Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 102 Changes, changes, changes

The night was as cool as water.

Chun Yuyan leaned against the window, the corners of his mask made him look like a thousand-year-old fox demon who had just cultivated into an adult, with a fake smile on his face.

"Isn't it your usual method to break into someone's room in the middle of the night?"

Feng Yun thought about it and it was true.

She sat up, hugged the quilt and looked at him.

"Then may I ask, what are you doing here so late at night?"

Chun Yuyan smiled, "Didn't you ask me to come?"

Feng Yun sneered back at him.

"If the prince wants to find Lian Ji, just say, don't be sneaky, stupid and clear! It's useless to play tricks. If you are in love with Lian Ji, show your true heart..."

Chun Yuyan looked at the woman in the quilt, suddenly smiled with interest, played with the broken jade sword in his hand, and asked softly.

"How to show your true heart?"

He stood up and handed the hilt to Feng Yun.

"Can you help me dig it out and see?"


Feng Yun was too lazy to pay attention to him and yawned.

"I know that the prince is sick with longing, and it is difficult to relieve the loneliness of the long night. But if you break into the manor in the middle of the night like this, it will not have any effect except to make Lian Ji more afraid..." Chun Yuyan asked lazily with a smile: "Tell me, how can it be useful?" Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, "Do you want to learn?" He pointed to the ground with his finger again, "You have to kneel down to become a disciple." Chun Yuyan had a smile in his eyes, but unfortunately it was hidden by the darkness. Feng Yun could not see his strange look, but felt that the man's voice was as clear and mad as hell. "You asked me to come, but you refused to admit it... This is really not like you." After saying that, he walked forward again, almost to Feng Yun's bed. "Feng Twelve, are you really willing to bow your head? If you say yes to my face, I will definitely forgive your difficulties." The voice was low, with a little moisture of night dew, like the whispers of lovers. Feng Yun was confused. "That He Yu Jing Hong among the princes, is she a hysterical poison?"

Before the voice fell, the bamboo curtain outside the window made a sound of flapping, as if it was blown by the wind and hit the window heavily, and the window that was originally open closed like that.

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You said, I asked you to come?"

Chun Yu Yan: "What else do you think? It's even more dewy, why did this prince drag his sick body to make this trip?"

Feng Yun didn't see the sick body, but he smelled the vicious conspiracy.

"How can I find you?"

"Write a letter." Chun Yu Yan took out the letter from his arms, shook it slightly, and threw it in front of Feng Yun.

"Read it yourself. You are in love with each other, but you don't want to admit it, Feng Twelve, you are stupid and clear..."

"It's bad." Feng Yun picked up the letter and glanced at it, then got up from the couch and pushed Chun Yu Yan to the window.

"Go quickly, we've been plotted against."

Chun Yuyan raised his eyebrows slightly, not caring much.

Plot, so be it. It's more important to see Feng Twelve's joke.

He covered his chest, as if he couldn't bear the shove, and retreated to the wall and asked faintly: "I'm a patient who will soon die, why do I need others to plot against me..."

Feng Yun was too lazy to move, raised his eyebrows, "If it gets out, saying that you and I are adulterers..."

Chun Yuyan curled his lips, and didn't want to leave anymore.

"Adulterers, sounds good, what do you think..."

Feng Yun nodded after pondering.

"It's really good."

Her reaction made Chun Yuyan excited for no reason.

Feng Twelve is really not a human being.

Others should be panicked and even crying at this time.

She was actually very happy!

If she's not crazy, who is crazy?

Looking at the flames jumping in his eyes, Feng Yun smiled, "Prince Chunyu, you are not the one who has ulterior motives and deliberately plotted against me, right?"

"Impossible, I am a patient who will soon die... I am not unwilling to leave, I just can't leave anymore." Chunyu Yan leaned against the wall weakly, almost collapsing in front of Feng Yun.

"My poison... seems to have recurred."

Feng Yun chuckled, "You don't want your Lian Ji anymore? If she finds out that you are hiding in my room, your chances will be even slimmer..."

Chunyu Yan glanced at her, as if he didn't want to hear such words. The cold mask was cold in the dim light.

Suddenly, he supported Feng Yun with one hand, and the whole person seemed to be unable to stand up and took a few steps forward. With a thump, he fell on Feng Yun's couch.

"If you want Shi Mo... then... save me..."

Feng Yun bit his back teeth and was about to go up to pull someone, when a shout came from outside the house.

"The head of the village, the head of the village!"

"Open the door, open the door!"

"The village was robbed, someone saw the thief hiding in Changmen Village..."

What an old frame-up routine...

Feng Yun sneered and looked at Chun Yuyan, "Can't walk, right?"

Chun Yuyan half-opened and half-closed his eyes and nodded.

"Can't walk, no strength at all..."

"No strength is even better." Feng Yun smiled warmly, found a hemp rope used to tie books when moving, and tied his hands and feet together neatly.

"Feng Twelve, you..." Chun Yuyan asked coldly.

"What are you going to do?"

"Be honest, or I'll hand you over as a thief, and see how you behave in front of Lian Ji in the future?"

After saying this, Chun Yuyan really became honest.

Feng Yun turned the man around casually, looked at the cold mask expressionlessly, and pulled it off with force...

Chun Yuyan's eyes widened.

Damn it, you actually took off his mask again?

Chun Yuyan growled, "Who gave you the courage? Do you believe I'm going to kill you?"

Feng Yun smiled and patted his face, "Good boy, you are so beautiful, don't be afraid to meet people."

Without giving Chun Yuyan time to react, Feng Yun quickly took off his outer shirt and stuffed it into the quilt. He spread his long hair and put it in front of him. He wore a snow-white middle coat and looked pitiful to me. Beautiful appearance.

In order to achieve realism, Feng Yun not only gave him a curvy figure, but also took the lipstick, eyebrow makeup and other items on the dressing table and quickly applied female makeup on him...

"It's even more beautiful." Feng Yun pouted his lips to teach him, "Come on, purse your lips, like me."

Chun Yuyan's hands and feet were tied, and he hated her to death.

"If you keep messing around, believe me or not..."

"Don't believe me." Feng Yun used his fingers to help him spread the lipstick with a friendly look, and smiled very gently, "If you don't want me to shout that Chun Yuyan, the crown prince of Yunchuan Kingdom, is here, just shut up. Acting like a sickly beauty honestly..."

"Feng Twelve!"

"Shh, be good, you are now my long-lost good sister..."

Chunyu Yan's chest swelled and he took in a breath of cold air.

In fact, when he got the letter, he doubted its authenticity.

How could Feng Yun write such a letter to him? Will not.

Even if Feng Twelve had not tortured him to death, even if he had developed a conscience, how could he use such a charming tone to arrange a private meeting in the middle of the night? Apparently Feng Twelve had offended someone, and someone wanted her to make a fool of herself.

But he still couldn't resist the idea of ​​watching the joke, so he climbed over the wall and entered according to what was written in the letter.

So, how could he go from being the person who saw the joke to becoming the joke?

"Let go of me and I will go by myself..."

Feng Yun lowered his head and suppressed him, "Don't move. You can't leave."

Looking at his face that became more and more charming when he was angry, he reached out and touched it.

"Don't worry. I won't let anyone come in and see you easily, and they won't dare to break in. Just lie down and let me deal with those bastards..."

While talking, there was a heavy footsteps outside.

Then Xiaoman was asking something and heard Xing Bing talking.

"Girl, a lot of people came to the village. They said that many families had been robbed and all the food was stolen by the thieves. Zhang Erbing insisted that he saw thieves entering our Changmen Village, and falsely accused the guards of Changmen Village of stealing. A group of villagers Instigated by him, they rushed in shouting and there were so many of them, I was afraid that the conflict would hurt someone, so I had to comfort them..."

People are self-interested.

What instigated you to rush in?

It was obvious that he was taking advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and wanted to share some benefits.

Feng Yun looked at Chun Yuyan and arranged his clothes slowly.

“In a troubled world, people’s hearts are worse than dogs.”

Feng Yun finished speaking slowly and laughed again.

"Forcibly stopping it will leave suspicion in the hearts of the villagers. Since they said that a thief has entered Changmenzhuang, then... let them come in and search."

Xing Bing said: "Here."


The courtyard was crowded with people, and the torches held high by the people illuminated the whole courtyard as bright as day.

Feng Yun walked out of the main room and saw Zhang Erbing standing in the middle of the crowd, holding a woodcutter in his hand and glaring at him menacingly.

"Lady Li Zheng is here. Here she is!"

"Ms. Li Zheng, what do you say about this?"

Feng Yun said calmly, "Which of your eyes saw the little thief entering my village?"

Zhang Erbing sneered, "I didn't see it, but my brother Zhang Sande and several villagers saw it."

As he spoke, he pointed at several villagers and shouted loudly.

"Sun Tieniu, Zhao Heidan, you two come out and tell me, did you see the thief break into Changmenzhuang from the backyard?"

Sun Tieniu and Zhao Heidan nodded in unison.

Of course some people believed this.

A villager smiled and smoothed things over: "Of course we don't suspect that Mrs. Li Zheng will steal our little food, we are just worried about Mrs. Li Zheng's safety. In this world, there are thieves hiding in the village. If we don't check, it will cost people's lives. "

Having said that, it can be said to be reasonable.

Feng Yun frowned, "Is the thief you saw male or female?"

Several people looked at each other, "He's a young man."

Zhang Erbing's brother, Zhang Sande, even squeaked and said in a disgusting yet euphemistic tone: "I saw that the thief was handsome and seemed to be wearing a mask on his face. He looked around for a moment and then climbed over the wall and entered. , It’s like sneaking in to steal someone..."

The crowd was in an uproar.

At this time, someone finally came out to speak for Feng Yun.

"Zhang Sande, don't talk nonsense. It's not like we don't know that your Zhang family has issues with Madam Li Zheng..."

"Yeah, you don't have good intentions."

Zhang Erbing sneered and said, "Whether it's true or not is just empty talk, won't we know after checking it?"

He looked at Feng Yun jokingly again, with a look of impropriety on his face.

"Miss Li Zheng, do you dare to open the door and let us see if there is anyone hiding in the house?"

Feng Yun looked at these people coldly.

"Okay. Xing Bing, hurry up and go to Andu County and ask for the congratulations."

When they heard that the yamen was going to be alarmed, the villagers were a little nervous.

However, the Zhang brothers continued to play tricks.

"It is a fact that food has been stolen, and everyone must get justice."

Feng Yun asked Xiao Man to get a stool, sit at the door, and said leisurely:

"I like justice the most. Don't leave anyone tonight. I'll show you what justice is."

It takes some time to go back and forth.

Feng Yun sat upright in the corridor, and even asked Xiao Manlai to set up a tea table, and he quietly brewed tea and drank slowly.

long wait……

The crowd in Changmen Village was getting bigger and bigger.

He Qia rode his horse from Andu City to Huaxi Village in the middle of the night, sweating all over.

He was probably furious after hearing what happened.

"I thought it was a big deal, but it turned out to be just this..."

He asked Feng Yun: "Girl, ask your troops to search the village immediately, don't think there are thieves."

The meaning of this sentence was to let Feng Yun check herself.

As the villagers said, she was worried about the safety of the wife of the village head.

But Feng Yun refused.

She stared at the Zhang brothers with a smile in her eyes:

"It's better to ask Mr. He to lead people to search."

How dare He Qia search Feng Yun's house?

He looked at Feng Yun in embarrassment, and seeing her smile disapprovingly, he gritted his teeth and said, "Then I will follow your troops and take a walk?"

Xing Bing stepped forward: "Mr. He, please!"

So, several troops took He Qia and walked around the village, and naturally found nothing.

The villagers began to suspect that the Zhang brothers were talking nonsense.

They accused one after another, but the Zhang brothers were not in a hurry, staring at Feng Yun who was calmer than them.

"The thief might be in the wife of the village head's room, but..."

He laughed sinisterly again.

"Seeing that the wife of the village head is so protective, I'm afraid he is not a simple thief. He stole not only food, but also a habitual offender of stealing beauty and jade..."

This almost said that there was a wild man hiding in Feng Yun's room.

How could that be? General Pei's concubine.

Everyone was in an uproar.

Feng Yun looked at them with a faint look in his eyes, and then stood up with a smile.

"Mr. He, why don't you search my room?"

He Qia's face was almost gloomy.

"Girl, this is not appropriate..."

"Nothing." Feng Yun smiled faintly, looked at the villagers in the crowd, and picked two women at random.

"You go with Mr. He to be a witness."

Seeing that she was able to deal with it, He Qia had to bite the bullet and nodded.

The group followed Feng Yun carefully to the main house.

The door was half-open, and a faint fragrance filled the air.

He Qia walked in front, put his hand on the door and gently pushed it, looked inside, and exclaimed in surprise.

Feng Yun knew what he saw, and said softly:

"I am a little uncomfortable tonight, and I was afraid that it would be inconvenient to get up in the middle of the night, so I asked my sister to come and accompany me... She had already fallen asleep, so I didn't let anyone disturb her..."

Before the voice fell, He Qia suddenly bowed his head and saluted.

"I greet the general!"

This chapter is very fat...

Then, I want to revise the next chapter, please wait and read it (before 1 o'clock)

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