Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 11 The Queen Mother's Hand

The next day, it was sunny, and Feng Yun was going to go to the prison.

She had few useful people around her, so she would definitely accept Pei Jue's reward.


The old people in the mansion died very early in their previous lives, and many of their appearances and names were already vague in their memories, let alone their personalities, which ones could be used for their own use, and which ones were Chen's accomplices...

"Let's wait and see." Feng Yun thought, and asked Xiaoman to help her dress up.

She was dressed plainly when she left the mansion that day, but today she was in a very good mood, and she changed into a straight-hem deep gown and a graceful fairy skirt, and the temperament and elegance of a noble lady from an aristocratic family blossomed.

Outside Meixiang Pavilion, Ao Qi was waiting.

Looking at the girl approaching, she couldn't help but hold her breath.

Feng Yun bowed and saluted, "Thank you, Guard Ao, for leading the way."

Ao Qi returned the salute, his cheeks burning, and he was a little absent-minded.

The prison was in the southwest corner of the county government, not very far away, but Ao Qi sniffed the faint fragrance and felt that this was the most tormenting journey he had ever walked.

It was not that he had never seen a beautiful woman before, but Feng Shier Niang was very different. He dared not look at her, dared not get close to her, dared not blaspheme her, and his muscles would tense up uncontrollably when he was with her. Last night, he was even so excited that he had a dream about her...

This is very dangerous.

Ao Qi wanted to return to the camp as soon as possible, leave the county government, and leave the terrible Feng Shier Niang...

"Stop!" A sharp shout interrupted Ao Qi's wild thoughts.

Looking up, he saw that the prison had arrived.

Two guards stopped Feng Yun who was walking in front.

"What are you doing?"

Ao Qi suddenly felt unhappy.

How could any bastard give face to the girl of the Feng family?

Ao Qi took out his badge, "According to the order of the general, the prison is here to arrest someone. Hurry up and lead the way!"

In this world, if you have hundreds or thousands of people under your command, you dare to call yourself a general. There are countless generals in the world, but there is only one first-rank general in the entire Jin Dynasty.

The guard looked at Ao Qi's defiant eyes, smiled twice, and turned back with a panicked expression-

The door opened.

A white-faced, beardless man who looked like a eunuch walked out of the inner room. He was about 30 years old, with a gloomy expression, walking slowly, with a few attendants, and was domineering.

"Her Majesty the Queen Mother ordered that all the prisoners in the prison in Andu County be taken to Zhongjing for questioning. They must set off immediately without delay."

His voice was high-pitched and hoarse, which made people feel uncomfortable. The pair of eyes that looked at Feng Yun were even more malicious.

"Are you Feng's daughter?"

After two lives, Feng Yun was already very good at reading people's faces.

She had seen this eunuch before. He was the one who served Li Sangruo. His surname was Fang. He had embarrassed Feng Yun many times in his previous life. Obviously, he was not very likable in this life.

Feng Yun smiled and bowed, "I am the daughter of the Feng family in Xuzhou. I am honored to meet you, sir."

Her posture was very dignified. At first glance, the etiquette and rules were taught by aristocratic families, and it was hard to find fault with her.

Seeing the girl from aristocratic families fall to this point, the contempt in the eyes of Eunuch Fang was almost undisguised, "I heard that you are favored by the general? You flatter and bewitch him, so that the general repeatedly makes exceptions for you?"

Feng Yun was slightly surprised.

Li Sangruo couldn't hold back?

In her previous life, when she first came to serve Pei Jue, the queen mother had no reaction.

This time, Pei Jue didn't touch her, but sent his confidant to send her back to Andu, and rewarded her with people from the prefectural government. It was clear that his grace was greater.

So, Li Sangruo was so anxious to take action, because she was afraid that Pei Jue would fall in love with her?

Women really can't have feelings, otherwise, even someone as powerful as Li Sangruo would not be confident.

Feng Yun sighed in her heart and said calmly:

"Who is the general? How could he be deceived by a woman? Are you insulting the general or the queen mother?"

"How dare you!" Eunuch Fang was retorted by her, his face was extremely ugly.

"Daughter of the Feng family, you are a lowly concubine, how dare you question Her Majesty the Queen Mother?"

"I am questioning the eunuch."

"To question our family is to question Her Majesty the Queen Mother!"

"If you hit me in the face, you are hitting the general in the face."

Feng Yun's righteous words made Eunuch Fang feel cold in his heart, and he couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

This girl has a full chest and a thin waist, tall and flexible, and her demeanor is particularly moving.

What's more amazing is that her figure seems dignified, but in fact she is charming inside. She is the kind of noble beauty that men love the most, and they will have the desire to possess her at first sight.

The eunuch who was castrated was also a man. He was surprised to find that this woman was more attractive than all the concubines he had seen in the palace for more than ten years.

It was going to be a disaster!

Before coming to An Du, he thought that the queen mother was too suspicious...

Now it seems that the queen mother is the queen mother, and she has insight.

If such a demon is not eliminated, I am afraid that General Pei will have to hand it over to others.

Eunuch Fang straightened his expression and added a bit of cruelty, "Since the daughter of the Feng family does not know what is good for her, then take her back to Zhongjing and wait for the Queen Mother to decide."

He waved his hand and called the guards to come and catch people.

However, two eunuchs were about to surround him, and Ao Qi drew his sword from the side.

Without saying a word, he hacked and killed directly. The lightning speed stabbed the eunuch who had no time to dodge, and he screamed while covering his arm...

Then, Ao Qi pulled Feng Yun behind him, grabbed another person with his long arms, and pushed Eunuch Fang back, causing him to stagger back and scream like a pig being slaughtered on the door railing.

"How dare you! Guard Ao disobey orders?"

Ao Qi snorted: "I am following the orders of the general."

Eunuch Fang was furious, "I want to take him away today, what do you think?"

Ao Qi raised the saber, pointed it at Eunuch Fang's face, and thrust it across, "I'll kill you!"

It was a slender ring-headed knife, with a thick back but a sharp blade. It had drank blood on the battlefield. It didn't hesitate at all when killing people. It was steady and accurate. It cut off a bunch of Eunuch Fang's hair just right without being fatal. .

"Ao Qi!"

Eunuch Fang's eyes widened in disbelief. He held his scalp and watched the blood flowing from his fingers. He was so frightened that he stammered on the spot.

"You, do you have the Queen Mother in your eyes, do you have the king's law?"

Ao Qi frowned and glanced at his beloved sword. He probably felt that it was unlucky, so he wiped it on Eunuch Fang unhappily, with an extremely arrogant expression.

"The general is in charge of Andu County, and the words of the general are the law of Andu County."

Eunuch Fang's face turned blue and white for a while. He was filled with hatred, but he was helpless.

Pei Madang's group of guards are all very aggressive and fierce. Human life is nothing more than child's play in their eyes. They will kill at will when they are in a hurry.

And in today's troubled times, imperial power may not be greater than military power. Even the Queen Mother and the Prime Minister have to take Pei Man's face into consideration.

What's more, the Queen Mother has a deep love for Pei Madang. If the trouble becomes too ugly, he will be the one who is the unlucky one.

Eunuch Fang looked at his bloody palms, relaxed his clenched teeth, and put on a smile.

"Our family has been ordered to run an errand, and we ask Guard Ao to show his kindness..."

Ao Qi rolled his eyes and said arrogantly, "I don't care whether you live or die." "When the general rules, you must follow the general's rules. My father-in-law cannot take away the people I want."

Eunuch Fang's blood rushed to his head, "Guard Ao..."

"You two!" Feng Yun watched the battle for a long time. Seeing that the fire was almost done, he gave Ao Qi a comforting look, smoothed his hair, and then bent down to salute Fang Gonggong.

"The little girl has a compromise, father-in-law, why don't you listen to it?"

Fang Gongzheng was unable to move forward or retreat, so he heard the voice and said, "How do you want to treat me?"

Feng Yun said: "I will take away some of the people from the prefect's mansion and leave some to my father-in-law. It will be easier for you and Guard Ao to get along with you."

Her tone was soft and her posture gentle, but her words had an irresistible power.

The light in the prison was dim, the ground was damp, and it smelled of mildew.

Most of the people imprisoned here today are those who once governed this city or guarded the prison. Officials who had no time to escape, including officials, defenders, and family members, filled the prison to the brim. The sounds of scolding, spitting, begging, and crying were particularly terrifying in the gloomy prison, like the underworld.

Feng Jingting burned down the granary and pretended to surrender. They suffered misfortune and became scapegoats.

So when I saw Feng Jingting's daughter, I naturally hated her very much.

Feng Yun walked through it with an indifferent expression.

She is not a Bodhisattva and cannot save so many people. This is the tragic disaster of war. No matter how much anger and hatred, everyone has to die.

The officials and servants of the prefecture were imprisoned in the C-shaped prison. Men and women watched eagerly as Feng Yun approached. Some people cried in surprise, while some people who usually followed Mrs. Chen and were extremely mean to Feng Yun were frightened. Courage...

Feng Yun stood still and looked at the strange and familiar faces in the prison.

"Everyone has suffered due to this accident. I am here today to take you away. But before leaving, there are a few things that I want to understand first..."

Everyone responded, their eyes all falling on Feng Yun.

This was not the first time they had seen Fu Jun's eldest daughter, but these smiling but cold eyes were very unfamiliar to her, as if she was a different person.

"Mrs. Chen took advantage of her mother's family's influence and secretly communicated with the eldest brother. She wanted to take my place and betrothed Feng Ying to Xiao Sanlang. Anyone who knows the situation should stand on the left."

"Mrs. Chen is harsh on the people of Meixiang Pavilion, and allows her servants to bully me. Anyone who knows, please stand on the left."

"Mrs. Chen let it out, saying that Feng Twelfth Mother had suffered from hysteria since she was a child. Her words and deeds were frivolous, frivolous, and she had no boudoir manners. She was unfit to be betrothed to Xiao San... Anyone who knows, please stand on the left."

Feng Yun asked about many old things, his tone was calm and his intention was unclear.

But every time she said something, someone stood to the left.

They were thinking in their hearts that Twelfth Mother would definitely inquire carefully if she wanted to inquire about these things. As long as they exposed the evil deeds of their former master, they could take credit and please the new master...

Unexpectedly, after Feng Yun finished asking and counted the number of people, he only showed a satisfied smile.

"Okay. The people on the left will be taken away by Eunuch Fang for questioning. The people on the right will leave with me."

Eunuch Fang: "???"

He vaguely felt that something was not good, but the matter was at this point and he had no other choice but to glance at Feng Yun with a cold face and call the guards to come and take him into custody.


There was loud crying in the cell.

Only then did they realize that Feng Yun was seeking revenge, but they could only watch as she took those ignorant people away, crying and begging for mercy, or cursing and scolding her.

Feng Yun was unmoved.

These people are either Chen's accomplices or villains.

Even if Eunuch Fang doesn't come, she won't be polite. Now that Eunuch Fang does it for her, it saves her trouble...

Eunuch Fang: Thank you!

Feng Yun: It’s my turn to thank you!

Ao Qi:? ? ? No one thanks me?

Li Sangruo gritted his teeth: Let me thank you!

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