Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 99: Make a plan

When Feng Yun passed by, three craftsmen from Tujiawubao and several ox carts were bringing some production tools and materials.

People from the village came to watch, full of pride and joy, while people from neighboring villages who came to help were jealous.

"The days in Huaxi Village are getting better and better."

"Ms. Li Zheng's ability is unmatched by others."

"Oh, I was careless when registering. It would be great to settle in Huaxi Village."

For today, Feng Yun specially bought two firecrackers to listen to.

She liked this very much, it was joyful and lively.

Feng Yun announced loudly amid the crackling of firecrackers.

"Huaxi Village Farm Tool Shop is open!"

It is said to be a workshop, but in fact the building is very simple, surrounded by wood and stone, with stone and wood pillars, thatched roof, and a hollow patio in the middle, which looks like a big "back" Character.

The craftsmen of Tujiawubao visited it and immediately praised this simple but practical "hui"-shaped workshop. They said that after returning home, they would build a blue brick structure according to the model and asked Feng Yun to provide the drawings.

Feng Yun smiled and agreed.

On the one hand, he asked the craftsmen to go to Taolin to survey the land and prepare to build a village school.

On the other hand, he sat down and discussed with the craftsmen of Tujiawubao about the production of farm tools.

Wubao has experience and a complete set of production processes. Feng Yun is only a "paper talker", but the two old craftsmen respect her very much. When they encounter something they don't understand, Feng Yun draws a diagram on the spot to show it. They have been immersed in this industry for a long time. , you can tell at a glance.

Communication was great.

After lunch, we started getting ready.

The recruitment of workers in the workshop has been prepared a few days ago.

The notice was posted under the three locust trees outside Changmenzhuang.

Feng Yun only had twenty people in the early stage, and the principle was that two people would come from each place.

But today I called everyone over and saw that there were four of Yang Daniu’s people, and all four of them were brothers from Zhang Er’s Bakery family——

Zhang two, Zhang three, Zhang four, Zhang five.

The tall man stood there. Compared to the skinny farmer, he was much bigger. No one else dared to stand too close.

Feng Yun noticed the atmosphere in the crowd.

She walked over slowly, "What's going on?"

The crowd fell silent.

Zhang Erbing said loudly: "Isn't Madam Li Zheng in need of someone to work for? We brothers have plenty of strength and are here to help you with the work."

Feng Yun's farm tool shop manages two meals a day, which costs fifty bucks a day. This is higher than the wages of craftsmen in Andu City before the war. What's more, most of the people who come here have to start as apprentices?

Because it is a greasy job, only two people are arranged for each job.

Everyone is trying their best to squeeze in, learn skills, and make money to buy rice. Why do the Zhang family say that Feng Yun can't hire anyone?

"Why are there four people from the Zhang family?"

Feng Yun asked, but no one answered.

Chief Yang Daniu was not there, I wonder if he was avoiding it intentionally.

Feng Yun sneered and looked at Zhang Erbing.

"You guys go back."

Zhang Erbing was immediately annoyed, "What do you mean, Madam Li Zheng? Others can do it, why can't we? We are all from Huaxi Village, who do you look down on?"

Feng Yun said: "Others come here in a reasonable and compliant way, but you don't. I have my own rules, and my farm tool shop is not short of gangsters, let alone gangsters."

Zhang Erbing took a breath, rolled up his sleeves and stepped forward.

"Who do you think is a gangster?"

Feng Yun stared at him: "I'm talking about you."

"Smelly bitches..."

As he said this, Zhang Erbing was about to take action.

Ye Chuang was just at the door of the farm tool shop and came over when he heard the dispute. Where would he be given the opportunity to take action?

"Presumptuous!" Ye Chuang drew his sword and stood in front of Feng Yun, "Back off!"

Zhang Erbing yelled, "What, you want to kill someone?"

Ye Chuang laughed.

He felt that this bitch should be lucky that the person standing here was not Ao Qi.

If Ao Qi saw someone bullying Feng Yun like this, he would probably hand out the knife.

Ye Chuang is a good person.

"I say it again, stay back. If you dare to come within three feet of a girl again, your blood will be splattered on the spot! Stay back, do you hear me?"

Ye Chuang roared.

The workers in the workshop became active.

There are seven or eight young men in the Zhang family, who can work hard and have fighting power. The villagers are afraid that this family will fight and fight fiercely. However, Changmenzhuang has a loyal wife and General Pei's bodyguards. The entire Andu County must listen to General Pei. Yes, can the Zhang family defeat the general?

Then the accusations started.

"Don't think that others don't know that you took Mao San and Mo Zi's places."

"Even if you bully us, I still want to bully Madam Li Zheng..."

"It's time for Madam Zheng to not want them."

The crowd pointed.

Zhang Erbing pointed at them with a stern face.

"Okay, okay, you have some support, right? Let's see how far you can go..."

After that, he turned around and called his brothers.

"let's go!"

Ye Chuang returned the knife to its sheath, "It's bad luck."

It was a bit unlucky to encounter something like this on the opening day.

But when Feng Yun looked at the unscrupulous Zhang brothers, he smiled slightly and gave up his previous thoughts.

With Xiao Cheng and Ren Rude's acting style, they would not put in such a thoughtless thing to embarrass her. The people of Qi will also act cautiously in Jin and will not be so arrogant.

Naturalization in Huaxi Village does not give Feng Yun any face.

There is only one possibility:

They think their master is more powerful than Pei Ran...

And these people must be used to being domineering and domineering, so they don’t know how to restrain themselves...

Feng Yun had the answer in his heart, and suddenly a plan came into his mind.


After making arrangements for the farm tool shop, she went straight to Ren Rude's home.

Before he even got close, he saw Jin Ge and Tiema in the crowd.

They were leading a group of workers to build houses against the river wind.

An old acquaintance.

But Feng Yun still had to pretend not to know him.

"Is this Mr. Ren's home?"

Jin Ge and Tiema looked to be in their twenties, dressed like servants, and were as silent as air.

Ren Qin came up to greet him and bowed politely.

"My father is taking care of the teahouse in the city today. Does Mr. Li have anything to do with my father?"

Feng Yun returned the courtesy and said: "I have a small matter to ask of you, sir. If you are not here, it will be the same if we meet another day."

Ren Qin said: "I will tell my father."

Feng Yun thanked him and stopped to look at Ren Rude's house for a while.

But until she left, Jin Ge and Tiema didn't even look up at her.


The next morning, Ren Rude came to the door.

"Quanzi came back to the teahouse last night and said that Mr. Li had something to ask Ren. I wonder if he could give me any advice?"

Feng Yun screened everyone in the room away, and then said to Ren Rude:

"The first is the matter of the village school. I would like to discuss with Mr. Ren how many schools should be built and how large they should be. I am measuring the earthwork today. If Mr. Ren has free time, come with me to see it on the spot."

Ren Rude always said, "Listen to the wishes of the king, is there another way?"

Feng Yun lowered his head and took a sip of tea. His eye circles were mostly red and he looked a little sad.

"This matter is very inconvenient. I spoke impulsively yesterday, and I already regretted it when I got home..."

Seeing this, Ren Rude raised his hands and said, "It doesn't matter if Mr. Li just says so."

Feng Yun sighed and said: "I told you, Mr. Ren, don't laugh at me. Also, whether you help or not, you must keep my secrets and never let the general know."

Ren Rude's mind changed slightly, and the promise continued.

Feng Yun said: "I have a good sister in Taicheng, and I have talked about everything since she was a child. Unfortunately, she got married early, and I followed my father to Andu to take office, and we haven't seen each other for a long time. In the first month of this year, I heard that her husband's family had suffered In a disaster, a family of more than ten people, old and young, was broken in by thieves in the middle of the night and killed all of them. Her husband was also gone, leaving only her and a two-year-old child..."

With red eyes again, he glanced at Ren Rude.

"A few years ago, I asked someone to inquire, and I found out that they were orphans and widowed. They were kicked out by their husband's family, and their parents' family refused to take them in. Their life was difficult, but my letter fell silent..."

Ren Rude suddenly felt something was wrong, so he bit the bullet and asked:

"I wonder how Mr. Li wants Ren to help?"

Feng Yun smiled bitterly, "I originally thought that Mr. Ren has a wide network of contacts and is the most resourceful person. I would like to ask him to help me find a merchant who travels between the north and the south. I can bring two people over..."

Ren Rude remained silent.

This girl knows how to use his words to win over his heart.

If he doesn't help, then he will talk big words and boast, and it will be difficult for him to be trusted again in the future.

Help, it’s not that easy to help.

He knows people who travel between the north and the south, but telling Feng Yun is equivalent to exposing this hidden line to her...

Ren Rude asked: "Li Jun wants to bring this close friend of his to Andu?"

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "I know that Sir is in trouble. Just pretend that I have never said anything about this matter, and Sir will forget it after hearing it."

Ren Rude was silent for a moment and asked: "I wonder who this old friend of Li Jun is, who his name is, and where he lives? When I write, can I ask my friends in Taicheng to help me and take care of him?"

Feng Yun shook his head, "It doesn't matter if you don't say it. The suffering she has experienced is different from others. If she can't be brought to my side and the sisters are reunited, and they come to my door rashly, it will cause trouble for her."

Ren Rude did not agree or refuse, he only said to go back and inquire.

The two went to Taolin to determine the location and layout of the village school. Feng Yun always looked worried.

Ren Rude saw it and brought good news the next day——

He has an old friend named Wei Li, who specializes in smuggling goods from the north to the south. He has a team of escorts. He earns hard money, but he is very loyal and can help him.

He also reminded Feng Yun that the Jin and Qi armies were confronting each other in Xinzhou. The Qi army was currently deploying a large number of troops. There was no telling which day a war would break out. To get people from Taicheng to Andu, they had to be fast.

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