Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 105 Shura Arena

"Didn't hear it."

Pei Man's voice was very low and hoarse, with an impatient tone.

Feng Yun muttered, "I think Ao Zai was frightened by you and hid under the couch."

Pei Ran didn't say much. He pulled her over with a cold face and gently brushed the hair beside her ear.

"Pay more attention."

This person is energetic and talented, and after suppressing it, it explodes exponentially. His face that used to be rigid and indifferent may have revived some kind of dormant desire. It is extremely scary at this moment, with his blood and blood pressing against her with such strong attack power. In her suppressed gasps, the heat became astonishing, almost scalding her.

Feng Yun trembled again and again.

Didn't he hear what he just said?

She stretched out her hand to stop Pei Ran, "General, you can't."

Pei Ran lowered his eyes and stroked her red lips with his thumb, "Ji is unwilling?"

Feng Yun's body tensed up, and his mind went blank for a long time. His senses were all carried by him, and his whole body felt light and airy.

"It's unfortunate that the general is back. I...have trouble."

Pei Ran: "What's going on?"

He actually heard it, but...

The two of them rarely communicated on such matters before.

General Pei seems to be missing a string?

Feng Yun was a little dumbfounded. Looking at the depressed face in front of him, he quietly concealed his "little malice" and pretended to be regretful: "Yue Xin is here."

Pei Man stood there as petrified as a sculpture, his eyes staring at the girl in front of him, his pupils showing a cold and wild look, as if he wanted to devour her.

"You deliberately?"

A little bit...

Knowing that it wouldn't work, she still pestered him deliberately.

Sometimes the way the general looks so angry is also very interesting.

Feng Yun's heart was beating hard, but he had an amulet that could cure him, so he wouldn't be afraid at all.

She knew that no matter how much of a beast Pei Ran was, he would not touch her at this time.

"Then what should we do?" She asked him softly, blinking her eyes brightly: "Should we wait until the general returns from a victorious battle next time and we can continue?"

Pei Ran let go of her and lay down slumped, "You are cruel."

"The general misunderstood me." Feng Yun got up and stretched himself to look at him.

"I really want to serve the general, but... God is not kind to me."

Pei Madang raised his dark eyes and glanced at her. His chest rose and fell slightly, but he made no sound.

Feng Yun couldn't stop laughing.

The rain still didn't stop.

The two people looked at each other, and the atmosphere was extremely subtle.

Feng Yun looked at the dim light and saw a beast-like guy ready to move. He almost went crazy because he couldn't find a way out.

She paused, leaned on his shoulder again, listened to the fierce heartbeat, and asked him casually: "When is the general going to set off?"

Pei Ran frowned slightly, emotions that she couldn't understand surged deep in his eyes.

"When it's ugly."

"Then there's still an hour left?" Feng Yun was surprised.

Without waiting for Pei Ran to speak, he pretended to be surprised and asked: "So, the general came back to see me before sending troops to merge with the state?"

Pei Ran remained silent.

After a long while, he said calmly: "We have military affairs."

Well! Feng Yun didn't think anything was wrong.

Instead, he seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"That's good. I'm still thinking about how to repay the general's affection. Since it's military affairs... then I can forget about it."

Pei Ran glanced at her eyes.

A face filled with the chill of "I believe your lies".

Feng Yun chuckled and talked about him again.

"The battle of Bingzhou will not be easy. How will the general prepare to deal with Xiao Cheng's army of 500,000?"

"Don't ask around." Pei Ran said with a cold face. Seeing her unhappy expression, he repeated again, "I still have an hour."

Under his fiery gaze, Feng Yun stretched out his finger and tapped his Adam's apple, half-smiling: "What are you going to do with this hour, general?"

"What do you think?" Before the voice fell, the big hand on her waist came over, as if with a kind of teeth-gnashing cruelty, wanting to crush her in the palm of his hand.

"If I could, I really want to kill you."

The crazy desire coupled with the cold pool-like eyes seemed to have awakened some sleeping emotion.

Feng Yun felt slightly suffocated, as if his heart had been fiddled with by something.

She whispered: "Then I... help the general?"

"How can I help?" Pei Ran's voice was extremely hoarse.

Feng Yun smiled, looked into those deep black eyes, and moved up to kiss his hard Adam's apple...

A subtle sound of struggling reached my ears again.

It still came from under the couch.

"Ao Zai?"

"Ao Zai, come out quickly." Feng Yun patted the bed board. He didn't see Ao Zai's shadow. He felt uneasy. He got up from Pei Mang's body and was about to reach down to check. Unexpectedly, he pulled him back again.

"Don't you want to help me?"

His body fell heavily on the couch.

Feng Yun didn't feel any pain, but the couch made a strange creaking sound.

As Pei Madang's tiger body pressed up, it vibrated rhythmically...

There was movement under the bed again.

This time, it was louder and bigger than before...

Feng Yun couldn't hold back his anger, "Ao Zai wouldn't make such a fuss, could it be someone else?"

Pei Ran: "If we delay it any longer, there will only be half an hour left."

Feng Yun always felt that something was strange, but he couldn't place it clearly. Pei Madang closed his knuckles slightly and pulled her over to hug her.

His hand was placed on her belly silently.

"Does it hurt?"

Feng Yun was startled.

That warm hand gave her a shiver in memory...

It’s not about desire, it’s about warmth.

He was warming her belly.

For a moment, I felt dazed, as if it had happened a lifetime ago.

General Pei actually doted on her. In the past three years, many details that she had long forgotten were awakened at this time...

"Thank you, General, for your kindness. I don't feel any pain." Feng Yun slowly pushed Pei Madang's hand away.

Falling into the body and being in a state of mind are two different things.

It's relaxing to indulge once in a while.

But the heartbeat is the curse of tragic death.

She firmly rejected Pei Ran's kindness in her heart, but she didn't show it at all on her face, but her deliberate tenderness was betrayed by the slight chill in her eyes...

"It's getting late, and there's not much we can do anyway. General, why don't you leave early, so there's no need to rush on the way..."

Pei Ran looked into her eyes lightly, his face slowly darkened. After a moment, he loosened his grip on Feng Yun little by little and sat up from the couch.


A simple breathy sound.

It's like carrying an iceberg weighing a thousand kilograms.

Feng Yun watched him get dressed and followed him to help.

This time he was sincere, after all the armor was heavy.

But Pei Ran didn't appreciate it very much, "No, you go and lie down."

Feng Yun knew that it ruined his mood, so he didn't say much, sat back and looked at him with a calm smile.

Pei Madang slowly put on his armor, then picked up the Piyong Sword hanging on the wall and walked back. He stood by the couch and looked at her for a moment, then suddenly bent down.

With a bang, a person was dragged out from under the bed.

Feng Yun was so shocked when he saw this that he almost died of fear on the spot.

Chun Yuyan had disheveled hair, makeup, his mouth was blocked by a ball of cloth, and his hands and feet were tied like a big rice dumpling. Only his two eyes could see the overwhelming resentment and crazy anger...


Zongzi was struggling and wanted to speak.

Feng Yun saw Pei Madan with a cold face and called out.


Pei Mant pulled out the gag cloth and pressed the Piyong Sword silently against Chun Yuyan's neck.

"Next time, I won't be lenient!"

Is this called Qingrao?

Chun Yuyan was almost mad at him.

Shaking his disheveled hair vigorously, he stared at Pei Madang with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"What kind of hero do you think you are if you have the guts to let go of me and take advantage?"

Feng Yun's eyelids twitched.

She heard the word "take advantage".

I am very curious as to what advantage Pei Madang took advantage of Chun Yuyan...

"Pei Wanzhi, you can't win without force!"

"Shut up!" The person who scolded him was Feng Yun.

She looked down at the zongzi, which was so twisted that its beautiful appearance was almost deformed.

"Keep it louder and you'll wake everyone up. Let's see how I deal with you."

Chunyu Yan scratched his neck, his eyes burning red with frustration and anger.

"Why did you interrupt me when I was talking to him?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "Your Majesty, look what has become of me. All I have left is a mouth that is still powerful..."

"Pei Mad!" Chun Yuyan didn't bother to look at her, and stared at the man holding the Piyong Sword with his red eyes, "Untie, you and I duel."

This proposal is crazy.

One is the God of Wealth, the other is the Bodhisattva of the Earth...

It would not be a good thing for Feng Yun if either of the two people was beaten to death.

"You two." Feng Yun tried to reconcile, "It's not a deep hatred. Why don't we sit down and talk about it in detail... In these troubled times, for the sake of friendship between Dajin and Yunchuan, you two should consider peace as the most important thing."

"you shut up!"

"you shut up!"

The two men said in unison.

Feng Yun's eyelids twitched, and before he could speak, Pei Madang raised his Piyong sword slightly and broke the hemp rope that bound Chun Yuyan.

Chunyu Yan pushed the carp forward and bounced up instantly.

The fist struck Pei Madang's chest like a wind.

This time there was no greeting, and I began to lose my martial ethics.

However, Pei Madang was well prepared. He calmly turned sideways and carried the Piyong Sword behind his back, as if he was going to give him two moves, just like strolling in the courtyard...

At first, Chun Yuyan was a little annoyed. Three moves passed without touching the corner of Pei Man's clothes. Then he saw that Feng Yun had calmly sat back on the couch, looking like he was watching the show seriously, and even hugged the quilt...

He slowly calmed down...

The man who played with the eagle was pecked by the eagle.

Seeing Feng Twelve’s jokes, he became the joke.

If he loses ugly again, how will he walk in front of Feng Twelve in the future?

Chun Yuyan suddenly narrowed his eyes, and a hungry tiger pounced on the food. He rose into the air like a falcon with spread wings, and kicked Pei Madang quickly. The broken jade sword on his body was also unsheathed, as fast as lightning...

Move on to the real guy.

Feng Yun's eyes flashed slightly.

"You two..."

No one paid any attention to her.

Pei Madang's tall figure stepped back and watched the broken jade sword pass by.

And Chun Yuyan's figure landed steadily on Feng Yun's desk. He turned around and stabbed him fiercely. His figure was elegant, his clothes were flying...

Feng Yun exclaimed.

The words stuck in my throat finally came out.

"Why risk your life..."

She was horrified to see it.

Daman and Xiaoman outside the door did not dare to show their anger.

The fight started!

General Pei and Prince Chunyu fought.

There was a lot of movement at this end, and within a few moments it alerted the troops and guards on duty, who rushed toward the main room with knives.

Upon hearing that the situation was not good, Feng Yun was about to say something.

Then Pei Madang suddenly turned around and shouted:

"No one is allowed in without my order."

Zuo Zhong was standing guard outside, his heart skipping a beat, "Here."

So, before Xing Bing's followers and guards stepped onto the steps of the main house, they saw Zuo Zhong standing under the eaves with a knife, and beside him was a red-faced Xiaoman.

"Guard Zuo, what happened?"

Zuo Zhong cleared his throat.

"Everyone, be patient, nothing happened..."

The sound of fighting came from Feng Yun's room at the right time.

How could nothing happen in such a fierce battle?

Xing Bing looked at Zuo Zhong with suspicion, his hand on the knife.

"Did the general and the girl have a dispute?"

Zuo Zhong was a little embarrassed.

You can't say that there is really a wild man in the girl's room, right?

You can't say that the general is fighting with a wild man, right?

He compromised and said tactfully:

"The general... is teaching the girl martial arts..."

Practicing martial arts?

Practicing martial arts in the middle of the night?

A group of people stood in the autumn wind, looking at each other.

Xing Bing was very anxious at first, afraid that the girl would suffer.

But as the fight lasted for a long time, he felt relieved.

He must be teaching the girl martial arts, otherwise, with the girl's physique, it would be effortless for the general to beat her, why would it take so long?

Everyone outside relaxed.

But Feng Yun in the room was very nervous.

In terms of physique and fighting ability, Pei Jue must be much stronger than Chun Yuyan, but he was wearing armor now. Such clothes are suitable for multi-person battlefields, but they will not be agile enough in single combat, especially when the opponent is Chun Yu, who is known for his agility...

The two of them fought back and forth, and Feng Yun was dazzled.

Good-looking people are pleasing to the eye even when they fight.

Feng Yun watched for a long time and gradually realized that they were actually holding back their sword moves and did not really want to take each other's lives. He felt relieved and felt dry in his mouth, so he wanted to pour a cup of hot tea and sit down to enjoy it slowly.

She was about to get up when she saw the Biyong sword brushing against her desk, making a metallic "hum" sound...

To avoid the sword, Chun Yuyan stepped back and crashed heavily into her bookcase.

A loud bang!

The bookcase fell down.

Feng Yun watched helplessly as the box she had hidden in the secret compartment fell to the ground, and after several flips and collisions, it slid heavily to the wall, and the hidden things rolled out from it...

The two of them might not know what a Burmese bell is.

But the appearance of that jade stick...

Any man can see it clearly.

Seeing that the two instigators stopped because they destroyed property, the two of them looked at the jade stick on the ground with strange and shocked expressions.

Feng Yun's head buzzed.

She froze on the spot, her ears burning like fire...

Feng Yun: God, please strike me to death with thunder!

Chun Yuyan: I didn't see anything.

Pei Jue: If we kill him, no one will know.

So they started fighting again.

Feng Yun: Why don’t you both die together?

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