Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 101 The thief is still determined

The wine shop in Andu County has been opened. Feng Yun has hidden a lot of sweet-scented osmanthus wine in Changmen Manor. The maids and concubines are used to hanging out with her, and they cheered when they heard it...

It was at this time that Chun Yuyan came to Changmen Village.

With the servants, the BMW car is very stylish.

Xiang Zhong said that the prince took the medicine prescribed by Dr. Yao and felt better, but he still had chest swelling and pain from time to time. He was worried that there was still residual poison, so he came to Dr. Yao for a follow-up consultation...

"Excuse me, I want to borrow the hotel to sit down for a while."

The matter of graphite was not discussed last time. Feng Yun looked at Chun Yuyan like the God of Wealth.

"Your Majesty, please come in."

While waiting for Dr. Yao to come over, Feng Yun specifically looked for Jiang Yin. Just now, Jiang Yin was still beside Ying Rong, asking her for stitches. As soon as Chun Yuyan came, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

It seemed that she really had no idea about Chun Yuyan.

Feng Yun looked at Chun Yuyan who was drinking tea calmly and asked curiously:

"Has the Crown Prince verified Lian Ji's identity?"

Chun Yuyan shook his head and nodded again.

"It's been so many years, and there's no way to prove it. She doesn't remember me, and no one can control me..."

Feng Yun said: "Did the Crown Prince wear a mask when he met Lian Ji?"

Chun Yuyan looked at her, "No."

"Have you ever told her your name and identity?"



Feng Yun couldn't help but roll his eyes secretly.

"In that case, how can Prince Chunyu blame her for not remembering you? You didn't wear a mask back then, but she recognized you. Now that you're wearing a mask, it's understandable that she didn't recognize you..."

Chunyu Yan: "Really?"

Feng Yun: "Of course."

Feng Yun also figured out things that were originally unexplainable.

Chunyu Yangui is the eldest son of Yunchuan Kingdom. If he is really passionate about Jiang Yin, it will actually be an excellent destination for Jiang Yin. Jiang Yin's categorical rejection actually makes no sense.

"I think she still misses the young boy from back then, but she doesn't know the Crown Prince Chunyu in front of her, so this misunderstanding arises... In my opinion, why would the Crown Prince take off his mask and meet her honestly?"

Chunyu Yan pursed his lips tightly and said nothing.

Through the mask, Feng Yun didn't know what his expression was, but he could faintly sense that he was unhappy.

Also, after years of searching without success, and finally meeting each other, I found out that it was King Xiang who had the intention, and the goddess Wu Meng. For the always proud Prince Chunyu, this was like a slap in the face, and he lost all his face...

"Prince?" Feng Yun said half jokingly, half seriously: "If you are willing to take off your mask and face Jiang Yin, I can be a lobbyist and let you two meet and discuss in detail..."

"No need." Chun Yuyan's eyes suddenly turned cold and sinister, as if he was very angry, "My mask is not easy to take off, and my face is not visible to everyone..."

Feng Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Then how can the prince win the beauty back?"

Chunyu Yan said slowly, "Moving people with emotion."

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, almost amused by him.

I didn't expect that Chun Yuyan would be such a shy and innocent man, that he would think of a bad trick to move people with his love?

"If it's not easy for the prince to come forward, you can tell me the past between you two and I will convey it to you. I can also test Lian Ji's tone for you to see if she still remembers your relationship back then..."

Feng Yun is serious.

In fact, my heart is full of curious prying eyes.

She really wanted to know what was going on between Chun Yuyan and Lian Ji, what kind of deep friendship was it that made Chun Yuyan so unable to let go, and why Chun Yuyan would pester her for so long in his previous life...

However, Chun Yuyan still refused.

"No need, I have my own way to deal with her."

Feng Yun said oh.

She suspected that Chun Yuyan was actually being sentimental.

Lian Ji had long forgotten the process that was unforgettable for him.

The so-called emotions may just be his wishful thinking...

At this time, Dr. Yao came over. She swallowed the teasing she was about to say, gave the west hall to them, and found an excuse to go out and see Jiang Yin.

Jiang Yin sat silently in the room. When he saw Feng Yun, his expression changed slightly.

"Girl, why is that person here again? Is he unwilling to give up?"

Feng Yun thought about Chun Yuyan's enthusiasm for Lian Ji, hummed slightly, sat down and asked:

"You really don't remember any relationship with him?"

Jiang Yin shook his head, "I don't remember."

"When you were young? Think about it again?"


The two people stared at each other.

Feng Yun couldn't find out the truth, and couldn't get hold of Chun Yuyan, so he had to leave.

"Okay, just rest. As I said before, as long as you don't want to, I won't force you, let alone let anyone take you away."

Jiang Yin nodded heavily and said hesitantly:

"Did I delay the girl's important event?"

"Huh?" Feng Yun raised his eyebrows.

"I heard the girl mentioned graphite. If I don't agree, won't he want to do business with the girl?"

"Nothing." Feng Yun smiled slightly, "I have other ways to convince him."

Feng Yun returned to the west hall again. Doctor Yao had already performed Chunyu Yanhao's pulse and was writing prescriptions in front of the desk. His brows were furrowed so tightly that he could almost kill a fly. He couldn't put down his pen for a long time. It seemed that he was very tired. Difficult.

Feng Yun asked: "How is the prince's illness?"

Doctor Yao raised his head and was about to speak.

Chun Yuyan already covered his chest and coughed, "The remaining poison is hidden in the lungs, and it is difficult to clear it out. It will take a lot of effort to recover. Thank you, Doctor Yao."

Doctor Yao closed his mouth, lowered his head to write the prescription, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead.

Feng Yun saw that Chun Yuyan was in better spirits than Doctor Yao.

So she sat down and talked about Yunchuan Graphite.

"What has the prince considered?"

Chun Yuyan said, "I thought about what Qingqing said that day for a long time. If the Yunchuan trade route can be opened, it will be of great benefit to Yunchuan. I have already written to my father, and I think this can be done..."

After saying that, her delicate and clear eyes narrowed slightly.

"I just don't know how Qingqing will help me open the trade route?"

Feng Yun didn't care much about what he called her before. Now that he thought that his sweetheart was in the manor, he felt that Qingqing was a bit corny.

"Prince, change the title, and I will tell you."

Chun Yuyan pursed his thin lips slightly, and his eyes became cold again.

He seemed to be always unhappy, and he was sarcastic when he spoke.

"What do you want to call me? Feng Twelve? Or do you want me to call you Li Jun?"

Feng Yun breathed a sigh of relief, "It's up to you."

"Feng Twelve." Chun Yuyan firmly chose the former, "Go ahead."

Feng Yun hesitated for a moment, and waited until Doctor Yao wrote the prescription and left before she restrained her expression and discussed with Chun Yuyan seriously.

The trade route was blocked mainly because the road was too difficult to travel.

The labor cost of transporting graphite over mountains and ridges was far greater than the graphite itself...

So Feng Yun's solution was to dig a passage through the mountain.

"Open the mountain to build a road and dig a tunnel. It will be convenient for ox carts to pass through the mountain, so that the transportation volume will increase greatly..."

Chun Yuyan laughed.

"I see, you think Yunchuan hasn't thought of this method?"

Feng Yun smiled: "Thinking is not the same as doing. It is easy to open a road but difficult to open a mountain. To dig a tunnel, you must find a method..."

Chun Yuyan straightened his expression and looked at her.

"Do you have a solution?"

Feng Yun bowed: "I do have a little solution that can help the prince."

Chun Yuyan sneered in disdain, "Liar!"

Feng Yun looked him up and down, "What is there for me to cheat the prince? Graphite, you have to transport it out to get it. You are reluctant to cheat me of money. I will suffer a loss if I cheat you of my beauty..."

"Feng Twelve!"

This is too insulting. Chun Yuyan sulked and shouted, subconsciously thinking of what she said that day that he was not as good as Pei Jue. He was so angry that his ears were burning and he was so angry that he wanted to slap her to death immediately...

"Even if my Yunchuan graphite rots in the mountains, I won't rely on you to transport it out of the mountains!"

Feng Yun sighed lazily:

"Graphite will not rot even if it is left for another thousand years. You are worrying too much. I also know that you are not sincere in doing business with me. You just want Lian Ji... Well, please go back. Poverty makes me fearless."

"Feng Twelve..."

"Please...get out!"

"You wait for me."

After Chun Yuyan finished his harsh words, he left with a wave of his sleeves.

Feng Yun saw him so angry that he was furious and laughed so hard that his stomach twitched.

At night, his stomach hurt more and more, and then he realized that what he thought would come true.

The menstrual period came silently like this.

Maybe because she was too busy and tired these days, the reaction this time was much stronger than the last time. Her body was soft and numb, and the pain was obvious. She had no strength at all.

Feng Yun supported herself and climbed up, cleaned up and lay down again. It was already midnight.

The night light swayed, and her heart trembled.

Xiaoman felt sorry for her, "If the girl feels uncomfortable at night, call Xiaoman. I will be on duty tonight and will not fall asleep."

Feng Yun blinked and was too lazy to move.

"Go to sleep, it's nothing."

Xiaoman said, "Does the girl hurt?"

"No." Feng Yun smiled, "Go out and turn off the light."

Xiaoman responded and went out, still worried in his eyes.

Xiaoman in this life treated her better than in the last life, but Feng Yun in this life was no longer as worried as before. When it was cold, she dressed; when she was hungry, she ate; when she was annoyed, she found trouble with others. She never treated herself badly, and her body recovered...

She curled up in the quilt, holding her aching lower abdomen, and felt drowsy.


There was a crisp sound from the window.

There was wind outside, and she thought it was the wind that blew down the bamboo curtain.

But after a pause, the sound came again.

Feng Yun vigilantly touched the Jianshui under the pillow and was about to call for help...

A cold wind poured in from the window, and then a dark shadow jumped in.

The moonlight from the window was reflected on the man's face.

It turned out to be Chunyu Yan who had just left Huaxi Village during the day?

Feng Yun half-squinted and looked at him for a moment, as if she thought of something, and suddenly smiled.

"What is the prince going to do by breaking into a girl's room in the middle of the night?"

This book is set in an era of political chaos. The originally unified country has been divided for a long time. There have been frequent wars for dozens or hundreds of years. There have been wars among the princes, warlords, or the three kingdoms, or the confrontation between the north and the south. The emperor has changed every few days, and the people have been displaced and have no peace. Therefore, people will migrate everywhere to avoid wars and live together. They have long been mixed to the point that you can't tell me from you.

Before the division, the three kingdoms of Jin, Qi, and Yunchuan in this article originally belonged to the same unified country. Because the power of clans in various places constrained the imperial power, the people's concept was to put family first and survive in troubled times. They did not have such a clear concept of the "country" that was constantly changing due to frequent wars.

The same is true for the heroine. Her family also migrated from the north to the south. After her rebirth, she hopes to see the restoration of great unity, to live and work in peace, and to end the endless wars. This is one of the reasons why she chose to help Pei Cong. Of course, emotional factors such as hatred for Xiao Cheng and the Chen and Feng families are also important reasons for her choice.

If the concept of a country in the real world is used to set a country in a specific historical period, many things will not hold true. The three views of the ancients are also not scrutinized.

Otherwise, Wu Zixu was born in Chu and served Wu. Why did he become famous and leave a generation of heroic spirit? In the era of war and chaos, personal honor and survival are not easy to define with today's thinking.

The author is not well-educated and has many shortcomings. Please read the book for fun. If you don't like it, just turn it off. Don't ruin your good mood because of a book.

Thank you!

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