Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 96 Love Letter

Feng Yun showed a trace of surprise.

She saw with her own eyes that Jiang Yin showed her girlish delicacy and shyness in front of Chunyu Yan.

She also knew that these concubines lived in fear and confusion in the manor, and secretly hoped to have a good home...

How could they refuse without thinking?

Did she misunderstand something?

"Jiang Ji, get up and talk." Feng Yun supported her arm and helped her sit down.

"If you have any unspeakable secrets, you can speak up..."

After a pause, she reminded in a gentle voice, "Even if there is something that cannot be told, I will definitely keep it secret for you."

Jiang Yin shook her head in some pain and said with difficulty:

"I have no other place to go. No matter what noble man, in the end, he only likes my appearance. When I get old, I will be worse than pigs and dogs...I am not a person who can please my husband. Without Luo Yue's ability, I can't stand on my own. I will live a hard life no matter which family I go to..."

She raised her eyes again and looked at Feng Yun eagerly.

"Chai Ying and Nan Kui are right. Following the girl is the best way out. The girl should not chase me away. Let me stay in the general's mansion and not go anywhere..."

Feng Yun was very surprised.

Jiang Yin was the most silent one among the twenty concubines.

She rarely appeared in front of Feng Yun. Just as Xiaoman said, she was very hardworking and good-mouthed.

But Feng Yun was still surprised that she would give up Chunyu Yan, the high branch.

She even thought that Jiang Yin did not understand what she meant.

"You are the concubine given to the general by the queen mother. I have no right to chase you away. As long as the general does not speak, you can stay in the general's mansion. But this is Changmen Manor, I must understand your intention..."

She paused, "You are unwilling to be with Chunyu Yan, are you looking forward to the general's favor?"

Jiang Yin saw the smile on Feng Yun's mouth, very shallow, very cold.

She shook her head hurriedly, "I don't have that kind of luck, I have long given up hope."

Feng Yun said: "Then if you stay, if you are not favored by the general, and miss a good marriage, won't you regret it?"

"No regrets, no pity." Jiang Yin shook her head repeatedly, looking very excited, as if she was very afraid that Feng Yun would drive her away, with tears in her eyes, pitiful.

"I will not seduce the general, as long as the girl stays and gives me a bite to eat, I will do my best. The girl can treat me as a maid or a concubine, it all depends on the girl's heart..."

Feng Yun frowned slightly.

Still felt that this matter was strange.

"Why are you like this?"

Jiang Yin shed tears, "I am afraid. I am afraid that I will be taken away again and sold to someone I don't know what kind of family. Girl, I just want a stable place, a place where I can breathe in peace in this chaotic world..."

At the end, her body was even shaking slightly.

Feng Yun hesitated for a moment, and then said a few words of comfort. Thinking of her going out to look for her family yesterday, she asked:

"Have you found your parents and brother?"

Jiang Yin's tears fell down, and she cried even harder than before, gasping for breath.

"My parents and younger brother...they...they...are dead."


Feng Yun was very surprised.

"How did they die?"

Jiang Yin cried and then laughed.

"They all said that they starved to death. When they found them, my brother was curled up in my mother's arms, my father was holding my mother, and the three of them were hiding under the Wuting Bridge, starving to death."

Her voice was hoarse and she couldn't stop crying.

This kind of misery was familiar to Feng Yun.

The helpless sobbing, with an extremely gloomy atmosphere, instantly enveloped the room, making it hard to breathe.

No wonder she was so scared...

Feng Yun was silent for a moment, and pinched her arm to comfort her, "It's okay, if you don't want to leave, no one can take you away, I will protect you."

"Girl..." Jiang Yin threw herself on her legs, crying loudly, wetting Feng Yun's knees, and her sobbing became intermittent.

"I asked Brother Lu to help me buy three straw mats in the city and buried them in the wasteland outside the old city god temple in Andu...Being next to the Buddha, they will receive some incense, so they won't starve in the underground."

Feng Yun didn't say anything, just patted her gently.

After Jiang Yin vented all her emotions, she called Xiaoman and brought her a bowl of white fungus millet porridge. A little sugar was added to the porridge, and it was thick when spooned out.

This is a very good and precious food at the moment.

Jiang Yin's eyes were tearful and she shook her head.

Feng Yun said, "When you feel bitter, eat something sweet, and you will feel better."

Jiang Yin took the bowl with sobs and looked at her: "Have you ever been bitter, girl?"

Feng Yun smiled: "Which common woman in this world is not bitter? If not bitten by a dog, then chased by a wolf. If there are neither dogs nor wolves, there will inevitably be mosquito bites. Everyone is bitter."

Jiang Yin seemed to understand her words, and knelt down in front of the wooden table with difficulty to eat porridge.

After eating a bowl of hot porridge, her mood stabilized, but her eyes and nose were still red, looking pitiful.

"I don't know who the young man was yesterday. If he has something to ask for, please refuse it for me."

Feng Yun hummed.

This was an unexpected result, but she respected it.

Even if Jiang Yin was Lian Ji, the sweetheart Chunyu Yan had been looking for.

If she refused, Feng Yun would not hand her over.

"You take a rest first. Don't worry about other things. I'll take care of everything."

Feng Yun left Jiang Yin's residence and was hit by a bleak autumn wind when he went out.

The weather was getting colder.

The wind blew and gave me goose bumps.

Xiao Man was totally unaware and smiled, "It would be nice if the girl was a man. The concubines in the manor would marry the girl and live together..."

Feng Yun ignored him and looked at Da Man who came hurriedly.

"Girl, Guard Ye is looking for you."

Feng Yun nodded, walked through the wooden corridor, and saw Ye Chuang standing in the yard at a glance.

Before Ao Qi was there, Ye Chuang was very tactful to hide and not hang around in front of Feng Yun. Now that Ao Qi went to Xinzhou, he replaced this role that often hangs around.

"Girl, there is a letter from Xinzhou..."

Ye Chuang didn't dare to look into Feng Yun's eyes.

Those eyes were beautiful and sharp, as if they could see through people.

Feng Yun took it, "Who wrote the letter?"

Ye Chuang lowered his eyes and didn't say a word.

Seeing his expression, Feng Yun felt nervous.

When he opened the letter, he found that the person who wrote the letter was Ao Qi.

Feng Yun asked, "Has the general sent a letter?"

Ye Chuang shook his head, "No news."

Feng Yun hummed lightly and lowered his head to read the letter.

It is said that handwriting reflects a person's character, and Ao Qi's handwriting really does not live up to his face.

Pei Jue's handwriting is majestic and vigorous, and every stroke is as solemn as a knife or a spear piercing the bone, while Ao Qi's handwriting is so...


It is indeed a young man who has delayed his studies because of his admiration for his uncle.

However, such a childish handwriting was written in one breath for a long time.

He told Feng Yun everything he saw and heard in Xinzhou, what he saw, what he heard, what he ate, how he and his brothers in the camp trained, how they joked, how they drank secretly, all written down one by one, like a child who has not grown up...

But in a blink of an eye, he turned into an adult again, telling Feng Yun to eat more and sleep more, and remember to put on more clothes in the morning and evening.

In the big fish tank in the yard, there were fish he had caught and kept. He said, "The crucian carp should be stewed, the carp should be braised, and if Aozai wants to eat, there are more than a dozen loaches in it, all for him..."

"Aozai is very stubborn and never lets me kiss his face."

"When I come back from killing the enemy, I must kiss him."

"Let Aozai behave."

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

There are many such things.

Ao Qi is like a chatterbox.

But reading the whole article, there is no tense atmosphere in Xinzhou City, and no important things can be seen. It is like an ordinary family letter.

How can there be no tension in front of the two armies?

Is this child afraid that she will worry?

Sure enough, as long as her uncle is not by her side but by his side, Ao Qi is a good Ao Qi.

Feng Yun suddenly thought of Cui Zhi in the general's mansion.

She asked Ye Chuang: "Did Guard Ao deliver any family letters to the general's mansion?"

Ye Chuang shook his head.

Perhaps she felt something was not right, so she just said:

"A Zuo and A You are both here with you, Ao Qi probably thinks that telling you is telling you, right?"

Feng Yun nodded.

Yes, in Ao Qi's eyes, there are only A Zuo and A You as his family.

Feng Yun asked Xiao Man to call the two children over, and give her the letter.

"When A Zuo and A You come, you can read it to them."

Xiao Man had a bitter face, as if she was about to be beheaded.

"Girl, please spare the maid, Young Master Ao knows more words than me, he doesn't need me to read..."

Feng Yun laughed at her, and seeing Ye Chuang still standing there, she couldn't help but raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"Is there anything else for Guard Ye?"

Ye Chuang rubbed his fingers awkwardly, grumbling.

"Girl, do you want to write back to Ao Qi?"

Feng Yun frowned, and he smiled again, adding: "It's also good to tell you about the recent situation of Zuo and You. Ao Qi must be worried about his sister-in-law."

"Yeah." Feng Yun felt that this was right.

Be loyal to the person who entrusted you, and Ao Qi had helped her a lot.

So she immediately went back to the house, ground ink and picked up a pen, picked up a few things that the two troublemakers of the Ao family did in the manor, and told Ao Qi, "The general is irritable and it is easy to get angry when the season changes. You should take care of him more and make him less angry. Safety is the most important thing."

After writing the letter, he checked it again and found nothing wrong, and then handed it to Ye Chuang.

"Thank you, Guard Ye."

Ye Chuang took the letter and breathed a sigh of relief.

He is Ao Qi's best brother. Ao Qi's little thoughts, if he doesn't say it, how can he hide it from him?

Ao Qi is bold enough to think about people he shouldn't think about.

And he...

Holding the heavy letter in his hand, he felt that he was very bold, actually letting Ao Qi go crazy.

Maybe one day, the general knew that he was an accomplice, and these letters would become a knife to chop his head...

He shouldn't do this.

But he just couldn't bear to see Ao Qi's hurt eyes.

What a sin!

He will kill him sooner or later.

Ao Qi: My letter is full of thoughts for Aozai, I am such a good brother.

A Zuo: ??? What am I?

A You: ??? There is no word for me.

Feng Yun: Think about it carefully, are you biological children?

A Zuo and A Ruo cried and looked for her mother!

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