Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 14 Prince Yunchuan

It was not easy to sneak out of the house without telling Ao Qi.

But coincidentally, Ao Qi went to have wine with Ye Chuang at night, and the remaining two guards saw Feng Yun sleeping behind closed doors, so they retreated to the outside of Changmen Courtyard.

Feng Yun easily left through the back corner door.

Huayuejian had been closed before the Beiyong Army entered the city. The whole street was silent and deserted. Walking in front of the door was too ostentatious, so Feng Yun chose to take Daman and Xiaoman out through the back door of Linhe. enter.

The door was ajar and opened with a knock.

Going inside is a quiet courtyard with a lotus pond and green bamboos, which is very elegant.

This is the largest entertainment venue in Andu County, but ordinary people don’t know who the owner is...

It was only after Xiao Cheng ascended the throne as Emperor of Qi in his previous life that Feng Yun led his troops northward to fight the Beiyong Army and then negotiated a truce in March. He found out that the person who facilitated the peace talks was none other than Chunyu, the eldest son of King Yunchuan of the neutral country. flame.

And Chun Yuyan was in Huayue Stream back then.

Yunchuan State borders the three kingdoms of Jin, Qi, and Xihe. It is attached to Jin and Qi and shows goodwill to both countries. It only calls itself the king, not the emperor.

Chun Yuyan was the eldest son of the Yunchuan royal family. He traveled to small countries such as Jin, Daqi, Xihe and even Minyue all year round. He had good relations with all parties and took advantage of them.

The maid took Feng Yun to the elegant residence on the second floor, bent down and bowed.

"Your Majesty, Miss Feng has arrived."

"Allow her to come in alone." The voice had the carelessness of just waking up, as clear as a spring, and the lingering sound was slow.

It sounds nice and cool.

"Girl, please!"

The maid moved the curtains, and a light fragrance almost instantly took Feng Yun's breath away.

Green smoke curled up in the room, and the scent of incense in the goose pear tent was very strong.

Chun Yuyan was lying lazily on the soft couch. Through a layer of hanging curtains, Feng Yun could only see a vague shadow inside, wearing a wide robe with wide sleeves and a narrow waist that was half-tied. It was hard to see clearly...

He is still the same Chun Yuyan, who never refuses to show his true colors to others.

Feng Yun bowed slightly and said, "Feng's daughter has met Prince Chunyu."

A sneer came from the curtain.

"Feng's Ayun is worthy of being the most beautiful among the eight counties in Xuzhou."

They were clearly words of praise, but when they fell into the ears, they were like steel needles, pricking people with every word.

Feng Yun had some unpleasant interactions with Chun Yuyan in his previous life. He knew that this man was crazy and twisted, so he looked at his nose and his heart, and was polite and thoughtful but distant.

"The prince must have known the intention of Feng's daughter. I am willing to exchange my farming skills for one hundred thousand dan of corn and one hundred thousand dan of wheat..."

"What are the skills of farming?" A mocking voice seemed to say that Feng Yun was overestimating his own abilities.

The curtain moved without any wind, and a servant half-knelt in front of him, holding a sandalwood tray, and softly called out to the prince. A slender white hand poked out from the curtain, holding the celadon cup...

The subtle movements are so elegant that it is difficult to ignore Feng Yun.

If she hadn't suffered enough from this man in her previous life, she might have been seduced and become confused.

"Your Majesty, don't underestimate the farming skills I have. It can bring double the harvest to Yunchuan and change the disadvantages of farming. In the long run, Your Majesty, I will make a profit without losing money."

Chun Yuyan smiled.

"Your clever words alone cost me two hundred thousand dan. Daughter Feng, you are so big-hearted..."

Feng Yun took a deep breath, pretending that he couldn't hear the sarcasm and shame in his words.

The celadon lamp made a soft sound, and Chun Yuyan asked again: "Who appointed you here? Pei Wanzhi, or Xiao Zichan?"

Feng Yun said: "Your Majesty, I know that this little girl is guarding a huge mansion with dozens of people and dozens of mouths. It is difficult to survive without food... Of course, I also want to take credit from General Pei in exchange for peace."

Women in troubled times just want to survive. It was obvious that Chun Yuyan was aware of her situation. He seemed to believe it after hearing this, and then asked: "Yunchuan has 200,000 stones of rice stored in Andu County. How did you know about it?"

Feng Yun only heard about this matter after the fact in his previous life. He was not sure whether the two hundred thousand stones of grain existed, let alone where Chun Yuyan hid the grain...

That's why she tested it.

Feng Yun lowered his head and said calmly, "To be honest with you, the prince, an immortal told me in a dream..."

"Pretending to be a ghost." A sneer filled with chills.

"Sang Jiao and Yin You. Drag them down and kill them."

Feng Yun's body was half cold.

If we talk about weirdness, Chun Yuyan dares to be called the first, and no one is called the second.

He really kills people when he says he will, and he never shows mercy.

"No!" Feng Yun took two steps back pretending to be afraid, biting his lower lip and hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and murmured, "Aji, do you still remember the twin lotuses in Jiming Temple?"

It seemed like a moment or a long time before I heard the cold voice of Prince Chunyu in the tent.

"Who are you?"

Feng Yun replied: "Lianji."

A cold air spread silently, like the letter of a poisonous snake, condensing on Feng Yun's face, but the person in the tent did not make any sound for a long time, making people wonder if there was anyone in the room.

Feng Yun learned about Chun Yuyan and Lian Ji in his previous life.

One time Chun Yuyan lost his temper after drinking and mistakenly identified her as Lian Ji. He chased her to the movie stage and forcibly took off her clothes to check the birthmark on her waist. Pei Man was almost killed by Piyong's sword, but he She still refused to give up, and even got interested in playing because of this. She relied on the cousin relationship between her mother's family and Pei Madang to compete with Pei Madang, and came to pester her on a whim...

She guessed that Chun Yuyan mistakenly recognized her and Lian Ji because they were similar, so she made a huge gamble for two hundred thousand stones of food and her future.

Even if Chun Yuyan refused to believe her, he would not easily let go of the opportunity to find Lian Ji...

Sure enough, Chun Yuyan smiled wildly and wildly.

"Take off your clothes and let me take a look."

This could be said to be frivolous and aggressive.

The servants on both sides lowered their heads, not daring to look further.

Feng Yun frowned slightly, stretched his slender knuckles towards Mi Louhui's loose clothes, stood tall and proud, and the silk belt around his waist slowly unraveled and fell to the ground.

Only a snow-white tunic was left.

Chunyu Yan chuckled, "Xuemei is pretty good."

Feng Yun took an almost imperceptible breath and his expression froze.

There is no girl who does not love to be pretty. There are several intertwined plum blossoms on the collar of her blouse, and their buds are very elegant.

This is a small personal thing that shows off one's self, and it is always indecent for men to look at it.

But she remained silent, pretending not to hear Chun Yuyan's smile.

"Why stop? Keep going!"

Chun Yuyan seemed to be in a good mood and slowly stood up from the soft couch.

"You want me to help you take it off with my own hands?"

Feng Yun's heartbeat was slightly erratic.

Through the curtain, she saw a pair of bare feet under a moon-white robe, stepping on a clean mat. The skin was dazzlingly white, the arches of the feet were very young and delicate, and even the toes were incredibly delicate. Every step forward, There is an illusion of taking away people's breath.

At that moment, she was actually a little afraid that Chun Yuyan would lift the curtain.

In his two lifetimes, Feng Yun had never seen clearly what Chun Yuyan looked like. What he remembered was his ever-changing mask and the unchanging sarcasm in his beautiful, frost-like eyes.

"Get out!" he ordered the servant standing beside him.

"Here." The attendant stepped back and gently closed the wooden door of Yaxie.

There were only two of them in Yaxie, with a light curtain between them.

"I have no patience. Don't force me to do it myself."

Chun Yuyan is indeed a very impatient person. Feng Yun had already prepared for such an incident, so what was there to fear? You’ve seen everything you should and shouldn’t see in your previous life, are you still afraid of showing your waist?

She curled her lips, turned her back to him, pushed the hem of her clothes upwards little by little with her fingertips, and slowly turned her white waist to the curtain, revealing it in front of his eyes...

The candlelight clearly reflected her posture, swaying her weak bones and muscles, and a light pink scar fell on her soft waist. Fresh, ferocious blood, exposed in front of your eyes,

The curtains moved without any wind, and two clusters of bright flames seemed to be burning in the eyes of the people in the tent.

Feng Yun couldn't see the person behind her, but she could feel a pair of eyes staring intently at her injury. The wound was caused intentionally by her, and there were also traces of Lin E's scratching that day.

In order to be realistic, she was cruel to herself.

The wound was a little painful and itchy, especially under Chunyu Yan's sinister gaze. The hairs on his body stood on end, and a layer of chicken skin could be seen.

"This slender waist is so fragile, who would be willing to hurt it?" Chun Yuyan's voice was a bit mocking.

"He was injured in the rebellion on the day the city was broken." Feng Yun answered fluently.

"Qingqing, you are not Lianji." There was a laugh, and there was a subtle hoarseness in Qingyue's voice, as if the man was in love.

Feng Yun turned back to face him, "Why should the prince deceive himself? If A-Lian fell into the enemy camp and became someone else's concubine, the prince would not dare to recognize her?"

"Why didn't you come to find me earlier?"

"My mother passed away, and I was often bullied by my stepmother. I was already engaged to Lanling Xiaosan, and I knew that I had no chance of being with my son in this life..."

Every time she said another word, her throat became more and more choked.

Ah! Chun Yuyan's laughter was so cold that it chilled people's hearts, but his voice was bewitching and moving, "In that case, why do you need two hundred thousand stones of rice and food? As long as you follow me out of Andu County and go to Yunchuan, no one will dare to make trouble again. Wouldn’t it be better if you and I stayed together forever?”

Feng Yun shook his head.

Chunyu Yan: "You don't agree?"

Feng Yun gathered his clothes and his eyes darkened, "In the Beiyong Army camp, Lian Ji has promised to be a general. Her unclean body is unworthy of the crown prince..."

Chunyu Yan sneered, "What the hell is chastity? How can I, Chunyu Huaji, care about it?"

This man's self-confidence made Feng Yun want to hit him, "Everything in Andu and Wanning is under General Pei's control. How can the prince take away his concubine under his nose?"

Chunyu Yan chuckled, "How will you know if you don't try?"

Feng Yundao said: "Yunchuan has been a minister to the Jin Dynasty since the founding of the country, and has carried out the courtesy of a minister. If the prince behaves like this, I am afraid that he will return to Yunchuan, and it will not be easy to explain to King Yunchuan, right?"

This time, Chun Yuyan was silent for a long time.

The scorching eyes were looking at her through the curtain, with a murderous look and a lingering look, more like they were looking at someone else through her body.

"Lianji, is this how you treat your Alang?"

Tsk! Feng Yun almost felt sad for Chun Yuyan.

These scumbags really have their own preferences. Pei Madang has his queen mother Li Sangruo, Xiao Zichen has his Bai Yueguang Feng Ying, and Chun Yuyan has his cinnabar mole Lian Ji. Without exception, they are in high positions and are cold and ruthless, and without exception, they have put their emotions in their hearts. woman.

Feng Yun thought it was funny and asked him.

"Does the prince agree?"

"Ha." Chun Yuyan's laughter suddenly became brighter. The smile was like flying flowers falling under the moon, and it was no longer ferocious at all.

"Yunchuan is rich and stable, the people live in peace, and there has been no war for decades. I was ordered by the king to go out to buy it, and it was only for emergencies. Since Pei Wang asked for it, and Aiji offered her farming skills in exchange, I can give it, but there is condition……"

Feng Yun said: "Your Majesty, please speak."

Chun Yuyan lazily picked up the wine cup and said, "In troubled times, money is useless, and gold and silver treasures are common things. What I want is... Qingqing. I wonder if Pei Wanzhi is willing to give up my love?"

If Chun Yuyan wasn't so moody and difficult to figure out, it would actually be a good choice to cooperate with him. It's just that when it comes to dealing with Xiao Zichen, Yunchuan Kingdom lacks the advantages of the Jin Dynasty.

As the candlelight flickered, a smile appeared on Feng Yun's jade-white face.

"Okay. As long as the general is willing to give up, I will do whatever he wants."

Chun Yuyan was wondering why she agreed so quickly, when the sound of weapons clashing came from outside, and a servant ran in stumbling, covered in blood.

"Prince, the Beiyong army broke in without saying a word to ask for people..."

Pei Jue: Want to rob my people? My sword is thirsty!

Chun Yuyan: You're here, just in time to try out this prince's broken jade sword.

Ao Qi: Uncle, don't be angry! Let my nephew take care of him.

Reader: Fight, fight, fight!

Feng Yun: ? ? ?

ps: Chun Yuyan, courtesy name Huaji

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