Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 107 Feng Yun establishes his authority

Xiaoman frowned, "When the general left, he seemed to have brought a box with him. Is it the girl's?"

Feng Yun was stunned, dumbfounded.

"That's it, it's okay."

He didn't ask when he saw that thing, he didn't ask afterward, but he took it away quietly. What was he doing?

That's fine.

If you take him away, this embarrassing incident will be over.

Feng Yun calmed down and didn't want to think about it anymore...

Unexpectedly, when Xiao Man was cleaning up the house, he found a medicine bag on the desk with a letter on it.

Xiaoman didn't dare to open it and handed it to Feng Yun.

"Is this a letter left by the general?"

Who else could it be besides him?

This boring gourd would not say it to his face if he had anything to say.

Feng Yun opened the letter.

The letter probably said that the medicine in the medicine bag was for her to take care of her body. The medicinal materials were precious and Puyang Jiu had a hard time getting them back. They should not be wasted and she must remember to take them.

But he also specifically warned:

It can only be taken after the monthly letter is clean.

There is another line of writing, which is extremely rough.

"Playing with things harms the body and is not conducive to recovery. When I return home, I will give you better food."

Xiaoman squinted at the girl's red face, then glanced at the letter.

"Girl, what does the general want to feed you?"

Feng Yun hurriedly put the letter into his sleeve and his face fell.

"Should Mr. Gong come to class today? I don't need you to wait here. Go find Mr. Gong to study."

Gong Zixi was the accountant of Yutangchun in the past, and now he is also a teacher in Feng Yun Zhuangzi. He comes here every two days to give half-day classes, mainly teaching the people in Zhuangzi some simple words and arithmetic.

When Xiao Man heard that class was about to begin, his head exploded.

I no longer care about what the girl wants to eat...


There is an old ancestral hall in Huaxi Village, but it was dilapidated during the wars in the early years. The beams collapsed and weeds grew inside and out.

But today, the villagers were crowded under the locust tree in front of the ancestral hall.

The Zhang brothers are going to be "whipped" here today, and the villagers watching the excitement are afraid that they won't be able to find the best viewing position, and each one arrives earlier than the other.

At noon when the sun was at its strongest, Yang Daniu brought people over from the Zhang family.

Several wooden benches were placed side by side in front of the ancestral hall, serving as a simple execution ground.

Feng Yun sat under the locust tree with a dull expression.

"Everyone must have heard about what the Zhang brothers committed, so I won't go into details here. I just want to ask you, should we fight, and should these village rules be enforced?"

The villagers immediately followed suit.

"Well played."

"That's exactly what it's time to hit."

"Ms. Li Zheng is still too kind."

Feng Yun looked sideways at Xing Bing.

"Enforce the village rules."

Xing Bing: "Here."

Bu Qu stepped forward holding a bamboo stick in hand. The bamboo stick was tied with hemp rope. It seemed to be to reduce the damage and avoid serious injury and death. In fact...

Feng Yun asked them to secretly apply salt water on the hemp rope...

Xing Bing felt that the girl wanted to do this, which was really a relief.

Not seriously injured, but twice as painful.

Girls are really good people who do it, and bad people also do it secretly.

"Start - enforce village law!"

Xing Bing thought about what it felt like, and finally calmed down and told Yang Daniu.

"Chief Yang, come and report."

He also ordered the four steps with a fierce face.

"Listen to the greetings. Don't hit one more. It's a violation of the rules."

Bu Qu responded loudly, "Here."

The Zhang brothers had dark faces. They unbuttoned their trousers and took off their trousers and were beaten in public. The whole village watched them being spanked. Naturally, they were itching with hatred. But what happened, and their superiors asked them to endure it, and they had no choice. Other methods.

Zhang Erbing glared at Feng Yun and climbed onto the stool.

When the others saw this, they all lay down on the wooden benches in silence.

The villagers looked at the bamboo stick wrapped with hemp rope and said that Feng Yun was kind.

But as the bamboo stick was drawn downwards, the white buttocks turned from red to swollen and even torn, and screams resounded throughout the old ancestral hall.

The villagers are all hard-working people, and they usually get injured when doing farm work. When they hear them call them like this, it is inevitable to laugh at them with contempt.

"Looking at the tall man, I thought he was some kind of hero."

"You can't stand it after a few slaps like this, Bao."

"It squeals like a gelding pig, which is embarrassing."

The Zhang family's parents were also in the crowd. Their expressions were uncertain, but they were not too cold-blooded. Besides being angry and resentful that their child had been beaten like this, they seemed not to feel a little bit hurt.

None of this family is good.

The people defined it.

Feng Yun knew in his heart...

These people are all from Ouchi Tiqisi, and they may not really be related. They are a temporary "family". Where does the heartache come from?

"Forty eight."

"forty nine……"


Yang Daniu listened to the shouts of the Zhang brothers, his voice sounded weak as he counted them, and he was a little blind.

"Ms. Li Zheng." He saluted Feng Yun, "The village law has been implemented."

Feng Yun hummed and stood up from the wooden pier.

"The state has national laws, and the village has village rules. Now that I have taken the cane, this matter is over. I called everyone here today because I hope that the people of Huaxi Village will use this as a mirror... In short, you can challenge me, Feng Yun, but if you challenge the village rules, you will end up like this. The Zhang family is like brothers.”

The villagers agreed one after another.

"We all listen to Madam Li Zheng."

"We abide by village rules, we must abide by village rules."

Seeing the fear in everyone's eyes, Feng Yun knew that his goal of establishing authority was achieved. He smiled slightly, bowed to everyone politely, turned around and left with his troops.

Only the old ancestral hall was left with a cry and discussion.


The news from Huaxi Village was delivered to Zhongjing by express horse last night.

However, the next day, Jiafu Hall heard about it.

Li Sangruo sat in the main hall coldly, looking at Song Shouan, who was standing with his head down like a defeated fighting cock, with visibly angry expression on his face.


People like the Zhang brothers would naturally not be in the Queen Mother's eyes.

She didn't know that the people sent by Song Shouan were so useless.

"Each of the Imperial Guards is an elite selected from the Imperial Guards. In your hands, how come they become meat on someone else's chopping board..."

Li Sangruo's voice was cold and light, and there was not much ferocity in it, but it was a little creepy.

"Song Shouan, are you stupid or am I stupid?"

Song Shouan was shocked.

How could the Queen Mother be stupid?

"It is my ignorance!"

Song Shouan apologized with sweat on his forehead.

But he felt wronged in his heart, thinking that he was just a potter, and he had not been in the palace for long. Everything was done according to the Queen Mother's orders, but he had to bear all the responsibilities...

"Your Highness, I will give an order right now, and let them burn down Feng's manor to vent your anger."

This was the most powerful way of revenge he could think of.

Li Sangruo laughed when he heard it.

The contempt and coldness in his eyes swept towards Song Shouan without any concealment.

"Do you think I want her life?"

"Is the life of a bitch worth dirtying my hands?"

What she wanted was for Feng's reputation to be ruined, and to be criticized like her, and for her to fall out of favor with Pei Jue, so that Pei Jue could see her true face, abandon her like a stinky fly and a broken shoe, and let her be trampled underfoot like a grass, and let others humiliate and bully her...

Otherwise, how could she relieve the hatred in her heart?

How to comfort her from the bone-biting pain she endured day and night?

Death? No, she would never let Feng die.

She just wanted her to live a life worse than death.

"Song Shouan." Li Sangruo said in a faint voice, "Today, you will immediately come up with a plan for the aftermath for me, otherwise, you don't have to be the head of the Tiqi Division."

Song Shouan was shocked.

He just tasted the joy of holding power.

That taste is addictive, he can't bear to give it up...

"Your Highness!" Song Shouan dragged his knees on the ground, knelt in front of Li Sangruo, hugged her knees with both hands, raised his head and begged for mercy, and spoke softly.

"I will serve Your Highness well... Your Highness is my heaven, and I will do whatever Your Highness says. It is my lifelong wish to work like a cow and a horse for Her Highness the Queen Mother. Your Highness, please don't abandon me..."

Li Sangruo narrowed her eyes and looked at him.

Trying to see the shadow of that man from this handsome face...

But the more I look at it, the more unfamiliar it is, and the more I look at it, the more angry it is...

"Get out!"

She raised her foot and kicked out.

The force was not strong, but Song Shouan sat down, hugged her feet in his arms, slowly stroked them, and knelt down to kiss them devoutly.

"Your Highness, it is right for me to punish you..."

"No matter how you punish me, I will accept it."

"Just don't...Don't be a villain."

Li Sangruo's anger grew stronger, but she was comforted by Song Shouan's gentle words...

That man's mouth can't say nice words.

Song Shouan can.

How precious is this talking mouth on such a face?

There will never be another Pei Jue in the world.

There will never be another Song Shouan who looks like Pei Jue, right?

She looked down at the man who was trying to please her, and sneered at the corner of her lips.

"Really, I don't care how I punish you?"

Song Shouan looked at her infatuatedly, "Let Your Highness punish me..."

Li Sangruo raised her eyebrows and suddenly took her feet out of his arms. Just as she was about to speak, she heard the cough of Eunuch Fang outside the door.

"Your Highness, Deputy Chief Wei of the Imperial Guards wants to see you."

Li Sangruo glanced at Song Shouan and motioned him to kneel down.

Then he said coldly, "Call."

Wei Zheng entered the hall and saw Song Shouan kneeling on one side, with a sneer on the corner of his lips, and Song Shouan also gave him a complicated cold look.

Song Shouan thought Wei Zheng was jealous of her.

After all, he could sleep with the Queen Mother while Wei Zheng couldn't.

Wei Zheng thought he was a fool, and that a good job could be turned into a joke, which was a disgrace to the Imperial Guards.

The two people couldn't stand each other, fighting openly and secretly, and Li Sangruo saw it all.

She enjoyed it very much and was pleased with it.

"Lord Wei, what do you want to report?"

Wei Zheng glanced at Song Shouan coldly, bowed his head and presented the letter.

"I impeach Song Shouan of the Tiqi Division for nepotism, corruption and abuse of power. Since he took office as the head of the Tiqi Division, he has no ability to control his subordinates, no ability to manage the division, no courage and no strategy. He can only use the Tiqi for personal gain. It goes without saying that he has moved a bunch of relatives with no moral integrity and no talent to the Tiqi Division. Every time he is assigned an official task, he will collect tributes from the Tiqi Division, treating the Tiqi Division as their rural vegetable market, complaining..."

After speaking, he looked up at Li Sangruo.

"I have witnesses and evidence, and I can report it to the Queen Mother immediately."

Li Sangruo said, "I know everything."

This lukewarm tone hit Wei Zheng hard.

He said, "Empress Dowager, if such an incompetent person holds the power of the Tiqisi again, it will be a disaster for the Great Jin Dynasty. I hope the Empress Dowager will deprive him of his position and put Song Shouan in prison!"

Li Sangruo frowned and suddenly reached out to Eunuch Fang.

Eunuch Fang brought her some tea, and she rinsed her mouth before smiling faintly.

"Lord Wei, you messed up your job after coming back from Andu, but I didn't punish you. I still comforted you with kind words and gave you the position of deputy director..."

Wei Zheng's heart sank.

Li Sangruo said again: "No one is perfect. Director Song is new to the important position and lacks experience. Lord Wei should help more and fulfill the friendship of colleagues, instead of making trouble behind the scenes, embarrassing colleagues and messing up my job again!"

"Your humble servant..." Wei Zheng took a breath, "I understand."

Song Shouan looked at him and bowed his hands obediently to apologize.

"I am sorry that I did not do my job well, Brother Wei, and I hope you will give me advice in the future..."

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