Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 89 Missing You Occasionally

Xiaoman went to the counter and asked Wenhui for paper and pen, and presented them with both hands.

"What are you going to do, girl?!"

Feng Yun didn't say anything, spread the yellow paper on the wooden table, and motioned Ao Qi to come and watch.

Then, she wrote and drew a map including Wanning, Andu, Xinzhou, Chunning, Rui'an, Quhang and other cities and the Huai River, and even the geographical location of the two countries of Northern Jin and Southern Qi...

It was like a simplified version of a map.

In this era, maps were extremely precious things. Except for marching generals, ordinary people would not have them at home, nor would they read them, let alone mark the location of the two countries' towns and rivers so accurately.

"Don't be surprised, Feng Jingting's study used to have maps, and I often went to see them."

Feng Yun couldn't tell them how many times she had imagined in her mind during her years in the cold palace in her previous life how Pei Jue would fight across the Huai River to Taicheng, which towns he would need to pass through, how long it would take, and whether he would be able to rescue Qu'er in time...

Xiaoman didn't know as much as Ao Qi.

She didn't know how amazing it was to be able to draw a map.

In her mind, the girl's skills were nothing new.

She was just curious about what Feng Yun was doing by drawing this.

"Girl, where is the general?"

Xiaoman tried to open her eyes wide to look at the sketch.

Feng Yun used the tip of the pen to gently circle Xinzhou on the map.

Xiaoman felt very curious.

"Is this circle Xinzhou?"

She pointed to the city farther away with a beaming face,

"The general took Xinzhou in two hours, so in a few days, this, this, and this, will they all belong to the general...?"

Feng Yun glanced at her.

She heard the stupid theory of a fanatical admirer from Xiaoman's mouth again.

Feng Yun said: "Fighting is not such an easy thing. The Beiyong army took Xinzhou in two hours because they seized the initiative and caught the Qi army off guard. But the new emperor Xiao Cheng is on the throne and is now on the rise. If the left and right wings attack, the Beiyong army will be very uncomfortable defending Xinzhou City, not to mention the deep penetration of Qi alone..."

Ao Qi: "It may not be impossible to win."

The youth is full of vigor, not to mention that he is on the premise of winning all the way.

Feng Yun understands his pride and smiles.

"It's not that we can't win, but the Jin army will pay a huge price. What's more, it's about to enter winter, and retreating to the Huai River is the best choice at this time..."

Retreat right after taking it?

Ao Qi shouted, "Wouldn't that be a bargain for the Qi people?"

Thinking of Feng Yun, who is also a Qi person.

Immediately changed his words, "I mean those Qi dogs."

Feng Yun smiled, "It depends on what the general thinks."

She only talks about military affairs on paper. Pei Jue may have better benefits, and it's not her turn to make decisions.

After saying that, she crumpled the yellow paper and threw it aside.

"Guard Ao, I want to write to the general, is it convenient?"

Very inconvenient!

Ao Qi felt blocked in his heart, but he still agreed.

So his expression fell into Feng Yun's eyes, that is, the eldest nephew who was very reluctant to "seduce" his uncle.

"Don't worry, I only talk about business."

Ao Qi's eyes brightened and became much gentler.

"Girl, just write, I will ensure it is delivered."

Feng Yun nodded, "Thank you."

Ao Qi watched her roll up her sleeves to write, and the ordinary yellow paper became lively under her pen, and each square character seemed to dance.

The girl looks good in everything she does.

Ao Qi's face showed no emotion, but his voice was full of youthfulness.

"Girl, I will not come back after I go to Xinzhou."

Feng Yun paused and looked up at him.


Ao Qi was at a loss when facing her gaze. "A good man should make achievements. The battle of Xinzhou is imminent. How can I hide behind? My uncle needs manpower right now. I want to be by his side."

Feng Yun was not surprised that Ao Qi would say such a thing.

This is Ao Qi.

He is the young general who was full of vigor and vitality later.

"But, Guard Ao, have you ever thought about the general's intention of leaving you to guard the farm?"

Ao Qi certainly knew.

Protecting the girl is just one of the reasons.

The real intention is to prevent him from charging into battle.

This is the selfishness of being an uncle, and it is also the style of Pei Jue in Ao Qi's mind. He takes care of everything at any time. He is a real man.

Ao Qi worships Pei Jue like a god...

Because he likes the girl, he has a little selfishness and dares not look at his uncle.

But it does not mean that this worship disappears.

As the war unfolds, it not only does not subside, but burns like a raging fire.

"I'm going." Ao Qi looked at Feng Yun very persistently.

There was some expectation in his eyes, "Girl, if I go to Xinzhou, I can't come back... Will you miss me sometimes?"

Feng Yun was stunned.

The young man's fierce emotions were all in his eyes.

"Of course." She said, her eyes were as gentle as an elder: "If you want to go, I can't stop you, and I don't intend to stop you. But the battlefield is dangerous, everything is for safety, listen to your uncle, don't act rashly."

"I know."

Ao Qi took a deep breath.

The beating of the war drum summoned his blood.

The rouge on the lips of the girl in front of him seemed to be a kind of soul call.

On one side was the golden sword and iron horse, on the other side was tenderness and lingering. He suddenly didn't understand his uncle. Why could he abandon the girl so easily?

Maybe that is a man of iron bones, right?

Ao Qi stroked the handle of the knife at his waist with his palm, and hesitated for a long time.

"Then I'll go prepare it first. After the girl has written the letter, I'll come and get it. It's just Ah Zuo and Ah You..."

He looked at his wayward siblings.

I was afraid of disturbing Feng Yun, and my voice was full of helplessness.

"Now I can only ask the girl to take care of them. I have written to my father and asked him to send someone to pick them up. If the girl can't control them, I can also hand them over to the Lord of Pingyuan County."

"Go." Feng Yun looked at Ao Qi.

The boy's growth is astonishingly fast. These days, Ao Qi seems to have grown taller, his face has become thinner, his jawline is more distinct, and some of the baby fat has faded away. His whole person has a clear temperament. Standing there with a knife on his waist, he gives people a pleasant look. a feeling of.

Good-looking people are always eye-catching.

She smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm here."

That gentle gaze made Ao Qi's heart soften.

At this moment, his whole body was surrounded by the blood of war. There seemed to be a little person in his head who knew how to fight. He could not be as calm as usual. He really wanted to do something to commemorate this moment. He was afraid of going to Shinshu and never expressed it again. Opportunity……

Be sure to tell Feng Yun before leaving.

"Girl." He suddenly took two steps forward, opened his arms to pull Feng Yun up in front of Xiao Man, and hugged her tightly. He held her and took a deep breath. His chest was filled with hot blood, and his eyes were red. flames, his heartbeat was thunderous, and his body was trembling slightly.

This was the first time he hugged a girl.

Such a soft girl.

He longed to build a successful career one day, grow up to be a son like his uncle, longed to grow into an iron wall that could protect her from wind and rain, and longed to tell all the lovesickness he felt these days.

It can be exported, just one sentence.

"Wait for me to come back! Wait for me to be rewarded for my meritorious service!"

To be rewarded for meritorious deeds, I beg to marry my dear wife——

This is what Ao Qi did not say.

"I am leaving."

His body was hugged tightly and then loosened so quickly that Feng Yun didn't even have time to react.

When she came to her senses, she saw Ao Qi's tall back as he strode out of Yu Tangchun...

Xiaoman looked at Ao Qi and then at Feng Yun, too shocked to recover.

"Girl..." She pointed at Ao Qi, feeling that she might be dazzled.

Guard Ao actually hugged the girl, hugging her so hard and with such strong emotions, Xiao Man felt it was... weird and gentle at the same time.

"It's okay." Feng Yun sat back and said calmly: "This child is too young and is a little excited to go to the battlefield."

Ao Qi is like a younger brother in her heart.

She even often compared him to Ao Zai.

I never thought that Ao Qi would have any other thoughts about her...

But at that moment, it would be a lie to say that she was completely unaware.

When the young man hugged her, his body stiffened and trembled uncontrollably...

But what does this mean?

Everyone has a time when they are young and first fall in love.

Whoever you meet is who you meet.

Ao Qi is so young, and once he finds out what kind of bad woman she is, his little liking for her will be nothing.

In the future, he will have his own good match. When he grows up, he will find that there are more than tens of millions of orioles in the world?

By then, the brave and handsome General Ao Xiao will be accompanied by his sweet daughter, and he has long forgotten the sudden heartbeat...


Feng Yun didn't take Ao Qi's hug to heart and concentrated on writing a letter.

She is not in Shinshu, but she can imagine the danger.

There was such a battle in his previous life, but Pei Madang never fought against the Huai River. Instead, Xiao Cheng led his troops to attack after he ascended the throne. They fought for three months until winter, and ended with peace talks. No one got any advantage.

This time is different.

Pei Ran is in Xinzhou City on the other side of the river...

There are enemies on three sides and dangers abound.

However, during the battle, Yu did not gain more ability points just because she was reborn. She just knew more about the enemy than others.

Feng Yun does not do things where a layman directs an expert.

In the letter, he only wrote down the situation of the Qi army generals and several military towns near Xinzhou one by one.

At the same time, he provided Pei Ran with some battlefield analysis to fulfill his duties as a counselor.

At the end of the letter, she said:

"Waiting for your triumphant return, I will have all the fun with you."

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