Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 93 Yaoyao's Thoughts

Wen Xingsu frowned.

He would not give Pei Ran any advice.

Compromise was a last resort, but he had already made it clear to Pei Man that he would not go to the battlefield, let alone kill a Qi man for the Beiyong Army.

He said: "The general is giving me a hard time."

Pei Ran glanced at him.

"Then I'll tell you what I'm going to do next."

Wen Xingsu was slightly surprised.

He did not speak, and only listened to Pei Madang calmly say: "As long as Xinzhou City defends for seven days, I can break through Xiao Cheng's defense line, enter Bingzhou, and catch him off guard."

Wen Xingsu smiled.

Sure enough, Pei Ran is arrogant.

In the current situation, retreating to Andu is a good strategy. Although it will cost a lot to defend Xinzhou, it can also consume the Qi army's time and delay it until winter. By then, peace talks will definitely have the upper hand.

Over the years, it has become normal for the North and the South to fight and talk. In the final analysis, it is for each other's benefit.

Who would have thought that Pei Madang not only wanted Xinzhou, but also wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to capture Qi's Bingzhou?

Wen Xingsu calmed down after a long while, "General, you have a huge appetite."

Pei Madang said: "Bingzhou is close to Hengqu Pass and was a fortress for military strategists in ancient times. If we want to open the door to Qi, we must attack Bingzhou."

Wen Xingsu narrowed his eyes.

He never knew that Pei Ran was so ambitious.

What he wants is more than just a few cities...

But the entire Qi State.

Wen Xingsu was slightly frightened, "Has the general fought against Xiao Sanlang before?"

Pei Ran was silent for a moment, "No."

A smile appeared on Wen Xingsu's face.

"Then in my opinion, the general may have underestimated the enemy."

"Oh?" Pei Ran didn't show any emotion.

Wen Xingsu said: "The general wants to reserve enough troops to defend Xinzhou, and also wants to surprise the state with surprise troops. Forgive Wen's blunt words, it is a bit fanciful. Don't say that Emperor Zhengchu will not give you such an opportunity. Even if he did, the general would be very It's hard to do as expected, Bingzhou has developed waterways and strong defense, and the Beiyong Army is weak in every aspect. "

Pei Ran nodded, "We'll see."

After saying that, he stood up and pointed to the medicine on the table.

"Remember to use it, waist and waist."

When Wen Xingsu heard the name "Yao Yao" from his mouth again, he felt very unhappy, as if something that belonged to him had been taken away. His brows furrowed and his face didn't look good.

"Waist waist is A Yun's nickname. She doesn't like others calling her that."

Pei Ran had no expression on his face and looked at him lightly.

"I am not someone else. I am the husband of the waist."

Wen Xingsu pondered for a moment, "She was forced."

Pei Madang stopped, took out Feng Yun's letter from his arms, and slowly unfolded it in front of Wen Xingsu.

He did not shy away from the suggestions and suggestions Feng Yun gave him, and he did not shy away from letting Wen Xingsu see Feng Yun's "little tenderness".

"Waiting for your triumphant return, I will have all the fun with you."

There is no trace of reluctance in Feng Yunjuanxiu's handwriting.

Pei Ran asked: "General Wen, why do you think I treat you so politely?"

For the waist...

Some of the color faded from Wen Xingsu's sickly face.

He knew that Feng Yun could not let go of what he had done to Feng Jingting. Feng Yun had also personally told him that he would not return to Qi State again, and he had the intention of staying with Pei Mad with all his heart.

But he didn't expect that Feng Yun's hatred was so deep...

What’s more, she didn’t just have no choice but to commit herself to Pei Madang, but she was happy with him.

Pei Madang cupped his hands towards Wen Xingsu and said, "Pei never forces things on others. I like General Wen's talent and am willing to make friends with him. But if General Wen opens his mouth, Pei can also open the door and let you go or stay." "

Wen Xingshu's eyes were slightly surprised, "General, are you willing to let me go?"

Pei Ran said: "Exactly."

Wen Xingsu looked at him in disbelief, "General, are you serious?"

"There are no lies." Pei Ran said: "General Wen can also wear armor for the Qi army again. It is entirely voluntary."

Tell him how you want to play, and then leave the door open to let him stay.

Whether it's his mind or his arrogance as a person, Pei Madang is unique.

"But -" Pei Madang stared at Wen Xingsu's face, "the two armies are fighting, swords and guns are blind. When we meet on the battlefield, I will no longer recognize you as my eldest brother. Whether it's life or death, you and I each have our own abilities. "

These words were neither serious nor serious, nor a threat, but Wen Xingsu understood.

As long as he leaves Xinzhou and walks out through Pei Madang's open door, he will not only be Pei Madang's enemy, but also his waist-deep enemy.

The woman who advised Pei Ran had completely regarded Qi as an enemy...

Wen Xingsu let out a long sigh.

"I can not go back."

He has not betrayed Qi so far, but he is already a traitor in the eyes of Qi people.

The responsibility for the fall of Shinshu rests with him.

Pei Ran said goodbye and left without saying much.


Huaxi Village.

The sun is setting in the west, and the vegetable seedlings in the yard are growing very well, almost the same every day.

Feng Yun felt a headache when he saw the two little ones running wild on the field ridge.

How could there be such a naughty child?

Back then, Qu'er was not naughty at all. He was very obedient, docile and sensible.

He was afraid that if he didn't do something well, he would be displeased by others and would be blamed by his father. In that splendid palace, Qu'er's identity is the noble eldest prince, but he lives a cautious life every day...

In fact, at that time, she had thought about how different it would be if Qu'er was born in Jin and next to Pei Ran...

Pei Ran has never expressed that he likes children. If he knew that he had a son, would he be happy or angry?


Ah Zuo and Ah You finally learned to call Feng Yun the same as everyone else.

But the voice is childish, which makes it a little funny no matter how you listen to it.

"What kind of dish is this? Can it be eaten? I just want to eat it tonight..."

Feng Yun was too lazy to move and motioned to Xiaoman to go over and have a look.

Soon, there was a loud laugh.

"My little ancestor, this is cow's ear rhubarb. It's bitter and astringent. Eating it will ruin your stomach."

"What can we eat? We want to dig wild vegetables..."

The children were chattering, which was extremely noisy.

Feng Yun shook his head and called the two children to come up.

"I'm going to see the farm tool shop in the village. Do you want to go?"

Ah Zuo and Ah You were immediately interested, "Okay!"

The farm tool shop is still under construction, using wood, stone and rammed earth.

A group of people were working enthusiastically, and some people in the village who were not well-off also came over and asked, wanting to use adobe molds to repair their own houses.

When Feng Yun passed by, someone called her enthusiastically.


"Ms. Li Zheng."

Feng Yun did not come empty-handed.

The two men carried a wooden bucket, which was the herbal tea they had invited the villagers to drink last time. It was very sweet, not to mention containing precious sugar, but also had the fragrance of lotus. The craftsmen were exhausted, so after taking a sip, they just felt Fragrance lingers on lips and teeth.

No longer thirsty, but feeling hungry again.

Many people looked at the girl in front of them and even thought that those who worked as servants in his family were much better than those in ordinary families.

So someone made a joke.

"Ms. Li Zheng, do you still need anyone in your village?"

Feng Yun also laughed, "I want it."

Another person said: "I'm hardworking, do you think you want me? I can just take care of two meals a day."

Feng Yun's expression didn't change much. He thought about it seriously, looked at the tired craftsmen and workers in front of him who were sweating profusely, and said, "Starting from tomorrow, those who work in the farm tool shop will be responsible for two meals a day."

No one expected Feng Yun to be so generous.

Just as he was about to say thank you, he heard Feng Yun say:

"But the construction period must be at least ten days in advance."

Everyone looked at each other, and it turned out that there was no free meal.

Feng Yun said: "It's almost the Mid-Autumn Festival. Let's work harder to make farm tools. After the autumn sowing, we will free up our hands to repair all the houses for the winter. The adults are not afraid of the cold, but they are afraid of the children suffering..."

Most of the farmhouses in Huaxi Village are very dilapidated.

The current season is fine, but once winter comes, it won't be able to withstand the cold.

Everyone saw that Mrs. Zheng was so thoughtful and agreed one after another.

"Okay, ten days, just ten days, we all listen to Madam Li Zheng."

Feng Yun called Xing Dalang to come, write down the number of people, and then ordered the stove to arrange meals for the workers.

Xing Bing's eldest son is currently working in the farm tool shop, responsible for documents and documents. He earns 30 yuan a day, which is no less than a coolie worker. He studies harder and works harder.

This makes Alou anxious.

In fact, his body was not in great shape, and the bruises on his face were not gone, but the fourteen-year-old deputy manager could write and do calculations, and he was clever. He could no longer lie down, so he walked to Feng Yun on crutches and asked for help. Return to work.

"The villain is eating for free on the couch every day. It is more uncomfortable than working in the fields. It feels like there are lice on the body."

How could Feng Yun not know what he was thinking? He just told him to do what he could.

Ah Lou agreed with a smile.

There was a burst of cheers in the farm tool shop.

When Feng Yun saw this scene, he thought of Yunchuan's graphite again.

With graphite, she can make charcoal, and she can place an earth dragon in her room.

When winter comes, you won't have to worry about getting cold.

Feng Yun was very afraid of the cold. In the past, he loved to put his cold feet into Pei Ran's arms in winter. He didn't mind it either, and would often play with it and warm her feet. Even that gentle scum Xiao Sanlang knew she had this habit...

So, when Xiao San hated her, he threw her into the West Wing Hall, the coldest room in the palace, and had to make her suffer all kinds of pain...

The biting chill in the cold palace made her shiver just thinking about it.

"We have to get good charcoal this winter!"

The best thing is to open a charcoal mill in Huaxi Village and make a lot of money.

If Yunchuan's graphite can be shipped out and Chun Yuyan can cooperate well, there will be no worries.

"Look, girl." Xiaoman's voice brought Feng Yun back from his thoughts.

She said: "A bullock cart is coming over there."

There is never a shortage of bullock carts in Andu City. Xiaoman has seen many of them before, but this bullock cart still caught her attention.

Because the bullock cart is too luxurious.

The oilcloth curtain made of purple brocade, hanging curtains of precious stones and beads, and the wheel hubs made of fine iron were painted with gold paint. They were pulled by two strong cattle side by side in a leisurely manner, and the trail seemed to be filled with fragrance.

Two oxen pull the cart, this is a blessing that only the royal family can enjoy.

Feng Yun smiled after taking one look.

People pull plows in the fields, and oxen pull people on the road.

She stood still until the bullock cart stopped.

The servant driving the car asked loudly: "May I ask where Doctor Yao from Huaxi Village lives?"

The craftsmen were drinking wine and looked up when they heard the sound.

Someone pointed to Feng Yun's Changmen Village.

"It's right next door to Mrs. Li Zheng's house."

The servant arched his hands and waved his whip as he was about to leave. The curtain of the carriage opened, revealing Xiang Zhong's honest and honest face.

"Hey, isn't that Feng Ji?"

Then he said happily: "Feng Ji, my young master came to Huaxi Village to consult Dr. Yao. Please give me directions."

So Chun Yuyan is not dead yet?

What about Crane Feathers and the incurable poison? Is that just a joke?

If he doesn't die, then Chunyu Yan is just a boy who brings wealth.

Feng Yun smiled slightly and bowed to Chao Zhong.

"Please follow me, Eunuch Xiang."

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