Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 94: Poison without an antidote

When I walked to the gate of Feng Yun's village, the ox cart stopped.

Xiang Zhong opened the curtain and stretched out his hand to help Chun Yuyan, but there was no movement inside for a long time.

Feng Yun glanced sideways at the purple brocade curtain, pretending to be surprised and asked:

"Is the prince's poison cured, or is he still not well?"

Chun Yuyan coughed twice. His face was covered by a mask and his blood could not be seen, but his soft lips were slightly white. When he saw Feng Yun's face, he immediately pursed his lips coldly.

"Look at the way you look like a villain. Feng Twelve, you just expect me to die, right?"

Does this cold voice sound out of breath?

Feng Yun didn't care about the patient, and he didn't want to directly piss off the money-giving boy.

She stood elegantly and pointed toward the next door.

"Your Majesty, Doctor Yao's family is over there..."

Chunyu Yan didn't look at Feng Yun's fingers, but looked at her wide open door, observed it for a moment, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Then I will wait for him in the village."

Then he ordered lightly, "Sang Jiao, go and ask for Dr. Yao."

Sanjiao responded and went.

Feng Yun looked at Chun Yuyan, who was naturally waiting for his invitation.

"Your Majesty, are you welcome?"

Chunyu Yan raised his eyes slightly, revealing a gentle but malicious smile.

"Feng Twelve, you don't want graphite anymore?"

Eyes facing each other.

Prince Chunyu's eyes were very sharp, like a poisonous snake spitting out words, which instantly grabbed people's hearts. If you look at it for a moment longer, it would have a lingering meaning.

Feng Yun was afraid that if he continued to watch, he would set the air on fire, so he quickly turned away and smiled in greeting.

"Your Majesty, please come inside."

Zhuangzi cleaned up very well. Chun Yuyan looked at him as he walked, with a condescending attitude and a bit of disgust. Every step he took gave out a gloomy and terrifying aura, which made the servants in Zhuangzi step back slightly when they saw him. Only then was I satisfied.

Sitting down in the west hall, he asked slowly:

"I heard that you don't plan to return to the general's mansion?"

Feng Yun glanced at him.

I wanted to say it was none of his business, but when I thought about being a partner, I just said yes.

Chunyu Yan asked: "Why don't you come back?"

Perhaps due to his illness, Feng Yun felt that Chun Yuyan's voice today was a little too gentle, and every breath sounded like it was carrying a layer of lingering fragrance. It was dangerous to seduce people into intoxication, which was not normal.

She endured it and chuckled: "There are too many restrictions, it's not as comfortable as in Zhuangzi."

Chun Yuyan was silent, and the corner of his mouth curled up. He didn't know whether he believed it or not, but his eyes were brighter than before, and he seemed to be in good spirits. He didn't look like a person who was deeply poisoned and struggled to save him from the edge of death.

"What's next? Are you going to live here?"

The eyes were light and airy, showing no concern, but seemed to harbor evil intentions.

Feng Yun frowned and asked, "What advice do you have, Your Majesty?"

Chunyu Yan smiled faintly.

"Without Pei Wanzhi's protection, how are you going to live as a woman? Feng Twelve, why don't you ask me to see if this prince will be kind enough to take you in?"

Damn arrogant!


Feng Yun cursed in his heart, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty. The people who are looking forward to being taken in by me are all lined up at the entrance of Huaxi Village. I'm afraid I'm too busy to come and beg you..."

Chun Yuyan sneered lightly but said nothing.

A report came from outside the west hall, "Your Majesty, Doctor Yao is here."

Chun Yuyan glanced at Feng Yun, who was smiling and saying nothing, "Please come in."

Dr. Yao heard that a nobleman came to seek medical treatment. He was an old acquaintance with Mrs. Li Zheng from Changmenzhuang, so he came here carrying a medicine box and his eldest son, very solemnly.

Chunyu Yan sat still.

Doctor Yao knelt down beside him.

"Sir, please raise your hand."

Chun Yuyan slowly rolled up his sleeves, revealing a snow-white wrist with clear texture, and slowly placed it on the pulse pillow.

Doctor Yao put his fingers up, pondered for a moment, and looked at him again.

"Excuse me, please change your right hand."

Chunyu Yan put his right hand up as instructed.

Doctor Yao carefully diagnosed the pulse again, exhaled for a moment, and smiled.

"Young Master is fine, but he has some liver stagnation and fire, yin deficiency and phlegm heat. I think it is caused by restlessness in sleeping and eating. There is no need to prescribe a consultation, just rest for a few more days..."

He did not notice any change in the patient's expression as he listened to him.

Because that mask blocked almost all of Chun Yuyan's emotions, except for his gloomy eyes, which was a bit scary.

Xiang Zhong, who was beside him, kept winking and then coughed heavily.

"Doctor Yao, my young master was poisoned by He Yu Jinghong's poison. His life was almost hanging by a thread. He was rescued with great difficulty. How can he be cured after only two days of rest?"

Doctor Yao looked at him puzzled.

How can any patient not look forward to good health?

Seeing that he remained silent, Xiang Zhong smiled again and said, "I heard that Dr. Yao has excellent medical skills, so I'll prescribe the prescription for my young master as you told me. He'll also be good at recuperating."

Doctor Yao wanted to say something, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he encountered Xiang Zhong's cold eyes, so he swallowed his words back.

"Yes, yes. It's good to recuperate."

Anyway, the prescription he prescribed couldn't kill anyone.

Doctor Yao went to prescribe the prescription silently.

Feng Yun sat with him on one side, and when he saw this, he asked: "I wonder how the prince has considered the matter of graphite..."

"Cough cough! Cough cough cough..."

Chunyu Yan coughed lowly again.

This cough seemed like it couldn't be stopped.

Feng Yun had no choice but to interrupt what he was saying and ask someone to bring him tea and water, serving him like an ancestor.

"Is the prince feeling better?"

Chun Yuyan took a sip of tea.

He glanced at her, as if he was a little surprised, and then lowered his head to take a sip.

"The clear lotus in the tea has a unique fragrance. Good tea."

Feng Yun smiled slightly, and was about to say that we should talk about the graphite, when Xiaoman hurried up and bowed to Feng Yun,

"Girl, Sister Jiang Yin is outside, saying that she wants to see you for something."

Since Feng Yun moved all her belongings from the General's Mansion to Huaxi Village, it was equivalent to leaving that mansion.

From then on, she no longer controlled the concubines given by the Queen Mother.

But Nan Kui, Chai Ying, Jiang Yin and others still followed her in Huaxi Village.

Feng Yun did not chase them away.

The rules are there, if you work, you will have food.

These days, these concubines will do some chores within their ability every day. Feng Yun did not force them, and they were also obedient and lived a stable life.

Feng Yun did not know what Jiang Yin wanted to talk to her about.

She glanced at Chun Yuyan, and seeing that he had no reaction, she nodded to Xiaoman.

"Let her in."

Jiang Yin was the "most beautiful woman besides the girl" in Xiaoman's words. She was usually quiet, hardworking, and not talkative, so it was hard for people to dislike her.

Therefore, Jiang Yin was very popular in the village.

Feng Yun didn't have much contact with her, but he was also polite.

Xiaoman went down to pass the message, and soon Jiang Yin came in.

She had a delicate but delicate face, the kind of gentle and beautiful beauty, as if she didn't like rouge and powder. She was wearing a lotus-colored Luo skirt, and she walked gracefully, like a fairy in the water suddenly came ashore. If you look at her, you will be softened for her. That look was completely different from the sharpness in Feng Yun's eyes.

"Hello, girl." Jiang Yin probably found that there was a male guest in the hall, raised her sleeves to cover half of her face, walked over leisurely, and bowed slightly.

"I want to take two days off."

Feng Yun asked: "What are you going to do?"

She asked this purely out of concern.

After all, she lived in the manor. If something happened in the chaotic world outside, she would be uneasy.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yin's eyes turned red when she asked this question.

"My parents and younger brother fled to Andu, begged for food and found the general's mansion, and asked about me..."

She choked again, "I want to go and see."

Feng Yun was stunned, "Where are they now?"

Jiang Yin shook her head, "Today, Xingtou entered the city and met the steward of the general's mansion and learned about this. The steward said that they heard that I was no longer in the general's mansion, and left without asking any more questions. I think I am still in Andu City. I want to go and look for it..."

Feng Yun pondered for a moment, "How about this, I'll let Xing Bing send a few people to accompany you."

Jiang Yin's nose was sour, and she bowed to Feng Yun.

"Thank you, girl."

She was a little anxious, and she was about to leave after paying her respects.

Unexpectedly, Prince Chunyu, who was sitting on the side, suddenly spoke.


Feng Yun looked over and frowned slightly.

Chun Yuyan's eyes were fixed on Jiang Yin.

Jiang Yin didn't seem to expect that the nobleman in the hall would suddenly call her. She turned around blankly, looked at Feng Yun first, and then bowed sideways.

"Sir, you call me concubine?"

She still half-covered her face with her big sleeves, showing her reserve when meeting a foreign man.

Her body was also sideways to Chun Yuyan, very shy.

Chun Yuyan looked at her for a long time, letting her keep that posture, her narrow and beautiful eyes slightly narrowed, and I don't know what she was thinking.

Jiang Yin didn't dare to move, just waited like that.

After a long time, Chun Yuyan smiled faintly.

"Take off your sleeves, let me see."

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