Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 88 Aunt Aunt

At night, Feng Yun would suddenly wake up if a horse galloped by on the street, and would listen for a while with his ears perked up.

She told her servants that if there was any news, they would tell her at any time.

But until dawn, there was no movement.

She got up and went to Yutang Chunqiantang to have breakfast, walked around, sat down and asked Xiaoman.

"Have you seen Guard Ao?"

Xiaoman shook his head, "Will he send his younger siblings back to Zhongjing?"

Before the voice could finish, the childish and tender voice of a child suddenly came from the door, and then his eyes flashed, and two little figures ran in staggeringly.

"Aunt, aunt, help!"

All the servants in the room looked at the two little boys in surprise, and then at Feng Yun.

Feng Yun: "I'm not your aunt."

"You are the"

Zuo cleverly lowered his voice and looked at Feng Yun asking for help.

"Auntie, you are the elder. Only aunt can be our master, right..."

Feng Yun's eyelids twitched and he looked at Ao Qi, who followed in with a face drawn, "What's going on?"

The two children quickly hid behind Feng Yun and said angrily to Ao Qi: "My aunt has decided to keep us, brother can't drive us away."

This is what Zuo said.

Ah You nodded in agreement very cleverly.

"Yes. The county prince's cousin also said that there are many bandits on the road. Unless brother personally escorts us back to Zhongjing, otherwise... no one can trust us."

Ao Qi himself ran out secretly, so sending them back to Zhongjing would be a sheep entering a tiger's mouth, wouldn't it?

The two little kids know how to handle their own brothers.

But Ao Qi was tortured by them all night and was obviously on the verge of collapse.

"It's okay not to leave."

After saying that, he looked at Feng Yun.

"You should stay with the girl until my father sends someone to pick her up."

He thought about it carefully, he couldn't let his younger siblings follow Cui Zhi, that would be too shameful, and Feng Yun would be safest if he had people from the guard camp around him. The most important thing is that the Feng family eats well and will not treat his siblings badly.

If Azuo and Ayou were granted amnesty, they all responded in unison.

"We will listen to our aunt!"

Ao Qi's heart was filled with embarrassment as he heard his aunt talking one after another.

"I told you not to call me aunt!"

Zuo was a boy, the toughest. He stuck out his tongue and wanted to make him angry to death.

Ao Qi really had a headache and turned away and ignored it.

"Girl..." He called Feng Yun and softened.

It's the kind of voice that sounds a bit hoarse and tired after staying up all night, but it's also very magnetic and beautiful.

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Feng Yun was a little confused.

There is a child on the left, a child on the right, and an older child Ao Qi in front of him.

They are all Pei Man's nephews!

What evil has she done?

Feng Yun said: "Good news."

Ao Qi stood still, squinting his eyes slightly to observe Feng Yun's expression, and spoke seriously every word.

"The general has won another battle."

The stone hanging in Feng Yun's heart fell to the ground.

Shinshu was taken down.

Ao Qi said: "The Northern Yong army divided into three groups and crossed the Huai River at night. Zhu Cheng led the troops and led the Red Armor Army to feint attack from the front of the Huai River Bay camp to contain the main force of the Qi army. Deputy General He Lianqian led the Chenghe Army Deng Guang, Huang Jing's army, Ma Xu, and Zidian's army, Shi Yin, took a pontoon bridge to cross the river from Xiangshui Beach and went around to the northwest of Xinzhou City. The general transported troops from Shiguan County Pier in a boat to the southeast of Xinzhou City. The three armies advanced at the same time. , as soon as the order was given, they attacked head-on... It's a pity that Xinzhou City, which Qi soldiers claimed to be impregnable, was actually vulnerable to a single blow. It only took two hours for the general to capture Xinzhou..."

Pei Madang has the ability to make surprise attacks.

He also had a bad reputation, so when the Xinzhou City defenders heard that he was coming, they were probably half frightened.

Feng Yun had been looking forward to the outcome of this battle for a long time, but when the dust finally settled, the expected joy was less.

She couldn't imagine what it would be like for Xiao Cheng to be furious because she had never seen Xiao San lose his temper...

I also feel a little sorry for my elder brother.

How uncomfortable should the eldest brother feel when he saw that the Xinzhou City he was defending fell and his troops were defeated by Pei Madang?

Feng Yun asked: "There are rumors outside that General Polu is taking the lead. What's going on?"

Wen Xingsu would not attack Southern Qi for Pei Madang.

Feng Yun knows this better than anyone else.

Ao Qi's eyelids twitched and he hesitated.


Facing Feng Yun's aggressive gaze, his voice became smaller.

"General Wen is injured and has not yet recovered. How can he fight? It was the general who asked Zhu Cheng to carry General Wen to the foot of Xinzhou City..."

Feng Yun chuckled, "Pei Ran is so cruel."

Ao Qi looked at her expression and didn't know whether she was praising or disparaging her.

There were many of Wen Xingsu's old troops in Xinzhou City, and many of them were his former brothers. Their presence in front of the battle line was enough to shake the morale of the army.

War is so cruel.

Either you die or I die.

A merciful person in charge of an army will be a disaster for the soldiers.

Ao Qi didn't think his uncle was cruel.

So he talked about many tactics for capturing Shinshu.

Especially when Pei Madang rode his horse in front of the formation, he shot down the flagpole of the Xinzhou city tower with an arrow, frightening the general who defended the city to scream. The Qi army was demoralized, and his eyes were burning, wishing that he was the one riding the horse into battle...

Feng Yun saw an eldest nephew who admired his uncle extremely...

I just don’t know how Xiao Cheng would react if he lost a city in two hours?

She asked Ao Qi: "Shall we tell you bad news? Can the Qi court respond?"

Ao Qi's face, which was dancing with joy, suddenly darkened, and his eyes looked at Feng Yun strangely.

"Xiao Cheng has proclaimed himself emperor in Taicheng, and the news was only spread to Andu this morning."

Feng Yun gently stroked the index finger of his left hand.

"This is indeed not good news, but it is just a change of emperor in Southern Qi, which is not bad news, right?"

Ao Qi raised his eyebrows slightly, and snorted with a strong youthful spirit.

"Girl, you know that Xiao Cheng is not like Xiao Jue, the lewd and lustful tyrant. He has the support of the people and has means. After getting Xiao Jue's abdication edict, he imprisoned more than 30,000 members of the Qi royal family, court officials and their families for interrogation. According to the scouts, blood flowed like a river in Taicheng, Qi State, and the screams did not stop until dawn. Anyone who said that Xiao Cheng's position was not legitimate or who was dissatisfied with his claim to the throne was not spared..."

Feng Yun's eyes drooped slightly.

Xiao Sangongzi, the first scholar of Zhilan Yushu.

He is also cruel.

Pei Cong is ruthless in appearance, while Xiao San is ruthless in the bones.

"I wonder how many people will die in Taicheng this time..."

Ao Qi could not see the dark emotions in her beautiful eyes, and he was still sighing for the palace coup and the tragic situation in Taicheng.

From his face, one can see the compassion for the common people and the pure kindness of human nature.

Feng Yun said: "The change of dynasties is like this. The glory in the Golden Palace is all built with bones..."

Ao Qi saw that her expression was calm, but a little annoyed.

In front of his uncle and the girl, he was too unstable. A real man would definitely not be like him. It's just a dead person. He has seen it before, so why make a fuss.

How can he please the girl like this?

I don't know if it's shame or frustration. Ao Qi's ears gradually turned red, and he looked a little aggrieved.

"If I have to kill many innocent people to get the supreme power, I would rather not. The girl will laugh at me, right?"

The young man's sincere eyes were clear.

Feng Yun was so jealous that he was suddenly moved: "Are you a fool? How can I laugh at kindness and praise cruelty? Ao Qi, at this moment, you have a pure heart, which is supreme, and no power can compare to it."

Ao Qi's chest was slightly choked.

The sweetness that came from her smile and frown filled his whole body with joy, and made his heart heavy, sour and swollen. He wanted to hug her and hold her tightly in his arms...

But he couldn't.

In Feng Yun's smiling eyes, he could only scratch his palms with a little nervousness.

"Do you still want to listen to Xiao Cheng?"

Feng Yun: "Listen."

In fact, without Ao Qi saying it, she knew what Xiao Cheng would do.

After seizing the throne, he cleaned up the court, killed a group of supporters of the deposed emperor, and replaced them with his own people.

Kill those who should be killed, reward those who should be rewarded, hold the military power firmly in hand, and then counterattack Jin State...

Ao Qi said: "Warlords in Dongquan, Fujiang and other places all raised their flags to respond when they heard that Xiao Cheng ascended the throne. The city guards in Chunning, Rui'an, and Quhang waved their flags and shouted for him, swearing to be loyal to him. Xiao Cheng reorganized the 200,000 troops in the capital and declared that he would personally lead the army to Xinzhou... Girl, once Xiao Cheng launched an attack, Xinzhou would be surrounded..."

Feng Yun asked: "Is this bad news?"

Ao Qi said: "Isn't this bad enough?"

Feng Yun said: "It's just inevitable."

When Xiao Jue was in power, Southern Qi was like a pile of loose sand, and Xiao Jue did not take care of government affairs. He spent all day gathering beauties for pleasure and indulged in debauchery. The government was extremely corrupt...

For the weak and corrupt Qi court, Xiao Cheng gave people hope, otherwise they would not have easily taken Xiao Jue's throne.

To be frank, it seems mysterious, but it is actually the evil result caused by Qi's years of weak politics.

Xiao Cheng just borrowed the east wind.

However, in his previous life, his defense in Xinzhou City was not affected by the civil strife in Taicheng, because Pei Cong did not know that there would be civil strife in the Qi Palace, so he did not cross the river...

This time, when Xiao Cheng ascended to the throne, he turned around and found that Xinzhou was lost.

I wonder what he would think?

Feng Yun smiled slightly, "You have to believe your uncle."

Ao Qi saw that she spoke gently, and his heart was complicated.

He was proud of his uncle, but also a little sour.

So he said: "Is this Xiao Cheng crazy? He hasn't even sat on the dragon throne yet, but he wants to lead the army in person..."

Feng Yun was also thinking.

In the previous life, Ren Rude later found her and talked about this.

He said: "Your Majesty left the government and led the army to lead the army in person, all in order to take the girl back as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, such a mess is waiting for him. If everything is smooth, Your Majesty doesn't have to go there in person..."

So Feng Yun believed him.

That's why he was so stupid.

"Maybe he's not convinced?" Feng Yun guessed and told Ao Qi, and then smiled.

"Everyone says that the Third Young Master Xiao is as calm as a god. If he doesn't lead the army in person, wouldn't it be a waste of his talent?"

Seeing her seriousness, Ao Qi nodded, with worry on his face.

"Once the Qi army surrounds, Xinzhou will be like an isolated island. What is the best strategy?"

Feng Yun was silent for a while and called Xiaoman.

"Bring paper and pen."

A Zuo and A You: Every time we call you aunt, it's not in vain! It always makes people angry to death.

Ao Qi: Little bastard...

A Zuo and A You: Big bastard!

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