Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 13: Embarrassing Teenagers

Alou is now the chief steward in front of Feng Yun.

A small errand boy who used to be distrusted by the Lord of the Mansion suddenly gained the favor of the new master. He was full of energy and held his chest high wherever he went, wishing to immediately make a great contribution for the new master.

Therefore, after receiving Feng Yun's order, he led his men out of the mansion in a swagger.

Ao Qi sent people to follow him and found that Alou went to the South Tower of Huayuejian, and his handsome face turned red.

Before arriving in Andu County, Ao Qi heard that Huayuejian was the largest entertainment place in Andu County.

"The North Tower practices female prostitutes, and the South Tower cultivates male prostitutes." At that time, several brothers in the army joked that Ao Qi had the heroic and beautiful appearance of the young man in the South Tower of Huayuejian, and he was beaten by him.

Ao Qi was shocked for a moment after receiving the news, and then he felt that Feng Shier Niang was very indecent, but he couldn't help but sneak a peek at her, and his ears couldn't help but flush and heat, and he felt an indescribable weirdness and embarrassment in his heart.

He deliberately didn't think about the absurd dream at night...

He told himself to keep an eye on her for his uncle.

Feng Ayun can only be his uncle's person.

After such a brainstorming, Ao Qi was a little restless. After lunch, he just arrived at Changmen Courtyard for duty, and the guard Ye Chuang who lived with him came over, picking his teeth and calling him in a nondescript way.

"Ao Qi, did you pee last night? What did you get on the bed?"

Ao Qi's ears buzzed, his face flushed, and he wanted to kill someone to silence him, "What are you talking about?"

Ye Chuang narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Then you were drawing a marching map on the bed in the middle of the night?"

"You..." Ao Qi's blood was boiling, he stepped forward to strangle him and dragged him to the corner, panting anxiously, "Don't talk nonsense! I can't stand the heat, I sweated all night, I will clean it later."

Ye Chuang winked and bumped him with his elbow, "Xiao Qi has grown up and wants a new wife!"

"Ye Chuang!" Ao Qi was so anxious that the whole world was about to collapse, his body was extremely tense, and mottled light and shadow fell on the handsome face that was red like liver, full of youthful irritability and tension.

"Brother, please forgive me. I will treat you to a drink after the shift today."

Unable to explain, he began to beg for mercy.

Ye Chuang shook his head violently, smiled with his eyes bent, deliberately angering him

"I won't drink alcohol. Xiao Qi is so hot-tempered. If I get drunk, I'm afraid you will do it to me and my chastity will be lost..."

"Asshole, let me see how I tear your mouth apart..."

Ye Chuang dodged with a giggle and shouted at Feng Yun's stained glass window, "Girl, Ao Qi..."

Ao Qi was so angry that he strangled his waist and pressed him against the wall, then covered his mouth tightly. Ye Chuang laughed wildly and twisted his body...

The two of them pushed and shoved against the wall and made a mess.

Just at this time, Zuo Zhong came back from the Beiyong Army camp and coughed heavily when he saw this.

Ao Qi and Ye Chuang looked at each other, quickly let go of each other's arms, and greeted them as if nothing had happened, "Does the general have any orders?"

Zuo Zhong glanced at the expressions of the two, "Where is the girl?"

Feng Yun was staring at the window in a trance. When he heard the report, he put down the teacup and invited them in.

After just one look, she frowned, "Is Guard Ao sick?"

Ao Qi's cheeks were flushed, and he hurriedly wiped his forehead with his sleeve, looking around, "It's so hot today."

Ye Chuang was trying to hold back his laughter, and almost got a stitch in the side.

Feng Yun found that the two of them were strange, and didn't ask much, just looked at Zuo Zhong.

"Thank you for the trip, Guard Zuo, but do you have any news about the general?"

Zuo Zhong took out a folded yellow paper from his sleeve and handed it over.

This kind of paper is commonly used in official documents in the Dajin army. Feng Yun had seen it countless times in her previous life, but she had never seen one written by Pei Jue to her. She immediately felt emotional and fresh. She patiently observed for a moment before slowly unfolding it.

"I know about your letter."

These four simple words were written by a military general.

It's not that Pei Jue didn't write well. On the contrary, his pen was vigorous, iron-like and silver-like, and there was a kind of power that could be seen through the back of the paper, but through the paper, it seemed that one could also feel the solemnity and indifference of the person.

Feng Yun looked up and asked Zuo Zhong, "General, do you have any other instructions?"

Ao Qi also came over eagerly, "Yes, did the general tell me when I should return to the camp?"

Southern Qi claimed to gather 500,000 troops for a counterattack, and the Great Jin was about to face a fierce battle. Ao Qi was so excited that his blood was boiling. He wanted to go to the battlefield, not to stay with a girl all day.

Zuo Zhong paused, lowered his eyes and said, "The general said that he would come to see the girl after the beginning of autumn."

Feng Yun smiled.

After the beginning of autumn, it means that Pei Cong read her letter.

Why did he come to see her? Zuo Zhong didn't say, but everything was clear.

Pei Cong sent her to Andulai, lived in the original house, and returned her servants to her. Was it to get a counselor? Of course not.

General Pei coveted her body.

The sleeping beast roared in his heart, and Feng Yun's cheeks became slightly hot.

Not shame, not anger, but loss.

Didn't Pei Jue see that she had worked so hard to come up with such important information about the enemy? Was the only way out for a woman to sleep with him?

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, asked Pei'er to grind the ink, took out a piece of plum blossom wood tablet she had made by hand from the drawer, rolled up her sleeves and picked up the pen.

"I will raise food and grass for your army, in exchange for the general treating me as a counselor, how about that?"

Zuo Zhong left with the wood tablet, and Ao Qi trotted out in two steps, tugged and gestured with him for a long time, as if he was very anxious, and didn't know what to say, and looked back at the window where Feng Yun was from time to time.

After a long while, he came back dejectedly, stood under the eaves and looked at the sky, like a resentful woman waiting for her return.

Feng Yun pushed the window open and asked him, "Did Guard Ao go to report me?"

Ao Qi held his sword in both hands and squinted at her with some disdain, "If a girl dares to do it, she shouldn't be afraid of what others say."

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing, "What did I do?"

Ao Qi blushed, "I can't say it, girl, take care of yourself."

Hmm? Seeing his angry look, Feng Yun smiled and shook his head.

Zuo Zhong didn't come back empty-handed, he also brought two carts of food. In addition to corn, there were also red taro that Feng Yun brought back last time, all piled in the side room of the gate.

Several servants were happily moving food, and Feng Yun was stunned.

It turned out that receiving food from others would be so happy.

Then if she raised a large amount of military food for Pei Jue, why would he refuse to accept it?

When it was dark, Chang Dacai, who had gone out with A Lou, came back limping.

After dismissing the people around him, Chang Dacai reported to Feng Yun with a pale face.

"Girl, Manager Lou won't come back."

Feng Yun asked, "What does the other party want?"

Chang Dacai was surprised to see that his master looked normal, as if he had expected it.

He bowed and saluted, "I went to Huayuejian with Manager Lou, and asked to see the master to exchange food for goods as the girl told me. Unexpectedly, the master of Huayuejian was unreasonable. He tied up the servants without saying a word, and didn't give them food, water, defecation, and tortured them. He said that the girl had to go and get the person herself, otherwise..."

He was still in fear, touched his cold forehead, and spoke stutteringly.

"Make Manager Lou into a meat soup and send it back to the mansion."

This was a big deal, a life-threatening matter. Chang Dacai's heart was in his throat. Thinking of the miserable state of Manager Lou being made into a meat soup, and the mysterious and fierce master of Huayuejian, his legs went weak.

But his new master didn't seem to be afraid. He drank half a cup of cold tea slowly and then prepared to go out.

"This matter must be kept secret."

After giving the instructions, Feng Yun pointed to the clepsydra in the house.

"Half an hour later, let Guard Ao know my whereabouts."

Chang Dacai seemed to understand, "Yes."

A Lou: Girl, save me! There is a perverted killer named Chun Yuyan here...

Feng Yun: I haven't seen meat in the mansion for a long time, and the meat soup is actually quite delicious.

Chun Yuyan: She is so perverted, I like her so much (σ≧≦)σ

See you tomorrow, see you every day~

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