Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 110 Feng Yun sets a trap

On the way back to Huaxi Village, Kong Yun'e talked about many things about Taicheng.

Some long-standing things that seemed to have happened but also seemed not to have happened, just passed through Feng Yun's mind.

In her previous life, Kong Yun'e's scandal was exposed and she committed suicide in humiliation. Feng Yun had no chance to have such an in-depth conversation with her.

Therefore, she didn't know that Feng Ying had actually used so many tricks behind her back. In this life, she was just guessing based on her later knowledge of Feng Ying.

"She has been fighting for Young Master Xiao from you..." Kong Yun'e said.

He should have been angry, but Feng Yun didn't feel anything at the moment.

Emotionally numb.

She just laughed: "My sister and my fiancé are getting married, but no one invited me to the wedding. It's a bit regretful."

Kong Yun'e sighed when she saw her face was calm.

"In my opinion, His Majesty may not have true feelings for Feng Ying. Maybe he married Feng Ying because he was obsessed with the Feng family and the Chen family..."

The Feng family in Xuzhou and the Chen family in Yingchuan. It is well known that the two aristocratic families were of great help to Xiao Cheng.

Feng Yun looked at her and smiled, "Then he must have true feelings. Whoever can bring him benefits will show his true feelings."

Kong Yun'e didn't know how to answer the question, so she smiled bitterly.

Feng Yun said: "Did Feng Ying tell you that she is the one Xiao San is happy with, but she has to restrain her feelings because of her engagement with me..."

Kong Yun'e was stunned and nodded.

Feng Yun chuckled: "Then did you know that Xiao San came to see me before he went to guard the emperor's mausoleum?"

Kong Yun'e shook her head, "I never heard you say that."

Feng Yun said: "When you took refuge with Feng Ying, I was already on guard against you."

Kong Yun'e asked ashamedly: "What did Young Master Xiao say to you?"

Feng Yun smiled.

"He said he would return in three years at most. He asked me to wait for him."

No one in the entire Crescent Lane thought that Xiao San admired Feng Yun.

He is always gentle and noble in front of others, and seems to be polite and courteous to everyone. In fact, he is not close to anyone, and is cold and distant...

Therefore, Kong Yun'e was very surprised when she heard this.

Feng Yun at that time...

If he is not liked by the Feng family, he will be despised by everyone in Beijing.

Unexpectedly, he has fallen into Xiao San’s eyes a long time ago?

Kong Yun'e sighed with emotion.

"If this is true, it is Young Master Xiao who has failed you. But now... he is an emperor, and he will not belong to just one person after all. Whether it is you or Feng Ying, when entering the palace, you must accept his Sixth Palace Fendai, Third Palace Qian Jiali..."

Feng Yun curled his lips, without showing any emotion or anger, and said to her: "You are tired after talking for so long. Take a rest."

Kong Yun'e nodded in agreement.

Before coming to Andu, she felt uneasy.

Now, all the fear has been put down.

No matter what Feng Yun's purpose is, at least it can be seen that it is not to retaliate against her.


Kong Yun'e settled down in Huaxi Village.

Suddenly there was a woman with a child in Changmen Village, which did not attract much attention.

Because these days, Feng Yun "picked up" many people back to Zhuangzi.

There are homeless refugees and craftsmen from far away.

If there are one or two more, no one will care.

When there were more people, Feng Yun asked someone to build some adobe bricks and prepare to expand two rows of houses on the east side of Zhuangzi for people to live in.

At this time, building and repairing houses all depended on manpower. In Zhuangzi, it was just a matter of having people from the family to take care of the food. It didn’t cost much, it just took some time.

Some people say that Lady Li Zheng is doing good deeds that only a Bodhisattva can do, helping the people.

But Xing Bing and others who followed Feng Yun had already discovered that the girl's thoughts were not limited to this.

The girl has greater ambitions, hidden in that harmless smile.

They are also unpredictable, but often excited for no reason...

It was like being on a ship that was going nowhere, tumbling in the waves and fighting for their lives, but because the person at the helm was Feng Yun, they were afraid, but mostly trusting.

They believe that the girl will take them to the other side of prosperity and beauty...


The next day after returning to Huaxi Village, Feng Yun took Kong Yun'e to find Ren Rude.

Carrying a basket of eggs, thank you endlessly.

Ren Rude accepted it happily and looked at the little woman beside her.

"Is this Lijun's close friend?"

Kong Yun'e lowered her eyes, looking very nervous.

Feng Yun glanced at her and said with a smile: "Yunniang will live in Huaxi Village permanently from now on. I hope Mr. Ren will take care of her."

Ren Rude said: "That's what it should be. We all come from Taicheng and are in a foreign land. We should watch and help each other."

Feng Yun nodded and sighed again, "Yun Niang's life was not good. Her husband died and her parents' family refused to take her in. It was very difficult to take care of the child alone... Thanks to Mr. Ren's help, she was able to escape from the sea of ​​misery and no longer have to go back. Listen to those gossips..."

Ren Rude smiled and stroked his beard, "Thanks to Mr. Li's pure heart, he still misses his old friendship after leaving Beijing for many years."

Feng Yun smiled bitterly and shook his head. After greeting him for a few more words, he took Kong Yun'e and left.

The two of them were walking and talking, and there seemed to be a ray of cold light following behind, wanting to pierce her spine.

Feng Yun smiled calmly, looked at Kong Yun'e and said:

"Yun Niang, there are several huts in my farm tool shop. They were just built, and there are workers working during the day, and no one disturbs them at night. It's warm and clean. If you feel constrained by living in a village, go and stay there. A few days is fine.”

Kong Yun'e responded: "It all depends on A Yun's instructions."


At night, everything in Huaxi Village is quiet.

In the farm tool shop, the lights had just been put out in Kong Yun'e's room.

Someone knocked on the window and made a clanging sound.

She seemed to have expected it, and sat quietly for a moment before getting up and opening it.

The two looked at each other.

Kong Yun'e stood there and didn't let him in.

"Mr. Lang, do you have something to do with me?"

The visitor's face was hidden in the shadows, and only his eyes were particularly bright.

"Yunniang..." he called softly, "Why did you come to Andu?"

Kong Yun'e was silent for a long time.

"You don't have to worry about my affairs."

She turned her back and said, "Go away quickly, don't let anyone see you, it will make me unable to stay in Andu..."

The people outside the window obviously understood.

But those eyes, reflecting the silver moon in the sky, were astonishingly bright, and they had no intention of leaving.

"Would you like me to meet that child? His name is... I heard you call him Hengyang? Did you choose this name?"

Kong Yun'e turned to look at him, full of sorrow.

"That's the son of me and my bastard husband. What do you call him? Why don't you leave quickly?"

The visitor looked at her quietly.

"Then why did you call me here..."

Kong Yun'e's face changed slightly, "I didn't call you to come."

As if she realized something, her eyes turned red and she stretched out her hand against the half-open window.

"Go quickly, go quickly..."

The visitor pressed his arm against the window, pulled it away suddenly, jumped in from the outside, then pulled Kong Yun'e's arm hard, hugged the person in his arms, hugged her tightly, and couldn't help but miss him in his breath. Breathing heavily.

"Yun Niang, I have never forgotten you. What about you? These years have been wonderful..."

Kong Yun'e bit him angrily and struggled in his arms until she was out of breath, "So what if I don't forget? Jin Ge, stop being so obsessive. If you can't do anything for me, why don't you bother me?"

Jin Ge: "I can, I can do anything for you."

Kong Yun'e was furious: "What can you do? Marry me? Or take me far away..."

Jin Ge was stunned for a moment and looked down at her.

"Are you really willing to come with me?"

Kong Yun'e didn't speak, but tears rolled down her face.

"When I asked you to take me away, you refused. Later...I am already that kind of person, how can I follow you?"

Jin Ge looked at the beads of tears, and his whole body seemed to be nailed to the spot.

After looking at each other for a moment, he suddenly gritted his teeth and said: "The person who ruined your innocence and made you look embarrassed back then, when I find him, I will definitely kill him and avenge you..."

Kong Yun'e said: "You can't take revenge."

Jin Ge: "I can..."

Kong Yun'e's face was filled with tears. She didn't want to mention the old incident again. In full view of everyone, she was stripped naked and displayed in front of the Buddhist hall, allowing countless people to see her naked body and being humiliated. It was like a scene engraved in her bones. nightmare...

Even facing the man she loved, she felt as ashamed as if she had no clothes on.

She even remembered that Jin Ge was standing in the crowd that day, standing next to the elegant and charming Young Master Xiao, looking at her expressionlessly, and she would never forget those cold eyes...

"Let's go! There is no chance for us anymore. Hengyang is not your son, and our mother and son have nothing to do with you. I came to Andu and lived with Ayun, and I will be stable for the rest of my life. Don't come to me again and let people see you. , what misunderstanding will arise again..."

"It's a pity, I saw it all."

A sound that was neither gentle nor serious came from outside the door.

Feng Yun's face, hidden in the light and shadow, was cold and resolute.

She just looked at the scene in front of her, without surprise or contempt.

Kong Yun'e said in a low voice: "Ayun..."

Jin Ge protected her behind him, looked at Feng Yun and said, "Why did you secretly bring Yun Niang to Andu?"

Feng Yun chuckled, "Of course it's to help you fulfill your long-cherished wish..."

The expressions on Jin Ge and Kong Yun'e's faces changed simultaneously.

Then he heard Feng Yun say: "Don't you want to avenge Yun Niang? Don't you want to find out for her the culprit who defiled her innocence in Yunshui Temple and caused her to be embarrassed in public and fall into the abyss?"

Jin Ge: "Yes. I want to know who it is."

Feng Yun asked: "What would you do if you knew about it?"

Jin Ge gritted his teeth and said, "It's hard to relieve the hatred in my heart even if I cut him into pieces."

Feng Yun smiled, "Okay, then I'll tell you..."

"Ayun!" Kong Yun'e breathed heavily, as if she was going to faint, covering her chest, almost suffocating.

"Please." She shook her head, tears streaming down her face, "I don't want to hear it anymore, please Ayun, stop talking..."

Feng Yun smiled: "Niang Yun, why do you punish yourself with a man's mistakes? What happened back then was not your fault. You have been taking the blame for the man's crimes for so many years. The murderer is at large, but you and your lover, I feel so miserable about this, why bother..."

"Ayun..." Kong Yun'e's shoulders trembled, her whole body was like sieving chaff, and she cried until her heart broke.

"Don't be afraid, I will avenge you today." Feng Yun took the torch from Xing Bing's hand, the coldness on his face was like a sculpture just taken out of the ice cellar, without any emotion.

"I've brought people here."

Without waiting for her to wave, the two men walked over with a man who looked similar to Jin Ge and looked tall and strong.

His mouth was blocked, unable to speak, and his eyes were full of horror and fear.

"Iron horse?" Jin Ge looked at him in surprise, his face full of disbelief.

"Why did you tie him up?" He stared at Feng Yun, then turned to look at Kong Yun'e.

Feng Yun just smiled, "This is the person you are looking for."

Kong Yun'e burst into tears, her heart breaking.

Jin Ge was stunned.

Memories suddenly flooded into his mind like a tide, and he realized something, his face turned pale, and his eyes were cold in the light.

"Is it you?"

Sisters, it's the beginning of winter today, and the weather is going to get cold~~

It's the beginning of winter here, Yun too.

See you tomorrow.

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