Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 100: Cloak of Love

Wei Li lives near the dock in Shiguan County. Everyone in the street knows him and his identity is very innocent.

Feng Yun handed the portrait and note in his hand to Wei Li, and also gave coins, cloth and other items as a reward.

Wei Li gave the gift and said it confidently.

"Lady, please wait for my good news."

The two agreed on the pick-up and drop-off matters. Feng Yun thanked Wei Li again and again, then said goodbye and returned to Huaxi Village, where he plunged into the farm tool shop.

In a newly opened workshop, if there are more people, there will be more things to do and more opinions to say.

There are some people who are unable to squeeze into the farm tool shop to work, and they will make irresponsible remarks behind their backs.

Sometimes Alou and Xiaoman would tell Feng Yun some rumors.

Speaking of praise, Feng Yun was not happy.

When it comes to those who make noises, she doesn't seem to be angry.

In the past, they thought it was because the girl was well-educated and didn't care about others. After a long time, they discovered that the girl really didn't care.

She is busy every day.

Very busy, very busy, busy doing what she has to do.

Either go to Andu County to see Yu Tangchun's business, or wander around the fields, talk to the farmers about autumn sowing, and point out her "country", or discuss production techniques with craftsmen in the farm tool workshop, or go to the village school How can I have time to care about the construction?

There are messengers from Xinzhou to Andu every day.

Ao Qi also sent letters almost every day, talking about trivial matters such as eating and dressing.

If any brother in the camp fell asleep on duty at night and received a military stick, he would say that he would also make a fuss when he woke up in the morning and saw two white cranes crossing their necks in the forest...

Every time Feng Yun opens the letter, he is full of expectations and full of disappointment.

She told Ao Qi, "Write less about gossip and talk more about business."

Ao Qifu replied: "My uncle won't let me write about business matters. Or, tell me how much I miss you, and ask if you miss me?"

Feng Yun found it funny, "A Zuo and A You miss you, Ye Chuang misses you too, Ao Zai misses you too, the fish in the lotus pond misses you too, and the loach misses you too. The most important thing is, have you sent a letter to Zhongjing?" "When will your father come to pick up the child?"

After this letter went out, Ao Qi did not reply for three days.

Feng Yun was a little worried.

For some reason, she had an intuition that Xiao Cheng in this life had become more cunning and unpredictable, and some things had deviated from the original track. She was afraid that Pei Madang would lose on the battlefield, and that the newlyweds Xiao Cheng and Feng Ying would be too unhappy. proud……

Another day without a letter from Xinzhou, Feng Yun didn't sleep well.

Early the next morning, in a daze, a woman's laughter came from the yard.

Xiaoman opened the curtain and came in, very happy.

"Girl, Madam Ying has brought you a cloak."

Feng Yun asked about the fox skin that day, and Ying Rongcai hurriedly finished the cloak and sent it over.

As soon as she arrived, several concubines and maids followed to see the girl's new cloak.

Of course, Ying Rong's craftsmanship is nothing to say.

She had put a lot of thought into this cloak.

The brocade satin and cotton lining are the style and color that Feng Yun likes. The fox fur is extremely well treated, and the coat is shiny and shiny. It can be worn around the neck on the collar of the cloak, which is soft and warm.

Xiaoman was afraid that others wouldn't know, so he said loudly like offering a treasure:

"The general hunted the fox skin from Jieqiu Mountain. He specially asked the left guard to bring it to the girl."

The faces of the ladies showed envy.

Ying Rong also said: "I have made fox skin clothes for people before, but I have never seen such good leather. The person who peeled the skin must have been very careful and had excellent knife skills. The whole skin was not damaged at all... …”

"The general is very interested in girls."

"Ying Ji's embroidery skills are also excellent, the stitches are fine and the patterns are beautiful..."

Feng Yun smiled and let them admire each other in turn. He sat on one side, drinking the fragrant hot tea that had just been brewed on the small stove, thinking about his thoughts.

Maybe it was the fox fur cloak, which made her emotional.

She suddenly remembered that in her previous life, she actually had a cloak like this.

But it was not hunted by Pei Madang, but that winter, she saw a fox skin hanging on a hunter's burden at the market, so she bought it and asked someone to make it into a cloak.

Under the suppression of Mrs. Chen, Feng Yun rarely had such expensive clothes.

The cloak was beautifully made. It looked noble and gentle on her, and she cherished it very much.

On that day, she happened to come to Guishui, and she collapsed on the couch with no appetite and no energy. It happened that the Queen Mother wanted to summon her to the palace.

She was so disgusted that she didn't want to go but had to go, so she put on her cloak and went to Jiafu Hall...

When she went there, the Jiafu Hall was already very lively. Many wives and girls from noble families were chatting and laughing around Li Sangruo. Some of them Feng Yun knew and some they didn't.

Feng Yun had no intention of making friends with others. He just wanted to finish dealing with Queen Mother Li and go back to rest early.

However, in front of others, Li Sangruo was very virtuous and kind. She asked Feng Yun questions and showed her utmost care, always dragging her to talk.

Until the late emperor's concubine Gao suddenly broke into Jiafu Hall.

She was crazy and incoherent. She rushed forward and grabbed Feng Yun, saying that Feng Yun had stolen her clothes. She tore and pulled Feng Yun's cloak off in front of everyone.

Li Sangruo's maid shouted for help, but actually held down Feng Yun's hands to prevent her from struggling...

If Daman and Xiaoman hadn't heard Feng Yun's cry outside and barged in, not only would her cloak have been stripped off by Concubine Gao, but even her underwear and skirt would not have been spared.

No one said a word among the ladies and gentlemen in the palace. Some were watching the excitement, while others were standing by and watching...

Everyone knew that Queen Mother Li did not like General Pei's concubine, and they would not offend Queen Mother Li for Feng Yun.

That day, Feng Yun was almost stripped naked in public and embarrassed.

Daman and Xiaoman were ordered by Li Sangruo to be beaten with 30 boards each because they "entered Jiafu Palace without the imperial edict".

Daman was in better shape and held on until Pingyuan County Lord came to plead for them.

Xiaoman was severely beaten by the eunuch who was torturing her because she talked back and cursed. When she was carried out of Jiafu Palace, she was no longer breathing.

Feng Yun could not save herself, nor could she save them...

Xiaoman was beaten to death in front of her eyes.

Li Sangruo probably calculated the date. Pei Jue happened to go to the Tiger Guards camp during those days. When he returned to the general's mansion, it was already midnight two days later.

Feng Yun curled up in the quilt alone, lifeless.

She had a fever.

But Xiaoman died, and Daman was recovering from his injuries. The other servants were not hers, and she didn't want to bother them. She waited alone silently, like a small animal waiting to die.

Pei Jue asked her what happened.

She said, "The cloak is broken, Xiaoman is dead."

Pei Jue called the doctor to diagnose her and prescribe medicine, and asked the maid to fill the hot water bottle and put it in her arms.

She was still cold, shivering all over, her lips were pale, and her face was bloodless, like a ghost just crawling out of the grave.

Pei Jue held her for a whole night, helping her warm her stomach and feet.

In the middle of the night, she called Xiaoman's name, called her fox cloak, and cried with tears.

Pei Jue was perhaps a little impatient and couldn't coax her, so he hugged her in his arms and kissed her.

He never talked much, and it seemed that intimacy was only for that matter, but that night Feng Yun was inconvenient and couldn't serve him, and he didn't force it. He just kissed her occasionally, like coaxing her, and like comforting injured kittens and puppies.

Perhaps the more conservative and cold a man is, the more attractive he is when he shows love.

Feng Yun had already made up her mind at that time that if Pei Jue could help her get justice, she would serve him wholeheartedly in the future. Her body was his, and her heart was his...

But she waited for a long time, and Pei Jue did not say anything about it.

Xiaoman died in vain.

A straw mat was carried out of the mansion, because the queen mother ordered the person to be beaten to death, and even the funeral could not be arranged.

Feng Yun cried bitterly, but Li Sangruo was still her queen mother, and she could take the lives of others at will...

And Xiaoman's death was exchanged for that day, but from that day on, Li Sangruo never sent a message to ask her to enter the palace again, and Feng Yun also had a few more maids around her.

All of them were Pei Jue's people.

They followed him closely, saying that the general asked them to protect her.

They also said that the general would not let anyone bully her again.

They said a lot of good things about Pei Cong, including that he was furious because of her humiliation. When he went to court, he almost fought with Prime Minister Li, which also caused many court officials to laugh at him...

Feng Yun didn't believe it.

Men were furious in court for family and national affairs and power and interests. Who would seek justice for a concubine in the harem?

What's more, she was a concubine offered by the enemy country.

The maids followed Feng Yun closely.

But Feng Yun was disgusted.

Hated them, hated Pei Cong, and hated herself.

She was like a bird with broken wings, unable to fly, and could only be locked in a cage, waiting for the master to feed her day by day. The value of survival seemed to be only the master's mood. Those days were long and painful...

"Girl, girl."

Xiao Man's voice interrupted her.

Feng Yun looked up and looked at the lively Xiao Man, and suddenly smiled.

She smiled gently, but her eyes were red.

"What's wrong with the girl?" Xiaoman thought she had done something wrong, and her tone was a little nervous, "The maid said that the girl would look very good in this cloak, and they all want to see...see how the girl looks when she wears it."

Ying Rong also said: "Yes, the girl, come and try it, but don't let them touch it all over, or it will make wrinkles."

The tailor likes his own work.

This made everyone laugh.

Feng Yun also laughed, "Okay."

She put on the clogs and asked Xiaoman to take the brocade cloak and put it on, "How is it?"

The clogs were a bit high, which made her already slender figure look graceful and noble...

"Rather than saying that the clothes complement the person, it's better to say that the person complements the clothes."

"The cloak is gorgeous, but not half as beautiful as the girl."

"I just hate that the rouge has color, which stains the appearance and dyes the eyebrows..."

Feng Yun saw the envy in the eyes of the concubines, smiled, and took off the cloak.

"Put it away and wear it in winter."

He glanced at everyone again, "Ying Ji rarely comes here, so please add some snacks to the stove, and we can warm up the wine and chat."

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