Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 98 Feng Ji's Charm

The two children knew the rules very well. Under the leadership of the two maids, they came up and bowed to Pu Yangyi and Cui Zhi first, and then acted coquettishly towards Feng Yun.

"Auntie, there's not a single word about me in brother's letter."

Ah Zuo nodded in agreement, "Why not me?"

Ah You's little mouth pouted, "Brother, there is only my aunt in the letter, and it is all for my aunt..."

Zuo: "There is still Ao Zai, there is Ao Zai, but there is no us."

The two children were very dissatisfied with each other's comments. Feng Yun only found it funny because she didn't think much about it, but Cui Zhi's expression was a little stiff.

When she came, Mrs. Ao told her that "Feng Ji is charming" and has the ability to seduce men.

Before setting off to enter the palace, her aunt gave her another warning. She originally thought that Mrs. Ao and her aunt were interested in Feng Ji, who was seducing General Pei, but on the day she went to Andu City to meet Feng Ji...

She was sitting on the carriage and saw Ao Qi walking from behind Feng Ji. His eyes fell on the girl, hot and bright, so focused that he couldn't see anyone around him...

Cui Zhi has known Ao Qi for many years.

Because Mrs. Ao has no daughter, she often goes to the house to accompany her. It can be said that she is extremely familiar with her.

Ao Qi didn't like her, Cui Zhi knew it and didn't care much.

How many couples in the world are together because they like each other?

She would marry Ao Qi, which was determined before she was born.

She didn't have such deep affection for anyone, she was just complying with her parents' arrangements. She didn't even expect that Ao Qi, whom she hadn't seen for more than a year, would be so tall, handsome, and heroic, and her heart would beat like thunder just by looking at it...

But he was smiling at other girls.

Cui Zhi's heart felt like needles pricking his heart, and he was so angry that he couldn't bear it.

At that moment, she realized why Mrs. Ao asked her to follow Pingyuan County Lord to Andu, and why she repeatedly told her to be optimistic about Ao Qi...

It seems that the mother knows what her son is thinking and wants to suppress it but cannot.

However, what can she do?

That day she and Ao Qi had a quick meeting in the general's mansion. She just conveyed Mrs. Ao's words, but Ao Qi looked impatient and left after less than a quarter of an hour.

Just like that, it was just for Ah Zuo and Ah You.

The next day I ran to Shinshu...

Without saying goodbye to her, A Zuo and A You were also handed over to Feng Yun instead of her.

Now in the letter, not to mention mentioning her, even his biological brothers and sisters did not think of her. The only thing that filled his heart and eyes was Feng Ji...

When she was in Zhongjing, she looked down upon her aunt as if she was facing a powerful enemy.

When she arrived in Andu County, she discovered that Feng Ji was probably so obsessed with Ao Qi that she couldn't find him.

Ah Zuo and Ah You are still looking for Feng Yun to file a lawsuit against Ao Qi.

Puyang Yi looked like she was watching a good show and asked for a letter.

"Come, let me take a look and see what your brother said..."

The child had no intention of scheming, so he naturally handed the letter to her.

Feng Yun had no time to stop him, and it was not convenient to stop him. He just smiled and asked Xiao Man to wipe the hands of the two little guys with a handkerchief.

Pu Yangyi looked at the letter and smiled so hard that his cheeks twitched.

Especially when he saw Ao Qi carefully arranging how Feng Ji should eat the fish, the expression on his face could no longer be controlled. He pulled Cui Zhi and asked:

"Azhi, come and take a look... I'm laughing to death. I never knew Ao Qi was so careful..."

Cui Zhi twitched the corner of his mouth unnaturally.

"The letter is for Feng Ji. It's not convenient for me to read it."

Pu Yangyi rolled his eyes, "You, except that your body is similar to mine, your temperament is not as free and easy as mine. Why do you care about this?"

The two of them were used to joking around, and Cui Zhi was not angry at all, but today, probably with Feng Yun by his side, Cui Zhi's cheeks were red, his eyes darkened, and his lips were pressed tightly together, as if he wanted to have an attack but couldn't. An impatient look.

She's certainly not fat.

This world will not laugh at fat people.

Because those who can afford to eat fat are noble people.

But Cui Zhi originally felt that Zirong had been severely suppressed by Feng Yun, and then was said carelessly by Pu Yangyi, and his whole face collapsed.

"Pingyuan, when will you return to the city?"

She couldn't bear it any longer and said her first words when she came to Huaxi.

Puyangyi didn't seem to notice her emotions.

"Don't be in a hurry, I have to eat before leaving anyway."

"Go back to the city. It will get dark soon and it won't be safe."

"I still want to talk to Feng Ji before I leave. I heard them say that the food in Feng Ji's village is excellent. Don't you want to try it?"

Cui Zhi said solemnly: "Then you can stay and eat. I'll go back to the city first."

She couldn't stay in this small rural village for even half an hour.

After saying that, she was about to stand up when she suddenly saw a strange khaki cat running past her feet and brushing against her calf, making her scream in fright.

"Catch the cat!"

The two maids quickly touched her.

"Where? Where is the cat?"

Ao Zai had already walked over, but Cui Zhi's excitement frightened him. He reflexively stretched out his paws and grabbed Cui Zhi's skirt...


Cui Zhi screamed, "Help!"

Feng Yun immediately stood up to stop him, "Zai Zai!"

When Ao Zai heard the roar, he quickly jumped up to the thatched pavilion. He was probably frightened, stretched out his body tightly and lay down, with his back bent like a bow, and hissed a warning...

Feng Yun quickly apologized and asked the maid to pour water to calm Cui Zhi's shock.

"You didn't hurt the girl, did you?"

Cui Zhi crossed his arms with both hands, as if he was sick, and his round face was white.

"How could Feng Ji Zhuangzi have such an ugly cat..."

Feng Yun frowned, "It's not ugly."

Cui Zhi: "But it can bite and bite guests, so kill it quickly."

Feng Yun thought of what Pei Ran said before leaving Zhuangzi that day, looked at Cui Zhi's pale face, and said seriously:

"I'm sorry, I scared you girl. Ao Zai usually doesn't bump into people. He's very well-behaved, but he's just a little timid. If your clothes are damaged, I'll pay for them..."

"You don't need to compensate." Cui Zhilai had been fed up with his anger for a long time, and said coldly to Pu Yangyi:

"Pingyuan, I'm going back to the city first."

Puyang Yi couldn't say anything else now.

"Then you go first and I'll come back later."

Feng Yun never thought of letting them stay for dinner, nor did he expect that Puyang Yi would be so rude and send Cui Zhi away, and quickly asked someone to arrange meals.

There was no shortage of food for the nobles from Beijing, and Feng Yun was not willing to entertain them with large sums of meat and fish. He had scrambled eggs with wild vegetables, steamed buns and cold fresh bamboo shoots prepared on the stove, all of which could be found in the village.

Feng Yun said with a smile: "There is nothing to entertain in a country house. The county king is laughing at it."

Puyang Yi was very satisfied with her meal. After eating, she ate in Zhuangzi and felt refreshed.

"I received a reply from Zhongjing today. The host is temporarily unable to get away to pick up Zuo and You, and he is not worried about the guards coming and going. He asked me to take care of them for a while..."

After all, it didn't matter whether Feng Yun wanted it or not, let alone what Ah Zuo and Ah You thought, he just arranged it with a smile.

"The two children will trouble Feng Ji. I will come to visit you another day."

Feng Yun said in his heart, you must never come here again.

But far away from Zhongjing, even if there are guards accompanying you, it is not safe to go out.

Especially in Huaxi Village right now, the newly naturalized people are a mixed bag, and they come from all three religions and nine schools. Feng Yun was not worried about Puyang Yi, so he asked Ye Chuang to take a few people to take her back to Andu City safely, and then came back to resume her life.

Unexpectedly, Pu Yangyi asked Ye Chuang to bring back another gift.

Said it was a gift in return for her hospitality.

A flower-like filigree gold walking stick is inlaid with precious stones, and the workmanship is exquisite and unique.

Gold and silver are extremely valuable nowadays, and they are almost invisible among the people. At a glance, you can tell that they are accessories worn by the royal family. Moreover, the Lord of Pingyuan County was so generous that he gave them away to others casually.

Pu Yangyi's favor in the Jin Dynasty can be seen from this.

Xiaoman's eyes lit up when he saw it, "Pingyuan County Lord likes girls, and I like her too. That fourth lady Cui is very unpleasant. When she comes to someone else's house as a guest, it's like someone else owes her money, and she drags someone with her. He even scolded Ao Zai for being ugly. Huh, Guard Ao likes Ao Zai the most. If he knew that Ao Zai was scolded by his fiancée, he would definitely get angry..."

Feng Yun didn't listen to her noise and handed the flowers to her.

"Put it away."

Xiaoman said "oh", held it carefully and put it into Feng Yun's jewelry box.

The girl didn't have any good jewelry before, and Mrs. Chen always said she would wait until she got married before buying any. In fact, everyone knew that Mrs. Chen was reluctant to spend money on Feng Yun. Otherwise, Feng Ying would not have a wife. Everything she wears, wears, and uses in daily life is much better than Feng Yun...

Therefore, in Feng Yun's jewelry box, there are actually few accessories that she can use. She doesn't use them very much. If she wears too much in Huaxi Village, she will look ostentatious.

"Pingyuan County Lord is really a good person."

Xiaoman praised again.

Feng Yun looked at her and couldn't help but shake his head.

"When you get married, I will also buy you an outfit."

Xiao Man's face suddenly became angry.

I couldn't help but think of the left guard who went to Shinshu with the general.

Being with the general, you won't get hurt, right? -

Everyone has left, and Changmen Manor is very quiet at night.

Feng Yun knew that her troops and the guards left by Pei Man would protect Zhuangzi well. Even if the battlefield between Jin and Qi was close at hand, she could sleep peacefully...

But she couldn't sleep, thinking about it for a long time...

Suddenly, she sat up, as if she had thought of something, went to the study with a light in hand, and took out the gift from Luo Yue.

The jade blade was polished very smooth, but there was a hidden plug at the head, perhaps designed for easy cleaning. Feng Yun unscrewed it from it, and the first thing that entered his nose was a burst of fragrance...

There was actually powder stuffed inside.

She took it out in disgust and held it against the light again.

There is a piece of paper stuffed flat inside, so you can't find it without paying attention.

But there were no words on the paper, it was completely blank.

Feng Yun pondered for a moment and thought of a stunt performed by Yu Tangchun before, using invisible characters written in a fruit juice...

So she put the white paper on the fire to bake, and charcoal-colored fonts immediately appeared.

"Wei Zheng is very unhappy as he is the new deputy chief of the Imperial Cavalry Department. He came back drunk last night and said that the chief's surname is Song, and he is the face of the Queen Mother... Wei Zheng took it personally and cursed the person named Song as a idiot, and said Song Caobao sent several other idiots to Andu."

"Sister, take care. From my point of view, I may be here for you."

"Wei Zheng said that he wanted to wait for Song to make a big mistake. My sister is so virtuous, so she naturally wants to help her husband. If he wants to be the boss, it will also be easier for us sisters..."

Feng Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

Burning the note on the fire, a flash of light appeared in his eyes.

Sure enough, she was right about Luo Yue.

This woman could actually bring her such an unexpected surprise.

When he got up the next day, Feng Yun felt refreshed and went to Xing Bing to ask about the situation of the Zhang brothers in the village.

Then he ordered: "Find two trustworthy people and arrange for them to visit the Zhang family more often."

Xing Bing was slightly startled, "What is the girl going to do?"

Feng Yun said: "Know yourself and know your enemy. Go ahead and make the arrangements, but be careful. Don't treat them badly afterwards."

Xing Bing went down in response.

Feng Yun washed up and prepared to go out.

The farm tool shop was going to have its roof raised today, so she had to go.

It rained a little, and the weather turned cooler. Xiaoman found a cloak for her.

It was a half-worn one, brought from the General's Mansion, which was the former governor's mansion.

Feng Yun didn't have any new clothes before, so this one was considered a better one.

Xiaoman complained about the former Mrs. Chen. Now she dared to complain, and she would say very bad things, and she also learned some curse words from rural women, such as "thief and slut".

Usually she didn't dare to say it, but this time she couldn't help it, which made Feng Yun look at her with new eyes.

So she thought of the fox skin that Zuo Zhong brought before the beginning of autumn.

Daman said, "The fox fur girl was given to Yingrong to help make a cloak. Did the girl forget?"

Feng Yun had no impression.

It was very hot at that time, who would think about fox fur?

She said, "Then take some time to go to the city to ask if Yingrong has finished it."

Daman agreed, and the master and servants left the farm and went to the farm tool workshop.

From a distance, a group of people were seen happily surrounding the empty dam in front of the workshop, pointing and talking.

Feng Yun: The people in Zhongjing are playing very colorfully, Luo Yue, you have to work harder...

Luo Yue: Don't worry, watch how sister will play with him. By the way, I will teach you a few tricks.

Feng Yun: Ah, this... I don't need it.

A, B, C, D, everyone: Please play!

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