Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 90: Hidden Doctor

Feng Yun finished writing calmly, which shocked Xiao Man, who already knew a few words, and stared at her girl with a blush on her face.

At this time, Ah Zuo and Ah You had already finished eating. The two little guys ran over without seeing their brother. Not only did they not ask, they were also very happy. Like birds rushing out of the cage, they all surrounded Feng. Yun looked at it curiously.

One said, "Aunt, you are so beautiful."

One said: "Aunt, you are prettier than uncle."

One said: "Brother is not as good-looking as my aunt."

One said: "Our dog is not as good-looking as my aunt's."

Feng Yun:......

Can't compare any more.

If the comparison continues, their mice may not be as good-looking as her.

Feng Yun said with a straight face, "How did you two get here?"

Zuo: "I came by car."

Feng Yun asked: "Can I send you to Pingyuan County Lord?"

Ah You's head shook like a windmill, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Pingyuan County Lord has gone to find the handsome man. It's not fun to follow her. We have to follow my aunt."

Feng Yun corrected her again, "You are not allowed to call me aunt."

Zuo: "What's that called? Auntie?"

Ah You patted him, "Didn't you hear what brother called just now?"

Zuo suddenly realized, "Girl."

Feng Yun made the twins dumbfounded, and one of them was pinched in the face.

"You can call me by name or girl, but you can't call me aunt."

A Zuo: "Why can't you call me aunt? The Lord of Pingyuan County has already said that you are my uncle's concubine and you should take care of us."

Ah You: "You're stupid! My uncle hasn't invited us to dinner yet, and he hasn't married my aunt yet, so we can't talk about it."

Zuo: "Then let's call my aunt who has never been married, right?"

The two little ones nodded tacitly, and then took Feng Yun's arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

"My unmarried aunt, you have to take care of us. If you don't care about us, you will end up living on the street as a beggar..."

Feng Yun gave them a headache because of their quarrel, and pulled the child away with a little force.

"But I have something to do now. Then you stay in Yutangchunli and wait for your father to send someone to pick you up."


"don't want!"

When it comes to playing tricks and rolling around, the two little ones are very capable. Feng Yun really doubts whether they and Ao Qi are the children of the same parents. Ao Qi is so sensible and well-behaved, how could he have such naughty siblings?

Finally, Feng Yun had no choice but to take two small broomsticks and stuff them into the donkey cart.

"You can follow me, but from now on, you must listen to me in every word and deed. Otherwise, I will send you to Pingyuan County Lord, or leave you to your sister-in-law."

The two little ones nodded in unison.

Ah You said weakly: "It's not sister-in-law."

Feng Yun raised his eyebrows. Didn't he scream happily yesterday?

Ah Zuo curled his mouth and Ah You lowered his head.

"Brother is angry. If we call us sister-in-law again, he won't recognize us."

The two children grew up under the suppression of Ao Qi's bloodline. Since childhood, there has been a mountain that the two children cannot climb.


They really talk a lot.

Like two little talkative people...

Regardless of whether Feng Yun wanted to or not, he told everything about what happened in the General's Mansion last night...

Ao Qi was angry and Cui Zhi cried.

Mr. Pingyuan County has had his fill of watching the show.

The two little ones were brought to Feng Yun by Ao Qi.

In the end, Ah You nodded affirmatively.

"Brother likes my aunt, so he wants us to follow her."

The love in a child's mouth is different from the love in an adult's mouth. Although Feng Yun knew this very well, it still sounded a bit indescribable.

She thought of the boy's fiery embrace.

In the past, I only thought that Ao Qi was young, but now I think about it, Ao Qi is less than a year younger than her...

As soon as the donkey cart arrived at Huaxi Village, it was spotted by the villagers.

"Ms. Li Zheng is back!"

"Go and find out how the battle on the south bank is going..."

There is little information in the village, but after all, they are at the forefront of the battle between the two armies, and they know something about the current situation.

Feng Yun's donkey cart drove into Changmenzhuang and was surrounded by people.

A group of people were laughing and shouting, "Lady Li Zheng".

Where have Zuo and You ever seen such a battle?

In their home, servants must obey the rules.

"Aunt..." Ah You was a girl. She had just arrived in a strange place. She huddled beside Feng Yun, holding her sleeves and refusing to get out of the car.

Feng Yun patted her little hand, took it under her arm and hugged her down.

"Don't be afraid."

Ao Qi is good-looking, and his younger brothers and sisters are also dolls with pink makeup and beautiful faces. They have fair and tender faces and dark and bright eyes, which are very rare in the village.

The surrounding villagers opened their eyes wide.

"What a handsome young man."

"What a beautiful little girl!"

"Hey, whose baby is this?"

Ah You held Feng Yun tightly, embarrassed to raise his head.

Zuo was more courageous, met those eyes, and said seriously:

"We are the nephews of the general."

The villagers were stunned for a moment and then quickly reacted.

Madam Li Zheng is so capable.

She was able to subdue General Pei's nephew so quickly, and even called her "aunt". This method was not ordinary.

Feng Yun looked into those people's eyes and couldn't laugh or cry.

She was glued to death.

"Xiao Man." Feng Yun handed the two babies to her, "Take them to my room and watch them carefully. There is nothing wrong with them."

The two kids refused at first, but when Feng Yun's face dropped, they followed Xiao Man obediently.

Feng Yun had something serious to do when he came back from this trip.

She casually answered a few questions from the villagers, and then called out to Ms. Wang in the crowd.

"Sister-in-law Wang, I have something to do with your Dr. Yao. Is he at home?"

Mrs. Wang smiled and rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yes. Old Yao also wants to know about the war on the south bank, but he can't come out and ask. Madam Li Zheng will go to find him, and she will make him very happy."

Feng Yun smiled and followed the crowd out to Yao's house.

Doctor Yao was in the room using a guillotine and medicine to crush the medicine.

There was no medicine hall, so he partitioned off half of the bedroom.

Inside is a bed made of wooden frames, and all the medicinal materials are placed outside. Fortunately, Wang is willing to endure hardships with him.

Seeing Feng Yun, he quickly stood up and bowed.

"Ms. Li Zheng is here. Come and sit here."

Feng Yun returned the favor and said with a smile, "I'm here to ask for medicine from Dr. Yao."

The medicine Doctor Yao gave to Alou last time was very effective. Alou was so seriously injured by Wei Zheng that he was able to walk around the room on his own in the past two days with a cane.

Ah Lou recovered quickly, and Dr. Yao also handled the Sun family's young man's injuries very well. The Sun family even brought a hunted floret chicken to thank Dr. Yao.

Feng Yun was surprised to discover that this new neighbor turned out to be a hidden and reclusive doctor, so he shamelessly approached Dr. Yao.

"The battlefield is changing rapidly, and the most useful thing is trauma medicine. Please prepare more for me, Doctor Yao."

"It's easy to talk about. Is Madam Li Zheng in a hurry?"

Feng Yun thought for a moment and said, "Urgent."

Doctor Yao nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He immediately found all the inventory at home and gave them to Feng Yun, and then gave the prescription without any secret.

Feng Yun was extremely grateful and said, "Doctor Yao, if you have any use for me in the future, just ask."

Mrs. Wang saw her being so polite and flew over with a smile.

"What did Madam Li Zheng say? The families next to each other are relatives. They should help each other. We also hope that the general will win the war. Only in this way can we live peacefully."

Doctor Yao stroked his beard and smiled, with a friendly face.

"My wife is right, this is what a medical practitioner should do. If my Yao family's medicine can save one more person, that will also be a blessing for me, old Yao."

Feng Yun thanked him repeatedly, said goodbye and went home, then ordered Xing Bing to send a stone of grain to the Yao family and a piece of elegant cloth to the Wang family to express his gratitude.


Ao Qi arrived at Huaxi Village just when the sun was about to set.

Feng Yun prepared a farewell meal for him and called the more than 20 guards left by Pei Ran.

"I am very stable in Huaxi Village. I don't need so many people. Guard Ao will take them all away."

Ao Qi shook his head and refused.

"Uncle told me before he left that these people are left to you."

In fact, Feng Yun just farmed a field in Huaxi Village. Using more than 20 guards was a bit of a labor force, and she couldn't tell them to do things like she did her subordinates.

However, they refused to leave.

Ao Qi called Ye Chuang and handed everyone over to him.

"After I leave, you will only follow the girl's lead."

All the guards responded in unison, "Here."

Feng Yun said nothing more and stuffed the prepared medicine and letter into his horse's head.

"Be careful."

Ao Qi sat on the horse and looked at Feng Yun's hair that was blown up by the breeze. His eyes were blazing and his voice was low, "I will. You will be fine."

He seemed to have just taken a shower, and his hair was not completely dry. In the afterglow of the setting sun, his cheeks had the unique greenness of a young man. His hairs were clearly visible, but there was a trace of darkness in his dark eyes that was too thick to be melted away. Open emotions.

Feng Yun smiled slightly and said, "Take care."

"Take care of yourself."

Ao Qi's throat was choked, but the person seeing him off was so close in front of him that he couldn't say anything more, so he turned to tell Ye Chuang.

"If the girl makes any mistake, you won't have to live."

Ye Chuang was on good terms with him and understood Ao Qi's thoughts best.

If it were normal, he would definitely make a few jokes and then kill him.

But going to the battlefield is not a child's play, swords have no eyes, and the brothers who are joking today may be gone forever in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule in the Beiyong Army - never say depressing words before going to the battlefield.

Ye Chuang patted Ao Qi's horse's head and pressed his face against it.

"rest assured."

He raised his head again and said in a very small voice with a force that only Ao Qi could hear: "I'll help you guard your sweetheart."

Ao Qi's face was slightly red, and she glared at him, not daring to look at Feng Yun again. She pinched the horse's belly with her legs, said "drive", and rode the horse away in the dust.

Feng Yun hugged the two little ones and said, "Say goodbye to your brothers."

The two little ones stood on tiptoe to look at the man and the horse in the distance, and shouted loudly, brother.

"Brother, you must come back safely."

"Brother is back to marry his sister-in-law!"

Ao Qi did not look back.

Under the setting sun, people and horses merge into one, gradually condensing into a small black dot.


Today is the end of the month again, October has just slipped away, and in a blink of an eye, it’s time to celebrate the New Year again. Erjin wants to empty out the tickets in the pockets of the sisters today, is that okay? (If you have a vote, it will be invalidated when it expires. If you don’t have a vote, you don’t need to spend extra. I will always love you (·))

ps: I have to go out today for something, so it’s too late. I’ll update it tomorrow~

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