Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 91: The Beauty of the Countryside

Qi State.

In August of the fifth year of Jianhe's reign, Qi Emperor Xiao Jue issued an imperial edict to abdicate the throne and remove his title.

Xiao Cheng, King of Jingling, proclaimed himself emperor and changed to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

The whole country of Qi celebrated the new emperor's accession to the throne.

In the prison in Taicheng, torches burned and cries erupted.

Once the emperor and his ministers, many princes and nobles became prisoners in an instant. And the deposed emperor who lived in seclusion in Changding Palace seemed to be living in the most noble cage.

In the Chongming Hall, the blood-stained blue bricks and stones have been swept clean, and a faint fragrance floats in the air, as if the fight had never happened.

It was autumn, and the wind was strong at night, blowing a whimper on the eaves of the palace.

Ping An carefully closed the doors and windows and put a cloak on the new emperor's shoulders.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night..."

Xiao Cheng hummed.

It seemed like there was no response.

The young emperor sat in front of the wooden desk. His regular clothes made him tall and straight, with a handsome face. But Ping An could see that the young master had lost a lot of weight and his eyes were sunken.

The night of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber, the enthronement of the throne as the emperor, any one of these things is enough to make a man feel high-spirited.

But after Xiao Cheng got married, he became obviously depressed.

Then came the fall of Shinshu, which was like a loud slap in the face of the new emperor.

Ping An feels sorry for the young master.

Both parents died, and the two elder brothers failed to live up to their expectations. They had empty ambitions and were famous for their talent, but they were repeatedly suppressed by their cousin who was the emperor, so they had to stay in hiding and hide their abilities and bide their time...

The marriage between the Feng family was originally excellent, and they were a prominent family.

But Feng Twelve Niang failed to live up to expectations and caused many ridiculous things.

Ping An knew that the young master was not very satisfied.

But the young master has never objected to the marriage.

On several occasions, Feng Twelve Niang was ridiculed and insulted by her sisters. Ping An even secretly warned them on the order of the young master...

After all, it was his unmarried wife's house. If Feng Twelve's face was slapped, it would be a slap on the young master's face. Therefore, every time something like this happened, the young master would look very ugly...

Ping An was even more angry with Feng Twelve Niang.

If she had even a little bit of skill, she wouldn't have put the young master in such an embarrassing situation.

Privately, Ping An even thought viciously that it would be better if Feng Twelve Niang was really bullied to death, so that the young master would not be forced to marry a girl who was of no help to him.

But Feng Twelve Niang’s fate is really great.

She won't die no matter what.

Seeing it, Feng Twelfth Mother was about to have hair extensions.

The marriage had to be put on the table. After the ceremony and promise, it was time to prepare for the wedding. During those days, Ping An clearly saw that the young master was restless, still reading and writing late at night, or walking around the house...

At that time, the deposed emperor was very afraid of the marriage between the young master and the Feng family.

Just when Ping An was aggrieved for the young master, the young master suddenly entered the palace and asked himself to guard the tomb of his ancestor...

Ping An feels that the young master is really smart.

With this excuse, he no longer has to marry Feng Twelve Niang, who made him embarrassed.

Unexpectedly, the Jin-Qi War broke out, and when the Beiyong Army attacked Andu, Feng Jingting actually dedicated Feng Twelfth Niang to the enemy general...

Where does this put the young master's face?

No one wants to be insulted like this. Ping An could feel the young master holding a breath of anger in his heart, but the young master didn't say anything. He calmly accepted the marriage of the Feng family's second daughter...

At that time, Ping An was relieved for the young master.

Feng Ying, the second daughter of the Feng family, fell in love with the young master very early.

The girl often comes to the house, using the excuse of seeing Princess Hanzhang, but actually she just wants to see the young master more. Every time she sees the young master, her eyes are filled with uncontrollable admiration, and her temperament is also likeable, and they are very happy to see him. Its success.

As long as it wasn't Feng Twelve Niang who would bring disaster to others, they would all be happy for the young master...

Unexpectedly, the young master suddenly regretted the promised marriage.

When he woke up that day, the young master wrote a letter to Shangshu Ling very excitedly, saying that his deceased mother should not go back on her regrets and marry another woman.

Feng's wedding ceremony was all prepared, and invitations were sent out. When he received the letter, Shangshu Ling got angry on the spot and broke into Prince Jingling's palace, where they had a big argument.

At present, if the young master breaks his promise, the Jiji camp for many years will be destroyed in one day. Feng Jingyao, the head of the Feng family, plays a very light role in the court, full of calculations and scheming...

In fact, both of them are daughters of the Feng family. Ping An doesn't understand why Shangshu Ling is so angry.

Is it because that Feng Twelfth Mother is not lovable?

Otherwise, why would her biological uncle dislike her?

Later, both parties took a step back and came up with a solution that would satisfy both parties. The young master married Feng Ying as an equal wife.

Everyone knows that Feng Twelve Niang will not come back.

How can a woman who has served an enemy general become the wife of a prince again?

Everyone thinks that the young master just wants to maintain his dignity and protect his parents' lives.

But later Ping An was surprised to find that the young master had no intention of giving up...

He sent gold and iron horses to Andu.

And on the grounds that the two countries were at war and the marriage did not need to be arranged in a big way, Feng Shisanniang was hastily connected to the Jingling Palace, even if she was given a status.

Moreover, the young master did not wait one more day.

On the night of the wedding, the guests were not dispersed, the wedding veil was not unveiled, and the bridal chamber was not entered. They led the troops directly to the palace and besieged the deposed emperor for seven days and seven nights.

The whole process was thrilling and passionate. I followed the young master safely until I saw the young master walking into Chongming Hall wearing armor, and saw the deposed emperor pointing at the young master with trembling fingers and yelling curses.

Scolding the young master to kill the king and usurp the throne is like a thief dog.

He scolded the young master for mutilating his limbs and bringing shame to his ancestors.

The young master said nothing.

As dynasties change, most of them are from the same clan and are fighting against each other.

He looked at the deposed emperor for a long time, watching him huddled on the noble dragon chair with his mouth wide open and gasping for air, as embarrassed as a dog, and then he gave an order.

"Take Your Majesty to the Changding Hall."

The young master put on his dragon robe and ascended to the throne of the Nine-Fiveth Supreme Emperor.

From now on, Ping An can no longer call him son.

Call your Majesty.

The new emperor looked so handsome in that dragon robe. Ping An excitedly watched his master awarding meritorious officials, dismissing Xiao Jue's harem, and implementing the Eight New Deals.

That's called majesty...

The long-cherished wish for many years has come true, and Ping An can imagine the happiness of the new emperor.


In the main hall, Ping An watched the new emperor tell the ministers almost in anger.

"My legitimate wife was captured by the enemy. It is a great shame and humiliation. I will definitely pay blood for blood, violence for violence, and avenge the previous humiliation!"

The south and the north have been fighting each other for hundreds of years, but they are related to each other by marriage, and each has his own version of his grudges and grudges. Even if they talk about it for three days and three nights, they can't make it clear.

But the new emperor's eyes were almost bleeding.

At this moment, Ping An believed that the new emperor was not trying to "sorrow his troops to win", but that he really felt ashamed.


That Feng Twelve Niang always brings shame to the young master.

Even if the young master becomes the emperor, he still can't get rid of her...

In fact, Ping An has almost forgotten what Feng Twelve Niang looks like, but there is a portrait in the young master's room, which he drew by himself after staying up for two long nights...

Ping An was a little surprised. After not seeing each other for such a long time, the young master could actually draw Feng Twelfth Mother so lifelike?

The new emperor announced a decree to purge the six armies, and the emperor personally marched on them.

Ping An felt that the new emperor was probably crazy.

What he took from Xiao Jue was actually a mess.

Xiao Jue has been extravagant and indulgent for many years. At present, Daqi's treasury is empty and there is no surplus food in the treasury. It can be said that it is suffering from internal and external troubles. No matter how clever the new emperor is, it will be extremely difficult to change the weak situation in a short period of time.

At this time, he should be taking charge of Taicheng and devoting himself to people's livelihood.

When it comes to war, why should an emperor go into battle himself?

Maybe it's out of a competitive spirit.

As an emperor, how can you let your first wife live in the enemy camp and accompany the enemy general?

Ping An thought about it and understood the young master again.

So seeing him not moving, I couldn't help but say a few words of comfort.

"Your Majesty, the whole army is pointing at you. The dragon body is the most important thing. Please rest."

Xiao Cheng said nothing.

Ping An looked at his face and said again:

"If General Wen hadn't surrendered to the enemy, Xinzhou City would not have been defeated so quickly. General Wen has gained His Majesty's trust, and he has really failed to fulfill His Majesty's trust..."

Xiao Cheng then raised his head and looked at him coldly.

Ping An has been serving Xiao Cheng since he was twelve years old, and the two of them have grown up together.

But things were different now, and Ping An was frightened by him.

"It's the villain who talks too much. The villain is really worried about Your Majesty..."

"I'm fine." Xiao Cheng's face was calm, with no anger visible.

He has always been gentle to his servants, and never punishes them for minor mistakes.

"Back off."

"Here." He walked out safely.

But soon he thought of something again and turned back.

"Your Majesty, I have one more thing to do..."

Xiao Cheng raised his head, his face already impatient, but his voice was still reserved and slow, "Go ahead."

Ping An didn't see the young master being angry, so he leaned forward and said, "Madam is thinking of your majesty, so she specially sent someone to bring duck brine. She said that your majesty likes to eat it. Do you want to bring it to your majesty to try?"

Xiao Cheng forced the palace to ascend the throne, purified the court, and then dispatched troops and generals. The whole process was completed in one go, and there was no time to canonize the Sixth Palace.

Feng Ying is Xiao Chengming's wife and the only mistress in the palace. But the title of Princess Jingling only lasted less than half a month, and the servants no longer knew how to address her.

Xiao Cheng is the emperor, and Feng Ying is naturally no longer the princess.

But without the imperial edict of canonization, even the head wife has no status, so they can only call an infallible "madam".

Xiao Cheng acquiesced.

But there was obviously no desire to eat.

"You, Gongsun Jiong, and Xu Chi should split up."

Ping An added: "Mrs. Shangshu Ling came into the palace today and asked when His Majesty will designate Mrs. Feng as empress... Madam just cried. When Mrs. Shangshu Ling left, she looked very angry."

Xiao Cheng looked at him lightly.

"You don't need to worry about these things."

Ping An lowered his head: "Yes. Your Majesty is the first to ascend the throne. If the Feng family gets into trouble..."

Xiao Cheng sat silently in front of the wooden case without any reaction.

After a long while, he let out a very low wry smile.

"Forgive them for not daring."

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