Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 103 Thinking of Me

Feng Yun looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, wishing he could poke his own eyes.

Didn't he tuck Chunyu Yan under the quilt and leave?

Why is Pei Ran sitting there?

What the hell kind of transformation into a living person?

Pei Man was not wearing the usual cold armor, but a soft middle coat. He looked a little tired and lazy, as if he had just been woken up from the bed. His stern face was not angry or intimidating. With a cold glance, he He stopped the person at the door.

He Qia, Feng Yun, a few servants, and the two women.

Motionless and stunned.

Feng Yun didn't see Chun Yuyan and didn't dare to ask.

Secretly, she hoped that Chun Yuyan escaped on her own while she sent someone to invite He Qia.

"There's a lot of noise outside, what's going on?" Pei Madang asked.

Being stared at by the general, He Qia's back felt numb and he wanted to kneel down and kowtow a few times.

"Reporting to the general, yes, there was a small misunderstanding..."

Pei Madang glanced at Feng Yun who kept scanning the room, slowly got up from the couch, put on his coat and walked over.

"What's the misunderstanding?"

"Ah this..." He Qia was speechless.

He is going to do a big sin!

General Pei was captured.

How does it end?

He Qia's hair stood on end and he closed his eyes. Just before he handed over his hand and told the truth, there was a burst of stomping footsteps outside the corridor, as well as shouts led by the Zhang brothers.

"He Jun, please don't show favoritism."

"He Jun, this is related to the reputation of the general..."

"So many people in Huaxi Village are watching."

"If he is a thief or an adulterer, won't he know if he is taken out for a walk? Is it possible that Mr. He still wants to interrogate him in the house?"

As soon as Zhang Erbing's voice came out, the brothers started laughing.

That look was a bit arrogant.

"Let's take a look at the adulterer of the righteous lady, shall we feast our eyes on it?"

The atmosphere has been pushed here...

The people watching the excitement were as excited as celebrating the New Year.

He Qia kept looking at Pei Madang's face.

The general didn't speak, so He Qia had to pretend to be dead.

Some of the villagers who blocked the main house were instigated into a frenzy and hooting.

Part of me is also slightly worried.

"If you make trouble like this, something will happen..."

"Yes, if you offend Mrs. Rizheng, you will offend the general. If you turn around and pursue the case... it will be serious."

"Extremely yes...extremely yes."

"Stop being crazy. How can there be any thief and adulterer in the girl's room? You have ruined the girl's reputation for nothing. If you really need to be punished, all of you who are making noises will not be able to escape..."

When the Zhang brothers saw someone trying to make trouble, they sneered and glared at them.

"Were those ignorant people so stupid in their previous lives?"

"We are catching adulterers for the general, and we are protecting the general's reputation..."

His voice was as loud as a bell. Just as he was about to speak, the crowd suddenly fell silent.

Someone said: "Look, is that... General Pei!"

"It's the general... The person in the girl's room is the general?"

Zhang Erbing glanced at them.

"General Pei is currently stationed in Xinzhou, waiting to start a war with the Qi army."

"Don't bluff the General. We are clearing the door for the General. The General must know that it is not too late to thank us..."

As soon as Zhang Erbing finished speaking, the man in a cloak slowly walked out of the dim light.

"How do you want me to thank you?"

The crowd roared, like a firecracker exploding in the middle.


"It's General Pei!"

Zhang Erbing gasped and was stunned.

Pei Madang glanced at him, and the murderous aura immersed in the battlefield instantly spread coldly.

The crowd seemed to have been silenced.

Zhang Erbing looked at Pei Ran in disbelief, and then at Feng Yun, He Qia and others who were following him, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets.

In the cold silence where the crowd stood dumbly, more scared than anyone else who was embarrassed, Pei Madang reached out to hold Feng Yun's hand, took it into his palm, and clasped it lightly.

"A group of unruly people. He Qia, take them away for interrogation. The principal culprit will be executed, and the accomplices will be imprisoned."

He Qia responded and was about to call someone, but Feng Yun suddenly held Pei Man's hand.

"General, don't worry."

The drama had just begun, and Pei Madang came back and intervened, completely disrupting her rhythm.

Even if He Qia kills the Zhang brothers in prison, so what?

Just a few lackeys died.

It has no influence at all on the mastermind behind them, let alone any harm.

That would be too advantageous for them. No matter how you calculate this account, it will be her fault.

"In my opinion, a general does not need to mobilize troops."

Feng Yun held Pei Madang's wrist, raised his eyes slightly, and looked at him with an expression that said, "I feel aggrieved, but I want to take the overall situation into consideration."

"We are from the same village. From now on, we will not see each other when we raise our heads but will not look down again. How can we get along with each other if we make such a fuss..."

She was telling Pei Ran that the law does not punish everyone. With so many villagers coming tonight, they cannot all be killed.

The punishment is really harsh. From now on, it will be difficult for her to behave in the village, let alone gain a foothold...

Pei Ran glanced at her lightly.

In front of everyone, he said warmly, "How can I allow others to humiliate you?"

Feng Yun shook his head and said: "The cause of this matter is that people lost their stored food in their homes. In this war-torn world, people cannot survive without food. Everyone is worried, and this is why misunderstandings arise."

The people in the crowd all showed expressions of regret.

"Yes! General, please spare us."

"We lost our food!"

The general didn't say that everyone was going to be killed, but the unclear meaning of "accomplices in prison" was also terrifying.

When Feng Yun begged for mercy, everyone followed suit and expressed gratitude.

Pei Ran didn't say much, just looked at Feng Yun.

"According to what you said, what should we do?"

Feng Yun glanced at Zhang Erbing.

Their eyes met, and she saw ruthlessness in the man's eyes.

So he smiled and said lightly: "In my opinion, finding the person who stole the food is the first priority."

Pei Madang was very talkative tonight, and as soon as Feng Yun said it, he agreed.

"He Qia, come and check..."

"General." Feng Yun smiled and said, "How can you kill a chicken with a knife? There is no need for Mr. He to do this. As the leader of Huaxi Village, I should take responsibility."

After saying that, he took a look at the crowd in the courtyard and said in a neutral tone:

"Everyone is here. I, Feng Yun, swear here that I will get to the bottom of the matter within ten days."

Pei Ran glanced at her lightly and said, "It's up to you."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief on the spot.

Unexpectedly, Feng Yun suddenly turned to Zhang Erbing and his brothers and smiled.

"Accomplices can be exempted, but principal offenders cannot be spared... The Zhang family brothers instigated the villagers to cause trouble and soiled my innocence. To comply with the rules of Huaxi Village, I will be whipped fifty times to serve as a warning to others."

After a pause, she looked at the chief Yang Daniu in the crowd.

"Notify the villagers at dawn tomorrow to watch the execution under the big locust tree. Be sure not to miss anyone."

Flogging is a spanking with a bamboo board. The male prisoner usually takes off his pants and is tortured in public. In other words, the Zhang brothers are spanked in front of the whole village.

It's true that this can't kill anyone, but the insult is far greater than the physical pain.

Pei Ran's expression looked better now.

"Ai Ji is so kind."

After saying this, he rolled his sleeves and went back to his room.

Feng Yun looked at the tall figure and felt uneasy about being praised.

Pei Lang was too talkative tonight.

Besides coming to support her, he would listen to whatever she wanted to do.

The matters in Huaxi Village are all decided by her integrity.


Always feel like something is wrong?


The crowd, as if they were surviving a catastrophe, came one after another to express their apologies to Feng Yun, explaining that they were worried about her safety, so they listened to Zhang Erbing and came to find out.

There are also some people who respond to the lady's plea in gratitude.

"If it hadn't been for Mrs. Li Zheng, you who are making noises would have been beheaded by the general, and you would have been imprisoned for a few days, or even given a beating."

"Then you can't survive."

"The general said, Madam Li Zheng is so kind!"

"Not only is he good, a living Bodhisattva is nothing more than that..."

The painting style is completely different from the time when she was accused of finding a wild man.

Feng Yun smiled, but his heart felt cold.

Some people have weak hearts and will only succumb to power.

Fortunately, Feng Yun doesn't care, let alone care.

Everyone has selfish motives.

It doesn't matter whether they are here to watch the fun or to see a joke, whether they want to take advantage of troubled waters or whether they are being taken advantage of.

She calmly walked He Qia to the door, and smiled at those people who expressed their gratitude.

"It's late at night, folks, go slow."

They bowed to each other and said goodbye, then gradually dispersed.

Feng Yun quietly turned his head and looked at the Zhang brothers outside the door.

They did not show any nervousness or fear like those villagers, nor did they feel that Feng Yun had helped them. Their faces looked more confident.

"You are such a cruel lady, aren't you afraid of our revenge?"

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, then laughed so hard that his eyes were bent, "Did I save your lives? The general wanted to kill you."

Zhang Erbing snorted: "Repaying evil with kindness? Humph, you think you can bribe us this way."

Feng Yun smiled: "I don't even care about lackeys like you, so I don't need to bribe you."

Zhang Erbing's eyes changed slightly, "What lackeys? We are just refugees from Rushan. We heard that Huaxi Village has fertile water and soil, so we were willing to naturalize to make a living. But you, a young lady, are upright, but you are short-sighted and deliberately make things difficult for us. In a wasteland, a bowl of water will not be equal..."

Feng Yun listened calmly, with a faint chill in the corner of his eyes.

"This is a coincidence. Going forward, I will not only make things difficult, but also..."

She mouthed two words in a low voice.


After that, he shook his sleeves and turned back.

The Zhang brothers made a scene tonight just to ruin her reputation.

He falsely accused her of having an affair with Chun Yuyan and drove a wedge between her and Pei Mang. The villagers of Huaxi Village gossiped about her behind their backs, and her reputation was ruined from then on...

How familiar is this move?

Queen Mother Li wanted to inflict the humiliation she had suffered on her body.

How could Feng Yun let her have her way?

She wanted to return this slap hard.

Feng Yun has many ways to deal with Brother Zhang and these fools.

But I was really a little frightened about General Pei who suddenly came back from the Shinshu battlefield...

When Pei Madang entered the room, did he see Chun Yuyan on her bed?

If you saw it, why didn't you ask?

And where did that bastard Chun Yuyan go?

Feng Yun sighed secretly and went back to the room.

Pei Ran is waiting for her.

Lying in her usual position, holding the book she loved to read before going to bed, her brows were slightly furrowed, looking very calm.

Feng Yun stabilized his mind, smiled and bowed.

"Why did the general come back suddenly?"

Pei Madang raised his eyes, looked at her and said, "Someone wrote a letter, saying that they miss me as much as they are thirsty, and that they will have fun with me when I return in triumph?"

Pei Jue: Did I come back at the wrong time and interrupt you? Or, should I leave?

Feng Yun: No, no, it’s just the right time…it solved my urgent problem.

Pei Jue: Come here and let me see, what’s the problem?

Feng Yun:…if you keep being naughty, I’ll have to deal with you, okay?

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