Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 92 I don’t recognize you

Ping An was stunned for a moment, looking at the indifferent expression of the new emperor, and wanted to say something, but Xiao Cheng did not give him a chance.

A cold look came over.

"Are you still not leaving?"

Ping An's voice was stuck in his throat, "Yes."

The footsteps gradually faded away and disappeared.

Chongming Hall became quiet.

Xiao Cheng was silent for a moment, and picked up the notes on the table without saying a word.

A thick pile, like snowflakes, flew to Taicheng from all over Qi every day.

It was not easy to be an emperor, he always knew that after years of planning, he finally got to sit on the throne as he wished, but he was not satisfied, and he was exhausted physically and mentally.

The words on the notes kept magnifying, and he was a little distracted when he read them, and his eyes unconsciously moved to the locked drawer.

The firelight fell on his face, blurring his handsome edges, and some hostility came into his eyes.

With a puff!

He suddenly became ruthless and swept the notes in his hand and the pile on the table off the table, making a dull sound.

Ping An outside the palace called softly: "Your Majesty!"

"It's okay." Xiao Cheng's voice was very calm, as if nothing was wrong.

This night was very quiet.

Xiao Cheng closed his eyes heavily, opened them for a long time, and almost held his breath while leaning on the table to slowly stand up, walked over to open the drawer, and took out the letters in the brocade box.

The bottom one was a brown sealed paper.

It was a secret letter sent by a fast horse to Taicheng before Wen Xingsu left Xinzhou to Andu to look for someone...

Xiao Cheng took it out and read it, then threw it back.

After a moment of silence, he took out several letters sent by Ren Rude from Andu.

These letters had been read a long time ago.

Perhaps it was because the lonely lamp was too cold tonight, he opened it again and read it.

"Pei Cong's new policy, equal distribution of land to the people, and the resettlement of a large number of refugees from the five towns of Wan'an."

"The head of the General's Mansion, Feng, opened the warehouse to distribute porridge, which was very popular with the people and won a good reputation for Pei Cong. The people no longer called him the King of Hell and praised him..."

"Pei Cong favored Feng alone, and more than ten concubines were neglected."

"Before the beginning of autumn, Feng brought delicious food to explore the camp of the Northern Yong Army, and she had a deep affection for Pei Cong."

"Feng renamed the farm in Huaxi to Changmen, and I don't know what her intention was."

"Feng cleaned up the farm and trained his troops , very handy..."

"Pei Jue is really blinded by lust. It is ridiculous to let Feng be the head of the village. How can a woman be an official?"

"Feng makes tea, named Yuanhen Mianmian. I have asked Wei Li to bring back a jar and present it to you for careful tasting."

"Pei Jue's guard camp has more than 20 soldiers, guarding Changmen day and night, and the rest are not helpful."

"Feng plotted against Wei Zheng to destroy the reputation of the queen mother. Concubines were injured and killed in her hands. This woman... is very vicious."

On the table, there is also a letter that Ren Rude has just sent.

There is a sentence on it, "Pei Jue rode into the city on a fast horse, and took Feng to ride wildly on the long street, ignoring no one, and kissed by the river..."

Xiao Cheng read every word over and over again many times.

Ren Rude did what he asked for, "every detail", but the Feng in the letter seemed no longer the one he knew.

In the past, Feng Shier Niang was too lazy to care about those chores and miscellaneous matters. She was only bullied by others, and she never bullied others.

She said that she only wanted to be Xiao Lang's wife as soon as possible, to add fragrance to his sleeves, to give birth to children for him, and to accompany him from sunrise to sunset...

That Feng Yun could give everything to him, and her body and mind were the same. Her feelings were passionate and bright. Sometimes she would be annoyed, but she was indispensable.

In the past, if she fell into the enemy camp, she would find ways to send a message back.

She would definitely be a little bit wronged and call him to rescue her.

But now, she happily accepted Pei Jue, had a love affair with him, and even told her father.

"I don't want Xiao Sanlang anymore. I give him to you and Feng's daughter, as a reward for your kindness. From now on, you and I, father and daughter, will be separated and owe nothing to each other."

This is not Feng Shier Niang...

She couldn't say such decisive words.

Xiao Cheng sighed, "Why did it change?"

He had clearly made plans to rescue her, and had sent Ren Rude and Jin Ge Tie Ma to Andu early on. He even wanted to reject Feng Ying for her.

But she changed...

Willingly followed Pei Cong.

She didn't write him a single letter.

The pain hit his chest at this moment.

Xiao Cheng covered his chest, and his knuckles grasped his clothes tightly. The sharp pain lasted for a long time, and was more unbearable than usual...

He breathed heavily, lowered his forehead on the envelope on the table, and closed his eyes quietly.


A long sleepless night.

In Xinzhou City, the lights in Pei Cong's room were also on all night.

After Xiao Cheng ascended the throne, he launched a massive counterattack. The Beiyong Army was about to face the most difficult battle since the expedition.

The people in Xinzhou City refused to surrender, which made it exponentially more difficult for the Beiyong Army to defend the city.

Several generals stayed in Pei Cong's room and discussed until dawn before leaving.

Everyone has their own opinions, but there are only two options: defend or retreat.

Giving up Xinzhou, retreating to the Huai River, and defending Wanning and Andu Wucheng are also great victories for the Jin State.

The Beiyong Army is confident that the Qi Army will not be able to cross the Huai River. But taking a step back will increase the morale of the Qi Army and the prestige of the newly enthroned Emperor Zhengchu.

But if they defend Xinzhou, the Jin Army will have to pay a huge sacrifice...

This is a dilemma.

At dawn, Zuo Zhongxing rushed over.


Even through a door, you can hear his joy.

"General, Ao Qi is here."

Pei Jue frowned slightly, but did not look back, his eyes were still on the map.

"Let him in."

Ao Qi walked in with a smile on his face, sweat on his forehead, holding a ring-handled sword in his hand, and a large bundle hanging on his shoulder.

"General! Ao Qi is back to the team." He folded his hands and threw the bundle on Pei Cong's desk.

"The girl asked me to bring it to the general."

Pei Cong then withdrew his gaze from the map, glanced at Ao Qi, and moved to the bundle.

Ao Qi did not notice the change in Pei Cong's expression, and was immersed in the joy of joining the military camp and "presenting treasures".

He took out Feng Yun's letter and wound medicine and placed them on the table. As if thinking of something, he took out a crumpled yellow paper from his arms.

"General, this is the picture drawn by the girl, come and see."

The paper was already very crumpled. It was Feng Yun who threw it away, and Ao Qi secretly picked it up again, and put it like a treasure.

"The girl is amazing. She can draw maps."

Ao Qi unfolded it carefully, fearing that he would damage it. His hands stroked the yellow paper as if he was holding a treasure.

Pei Jue looked at him again: "What did she say?"

Ao Qi pursed his lips and motioned to his uncle to read the letter. "It's all written in the letter."

The girl said that she only talked to his uncle about serious matters. Ao Qi remembered it very clearly.

However, when Pei Jue opened the letter and read to the end, his face showed a very strange change, just like the big black dog in Ao Qi's family who was completely oblivious when he saw the little white dog coming to eat.

"This woman..."

He seemed to want to say something.

But he swallowed the words again.

Ao Qi didn't know what kind of waves Feng Yun's simple words had stirred in Pei Jue's heart, but he couldn't help but think of the scene that day when he saw them losing control on horseback, and his handsome face immediately collapsed...

"General, what did the girl say?"

Pei Jue didn't say a word.

He put the letter away and took out a medicine bottle from Feng Yun and handed it to Ji You.

"Give it to General Wen, saying it's a token of Yaoyao's love."

Ao Qi was confused.

His uncle was so generous that he gave the medicine to Wen Xingsu?

He said "woman" instead of "girl".

He called her "Yaoyao" affectionately. These didn't seem like the reaction of someone who had seen a lot of "serious things".

Ao Qi's heart was about to break.

But the boy's passion was also easy to ignite, and he was quickly attracted by the atmosphere on the eve of the battle in the camp.

At this time, Xinzhou City was in a state of preparation for war, and the Beiyong Army had to deal with the sneak attacks and harassment of the Qi Army hiding among the people from time to time.

Tense soldiers could be seen everywhere in the city.

On the city gate, the "Pei" flag rustled in the autumn wind...

Ao Qi rode his horse around the city before he got the order brought by Zuo Zhong.

"The general asked you to return to Andu immediately."

Ao Qi turned around and said in a low voice, "I won't."

Zuo Zhong was helpless with him, "The general's order."

Ao Qi pulled his face, "I'll go find the general!"


Pei Jue was not in his room, he went to see Wen Xingsu.

Returning to Xinzhou means returning to Wen Xingsu's hometown. This house was bought by Wen Xingsu when he came to Xinzhou. Feng Jingting also lived here for a while when he escaped from Andu.

They returned to Taicheng not long before Xiao Cheng and Feng Ying got married.

So they escaped.

Pei Jue didn't restrain Wen Xingsu too much. Since he signed the appointment order of General Po Lu, Pei Jue gave him the treatment a general deserved.

Residence, attendants, everything is ready.

After breaking through Xinzhou City, Pei Jue even brought Wen Xingsu into the prisoner camp and let him choose people. He would take whoever he wanted without asking the reason or pursuing the past...

Everyone said that General Pei was generous.

But Wen Xingsu knew that he was being put on the firewood pile step by step by Pei Jue, and he was trapped in a situation where he could not turn back.

Of course, he did not sincerely surrender to Jin.

He had to sign the pledge because the Jin court wanted to punish Yao Yao. If he did not respond, Feng Yun would be the culprit who harbored and let the enemy general go.

Once he was taken back to Zhongjing by Wei Zheng, his life would be lost.

How could Wen Xingsu implicate her?

His reputation was ruined in an instant, and he would not allow Yao Yao to make any mistakes.

When Pei Jue entered the door, Wen Xingsu was sitting on the soft couch, wearing a snow-white casual dress, looking elegant. Not to mention his talent and ability, Wen Xingsu's appearance was also very outstanding.

There were two guards standing quietly outside the door.

A maid was kneeling beside Wen Xingsu, gently fanning the small stove for boiling tea.

Seeing Pei Jue, the guard bowed and said, "General."

Pei Jue waved his hand, motioning them to withdraw, and sat in front of Wen Xingsu.

The small porcelain bottle on the wooden table was the medicine he asked Ji You to bring.

Pei Jue said, "This is Yao Yao's gift."

Wen Xingsu smiled bitterly, "Thank you."

Pei Jue said, "Are you used to returning to Xinzhou?"

Being so close, Wen Xingsu could clearly see the red bloodshot in Pei Jue's eyes.

He did not participate in Pei Jue's marching formation and war discussions, but he knew the current situation very well.

"General, do you have something to say to me?"

Pei Jue said, "In addition to retreating to Andu and defending Xinzhou, General Wen thinks that the Beiyong Army has a third way to go?"

Wen Xingsu stared at him, "Yes."

Pei Jue pursed his lips slightly, "I would like to hear the details."

Wen Xingsu laughed, "General, you already have a plan in mind, why are you asking me again?"

Pei Jue said, "I want to hear General Wen's advice."

Wait for another chapter.

It can be available after 1 o'clock. (˙˙)

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