Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 87 Enjoying each other

Her eyebrows were raised slightly, her voice was gentle, and her bright face bloomed like a lotus, but the words she spoke were so vicious.

Yuan Dalang was so painful that he couldn't help but ask his grandfather to make the decision.

This old man of the Yuan family is considered well-known in Andu, and the former governor Feng Jingting also respects him a bit, otherwise he would not have transferred the concubine just redeemed by his eldest grandson. But after the new dynasty, He Qia did not respect him. Feng Jingting’s daughter is still so rude.

Mr. Yuan snorted: "The General's Mansion has made it clear that it wants to bully my Yuan family."

By carrying him out of the Yuan family, he wanted to show off to He Qia.

The powerful families of the aristocratic families join forces to flourish, and both the old and new dynasties have to give face. This is a rule, a rule that has been followed for decades or hundreds of years——

However, he encountered unruly people.

"So what if I bully you?" Puyangyi got angry when she saw Yuan Dalang's grunting and wimpy look.

"This county gentleman makes the decision, just do as Feng Ji says."

Of course, a county prince cannot make the decision.

But she was the daughter of the eldest princess, and He Xia just wanted her to be the master.

So He Qiazhan stepped forward cautiously, looking like he was intimidated by the Lord of Pingyuan County, and kept bowing his hands.

"County Lord, you can't do it, you can't do it..."

Pu Yangyi made the knife without realizing it.

"What's wrong? If anything happens, I'll be responsible for it all."

He Qia couldn't ask for it.

But he has to keep pretending...

He walked carefully to the Yuan family and bowed.

"If you want the land deed, you still need Ling Sun's hand. Please trouble Mr. Yuan to choose one..."

Mr. Yuan's face turned from flushing to gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his anger turned into silent anger.

"let's go!"

He Qia's face was full of smiles, and he saluted again, "Mr. Yuan, go slowly."


Having solved a big trouble easily, He Qia breathed a sigh of relief. He was openly grateful to Pu Yangyi, but privately he was grateful to Feng Yun for taking action for him.

Feng Yun exchanged glances with him, smiled slightly, and was about to leave.


Pu Yangyi stopped her, "I have something to say to Feng Ji."

Seeing this, He Qia invited Feng Yun and Pu Yangyi into the flower hall to sit down and ordered the servants to serve tea.

Feng Yun smiled calmly, "Thank you for your help."

Pu Yangyi looked sad, sat down, picked up the tea cup, and looked at Feng Yun lazily.

"I came here on the orders of the Queen Mother, and I will live in the General's Mansion from now on."

Feng Yun said nothing.

She doesn't need to worry about what Pingyuan County Lord wants to do or where he will live.

Pu Yangyi looked at her and said, "I heard that the general has more than a dozen concubines, all of them as beautiful as flowers. Are they all as beautiful as Feng Ji?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "She is more beautiful than my concubine."

Pu Yangyi saw that she was very respectful, and when she thought of what the Queen Mother's aunt said, she frowned inadvertently, "So, you are very capable, so you can restrain the general?"

Feng Yun said: "It's not tied up. Wasn't there a war?"

She said it seriously, and Puyangyi was stunned for a moment before she realized it was a joke.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

She laughed out loud, very rudely.

He quickly stopped smiling and looked at Feng Yun coldly.

I heard that Feng Ji was a goblin who was the best at deceiving people, so she had to be careful.

"Feng Ji won't be angry if I move into the General's Mansion, right?"

Feng Yun smiled, "Of course not."

Pu Yangyi: "Why?"

Feng Yun: "Because I don't live in the general's mansion."

Pu Yangyi was slightly surprised. She glanced at He Qia and saw that his face looked like a bitter melon that couldn't squeeze out the juice. She asked Feng Yun with a sullen face, "Is Feng Ji avoiding me?"

Feng Yun: "I didn't know in advance that the county king was coming."

Pu Yangyi snorted coldly, "So, I won't meet Feng Ji when I live in the General's Mansion?"

Feng Yun thought about it seriously: "As long as the county prince doesn't go the wrong way, he shouldn't run into him."

Pu Yangyi's eyelids twitched sharply, and she wanted to laugh, but laughing at this time was not only inappropriate, but also put her at a disadvantage, letting Feng Ji compete with her.

Feng Yun was anxious to return to Yutangchun and didn't want to get involved with Pu Yangyi anymore.

Unexpectedly, the Pingyuan County Lord had no intention of giving up. He completely ignored He Qia and asked her directly:

"You don't live in the general's mansion, so how do you get along with the general?"

Feng Yun:......

Puyang Yi's eyes were hot.

Feng Yun knew what the light inside meant.

The widowed Prince of Pingyuan County had probably guessed her and the general's postures in the room.

She said: "I don't have that kind of relationship with the general."

Pu Yangyi narrowed his eyes: "What kind of relationship is that?"

Feng Yun knew why she and the girl in the carriage came to Andu, but there was no point in lying, so it was better to tell the truth.

"The concubine and the general each get what they need. They are not tied down by worldly matters and can just enjoy themselves together."

Puyangyi almost couldn't help laughing again.

Is this what the Queen Mother's aunt said about the goblin?

No wonder he can control the general, he doesn't seem to care at all.

Puyang Yi was actually very curious about what it would be like for a man like Pei Ran, who could kill someone just by looking at him, to dote on a girl. Unfortunately, this girl had a very strong mouth and shouldn't have said anything in a secret way.

"If General Pei marries a wife, what will you do if you have no name and no status?"

Feng Yun thought about it seriously, "Then I won't be able to sleep with him."

Puyang Yi looked strange.

He Xia, who was sitting next to him, seemed to be choking on his tea, coughed violently, then left to change clothes, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


His reputation is about to be ruined.

There were only two of them left in the small flower hall.

Puyang Yi glanced at Feng Yun, "Madam Feng, do you know why I came?"

Feng Yun smiled and said, "I'd like to hear more details."

Puyang Yi said, "The woman in the carriage just now is the niece of the Queen Mother's aunt..."

When A Zuo and A You called her sister-in-law, Feng Yun knew who was in the carriage.

She just pretended not to know and smiled slightly.

"Please tell me, my Lord."

Puyang Yi said lazily, "The Queen Mother's niece, Madam Cui Si, is only sixteen years old, and her maiden name is Cui Zhi. The Queen Mother has long been interested in her and promised her to Master Ao as his wife."

"Oh." Feng Yun nodded calmly.

Puyang Yi didn't see her reaction and felt very unhappy.

"Feng Ji, aren't you curious?"

Feng Yun said, "What are you curious about?"

Puyang Yi narrowed her eyes and looked at her, "Why did the Queen Mother let Azhi come to Andu? How did the Ao family react to the Queen Mother's marriage?"

Feng Yun looked at her in confusion, "It has nothing to do with me."

Puyang Yi raised her eyebrows again, smiling and saying, "Feng Ji, you don't know that the general respects his elder sister, Madam Ao, the most, and Azhi is very much loved by Madam Ao, and is the daughter-in-law recognized by the Ao family. Ao Qi also knows about the engagement between Azhi and Ao Qi..."

Feng Yun certainly understood this.

The Cui family is a century-old family.

It is another great family that Jin Prime Minister Li Zongxun wants to win over through marriage.

But in her previous life, until she left Zhongjing, Ao Qi did not marry Cui Zhi.

It's a pity for Cui Si Niangzi's deep affection.

Feng Yun smiled, "Why did the county lady tell me all this?"

Puyang Yi was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, "Can't you see? Madam Ao is on guard against you?"

Feng Yun said, "Madam Ao is right to worry about the general."

Puyang Yi sighed and shook his head.

"Mrs. Feng is really stubborn. I am so old and weak. I have come all the way for your trivial matters, but you don't care at all..."

Feng Yun laughed in his heart.

Before the Beiyong Army entered the city, Andu County belonged to Qi State. The scenery and culture are very different from Puyang Yi's hometown Pingcheng and Zhongjing.

I'm afraid that the county lady of Pingyuan has wanted to come and see it for a long time.

She lowered her eyelids, "The county lady is in the prime of life, not old."

This formal answer obviously ruined Puyang Yi's fun.

"Feng Ji is so beautiful that she is in the prime of life. This county lady is miserable. I want to find a good-looking man, but I have to rely on power to suppress people. It's very miserable."

Feng Yun's eyelids twitched slightly.

This Puyang Yi really dares to say anything.

In fact, she is only in her early twenties, how can she be old and weak?

Feng Yun didn't want to be a target here anymore, so she bowed slightly and said goodbye again.

Puyang Yi wanted to say something, but waved her hand again.

"You go now, I will stay in Andu for a while. I will come to you when I get a chance."

Feng Yun replied: "I respectfully wait for you, County Lord."

Puyang Yi saw that she was about to leave, and suddenly said: "Azhi is my good friend, you are not allowed to bully her."

This is what Puyang Yi wanted to say the most, right?

Feng Yun felt that she seemed to have the wrong target.

It was understandable that Li Sangruo hated her, but she had no grudges with Cui Zhi, so why bully her?

"County Lord, you are joking, I dare not."


After leaving the government hall and walking out of the mansion, Feng Yun only saw Ye Chuang, not Ao Qi.

But she didn't ask any more questions. She got on the donkey cart and said, "Go back to Yutangchun."

There was no long queue outside Yutangchun yesterday, but the business was much better.

Andu City, under the shadow of war, has been silent for too long.

When the news came that the Beiyong Army had crossed the Huai River, the people were relieved. Many people brought their families out to have a good meal to celebrate their survival.

Feng Yun looked in the lobby for a while. Wen Hui and several waiters were busy. She immediately went to the backyard and prepared to go upstairs for a nap.

"I'll stay here tonight. Call me if you have anything."

Xiaoman was surprised, "The girl is not going back to Huaxi Village?"

Feng Yun hummed and leaned tiredly on the couch.

"You can receive the victory news from the south bank faster in the city."

Xiaoman laughed, "The girl is worried about the general."

Feng Yun rolled her eyes at her, thought about it, and felt that she was not wrong.

Are you worried about Pei Jue?


Pei Jue can't die now. If he dies, who will help her deal with Xiao Cheng?

So Feng Yun nodded, "I am very concerned about the general."

Xiao Man was inexplicably happy.

In fact, before Andu City was broken, Mrs. Chen also told her and Da Man that they should serve the general well in the future, and that only if a woman is favored by a man can she succeed.

But Xiao Man felt that the general was so scary, and there was a knife in his eyes that could kill people. Everyone said that he was handsome, but Xiao Man had never looked at the general until now. Only a girl could control such a man...

Xiao Man suddenly thought of something, and when she put the tent for Feng Yun, she whispered:

"Girl, has the left guard not come to deliver a letter for a long time?"

Feng Yun did not react for a while.

Nodded after a long while.

Yes, the battle was so bad, and Pei Jue did not say a word.

It was enough to endure.

Add another chapter later...

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