Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 95 Lian Ji Lian Ji

Jiang Yin seemed a little shocked, and looked up at Feng Yun blankly.

Feng Yun rarely thought for a moment when he saw Chun Yuyan looking so serious.

"What do you mean, Prince?"

Chunyu Yan stood up without saying a word and suddenly walked towards Jiang Yin.

His steps were slow, but his pace gave people a sense of unwarranted pressure.

Jiang Yin held his breath nervously and lowered his head even lower.

Chun Yuyan walked up to her and said in a calm voice like an order, "Raise your head."

These were Pei Madang's concubines. It was unreasonable for him to do this, but Chun Yuyan was never unreasonable, and Pei Madang never recognized these concubines.

In Feng Yun's view, they still have the freedom to choose their spouse.

Therefore, Feng Yun did not interfere.

Jiang Yin's bun trembled slightly, and her beautiful face turned red with shame, but she was very gentle.

She bit her lower lip nervously, slowly lowered her sleeves, and raised her eyes to look at him.

What catches the eye is a pair of beautiful eyes.

Also, the cold mask.

Jiang Yin was stunned and didn't speak.

She was shy and cautious, but Chun Yuyan's probing gaze was aggressive.

"Where is your ancestral home?"

Jiang Yin's eyelids fluttered rapidly, not daring to look into Chun Yuyan's eyes, "I am from Danyang County."

Chunyu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, "Dare you ask her name?"

It's really presumptuous to ask a woman's name.

Feng Yun glanced at Chun Yuyan.

Unfortunately, Prince Chunyu's attention was entirely on Jiang Yin, and he was completely unaware of Feng Yun's attitude.

Jiang Yin twisted the handkerchief with both hands. Under the pressure of Crown Prince Chunyu, he remained a little reserved and then agreed in a low voice.

"My surname is Jiang, and my given name is a Yin character."

Chunyu Yan asked again: "Are there any small prints?"

Jiang Yin frowned a little tight this time. He hesitated for a moment before biting out two words in a low voice between his teeth.


Feng Yun's eyes were slightly sharp, as if he realized something, he looked quietly.

At this time, Chun Yuyan took two steps closer to Jiang Yin, bent down slightly and asked her.

"When you were young, did you go to Jiming Temple in Taicheng?"

Jiang Yin was frightened by the noble man's gaze. There was a bit of panic on his fair face, as if he was desperately trying to remember, and he seemed to be distressed that he couldn't find the memory.

"Concubine, I left Danyang with my parents when I was very young and lived in Chenliu County. Most of the things that happened when I was young can't be remembered."

"Can't you remember?" Chun Yuyan slowly straightened up, gently stretched his slender fingers on the right side of the mask, and curved the corner of his mouth into a smile.

Even through the mask, you can see his joyful mood.

"Then I'll let you think about it slowly."

Jiang Yin tightened his palms and lowered his eyes shyly.

"I don't know... why does the nobleman ask me these things?"

A trace of sadness flashed in Chunyu Yan's eyes, "There is no reason, just a casual question."

Jiang Yin lowered his head, "Yes."

The disappointment on her face was obvious, and she looked embarrassed just standing there.

When Feng Yun saw Chun Yuyan sitting back, he didn't say anything more. He called Xing Bing and asked him to arrange for someone to accompany Jiang Yin to find his parents and younger brother.

At this time, Dr. Yao's prescription was also ready, and he held it in front of Xiang Zhong cautiously, "Old sir, please take a look."

Xiang Zhong smiled slightly, took his seat and said seriously to Dr. Yao:

"If the young master eats well, he will come to see you again."

Doctor Yao said in surprise, took a bunch of money from Xiang Zhong, thanked him and left.

Feng Yun saw Chun Yuyan sitting there silently, but with no intention of leaving. He smiled playfully and said, "The prince has found his sweetheart?"

Chun Yuyan looked over with light eyes.

Very slow, like floating clouds in the sky.

He was clearly smiling, but there was an unfathomable chill.

"What if you find it? What if you don't find it?"

Feng Yun said: "If the Crown Prince and I reach a cooperation, I can intercede on behalf of the Crown Prince and get the beauty from the general..."

Chunyu Yan stopped smiling and looked coldly.

"Qingqing is really good at doing business."

Feng Yun smiled, "Your Majesty said that, it's a big deal. I gave you a favor, and your Majesty gave me a small profit. It's human nature... As the same saying goes, you and I each get what we need, no loss to you, no loss to you. Me. Everyone is happy, why not?”

Chunyu Yan said, "What if I don't want to?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment, and a charming color appeared in his eyes.

"Then you can't take Jiang Ji away."

"Oh?" Chun Yuyan said coldly.

Feng Yun's smile was very confident.

"General, listen to me. If I say no, you can't take people away."

Chun Yuyan smiled half-heartedly, "Would you like to try it?"

Feng Yun smiled lightly and met his eyes.

It seems indifferent, but in fact it is all doubt.

Chun Yuyan had been looking for her for so long, and Lian Ji, whom she had longed for, appeared.

Feng Yun didn't know whether Chun Yuyan found her in his previous life. Anyway, every time Chun Yuyan came to harm her, he always used Lian Ji as an excuse. That day when he was poisoned in Huayue Stream, he also called "Lian Ji" by name and made trouble to her.

But the real Lian Ji was right in front of him, and his reaction was too calm...

This is not normal.

Feng Yun even doubted that the bastard in her previous life who had to take off her clothes to check for birthmarks when he caught her was the Chun Yuyan in front of her...

Could it be that he still hasn't confirmed Jiang Yin's identity?

Feng Yun glanced at him and hinted with a smile, "As long as the prince is willing to give you benefits, I don't mind exploring for you the secrets you want to know..."

Chun Yuyan suddenly looked at her sternly, "The last time you came to Huayuejian, you said you were Lian Ji, showed me your waist injury, and even tricked me... At that time, you knew where Lian Ji was, right? ?”

Feng Yun was stunned.

She didn't expect that Prince Chunyu would think of so many things.

To avoid complicating matters, she quickly shook her head.

"It's just a misunderstanding. I just made a wild guess."

Chun Yuyan's beautiful eyes stared at her gloomily.

"If she hadn't told you, how did you know about Lian Ji, and how did you know... what birthmarks did Lian Ji have on her body?"

Feng Yun:......

She had no way to tell Chun Yuyan the logic of this matter. But if you don’t say it, you can’t explain it clearly. Moreover, if the current Jiang Yin is really Lian Ji, judging from her appearance, she has no memory of having a relationship with Prince Chunyu when she was young.

Feng Yun couldn't prove it to himself, so he simply asked.

"Because your prince doubts me, he even refuses to recognize your beloved Lian Ji?"

Chun Yuyan sneered: "I will find out."


Jiang Yin came back to Zhuangzi at noon the next day.

His hair was messy, his face was pale, and he looked lost.

Feng Yun went to her house.

Normally, she rarely comes to the place where Concubine Ji lives. After all, apart from the last time she brought someone to catch an adulterer, this is the second time she has come here.

Jiang Yin was sitting alone in the room, seemingly out of his mind.

She is wearing an embroidered skirt tied around Liu's waist. She is charming and graceful. Under her lowered eyes, her pupils are slightly closed, her skin is fair, and she has a good figure. She is a beauty with excellent appearance. I have to say that Chun Yuyan is somewhat blessed. distributed on the body.

Feng Yun paused outside the door for a moment before walking in.

When Jiang Yin saw her, he quickly bowed and saluted as if he had woken up from a dream.


"No need." Feng Yun stopped her and sat down.

Jiang Yin poured water for her and lowered his eyes, "Young lady, do you have anything to tell me about my concubine?"

She went to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, she didn't talk nonsense, and Feng Yun didn't bother to play riddles.

"If a noble man likes you, would you like to..."

"I don't want to." Jiang Yin refused eagerly before her.

After saying that, he put the teapot down again, knelt down towards Feng Yunruan, and looked up.

"Girl, don't drive me away, okay?"

I will add another chapter later to thank readers.

(before two o'clock)

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