Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 106 Blushing Face

"My medicine pestle——"

Feng Yun shouted these words because he subconsciously wanted to save the situation.

But she overestimated her own shame.

It is not easy to tell lies without conscience. The two men looked at her at the same time. She immediately blushed at her obvious desire and wished that a thunderbolt would strike her to death.

She regretted everything.

If she had known this, she should have destroyed Luo Yue when she brought her from Zhongjing...

It doesn’t matter if you pick it up, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t pick it up.

Say something, don't say anything, don't say anything...

Fortunately, Pei Ran quickly solved the embarrassment for her.

He dropped the Piyong Sword and punched Chun Yuyan in the face.

Chun Yuyan was in trance watching the rolling jade force. How could he have expected that Pei Madang would suddenly take action?

"Pei Wangzhi, you are going too far!"

Chun Yuyan's hair was disheveled, and the makeup on her face was a little smudged, but she was always good-looking no matter how beautiful she was. He was handsome, gritted his teeth and wiped his face carelessly, his fists clattering in anger.

"You see me and Feng Twelve sharing the same bed and having a good time, but you are so angry? I like to see you unhappy... When you go to the battlefield, I will come again, day and night. Haunt her..."

His mouth seemed to be smeared with oil, and it was fast, hard, and infuriating.

Pei Madang didn't argue with him, he just moved his hands and didn't speak.

Feng Yun watched the two people going back and forth, walked over calmly, picked up the two little things, stuffed them under the dressing table as if nothing had happened, and sat back on the couch quietly.

It was as if the two men had a tacit understanding. They ignored her sneaky little moves, neither asked nor mentioned them. They seemed to be immersed in the fight of "killing each other, or being killed by each other".

"Pei Wangzhi, don't take yourself seriously!" Chun Yuyan said loudly: "As long as you don't marry her, don't hinder others from competing for her. My fair lady, gentlemen are fond of fighting, and the one who can do it will come first..."

He has a great mouth.

But he got beaten more than Pei Ran.

Calculating it this way, it’s barely a tie.

The words he said were getting harder and harder to hear. It was as if he wanted to return all the bad breath he had suffered when he was stuffed under the couch to listen to the room.

Feng Yun couldn't stand it any longer, and there was a buzzing in his ears.

"Boy, can you listen to me?"

"stop fighting!"

She sighed and stared at Pei Madang, whose face was cold.

"Don't you only have one hour left, General? How long has it been?"

Pei Ran didn't say a word, as if he didn't hear anything, and beat the person with a cold face.

Feng Yun said to Chunyu Yan again: "If the prince doesn't restrain his mouth, no one will collect your body when you die."

Chun Yuyan: "I can't restrain myself. Don't worry, Pei Wuzhi is so angry that I will collect his body for him."

Feng Yun saw that these two people were not getting enough, took a deep breath, and finally had an attack.

"Stop it, you are calling me in my room. Who are you calling for? Are you afraid that others won't know that two wild men in my room are fighting? Or is it because my reputation is too good? You must cause trouble for me. "

She gathered the strength to shout out the words in one breath.

The maids and Buqu outside were trembling after hearing this.

The two men, who were fighting inextricably, looked at each other and stopped.

Chunyu Yan was panting, staring at Pei Ran, and raised his lips with a proud smile.

"Twelve cares about me, and I listen to Twelve."

Feng Yun wanted to beat him to death.

What do you mean by listening to her?

It was obvious that he couldn't beat Pei Ran and wanted to give in, but he couldn't afford to lose that person.

But his mouth can speak. In this way, it was as if he and Feng Yun were in the same group, taking advantage of all their words.

Pei Madang was probably tired from the fight. He was wearing armor and sweating like rain. It took more energy than Chun Yuyan who went into battle lightly. He was also tired from running back from Xinzhou. In his red eyes, even if he controlled his emotions, he was still full of energy. It is violence visible to the naked eye.

If the fight continues, people will really die.

Pei Madang took a sip of herbal tea and walked to the window coldly.

The window opened, and the rain blew in, chilling his voice, "Get out!"

Chunyu Yan sat down on the couch.

"Feng Twelve didn't even tell me to get out, who do you think you are..."

Feng Yun was almost knocked out by his noise, so he stepped forward to pull him away.

"Leave quickly, leave quickly."

Chun Yuyan was still wearing the middle coat, with long hair disheveled, and rouge on his face. After the fight, his face was flushed and he was sweating. He looked like a beautiful girl who had been insulted...

He said shamelessly, "It's raining outside. I'm a young person who has just passed away, and I'm so good-looking. It's not safe to go out!"

Feng Yun was almost mad at him.

"Where are your guards, where are Xiang Zhong, where are Sang Jiao and Yin You."

Chun Yuyan: "I don't know. They are probably all dead."

Feng Yun laughed coldly, took out his mask and coat from under the bed, and handed them over.

Chunyu Yan raised his head and smiled like a flower.

"How did you take it off and put it back on for me..."

Pei Madang looked over coldly, his eyes filled with coldness.

Seeing this, Feng Yun grabbed the long whip hanging by the couch and said, "Are you leaving or not..."

Chunyu Yan: "Let's go. I'll listen to Twelve."

This deeply affectionate and soft look clearly meant that he wanted to kill her.

After putting on his clothes and mask, he walked to the window and looked back.

"Twelve, it's raining outside."

Feng Yun walked out and asked Xiao Man to bring him an oil-paper umbrella and hand it to him.

Only then did Chun Yuyan raise the corners of his lips with an unpredictable smile.

"I know you feel sorry for me."

This voice was like a small hook with a bewitching effect, which made Feng Yun...want to whip him with a whip.

Unconsciously, he turned to look at Pei Mang, smiled, and bowed to him, "Brother, go ahead. Brother, take good care of our Twelve."

This is very embarrassing to say.

Fortunately, he himself also knew the pros and cons, and before his voice fell, he jumped up and disappeared from the window.

The room that was noisy just now suddenly became deserted.

The rain wasn't heavy, but the sound of rain penetrated into the room and stirred the entire space. Pei Madang stood there silently, wearing armor in the half-dark light, looking unusually indifferent.

Feng Yun's black eyes were fixed on him and he stepped forward.

"General, do you want to rest for a while before leaving?"

The anger in the corner of Pei Man's eyes became lighter, "Yeah."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, called Daman and Xiaoman in, made tea again, and asked Pei Man to sit down opposite each other on the wooden couch by the window, waiting for them to clean up the mess in the house.

The two were relatively speechless.

The autumn wind blew in, and the sound of wind chimes suddenly came to my ears. It was crisp and sweet, and paired with the sound of rain, it was particularly meditative.

Feng Yun subconsciously looked up at Pei Ran.

He was looking at her too.

His dark eyes were deep, as if he wanted to say something.


Feng Yun was a little surprised.

She saw that he had something to say, but it wasn't this.

"I'm a little sleepy." Usually at this time, she had already dreamed of Duke Zhou. Even though she didn't feel sleepy at this time, her eyes were already dry.

"Go to bed." Pei Madang glanced at the bed that had been rearranged by the maid, "I'll leave as soon as the rain stops."

Feng Yun lifted the teapot on the small stove and filled him with water.

"The general has come all the way back, how could I not accompany him?"

Pei Ran: "Don't worry about me."

These words sounded a little aggrieved, but Feng Yun looked up and saw only a pair of indifferent eyes.

Pei Madang sat in front of the wooden desk, looking more lonely than the iceberg.

Feng Yun smiled and chatted lightly.

"How is my big brother?"


"Have you recovered?"

"It's not over yet."

"Thank you, General, for taking care of me these days."

Pei Ran said nothing.

There is only the sound of rain, tick-tick-tock.

Feng Yun looked at his cold face and felt a chill running down his spine.

"General, haven't you slept well recently?"

Those eyes and that face make me sleepy just by looking at them.

Feng Yun didn't look so happy, "How about the general go and take a nap? I just ordered the stove to make some food for the general. When the meal is ready, I will call the general up and fill his stomach before leaving."

Pei Ran glanced at her and said, "Are you coming with me?"

His voice is very nice.

The red-hot light in the eyes, the slender hand holding the lamp, everything seems to have a faint undercurrent surging, like a fully drawn bow. If it can't shoot the sharp arrow, it means that the intention Difficult to calm down.

Feng Yun's cheeks turned a little red.

"It's all up to the general."

Pei Madang's eyes turned red, he stood up and picked her up, and gently put her down beside the couch. He stared down at her for a moment. When Feng Yun's waist was numb and his heart was up and down, he gently pulled the quilt to cover her.

"Go to sleep."

He stopped looking at Feng Yun and lay down next to her on the bedside. He didn't take off his armor and closed his eyes as if he was sleeping.

He is very well behaved.

Not like Meng Lang when we first met.

Feng Yun lay on his side and watched him rest with his eyes closed.

His whole body is rigid, his armor is, and so is he. I haven't seen him for a few days, and he seems to be a little darker. His original handsome face looks more sharp because of his haggard look. If you look closely, there is a shallow scar from the ear to the neck. It should be that the wound is not deep and has healed. It's almost impossible to see clearly.

It can be seen that the battlefield is dangerous...

Feng Yun watched and thought, and fell asleep at some point...

When she opened her eyes again and woke up, it was already bright, the rain had passed, the sky was clear, the sky outside the window was clear, and the world after lotion became clear and brand new.

It was as if what happened last night never happened.

Feng Yun yawned and called Xiao Man in.

"When did the general leave?"

Xiaoman said: "We'll leave before dawn."

Feng Yun murmured softly, "Have you eaten?"

Xiaoman shook her head and saw Feng Yun's eyes sinking. She smiled again and said: "But don't worry, girl, I stuffed twenty boiled eggs into the left guard's bag, as well as a dozen large cakes and a basket of large white steamed buns. If you are hungry, Don't touch them."

Feng Yun looked at her with a smile, "It's just you who are smart."

Xiao Man smiled shyly, his ears red.

Feng Yun had something to do today, and his mind quickly separated from the chaos and regained calm. Unexpectedly, when I was dressing up, I discovered that the small box that had been hastily stuffed underneath last night was missing.

"What is the girl looking for?" Xiaoman asked.

Feng Yun had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Where's the stuff I put under the dresser?"

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