Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 104 Shura Cemetery

Feng Yun looked at his cold face, his eyes flickering.

"Did the general win the battle?"

Pei Ran said: "The Qi army launched a massive attack on the left flank of Xinzhou last night. Our light cavalry occupied favorable terrain, backed up the defense of Xinzhou City, and attacked the enemy's flanks from left to right. After three hours of fierce fighting, the Qi army collapsed in front of the formation..."

He did not shy away from talking about the war with Feng Yun.

But that's an understatement.

A few words describe the life and death struggle on the battlefield.

Feng Yun asked: "What happened next?"

Pei Madang said: "Taking advantage of the enemy's decline, we pursued them to the Qi army's camp. The Qi army cut off their tails and set fire to the camp. They withdrew eighty miles away and defended themselves at Jintan Bay..."

Suddenly he looked down at her, "Is this a victory?"

Feng Yun saw that he had no expression and smiled, "Of course."

The candlelight flickered.

The room was filled with the fragrance of laughing lotus. It was made by Feng Yun after arriving in Huaxi Village, using agarwood, cloves, cinnamon, etc., plus dried lotus powder. She liked it very much.

It doesn't have the cool and outstanding fragrance of Yukigami Meijue, but it is mild and light, which is very suitable for the scene where the two of them are getting along.

Looking at each other, a hazy ambiguity spread in the silence.

Pei Madang stretched out his long arms and took her over, pulling her into his arms to entangle with An Xiang.

She seemed to hear her own breathing, short and shallow.

Pei Madang looked down at her without any extra movement, "Ao Qi writes to you every day, why don't you ask him?"

Sure enough, there is nothing that can be hidden from General Pei.

Feng Yun smiled, thinking of the young man who had not received a letter for many days.

Ask him: "How is Guard Ao?"

Pei Man tightened his arms and stared at her, lowering his head. His hot breath flowed down the ear sockets and sprayed into the collar, stimulating an unbearable red color.

"The light cavalry attacked, and Ao Qi led the left wing. He has battlefield talent and knows how to adapt. I am preparing to send troops to Bingzhou. Ao Qi followed Zhu Cheng's Red Armor Army and rushed to Bingzhou yesterday."

Feng Yun frowned inadvertently, "You never wanted him to charge into battle."

Pei Ran: "My nephew is too old to control me."

This sentence is quite a pun.

Unfortunately, Feng Yun was so immersed in the news that Pei Madang was going to send troops to merge with the state that he didn't notice it. After thinking for a moment, he looked up and found a pair of eyes staring at him coldly, like a sharp and long blade about to be unsheathed.

She smiled relaxedly.

"Bingzhou's waterways extend in all directions and are heavily guarded. Can the general be sure of victory?"

Pei Ran said: "The battlefield is constantly changing, and there is never absolute certainty."

Every time you go into battle, you may face death.

Most of the victorious generals died on the battlefield.

Feng Yun felt that Pei Ran talked a little more tonight than usual. There was no change in his face, but it made her feel uneasy...

I always feel like this person is brewing something...

The inexplicable disappearance of Crown Prince Chunyu in the room became a worry for her.

"Then are you tired, general?" Feng Yun looked at Pei Madang's red eyes and couldn't hide his fatigue. It can be imagined that he was still chasing the Qi army in Xinzhou to Jintan Bay this morning, and then appeared in Huaxi Village in the evening. There is no moment of rest.

He must be very tired and tired.

So she pointed to the soft couch hesitantly.

"General, please sleep here tonight. I'll go to the next room and spend the night..."

Pei Ran said nothing.

When she stood up to leave, he grabbed her slender wrist.

Feng Yun unexpectedly fell into his arms and turned his eyes in surprise, "General?"

Pei Man pursed his lips tightly and gently raised his hand to brush away her hanging hair. His eyes became particularly hot and full of predatory desire in the long hair of Xiao Hexiang.

There was a sudden wind outside the window, and a cool autumn breeze rushed in.

Feng Yun noticed the coolness and flinched, then he restrained his waist and turned around to press him on the couch.

"Don't go." His slightly cold lips were close at hand, and his voice was low and hoarse.

The rain suddenly started outside the window, beating on the windows and tiles, covering up the intense heartbeats of the two of them. As they looked at each other, their noses touched each other, their breathing was disordered, and the kiss fell with the sound of the biting rain. …

It was hot, hard to bear, and surrounded her airtightly. It seemed to be filled with unspeakable emotions, and it seemed to have accumulated power for thousands of years. It acted recklessly on her body, burning and lingering... Soon it became entangled in a tangle of emotions. , the rising pleasure gathers and stretches in the waist and abdomen, and what rolls in the throat is the extremely suppressed whisper...

Daman and Xiaoman outside the curtain looked at each other, lowered their heads, blushed and retreated, closing the door.

The guards also retreated further.


Feng Yun couldn't breathe, and wrapped his hands around his neck, feeling as nervous as drowning.

She suspected that she was going to be melted, and she was breathless when she said one sentence:

"I...General, wait, I have some inconvenience..."

Pei Madang stared at her coolly, stretched out his hand to hold her hand, and suddenly his voice dropped.

"You still have a chance."

Feng Yun's mind was so blank that he could apply ink, and he didn't react for a while.

"What...what opportunity?"

Pei Man's hand slid down her waistline. There was no expression on his face, and his lips almost touched hers again... but unexpectedly, a slap that was neither light nor heavy landed on her soft buttocks. .

"Excuse me!"

"..." Feng Yun's eyes widened.

Of course she knew what Pei Ran wanted.

If he hadn't held it back so hard and thought about it for a long time, how could he have crossed the Huai River from Xinzhou and hurried back to see her just after the war?

The best thing about General Pei is that bite.

But she was suddenly spanked, feeling awkward and flustered, and her cheeks immediately turned red.

What a bad temper, do you have to apologize even if it is inconvenient?

Feng Yun stared at him with red eyes and said nothing.

Pei Madang let go of her slightly, "Aren't you still willing to tell the truth?"

Feng Yun felt suffocated, "What does the general want me to explain?"

Pei Ran looked at him with a serious look, his face was indifferent.

Feng Yun lowered his eyes, "I was wrong."

Pei Ran asked: "What's wrong?"

Feng Yun was confused and hesitant.

She guessed that Pei Ran was talking about Chun Yuyan, but she also suspected that Pei Ran had only seen some traces and did not know the whole picture. He was just trying to trick her and refused to go to the edge of the knife himself.

So I saved a bit of luck and said, "I shouldn't..."

Suddenly she hugged his neck, and leaned forward with her body as soft as if there were no bones. She leaned over him softly, and sealed it with a kiss...

This trick works every time.

Pei Ran subconsciously wanted to avoid it, staring at her with eyes that were either frightened or lustful.

Feng Yun's cold lips trembled as he approached, holding his neck tightly, as if the docile little beast suddenly became violent...

He soon surrendered, panting uncontrollably, his hard knuckles almost crushing her, but his tense face relaxed.

The crisis is over, and the sound of rain between heaven and earth is even more lingering.

Feng Yun smiled triumphantly.

"I shouldn't have written a letter to seduce the general, causing him to travel a long distance without even having a rest..."

The breath rolled over his lips.

Pei Man hugged her tightly, as if he wanted to strangle her.

"Then how should I punish you?" His voice was hoarse and he asked her in an almost bewitching tone, and the astonishingly hot body made her tremble like a grinding machine.

That's the real punishment.

Feng Yun's eyes were full of soft waves. He couldn't stand it. He looked at the sharp eyebrows of the man in front of him and smiled lowly as if teasing him.

"...I know what the general is thinking." Feng Yun quietly reached into his clothes, "General, can't you stand it anymore? Please, please, please let me help you?"

Pei Ran:......

How dare this girl say such outrageous things?

Feng Yun then said leisurely: "Otherwise the general will get tired of looking back and dislike me, and I will not be able to think about it anymore. If the general begs me, I can comfort myself. I am begged by the general, so I can get some sweetness... "

Pei Man poked her face and it was hard to bear it.

"I'll give you something sweet."

"How sweet?"

"you guess?"



Feng Yun clicked his tongue.

General Pei would not have said such a thing at this time before.

Feng Yun didn't bother to think about what he had gone through and how much experience he had in the house. He just smiled and said: "You men, which one of you doesn't say one thing on your lips and another in your heart? You may say it's sweet on your lips, but you may have already figured it out in your heart." Killed me thousands of times."

Pei Ran didn't refute this time.

Instead, he followed her words and told her in a gloomy and cold tone.

"I've thought about it."

Feng Yun raised his eyes, "What?"

Pei Man hugged her, an unbearable bass sound coming from his throat.

"I'll kill you, a thousand times, a hundred times."

Feng Yun looked at him with a smile in his eyes, "General, let's try it. How should I slaughter it to make it more delicious? Should it be stewed to make it taste better, or braised in braised sauce to make it taste better?"

Naturally charming, that's probably it? Pei Man's eyes fell on her slightly messy temples, and when he saw her red lips slightly parted as she spoke these words, her breath was unsteady for a moment, and she gritted her teeth to suppress the violent desire that jumped out.

She was completely unaware of the danger and asked with a smile:

"General, why don't you eat it secretly? I heard it tastes better if you steal it?"

"Not serious." Pei Ran narrowed his eyes hard and finally understood what this little hoof was thinking.

He just refused to let him continue to ask questions.

Pei Madang pursed his lips slightly, like a devil who could manipulate people's hearts. He held her in his palm and played with her at will, bringing out a string of numbness that penetrated into her muscles and bones, waiting for her to moan and apologize. .

Then he sternly demanded a confession:

"Tell me! Why is Chun Yuyan in your bed?"

Sure enough, I knew it.

I also know that the beauty is Chun Yuyan.

Even if Pei Madang has never seen Chun Yuyan's face, he will recognize the broken jade sword.

Feng Yun compromised.

"It's impossible to kill someone above your head. There is no such thing as extorting a confession..."

"Really?" Pei Ran's voice was inexplicably tight.

Feng Yun called out in a delicate voice and held down his big sliding hand.

"If you want to kill or behead me, General, please do not torture me..."

"If you want to kill, you must also cut into pieces. Kill thoroughly and leave no trace of armor behind."

Feng Yun was a little angry.

She suddenly realized that this Pei Madang was simply an old pervert who was her equal in chess. He was no longer the ignorant General Pei. He could pick up on anything, making it difficult for her to resist.

"'s really inconvenient for me..."

Feng Yun suspected that Pei Ran would kill her.

It's true, the kind that is completely dead.

"General, spare me this time."

She shamelessly begged for mercy, wrapped her body around him, and coaxed him shamelessly...

As long as General Pei is happy, he is still easy to talk to.

Sure enough, Pei Man frowned and stared at her. His breathing became heavier, as if his bones were dry. He was covered in sweat. His brows spread out and a suppressed moan rolled out of his throat. His breath became heavier than before. .

But his mind was still very clear, and he did not want to make him faint. He grabbed Feng Yun and pulled him away, asking in a low voice:

"Tell me, what's going on with you?"

Feng Yun looked at him with charming eyes.

"We seem to have been plotted by the Zhang brothers."

"Oh?" Pei Ran clearly didn't believe it, "If that's the case, why let them go?"

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly and showed a cryptic smile.

“General, have you ever heard of the long-term approach to catching big fish?”

Pei Madang looked at her for a moment, then slowly hugged her and turned her over. Feng Yun snuggled into his arms obediently. With her petite body so close to him, the physical difference was magnified, like a fragile little white rabbit falling into the arms of a big beast.

"What would you do if I didn't come?"

Maybe Pei Ran's attitude tonight was too friendly, maybe Feng Yun had already broken through his unimportant self-esteem and no longer had any shame.

She smiled, her eyes met Pei Madang's inquiring eyes, and she immediately gave him a flirtatious look, as if she was coquettishly scolded.

"Didn't the general see it? He still asked."

She had no idea what she looked like when she became squeamish...

How charming will it be to confuse people...

Pei Man grabbed her waist angrily, and every vein in her body seemed to swell. He screamed so forcefully that Feng Yun shrank back in fear, and then he raised his eyes and asked:

"But I have doubts...then...where did Prince Chunyu go?"

Pei Ran: "Let's go."

Feng Yun let out a sigh of relief.

If such a beautiful and charming Crown Prince Chunyu falls into the hands of Pei Man...

No, the Chun Yuyan that Pei Ran saw at that time was after she had painted her eyebrows and lips. Such a beautiful appearance was only visible to Pei Ran, an old pervert...

She suddenly had some doubts. When Pei Madang entered the room from the window and saw a soft and attractive beauty under the quilt, would he reveal her true nature and pounce on her to gnaw on her?

So how should Chun Yuyan react?

What did the two people say, and how did Chun Yuyan leave?

She actually missed such a famous scene.

"So upset."

He spoke subconsciously, only to realize that the man's eyes were menacing.

"What is Ji talking about?"


The delicate atmosphere was pushed into an uncontrollable situation.

Pei Madang couldn't bear the torture any longer, so he pulled down the curtain and fell down. Feng Yun couldn't hold back and shouted, "General."

The calluses on Pei Man's hands scraped through her thin clothes, causing a shiver.

Feng Yun knew his reaction very well. His body was trembling, his eyelashes were trembling, and his consciousness was wandering in a trance. Only then did he realize that the man did not actually understand what the "inconvenience" she just said was.

Seeing that he was a little out of control, and his dignity was gone if he didn't stop him, Feng Yun then pulled his face and spread it slightly apart while breathing heavily.

"My body is here..."


Feng Yun buried his face into the side of his neck, chuckled, and was about to speak when he suddenly heard a collision under the couch, as if someone was struggling violently.

She looked up in surprise: "What's the sound?"

Alas, I had something to do today, so I was delayed. Sorry, sorry~

Second update, wait a moment, I’ll come back after lunch...

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