Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 108 Being spoiled by the cub

Wei Zheng secretly gritted his teeth and was filled with hatred.

Is this just poor performance?

The evidence has been thrown in the Queen Mother's face, and she is still covering up this pretty boy.

It's just because he has a face that looks like Pei Madang.

Wei Zheng returned home full of depression.

As soon as he took off his shoes, he crossed his legs on the couch, drank half of herbal tea, and began to curse crazily in front of Luo Yue.

After returning from Huaxi Village, Luo Yue's room became his place of frustration.

This woman has no real skills, but if she has a bag, she can soothe his Nilin, and she also has a bag of boudoir secrets that can let him vent his anger.

Wei Zheng now loves Luo Yue very much.

In other words, it is trust.

If he didn't dare to say anything outside, he would say it in front of Luo Yue.

Because this concubine’s heart and eyes are all about him. Looking at his expression, it’s as if he is her everything and her god, which comforts his self-esteem...

After Luo Yue listened, she rested her head on his lap obediently.

"Master, please don't be sad anymore... I feel sorry for you."

Seeing what she said, Wei Zheng took a breath, put his hand on her face, and squeezed it.

"You haven't seen Song Shou'an's triumphant appearance..."

gas. There was fire in every pore of his body.

Luo Yue said warmly: "My husband does not deserve to be like this. If you are so angry, you are taking advantage of the villain."

Wei Zheng snorted heavily.

Luo Yue thought of the letter from Huaxi Village.

After thinking about it, she slowly sat up and walked around behind Wei Zheng to massage his shoulders.

"The Queen Mother's partiality for people named Song is outrageous, but come to think of it, no matter what, the person sleeping next to her is closer than others. If she does something wrong, she can lose her temper behind closed doors. , shouldn’t we tolerate him? Especially this woman, if she lets a man fall into her body, she will lose her heart..."

Before her voice fell, Wei Zheng's face turned extremely ugly.

"You can't arrange the Queen Mother like this. Her Royal Highness the Queen not the kind of person who can't grasp things clearly. Otherwise, she wouldn't be the one in court today."

Luo Yue knew that Wei Zheng had that woman in his heart.


"The general is certainly sympathetic to Her Majesty the Queen Mother, and impeaching that person named Song is also for the sake of the Queen Mother's country, but the Queen Mother's eyes are blinded, she can't see..."

As soon as Wei Zheng sighed, he heard the woman next to his ear say something as gentle as the wind.

"The Queen Mother can't see clearly, so why don't you think of a way to let her see clearly?"

Wei Zheng suddenly turned his head and looked at her.

Luo Yue said: "As long as the truth about the mediocre and talentless man surnamed Song is revealed, will he still be able to secure his position as the head of the department? Without him, wouldn't the Queen Mother only have the husband in her eyes? The husband is in charge. All officials are afraid of the Imperial Cavalry Division, how majestic it is..."

Then he looked softly and said: "At that time, it was very honorable for me to follow my husband."

Wei Zheng grabbed her little hand and hugged her over.

"Luo Ji cares about me, I don't have to treat you badly, it's just..."

He sighed, "The Queen Mother looks at the person surnamed Song as if she has eyeballs. How can she be disgusted so easily?"

Luo Yue smiled and said, "If you ask me, the general should not be involved in this impeachment matter."

Seeing Wei Zheng looking over with a stern look, Luo Yue was not afraid, but said with a smile: "What is the use of the Yushitai? Why does the husband need to take this trouble? Secretly give the evidence to Master Ao, and leave the rest If you don’t have any other matters, my husband can just have a drink and watch a show.”

Wei Zheng's eyes lit up.

Then it dimmed again.

"If I do this, the Queen Mother... will definitely blame me."

Luo Yue's fingers froze, and she looked straight at him. Tears fell from her eyes as she looked at him, looking miserable, and she bit her lower lip and smiled softly.

"My husband's love for Her Royal Highness the Queen Mother is like a concubine's love for my husband."

"Luo Ji..."

Luo Yue covered her heart and leaned against him softly.

"If one day, my husband thinks a little about me, I will die without any regrets."

Wei Zheng couldn't tell how he felt when he saw her like this, and those emotions suddenly filled his chest. He liked Li Sangruo, but he couldn't let go of Luo Yue more and more. Seeing the beads of tears, it felt like his heart was being torn.

"Don't be upset, Luo Ji, I will take good care of you." Wei Zheng hugged her tightly, "Tomorrow, no, I will find Master Ao tonight."

Luo Yue lowered her head on his chest and hummed happily.


The turmoil in the Zhongjing court did not blow down to Huaxi Village.

The farmers in the village are seizing the time to sow autumn seeds, and the farm tool shop is also working hard.

The wood bought from Shiguan County and the ironware transported from Tujiabao were brought into the workshop one by one.

The first thing to do is the mold. As long as the mold of the component is poured out, the production can be carried out, which will be much easier. However, the iron smelting and refining that Feng Yun promised can not be done in Huaxi Village at the moment because of the lack of iron smelting tools. , only made in Tujiawu Fort.

Therefore, Feng Yun took the time to visit Tujiawu Fort.

I went out before dawn and returned to Huaxi. The sun had already set.

As soon as she got off the donkey cart, she saw Lu Dashan running out in a hurry.

"Girl, girl is not good."

Feng Yun frowned before he had time to wipe away his sweat.

"Why are you panicking?"

Lu Dashan quickly stopped his expression.

"It's the Zhang family, the Zhang family..."

Feng Yun sneered, "What kind of monsters are they doing?"

Since yesterday, she has sent troops to keep an eye on this family, thinking that nothing can go wrong?

Unexpectedly, Lu Dashan said:

"It's not that they are evil, it's Ao Zai..."

Feng Yun's expression changed and he became nervous.

"How's Ao Zai?"

Lu Dashan was a man who panted heavily when he spoke. When Feng Yun stared at him like this, he immediately blushed.

"The Zhang family was bitten by wild beasts... and then they insisted that it was Ao Zai..."


What beast?

Lu Dashan added: "People who saw it said that the beast looked like a cat, that is, a much larger cub. They broke into the Zhang family and bitten several people in the Zhang family. If the brothers hadn't been at home, Both parents are going to die..."

Feng Yun snorted and asked with concern.

"The two beasts are not injured, are they?"

Lu Dashan shook his head in surprise when he saw that she didn't care about the person's injury, but only cared about the beast.

"Some villagers saw two of them. They said the cat was bigger than the cat and the tiger was not as powerful as the tiger. They looked at it and didn't know what it was, so they called it a lynx..."

After speaking, he paused and his eyes flickered.

"However, they all said that judging from the color and pattern of the beast's fur, the Ao cub might be the cub of a lynx."

Not everyone knows the lynx's name.

Calling lynx is also a common name.

Feng Yun picked up the Ao cub by the official road at the foot of Jieqiu Mountain. At that time, its parents were injured and dying, hiding behind a big tree, trying to get her, a human, to take in their cub...

Beasts are still very affectionate...

Feng Yun plucked up the courage to hug it back.

Ao Zai was still young, so she didn't restrain him very much.

The little guy sometimes goes out to hunt and find some food at night, and sleeps at home during the day. Feng Yun has no idea that he has ever been to Jieqiu Mountain...

Feng Yun was not sure whether the two beasts that caused trouble in the Zhang family were Ao Zai's parents. He only knew that Ao Zai must have contributed to this matter...

Otherwise, why not make trouble with other people's families, only their Zhang family?

Thinking that he had never been pampered well by a man, but was pampered by a little lynx, Feng Yun felt strangely sweet, so he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and said with a smile:

"Don't pay attention to them, just stay on guard in Zhuangzi."

Feng Yun went back to the house, looked around and didn't see Ao Zai, feeling a little worried.

Ye Chuang watched coldly for a while, then stepped forward and asked:

"Girl, do you want me to come forward and teach the Zhang brothers a lesson?"

Feng Yun looked at him and shook his head in refusal.

"There's no point in killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. With you in charge of Changmen Village, I think they won't mess around..."

Ye Chuang said nothing and nodded without forcing anything.

Not only Ao Qi, but also Ye Chuang had already discovered that if Feng Twelve had anything to do, she would call her subordinates and servants. Unless it was related to the General's Mansion, she would rarely go to them.

He didn't quite understand this kind of alienation.

But Feng Yun understands very well...

Mountains will fall if you rely on them, and you will run if you rely on everyone. If you are not someone you can rely on for the rest of your life, try not to have any hope. You still need to be strong to make iron.

Ao Zai came back at midnight.

For Ao Zai's sake, Feng Yun's windows were often left open.

Feng Yun was not asleep. She sat up as soon as the curtains rang.

"Zai Zai." Feng Yun looked at the little guy sneaking in and waved.

There were no lights in the room, and she could only see a vague shadow, but she knew that Ao Zai could see her.

As expected, Ao Zai came over, nuzzled against her, and breathed hot breath from his nose, falling on the back of her hand, making it warm.

Feng Yun hugged it full of arms, went to hold the lamp again, then looked at it up and down, and even turned its belly over to check.

She was relieved that Ao Zai was not injured.

"You scared my sister."

It was a word of concern, but Feng Yun made himself sad.

"Zai, my sister only has you. Don't let anything happen to you. My sister will take care of those bad guys. I have already thought of a way. You don't need to show off, do you understand?"

Ao Zai pressed against her and nuzzled obediently.

Feng Yun smelled the smell of blood on it, and guessed that it had just come back after a feast outside. He smiled and took the handkerchief, wiped it clean, then carried it to the bed and wrapped it in his arms.

"Zai, sister, I don't know if you can understand... But one day, if you want to leave and leave sister, remember to protect yourself..."

The cub is a lynx, not a domestic cat. It definitely prefers the world in the mountains, living freely with its parents, instead of watching stupid humans like them, ridiculously killing each other.

She was afraid that the cub would leave it one day and return to its world, but she also hoped that it would be happy and be a free lynx with a family and parents who love it...

Like an old mother worried about her child's future, she worried about Ao Zai's future for half a night before she could fall asleep.

At dawn, I received a letter from Ren Rude from Andu City.

"Wei's ceremony has been completed. We will pick you up at Shiguan Pier in two days."

The third update is here! Mmm~~

ps: I also really want a big cat that can’t bite, is obedient, and sensible, hahahaha, let’s just treat it as a dream reflected in a book.

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