Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 16 Mei Ling's Trilogy

Feng Yun rarely slept in, so she got up at noon. When she washed up and went out, she unexpectedly found that Ao Qi was not outside.

Usually Ao Qi guarded her like a thief, following her wherever she went. Feng Yun was a little surprised that he was gone today, but she didn't ask much.

Young men always have many strange things, and she didn't have the extra energy to pay attention to them.

"Pei'er, bring the food on the stove to the girl."

Granny Han pitied her as if she were her own eyeballs, and smiled and told the maid to bring the food.

A plate of pork jerky, which Feng Yun had stockpiled three days before begging for surrender, a bowl of corn porridge, which was so bright that you could see your reflection, and a Hu pancake, which was baked hard and hard to eat.

But this was already a very good meal.

What surprised Feng Yun was that Pei'er brought a bowl of honey-stewed fried fish. It was soaked in vinegar, honey and salt, and the stored orange peel was added when it was fried in oil. It was finely chopped and very fragrant and unique.

Feng Yun hadn't eaten such delicious food for a long time.

The saliva secretion was faster than she thought.

"Where did the fish come from?"

Grandma Han smiled with her eyes curved, "Guard Ao almost overturned the pond in the backyard to catch fish."

There was a small pond in the backyard of the prefect's mansion. Because Feng Jingting loved fishing, the pond was dug very deep. There were fish raised in the past, but it was not easy to salvage without tools...

Grandma Han sighed, "The Lord burned down the granary, but left a fish pond..."

A bowl of honey stewed fried fish is a rare delicacy in Andu County now.

Feng Yun smiled and said, "If there is any left, add a dish for everyone."

Grandma Han also laughed, "Guard Ao struggled in the water for a long time and caught three. One is for you to eat, and the other two are kept in the tank. How could he bear to give them to the servants? Even if it was the one in the pond, Guard Ao also ordered that no one was allowed to touch it, saying that it would be used when it was time to save lives. It's called that...Wang, Wangyuzhihun."


Feng Yun thought of what Ao Qi said and pulled the corner of his mouth.

"No need to listen to him. We'll find a way to catch the big ones and raise the fry. It's just a small pond. If there are too many fish, they will eat the fish..."

The handsome young man has a natural advantage. Grandma Han is happy to see Ao Qi and praises him in front of Feng Yun.

Finally, seeing Feng Yun frowning slightly, she changed the subject.

"It's no wonder that Guard Ao is nervous. I heard that more than half of the families in the city have run out of food, and the bark of the trees in Liuzao Lane is almost scraped off. This morning, the people at the East Corner Gate cried heartbreakingly. I asked someone to find out. It turned out that Chun Niang's little daughter starved to death... Andu is now a dead city. If it continues like this, more people will starve to death..."

Feng Yun picked up the bowl and drank the porridge silently.

She didn't eat much. She stopped chopping when she was 70% full and let them share the rest.

Xiaoman was very satisfied with the meal, "It would be nice if there were fish and meat every day."

Grandma Han scolded her, "The fish stalls and meat shops have closed long ago, and you can't even hear the pigs squealing. Where can you get the meat? Don't dream, greedy slave."

Feng Yun smiled and didn't comment.

Someone in the city must have hoarded a lot of food.

Not only rice shops and noodle shops have stocks, but the rich merchants have even more money. How could they not prepare for the war? Not everyone is like Feng Jingting, who burned everything down and left.

Feng Yun had a plan in mind.

"Xiaoman, let the people in the mansion listen to the order in Qingshan Hall in half an hour."


Feng Yun is the master of these people in the mansion, but the mansion is not hers.

When a weak girl is in charge, the servants will inevitably despise her. Even if this person is a lifesaver, the female head of the family is too easy-going, and the servants will inevitably relax.

Feng Yun is very clear about this.

"I called everyone to Qingshan Hall to talk to you. The world is in danger and it is hard to have peace. How can you and I, ants, survive?"

The servants were distracted and stared at her blankly.

Feng Yun didn't hear the answer, so he asked Xiaoman to bring the chopstick holder.

"Everyone, look carefully."

The people below were talking, wondering what this strange girl was going to do next.

Feng Yun lowered his eyes, took out a chopstick from the bamboo tube, and bent it hard.

The chopstick broke.

The Qingshan Hall was full of puzzled eyes.

Feng Yun said nothing, took out a handful of chopsticks from the bamboo tube, about ten, and held them in his palm.

"A single chopstick will break if it is bent. What about a bunch of chopsticks? How many chopsticks can be easily broken?"

"It can't be broken, it can't be broken."

"Then what truth can you figure out?"

The servants don't like to use their brains to think about problems. They just do what their master says. But Shi Er Niang's words are very interesting. Someone seemed to have a sudden realization and said loudly:

"One person dies, but the group lives together."

"One chopstick can break, but ten chopsticks will not break..."

"Put your strength together, work together, and great things can be accomplished!"

The desire for survival is natural, and the discussion in Qingshan Hall was very lively. Feng Yun watched with satisfaction, and when everyone had said enough, he stood up from behind the table and said loudly:

"If you want to be chopsticks that hold together, you must abide by the rules of chopsticks. It is not the rules of the Xuzhou Feng family, but the rules of An Du Feng Yun."

"If you all follow me and work hard, you will not be rich, but having enough food and clothing will not be a problem. I, Feng Yun, swear here that from now on, I will lead you to a good life and no longer go hungry."

The people that Feng Yun rescued from the prison included maids and servants, and officials of the county governor's office, a total of more than fifty people.

In a world of war and chaos, it is difficult to protect oneself without private soldiers, and it is also inconvenient to employ people when needed. Feng Yun took the roster and counted it. There were twenty-nine young men under the age of thirty-five.

With a stroke of her pen, she named this song "Mei Ling".

Then, he was handed over to Xing Bing, a military officer from the former county prefect's mansion, for training.

Xing Bing was from the Bingcao family. When Feng Jingting was there, he was in charge of the inspection and security of the prefecture. Because he married a wife and had a family in Andu County, he did not flee south with Feng Jingting.

Feng Yun believes that a husband is a responsible man if he does not abandon his wife and children to run for his own life at a critical moment of life and death.

She was relieved to leave it to Xing Bing.

Xing Bing was stunned, "Do you believe me, girl?"

Feng Yun had nothing to disbelieve.

But she knew that these people might not believe her, Feng Yun.

"You just need to make sure everyone has enough to eat every day, keep their bodies strong, and obey orders. Don't worry about other things, leave them to me."

The meeting in Qingshan Hall ended and everyone dispersed sadly.

"Eat full, who doesn't want to be full? But where is the food and what can I use to eat it?"

"With so many mouths in the house, how many days can we last with two carts of food?"

"The Twelfth Mother is young and has no experience. I'm afraid she is weak-minded. She can boast in front of everyone. If she can't do it, she might be ridiculed..."

"Every household is short of food. If we stay here, we will starve. Why don't we take the girl and escape? The girl saves my life. If I have something to eat, I won't let her starve..."

"Shut up!" Xing Bing walked over with a majestic sword in his hand.

He was tall and strong and was an official, so he had a much higher status than the handymen and soldiers.

This group of people were afraid of him and immediately returned to the team angrily.

"Stand still!" Xing Binghu stared, "Straighten your waist and raise your head!"

Xing Bing held two wooden tablets. The unique plum blossom imprints were clearly from Feng Yun's hand.

The above are the rules set for this Mei Ling tribe, detailing what time to start, what time to rest, how long to practice, how much wages are paid, and how many days off.

Xing Bing actually doesn’t understand why Twelve Niangs wrote this.

Most of these people are domestic servants, and they pay attention to the household registration of the master's family. Their ancestors were servants of the Feng family in Xuzhou, and it is their duty to work for the master of the family.

But the Twelve Mothers were determined to cut ties with the Xuzhou Feng family, change their families, and establish new rules.

Although wages can't buy anything now, and the future promised by Twelve Niangs is neither tangible nor tangible, Xing Bing has a different feeling when he looks at it...

The little girl is courageous and extraordinary.

"Everyone is on the same page, getting ready for training!"

Under the sycamore tree, Feng Yun held Ao Zai for a moment and then turned back to Changmenyuan.

She not only calculated wages and promised days off for Mei Ling's tribe, but also arranged a set of rules for other handymen.

Different division of labor, different efforts, different gains.

You have to work to have food, this is her rule for Andu Feng Yun.

"Ao Zai!" Ao Qi suddenly came out from behind the sycamore tree, startling Feng Yun who was making calculations in his mind.

The fur on Ao Zai's back exploded, and he hissed fiercely as he stared at him.

"Brother, why are you so anxious?" Ao Qi reached out to touch Ao Zai's head. Unexpectedly, Ao Zai shrank and rushed towards him very quickly. He stepped on his shoulders and lowered his claws.

"Ao Zai!" Feng Yun shouted sternly and stopped him.

Ao Zai jumped down dissatisfied, and ran to the sycamore tree in twos and twos, staring at Ao Qi eagerly, very alert.

Ao Qi hummed and brought the hand behind his back to the front, "Things that don't know good from evil."

It was a loach tied with straw, alive and very fat, "for you."

The loach was thrown in front of Ao Zai. Feng Yun said, "Eat it." Ao Zai jumped down from the tree, grabbed it in his mouth, moved to the flower stand in the corner of the courtyard, and ate it hungrily.

Feng Yun noticed that there was mud on Ao Qi's trouser legs and bowed towards him.

"Thank you, Guard Ao, for catching fish and loaches. It's just that... the cub was hurt when he was young and is very afraid of people. Don't touch it again, or I might hurt you..."

I was hurt when I was young...

Ao Qi heard people say that she had suffered it too.

Looking at her, Ao Qi didn't say what was in his heart, but sneered, his stubbornness showing up again.

"Who cares about touching it?"

Feng Yun's eyebrows remained unchanged and he smiled, not choking with him.

Ao Qi's Adam's apple slid and he found the steps to come down. " there not enough food in the house? I sent people back to the camp to find Qin Dajin..."

"No need." Feng Yun knew the situation of the Beiyong Army very well.

She thanked Ao Qi again and said softly: "I have my own opinions on matters in the mansion, and I will not starve Ao Guardsman."

For two whole days, the gate of Changmonyuan was closed.

Feng Yun called Ying Rong over and gathered together the maids and maids who could work as maids. He didn't know what they were busy with inside.

On the night of the third day, Xing Bing's Mei Ling Trilogy received its first mission.

"Put on your night clothes and sneak out of the house."

Thanks for the support, I’ve added more chapters, two long chapters~~

【small theater】:

Ao Qi: I wonder what the crazy girl did with her people?

Feng Yun: Don’t tell Guard Ao that I want to eat fish.

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