Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 15 Blushing Face

Ao Qi's shouts cut through the night sky, and his messy footsteps were getting closer and closer.

Chunyu Yan laughed softly in the tent.

"Come on!"

His laughter turned from low to high, and gradually became wild.

"Bring me my broken jade sword! Today, this prince will take a few heads as wine cups."

"Prince Chunyu." Feng Yun slowly picked up the scattered loose clothes on the ground and said lightly: "Prince knows how many soldiers are stationed in Andu County, why bother to fight against the stone with an egg? At this moment, I advise the prince to stay out of the limelight for a while."

Chunyu Yan laughed softly, "Are you afraid that I can't beat them?"

"Prince may be able to beat Ao Qi, Ye Chuang, and all the Beiyong Army attendants here, but can the prince beat Pei Cong and the Andu garrison? He can take over a thousand miles of territory, so he may not be unable to take down a mere Huayuejian?"

Feng Yun has a beautiful appearance, and her dressing movements are also elegant and beautiful. Even if she says harsh words, she doesn't look indecent.

But when he heard her talk about Pei Cong's achievements, Chun Yuyan got angry for no reason.

"You are not Lian Ji."

"I am not." Feng Yun answered straightforwardly.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

"Yes. But I care more about the future of the prince. The prince knows clearly which is more important, the love affair of children or the stability of the country. Once Da Jin and Yunchuan fall out, and King Yunchuan blames them, the prince's two half brothers will probably... buy two strings of firecrackers to listen to the explosion."

Her concern was false, and it was a kind persuasion, but it was actually a murderous heart.

But the erratic restlessness deep in Chun Yuyan's heart was comforted by her sharp and vicious remarks.

"Very good." The curtain was lifted lightly, and the tall and handsome Prince Yunchuan walked out from behind the curtain. He wore a mountain eagle mask made of ice iron on his face, revealing only a pair of beautiful starry eyes and two bright red and soft lips...

He walked in front of Feng Yun, looked down at her for a moment, and suddenly laughed softly, his laughter was wanton and cheerful.

"For Qingqing, I would like to avoid the limelight."

Feng Yun didn't seem surprised at what choice he would make.

Which man doesn't put his future first?

Feng Yun blinked vaguely, and his voice was quite cold, with a smile, "Prince is wise."

Chun Yuyan sneered, "Let Pei Wangzhi exchange people for 200,000 stones, and I can help Qingqing with 20 stones. Five days later, come to Lingshan Temple to get it."

A light laugh was like a spring breeze, but in a moment, Chun Yuyan revealed his devilish nature, pulled the belt around Feng Yun's waist, tied her tightly to the pillar in a few seconds, and then jumped out of the window briskly.

Moonlight sprinkled from the eaves, and his light robe spread out, floating in the wind...

"Two hundred thousand stones, the prince will definitely offer it with both hands."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, and the wooden door was knocked open heavily at this time.

Bang! The young man outside the door rushed in panting with a ring-handled knife in his hand, sweating all over his face, looking Feng Yun up and down, with a wolf-like cold light flashing in his black pupils.

The girl in front of him was tied tightly to her body in a loose dress, revealing an attractive and delicate body...

Ao Qi's eyes were red, and he almost held his breath to successfully untie the ropes, and he almost suffocated himself.

"What did he do to the girl?"

"Nothing." Feng Yun looked down at himself and casually tidied up the outer shirt he had just taken off. She knew Chunyu Yan was deliberately doing something bad, but she didn't plan to explain anything. She lifted her wrinkled cuffs, turned around and asked with a smile:

"Why did Guard Ao come here so late at night?"

Ao Qi gritted his teeth: "I should ask the girl this question. Why did you leave the house so late at night?"

As a guard, this question should be asked, but Ao Qi was too angry, and his tone seemed strange, especially his beautiful eyes that seemed to be spitting fire, like a jealous husband caught in bed.

"What else can you do in Huayuejian?" Feng Yun looked at him with a smile, "Doesn't Guard Ao know what Huayuejian is? You haven't been to a brothel before?"

Ao Qi's breathing was hurried, looking at her bright and beautiful face, clear and beautiful eyes, as if something was stuck in his throat.

How could such a beautiful and dignified girl say such a thing?

Feng Yun was close, and he sensed Ao Qi's anger, and immediately shut up and smiled.

Ao Qi has a very good family background and is a young man who grew up in a honey pot. How can he understand what kind of resolute and crazy things a woman will do after experiencing destruction, and how fearless she will be?

"Girl..." Ao Qi took a deep breath, as if he wanted to verify something, "Someone bullied you, right?"

Feng Yun looked at him apologetically and shook his head.

"No. I came here by myself."

He asked with a smile: "Did the general tell me not to leave the mansion?"

Ao Qi was very annoyed when he saw her indifferent look.

He stared with big eyes and sneered in a rough voice: "Girl went to the brothel to play... Is it worthy of the general? How do you want me to explain to the general?"

Feng Yun frowned and approached him, sniffing lightly.

"How much wine did Guard Ao drink? It smells so strong."

Ao Qi seemed to be burned by fire, his neck tilted back, his heartbeat accelerated, but his brain slowed down.

It was clearly her fault, but he felt guilty for no reason. He dared not look at her, dared not question her, and there was only a nameless anger surging in his chest, unable to be suppressed.

"How much I drink has nothing to do with you. You should think about how to explain to the general. I will report what happened tonight truthfully."

"Well..." Feng Yun frowned slightly, with a smile in his eyes, but his tone was very serious, "I had no intention of hiding it from the general. Don't worry, Guard Ao, when the general knows about this, not only will he not blame him, but he will also Praise me greatly.”

After saying that, she glanced at Ao Qi and walked out.

A faint fragrance circled the tip of his nose, and Ao Qi lost consciousness for a moment. He looked at Shi Shiran's retreating back and said, "You are simply willing to accept yourself... You are willing to be humble... Stop, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

Feng Yun did not look back, raised his long sleeves, raised his arms in a small waving motion, and gracefully walked down the wooden stairs.

She looked happy and happy.

The happier she felt, the angrier Ao Qi became.

He wanted to follow her and let out the turbid air in his chest, but he felt that there was no need to be angry.

Feng Twelve Niang was his uncle's concubine, not his.

If the guard was not effective, he would receive at most twenty military sticks, but he would not be able to kill anyone.

But he felt like there was a fire burning in his heart.

The curtains were flying in the Yaxie, and it was deserted. Ao Qi stood there, disappointed, confused, and lost, which made his internal organs seem to hurt.

Finally, he gave me a helpless slap on the face.

"I told you to drink and cause trouble!"

The owner of Huayuejian was nowhere to be seen. Ao Qi didn't catch anyone, so he took A Lou out of the woodshed, who was covered with injuries, and also took out two stewards, several servants and waiters.

They are making a legitimate living, and I can't figure out why. The reputation of the Beiyong Army was not good, so Ao Qi could not care about his uncle's reputation and beat him up and vented his anger.

But he couldn't get excited and found it boring.

All he could think about was the way he saw Feng Yun's clothes untied on the pillar when he broke into Yaxie. Also, when Feng Yun talked about it, his tone was so plain that it was not worth mentioning. It was like a huge stone weighing on his heart. , sour and uncomfortable...

Ah Lou was carried back to the house by two soldiers.

The servant's room was dark and cold, and he was covered in wounds, grinning in pain.

After becoming a steward, his best clothes were ruined. Seeing those tattered fabrics made him feel more uncomfortable than looking at the bloody wounds.

He was too embarrassed to see the girl, so he buried his face in the mattress on the straw mat, feeling ashamed.

"The girl is here." Chang Dacai's voice was full of surprise.

Ah Lou was injured more seriously than Chang Dacai. He couldn't even get up to salute. His face was red and his ears were red, and he was very embarrassed.

"Lie down." Feng Yun showed no expression. He took one look at Alou's aggrieved look, frowned, and then turned around and asked Xiaoman to bring the food to the hut.

Xiaoman responded with a smile, put down the food, and offered the medicine he had brought.

Feng Yun opened the porcelain bottle and seriously told Alou and Chang Dacai how to apply medicine to each other.

Ah Lou was ashamed, "I didn't do my errand well, so I shouldn't have eaten."

Feng Yun looked at his skinny appearance and laughed, "How can you maintain your body and do things for me if you don't eat?"

Listening to the girl's gentle talk and laughter, Alou was so ashamed that he couldn't even lift his head.

The servant's room should not be a place for a noble lady to set foot, but the lady came to see him and brought him food and healing supplies.

He felt useless and wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

Feng Yun saw through his mind and said calmly: "You did a good job on this errand. You were beaten, but you got twenty stones of food in exchange. Do you think it was worth it?"

Chang Dacai smiled stupidly, touched the wound and shouted that it was worth it.

Ah Lou was still wilted and his head was drooped.

At the age of eighteen or nineteen, his mind is the most fragile. Feng Yun said patiently: "You are no longer the boy who did errands in the prefect's mansion. You are my house manager, Feng Yun. You need to see more of the world and practice your courage." , Be strong. If you cry over such a trivial matter, I will betray you later."

Ah Lou raised his eyes and felt that his girl's body seemed to be shining.

"I didn't cry..."

Feng Yun laughed, nodded, and prepared to leave.

"Okay, you guys have a couple of days off. I have some important things for you to do."

Ah Lou and Chang Da just looked at each other, and both saw the light of excitement in each other's eyes.

My body was injured, but I didn't feel any pain. It was like a fire was burning in my heart, with endless energy.

There is hope for life with the girl, a little injury, a little hardship, what does it matter?

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