Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 12 Rectifying the Old Mansion

After leaving the prison, Feng Yunzhuang asked Ao Qi unconsciously.

"What will happen to the prisoners when they are taken to Zhongjing?"

Ao Qi was still thinking about how Eunuch Fang looked as if he had eaten a fly and was unable to spit it out, so he responded happily.

"Judgment based on crime. Those who deserve to be killed will be killed, and those who cannot be killed will be surrendered and recruited into the army to supplement troops and build fortifications, or be given as slaves to princes and nobles..."

Feng Yun asked: "What happened today won't cause trouble for the general, right?"

Ao Qi did not hear the temptation in her words and sneered, "Our Emperor of Jin Dynasty is only four years old. Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother comes to court and has complete trust in our General. I think in the beginning, if the General hadn't supported him with all his strength, , I still don’t know who is sitting on the Jinluan chair..."

Ao Qi suddenly stopped.

He realized that he had talked too much, and seeing that Feng Yun looked calm and didn't seem to take it seriously, he touched the bridge of his nose and changed the topic.

"Girl, you can rest assured. Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother is kind-hearted and will never embarrass the general over such a trivial matter, let alone listen to the slanderous talk of that surnamed Fang."

Feng Yun looked sideways and smiled, "Is the Queen Mother beautiful? How beautiful is she?"

Ao Qi smiled softly at the girl, and his heart felt like being hit by a heavy object. He was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses. He was annoyed that he couldn't speak in detail, so he hummed angrily, "The country is beautiful and fragrant, and the country is beautiful. Anyway, it is more beautiful than the girl." . There is no one in front of our general’s tent who does not admire Her Majesty the Queen Mother.”

Feng Yun asked: "Do you admire me?"

Ao Qi: "Of course."

Feng Yun asked, "General, do you admire me?"

Ao Qi couldn't answer this and was a little embarrassed for a moment.

"What does it have to do with you? Ask those many people."

It’s so funny! Feng Yun knew that the future General Xiao Ao would be thin-skinned, smile and walk in front of him.

Ao Qi looked at the slender waist and slender back, his throat moved strangely, and he slapped himself in the face.

"How can I compare Her Majesty the Queen Mother to a concubine? She deserves death."

The servants brought them back to the house, and Feng Yun ordered them to go down and wash up before going to the front hall to listen to the training.

Half an hour later, Feng Yun changed his clothes and walked over.

The hall had been cleaned, and the maid placed the tea at the lower position where Feng Yun used to sit at home.

Feng Yun glanced at it, and without changing his expression, he dragged his skirt and walked to the main seat at the top to take a seat.

"Bring it up."

The maid didn't dare to raise her head, "Here."

Towards noon, the weather became gloomy again, and the dense light fell on Feng Yun's porcelain-white cheeks, casting a cold halo that made people dare not look further.

Twelve Niang's momentum was actually more powerful than that of Fujun.

Regardless of her identity as the eldest daughter of the Feng family or Pei Madang's beloved concubine, no one dared to look down upon her.

After a while, everyone came and the whole room was filled with people kneeling and sitting neatly.

"Since my master sacrificed me, burned the food and fled, I have no friendship with the Xuzhou Feng family. The past with you has also been wiped out. There is no Xuzhou Feng family here, only I, Andu Feng Yun."

Feng Yun's voice was gentle, but his words were firm and powerful.

Everyone sighed inwardly and bowed anxiously.

"The servants are waiting for orders."

A beam of light shines through the window.

Feng Yun turned his head calmly.

It seemed as if he saw Feng Yun standing in the light and shadow with a lowered eyebrow, and he also bowed to her quietly.

A sudden feeling of sadness slipped through my heart subtly.

This is the joy of rebirth.

In such troubled times, men may not be reliable, but they can survive as long as they have people under their command, food in the warehouse, money and fists.

What Feng Yun ignored in her previous life must be found again in this life. She must slowly build her own steel frame.

She added: "From now on, please keep your eyes brighter, be more diligent, and work together with me to create a family business. I will not treat you badly. If you don't listen to orders and act recklessly, don't blame me for being unkind."

All the servants bowed in unison: "Here."

Next, Feng Yun reassigned errands to everyone in an orderly manner, and also changed some of the names given by Mrs. Chen.

For example, she changed the "Meixiang Pavilion" where she used to live to "Changmenyuan", and she also took down the door plaque and couplets of the "Prefect's Mansion" and sealed them, erasing the traces of the past with one stroke.

The whole house was busy, sweeping and cleaning, everything was in order.

But the news Feng Yun wanted didn't come. I wonder how Pei Ran would react when he received her letter...

Furthermore, with so many mouths in the house, food rations are a big problem.

The small donkey cart that Feng Yun brought to Beiyong Army was brought back, but for so many people in the house, it was just a drop in the bucket.

Feng Jingting burned all the food stored in the house, leaving only ruins. The servants cleaned up for two days but couldn't find anything edible.

It has been sunny for two consecutive days, and Andu County is very hot.

Corn porridge makes people's faces shine, and eating it every day is very unappetizing.

But even these are not much, and they can't be eaten for a few days. Dozens of people in the whole house are eagerly counting on Feng Yun.

It is not easy to be the head of a household.

Feng Yun got up early, pulled back his hair, changed into men's robes, and left the house with a few servants.

Andu County is an important road connecting the north and the south. It leads directly to Qi State in the south and the neutral country Yunchuan to the west. It is a proper military fortress. Therefore, Feng Jingting surrendered to the city and broke the last string of Qi State, which forced Xiao Jue to Xiao Cheng, the king of Jingling, was appointed.

Before the war between the two countries, Andu County was connected in all directions, with traders from various countries coming and going, and it was very lively. The people lived and worked in peace and contentment, but now the situation is very different.

The city was closed, and the only people walking on the streets were soldiers, and the city was in a state of depression.

The rural houses outside the city were even more desolate and desolate. The crops were scattered on the ground after the heavy rain, and there was no smoke from the farmhouses. At a glance, the world was desolate, and there was not a single wild cat or dog.

"Those who could escape had already escaped, and those who had nowhere to escape were all hungry. It is difficult to live in Andu County anymore..."

The world was in chaos, and people were eating each other. In the troubled times, starving people were everywhere.

Feng Yun dug out a lot of money that Feng Jingting could not take away from the ruins of the warehouse, and piled them up in piles, but it was useless. At present, food is comparable to gold, and coins have lost their credibility. People have to barter.

Feng Yun took a donkey cart to travel a long way before returning home.

As soon as he entered the Changmen Courtyard, Grandma Han came in with a jar of steaming rabbit meat soup. The rabbit cubes were cut thinner than fingers, cooked with some rice, and sprinkled with a few chopped green onions, the aroma was tempting.

Xiaoman's stomach growled.

She hadn't eaten good food for a long time, so she swallowed her saliva greedily and stretched her neck to look.

"Grandma, where did the rabbit come from?"

Grandma Han smiled and said, "The girl left the house and the turtle brought it back. The rabbit is a little thin, but it's just right for cooking soup."

She bent down and put the rabbit meat soup in a plain glazed white porcelain bowl and placed it on the food table.

"I don't know where Aozai got it. The old servant has tried it with silver chopsticks. You can eat it with peace of mind, girl."

The soup in the white porcelain bowl is very tempting. Xiaoman is young and brave. She stares at it, as if she wants to reach out a spoon. "Xiaoman wants to taste the saltiness for you..."

Grandma Han scolded her, "Greedy slave, can you eat this?"

She urged Feng Yun lovingly, "Girl, eat it while it's hot, so as not to spoil the little hooves..."

Changmen Courtyard has also added people now. In addition to Daman and Xiaoman, there are four maids, Huan'er, Zhuier, Zhu'er, and Pei'er. Each of them is eager and eager.

Feng Yun picked up Aozai, who was hiding by the wooden couch and licking his mouth, and gently touched his head. Then he put him on the mat and knelt down in front of the food table calmly.

"I've thought about it. Not only do we need to raise food, but Andu County must also restore people's livelihood as soon as possible."

The war between Jin and Qi will not last forever. Andu County is in such an advantageous geographical location that it will recover sooner or later. If you want to get rich, you need to make plans early...

She thought deeply, and Han Granny was frightened when she heard her thoughts.

"Girl, don't let your imagination run wild. It's not easy for women to survive in this world... In my opinion, if General Pei is willing to treat the girl well and give her a name, it will be a good future..."

Feng Yun smiled, "Grandma, I have my own ideas."

What ideas do you have? Can a little girl turn out food?

Han Granny saw that her face was calm and she had a kind of self-confidence that she didn't know how high the sky was and how deep the earth was, and she was very worried.

"The girl has a high character. If the general is unwilling to give her a name, she can't live... Then why don't we find an opportunity to escape back to Qi or live in Yunchuan. With the girl's talent and appearance, there is no worry about not finding a good husband..."

After all, she had to rely on a man.

Feng Yun knew that the old lady meant well, but she had already tasted enough of the pain of relying on men, blaming men and hating men in her previous life.

In this life, she didn't want to hand her life over to someone else again.

Feng Yun drank a bowl of rabbit meat soup silently and didn't use it anymore. The rest was rewarded to the servants of Changmenyuan.

"Xiaoman, find Alou, I have something important to tell you."

Have a nice weekend~~

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