woman with gray hair stumbled over, hugged her and shed tears.

"Twelve mothers, old servant's twelve mothers..."

"Grandma..." Feng Yun patted her back gently, slowly and softly, but his heart was like a tidal wave.

Grandma Han is the wet nurse of Feng Yun's biological mother, Lu Sanniang.

She breastfeeds Da Lu Sanniang with one hand, and takes care of Da Feng Yun with the other. She is an old man whom Feng Yun treats as a relative.

In her previous life, Grandma Han died in a prison in Andu City. Although Feng Yun once begged Pei Madang to let her live, but how ruthless Pei Madang was, they never even saw each other for the last time...

Now that grandma appeared before her eyes again, how could she not be excited?

"Don't cry, grandma, don't cry, am I back?"

Grandma Han did not expect that she would meet her girl alive one day. She looked at Feng Yun up and down, tears streaming down her face.

"Just come back, just come back in one piece. Your father is not a good man. He pushed his own daughter into the fire pit..."

She glanced at Ao Qi and several guards who were standing with their swords in hand, and then lowered her voice slightly.

"The girl over there... didn't suffer, did she?"

Feng Yun shook his head gently, "Grandma, let's go back to the house to talk."

The master and servant entered the house hand in hand.

Feng Yun discovered that except for the warehouse, study room and public room in the front hall that were burned down by Feng Jingting, the rest of the prefecture remained the same.

Especially in her boudoir, it was no different from when she left. The clothes and ornaments were all placed in their original places, just as they were before. The years had been quiet, as if there had never been an incident involving enemy troops entering the city.

Feng Yun sat down with Granny Han to reminisce about old times, and he couldn't help but sigh when he heard her talk about what happened in the chaotic days when the Beiyong Army entered the city.

"Grandma, why are you waiting for me at the house?"

"It was the prison guard who sent the old servant back. The old servant guessed it at that time..." Grandma Han stared at her, and her tears suddenly started to flow even more fiercely. She wiped them with a handkerchief again and again, but she still couldn't stop sobbing. She cried and said: "The Twelve Mothers are beautiful and can save grandma, but I am afraid that she has fallen into the clutches of the King of Hell."

Devil's claw? Feng Yun blinked and smoothed Grandma Han's messy hair with her fingers to hold back her smile.

"It's okay. It's all over. My grandma and I are still alive. There is hope for those who are alive."

Grandma Han listened to what she said calmly, and then she carefully observed the girl in front of her, and discovered the strange things that she had ignored -

Something about the girl had changed.

But he is still the same person, except that his eyes are darker and brighter, and his expression is calmer, but there is no other difference.

After a person has experienced such a big thing, it is normal for him to change.

Grandma Han convinced herself, immersed in the joy of reunion, and asked Feng Yun to rest and make tea by herself.

Ao Qi came here at this time.

He seemed to still be thinking about what Feng Yun had teased him before, and handed Feng Yun a roster with a dissatisfied face.

"The general said that the old man of the prefecture should be dealt with by the girl."

Feng Yun took it and inspected it, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

On the list were the officials and servants of the prefecture who had not had time to flee south with Feng Jingting. They are not Feng Jingting's confidants, they can also be regarded as people abandoned by Feng Jingting and Mrs. Chen.

In the previous life, these people were like Grandma Han. After Feng Jingting fled south, they were sent to Andu County Prison and all of them were killed.

All the people who died are still alive.

Things that never happened in the previous life are happening now.

Obviously, Pei Madang was looking at her higher now.

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, rolled up his sleeves, rubbed ink, and wrote a letter to Ao Qi.

"Please report this to the general. Top secret!"

Whether it was saying that she was reciprocating a favor or a favor, she clearly told Pei Madang a shocking conspiracy in the letter.

Xiao Cheng wants to rebel!

Gathering half a million troops from the Southern Qi Dynasty to resist the Northern Yong Army was just the prelude to his plan.

When Andu fell, she took the opportunity to raise troops and teamed up with her uncle Feng Jingyao, who was the minister, to force the incompetent Qi Emperor Xiao Jue to abdicate. This was Xiao Sanlang's real purpose and the biggest benefit of Feng Xiao's marriage...

That day was at the beginning of autumn.

After Ao Qi left, Feng Yun knelt and sat on the mat in front of the window, drinking tea, watching the sycamore trees in the courtyard swaying in the breeze, and listening to Grandma Han scolding Feng Jingting and stepmother Chen. His thoughts were unknowingly taken to another part of the Huai River. aside...

"Xiao Lang, I'm here to trouble you..."

You must sit firmly on the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Plan just like you did in your previous life.

She thought that it would be much happier to seize his empire with her own hands and kick his throne than to see him lose to Xiao Jue, a drunken and drunken man, right?

It’s the second update today~~

The book is still very new, so let’s take our time and not be in a hurry.

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