Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 97 Strange Gift

Chun Yuyan did not come again, as if he had forgotten about Lian Ji.

Feng Yun was now a wealthy family, with Yu Tangchun in the city, Huaxi Village here, and a farm tool shop that was waiting to be built. She had a lot of things to do and needed a lot of energy, so she stopped thinking about it.

It was almost Mid-Autumn Festival, and when the sun came out, it was still hot.

The farm tool shop was built very quickly, and it would be topped off in the next two days. After lunch, Feng Yun asked Xiaoman to hold an umbrella and prepared to go over to take a look.

As soon as she went out, she ran into Ren Rude.

A young boy in his teens followed him, and his eyebrows and eyes looked somewhat similar to him, which surprised Feng Yun.

"Mr. Ren, is this your son?"

She remembered that last time A Lou came back and said that when Yuan Jiao went to the teahouse, there was a boy. Judging from his age, he thought it was this one.

Ren Rude did not deny it. He responded and asked his son to salute Feng Yun.

"My son Ren Qin. Why don't you meet the wife of the village head?"

Ren Qin bowed respectfully, but his eyes could not stop staring at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun pretended not to notice the curiosity in the boy's eyes and smiled in return.

"Is Mr. Ren's family settled?"

Ren Rude said: "The two huts I was given were really dilapidated. Today I asked someone to buy some blue bricks and are repairing them."

Food and shelter are always the first priority.

Feng Yun smiled and said: "In this world, only you, Mr. Ren, can buy bricks and tiles. You really have a wide range of friends."

Ren Rude humbly arched his hands, "The brick and tile kilns in Hongyang County have just resumed business, and I asked them to speed up to make a batch for me. If the village king needs it, Ren can also purchase it on his behalf."

Feng Yun smiled and thanked.

Ren Rude said again:

"I heard that there are teachers teaching in the girl's farm?"

Feng Yun smiled and said: "They are all fake, teaching adults and children to recognize a few words. It doesn't count."

She thought Ren Rude wanted to squeeze this child into the farm.

If he really made such a request, Feng Yun would not be able to refuse.

Unexpectedly, Ren Rude's request was even more extreme.

"If that's the case, it couldn't be better."

He stroked his beard and smiled: "I don't know if He Gongcao and the girl have said that Ren is also from a noble family and has been well-read since childhood. I think I am qualified to be a teacher in your farm."

A few words can move a thousand pounds.

He determined that Feng Yun had asked about him.

And he didn't give Feng Yun an excuse to refuse.

After all, Ren Rude was the bridge that connected with Tujiawubao last time. If Feng Yun didn't agree, it would be like crossing the river and destroying the bridge.

Ren Rude blocked her way to refuse.

I never thought of that...

He made a pillow again.

Feng Yun bowed: "I'd love to have you."

She was worried about the lack of such a person to teach the people in the manor.

People who don't read are actually not convenient to arrange labor, so Feng Yun hopes that the servants and followers in the manor can learn some words and arithmetic.

Ren Rude came at the right time.

But she would not let him sneak into her territory easily.

"To the left of the farm tool shop is the orchard of Changmen Manor, where there is a peach forest. I specially left a piece of land uncultivated, preparing to build a village school for Huaxi Village in the future, but I haven't had time to plan it yet. Since you have asked for it, it's great."

Ren Rude's eyebrows jumped.

Feng Yun didn't give him a chance to refuse.

"When the farm tool shop is capped in the next two days, I will let the craftsmen continue to build the school. It's just right for the children in the village to become your students."

Ren Rude's lips moved, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Feng Yun looked at him, "Sir, do you have any concerns?"

Ren Rude: "No, it's just... Ren is too happy."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "That's good. Sir, go back and prepare. I'll let you know when I'm done."

After that, she bowed to Ren Rude, and when she walked past him, she smiled at the child.

"The child really looks like Mr. Ren. You can tell he's smart and clever at first glance."

Ren Rude had the illusion of swallowing his teeth.

He even suspected that the woman was mocking him, so he smiled awkwardly.

"My son is unbearable, it's the girl who compliments me."

The farm tool workshop was working in full swing. After Feng Yun provided two meals a day, he asked the kitchen to feed the workers every day, and they could add more rice at will, so the progress was more than half faster.

Feng Yun was very satisfied.

While talking to everyone,

another car came on the village road to Changmen Village.

The two cars squeezed together, making Feng Yun frown.

The village road here seems to need widening.

In a moment, someone came to call.

"Madam Lizhang, there are guests in the farm."

Feng Yun had already seen people standing at the top of the valley. One of the women in the flowers was Puyang Yi. Seeing her, A Zuo and A You cheered and ran over wildly, as wild as children in the village.

Puyang Yi caught them and talked with a smile.

Then he turned around and looked at Cui Si Niangzi who slowly got off the carriage.

Feng Yun frowned, said hello to Puyang Yi, and turned to another car.

Xing Bing had just returned from the city with two of his followers.

He approached, glanced at Feng Yun, and whispered:

"There is a letter from a girl."

Feng Yun asked: "Who wrote?"

Xing Bing said: "Zhongjing."

Feng Yun had no acquaintances in Zhongjing in her life. The only person who would write to her was Luo Yue.

On the day she left, Feng Yun gave her two servants and some Jin Wuzhu coins that could be used in Zhongjing, which was considered a generous dowry. However, Feng Yun couldn't say for sure whether the person's heart was still with her even though she was gone.

Now it seems that Luo Yue has not forgotten her.

Feng Yun invited Puyang Yi and the colorful maids to the West Hall for a short visit, and opened Luo Yue's letter under the pretext of changing clothes.

The girl who grew up with Yu Tangchun actually wrote very neatly.

Perhaps she didn't know whether the letter would reach Feng Yun, so Luo Yue didn't say much in the letter, but just reported that she was safe and that she had arrived in Zhongjing and lived in Wei Zheng's house.

Because she and Shao Xueqing were given by the general, Wei's mother didn't like them very much, but it was not easy to send them away directly, but she only made things difficult for them occasionally.

Because of the affection of Huaxi Village, Wei Zheng treated her differently, and could even be called a pampering. On the contrary, Shao Xueqing's side, perhaps both of them felt embarrassed, he seldom went out, Shao Xueqing was in tears all day, and lost a lot of weight, Luo Yue was too busy to take care of her.

Feng Yun exhaled and smiled.

Since ancient times, beauty traps are the best traps, and Luo Yue should not let her down.

Feng Yun opened another small package handed over by Xing Bing.

Before opening it, Feng Yun thought it was a special product of Zhongjing sent by Luo Yue. Unexpectedly, she still underestimated such a beautiful girl in Yulouchun. There were spring paintings in it, but there were also two small objects, one was a jade dildo and the other was a Burmese bell. It was said that they were "new things seen in Zhongjing"...

Feng Yun thought that he had lived two lives and was an old pervert who had seen a lot. When he saw the things given by Luo Yue, his cheeks were still hot. Like a thief, he looked at the maid very quickly, and then hid the things in the drawer under the wooden table. Thinking about it, he was afraid that Xiaoman and Daman would see it, so he stuffed it behind the bookcase together with the box...

They didn't like reading books, so they wouldn't look through this.

After doing all this, she found that she was sweating.

Puyang Yi was already a little impatient sitting in the West Hall, but Cui Zhi looked very quiet. There was a large window in the West Hall with a bamboo curtain hanging on it, and you could vaguely see the scenery outside the window.

When Feng Yun came over, Puyang Yi showed dissatisfaction.

"I thought Ji fell into the toilet."

Feng Yun smiled, bowed to her, and knelt down on the table.

"I'm sorry."

Puyang Yi snorted.

Cui Zhi was a very quiet-looking woman. She didn't say a word except saying hello when she arrived at the manor.

Cui Zhi was only sixteen years old, and she didn't look like her aunt Li Sangruo at all.

Li Sangruo had an almond face with sharp edges and corners, which gave people the impression of being cold and noble. She was very imposing and beautiful.

Cui Zhi's face was like a full moon, round and plump. She was the kind of "lucky face" that aristocratic families loved. She was good-looking and gentle. Her skin and black hair showed that she was carefully cared for, but she was not stunning. She was not as fair as Puyang Yi, and even less beautiful than Feng Yun.

Perhaps it was because Cui Zhi did not really like coming to Changmen Manor and did not like Feng Yun, so he showed a bit of indifference from time to time.

Only Puyang Yi talked from beginning to end.

Although this Pingyuan County Lady had been a widow for some time, she was only in her early twenties, a young woman with a lot of curiosity, asking questions.

Feng Yun responded politely to show her hospitality as a host.

After sitting for a while, Puyang Yi wanted to go out to see the farmland.

There were still two withered lotus flowers by the lotus pond. She looked at them with bright eyes and wanted to go into the water to pick them up.

In her hometown of Pingcheng, there were no such things.

So Feng Yun talked about lotus and lotus roots again, Puyang Yi listened with great interest, while Cui Zhi had a cold expression and said nothing.

Feng Yun pretended not to notice her impatience and asked people to prepare tea and wait in the thatched pavilion by the pond.

"The county lady is tired, take a rest."

Puyang Yi asked Ren Rude the same question.

"This tea is very fragrant, what's its name?"

Feng Yun: "Distant and lingering."

Puyang Yi tasted it, "Very interesting. I like it."

She is a straightforward person, and she always talks about everything.

Cui Zhi frowned inadvertently and looked at Feng Yun.

"Aunt——" A Zuo's voice came from the base of the lotus pavilion. Because he was short, his head was not exposed.

A You was beside him, jumping up and down, holding Ao Qi's letter in his hand.

"Aunt, I want to come up."

A Zuo also said: "A You and I have something to say..."

Feng Yun frowned.

How come this name is called back?

In front of outsiders, Feng Yun did not correct them.

"Come up."

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