Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 111: Willingly Falling into the Trap

"That's right." Feng Yun said: "The person who defiled Yun Niang's body in Shuiyun Temple that year and then stripped her naked and tied her to the bodhi tree in public was none other than your biological brother, Iron Horse."

Woo...Kong Yun'e burst into tears.

Jin Ge looked at her in disbelief, and then at Tiema.

He walked closer slowly and pulled out the cloth stuffed in his mouth.

"Feng Twelfth Mother is talking nonsense, right?"

Jin Ge's eyes were filled with fierce blood, and they were so turbid that it looked like thick water stains were about to drip out.

They are biological brothers. Their parents died when they were young, and they are a pair of orphans who depend on each other for life. When he was begging, he suffered a lot. Later, he was selected by Xiao Cheng's father, the old Jingling King Xiao Mu, to join the youth camp. He struggled day after day without a piece of good meat on his body. Only then did he develop this martial arts. .

In those growing years, Jin Ge took care of Tiema more than an ordinary elder brother. He took on the responsibilities of a parent. Any dangers, rushing ahead, and any merits were all taken by his younger brother.

He tolerated everything and gave in to everything. He only had one love in his life, and that was Kong Yun'e.

"Why? Why did you do that?"

Tiema lowered his head and didn't speak for a long time.

It wasn't until Jin Ge squeezed his shoulders with both hands that he became angry.

He was never afraid of his brother because he would always let him go.

"Who told you to hide her? If I had known she was Kong Yun'e, I wouldn't have..."

"You fart!" Jin Ge said, "Which of my affairs do you not know? Didn't I tell you?"

The iron horse was a little wilted.

"I was confused that day." He admitted, "I was confused, I'm sorry, brother."

Feng Yun sneered, "You're not crazy, you were bribed by Mrs. Chen and did it on purpose."

Tiema looked at her coldly, "What are you talking about?"

Feng Yun said: "On that day, I was the one who was going to be stripped naked and tied under the Bodhi tree to be shamed by the public. Right?"

Tiema's pupils stared at her fiercely as if they were vibrating, but Feng Yun smiled and looked at Kong Yun'e:

"That day you asked me why I brought you to Andu. This is one of the reasons."

Kong Yun'e looked at her in astonishment.

Feng Yun said: "Tie Ma was tricked by Mrs. Chen and lost a lot of money. He could not repay it, and he was afraid that Xiao Cheng would know about it, so he was threatened and induced by Mrs. Chen..."

After a pause, she stared at Kong Yun'e again, "Have you forgotten, Miss Yun? Chen sent me to Shuiyun Temple to copy scriptures and reflect on my past mistakes. It was you who didn't want to leave me alone, so you secretly came over to accompany me. At that time, you and I were still I don’t know, this is just the beginning of a conspiracy. Mrs. Chen had known that Xiao Cheng would go to Shuiyun Temple to offer incense and pray for his parents, so she arranged for the iron horse to break into my Zen room. Unfortunately, I happened to walk away at that time. Mom was locked in the room by them..."

Jin Ge punched Tiema in the face.

"Bastard thing!"

Tie Ma was being held captive and could not cover his face. He was punched all over and said in a trembling voice:

"It was pitch dark in the Zen room and I couldn't see clearly. The girl was drugged. She sounded charming to me and didn't care about it..."

"Son of a bitch..." Jin Ge said and used fists and kicks again.

Feng Yun signaled Buqu to let go.

Tiema received several heavy blows from Jin Ge and gradually became irritable.

"What right do you have to blame me?" He widened his eyes angrily, "She is not the sister-in-law you are marrying. What will happen if I do it? Only you are allowed to do it, not me..."

"Shut up!" Jin Ge's chest heaved with anger and his eyes were as wide as bells.

The iron horse was not afraid at all.

"I want to say, you have been in charge of me since I was a child, and you have taken care of everything... Why does it bother you if I sleep with a woman? I still love sleeping. I used to sleep with her, but now that she has come to Huaxi Village, I still sleep with her..."

"I told you to shut up."

Jin Ge fights again.

Iron Horse took two steps back and pressed his back against the wall.

The pain made him so angry that he couldn't speak at all.

Usually he makes huge mistakes and ends up with Jin Ge's compromise.

In front of his elder brother, he was like a pampered and arrogant child. He only asked for Jin Ge and had no respect at all.

"Did you see the kid he brought? Does it look like me? You can't tell, that's my seed..."

flutter! There was a dull crash.

I saw Jin Ge grabbing the unformed iron tool on the iron stove and suddenly stabbing it into the chest of the iron horse.

Blood gushes out from the iron horse's chest like running water.

Tiema lowered his head in disbelief, glanced at the wound, and then looked up at Jin Ge.


With a pop, a mouthful of thick scarlet blood spilled out of his mouth, dripping down the corner of his jaw.

Jin Ge was frightened, looked at the iron horse with a pale face, released his hand holding the iron weapon, and supported him.

"Iron horse, iron horse..."

He wanted to cover his brother's chest.

But it's too late...

Streams of blood flowed from his fingers and soon stained his hands red.

Tiema opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end there was no way out, and he slowly fell down along the wall.

"Iron horse..." Jin Ge's eyes were red and his body was trembling. He knelt down and hugged him, tears streaming down his face.

"why why……"

He asked this question over and over again.

But no one came to answer.

Only the dead iron horse in front of him kept looking at him with his round eyes.

I don’t know how long it took, but a burst of laughter suddenly came from the window.

"Mrs. Li Zheng did not rest in the village in the middle of the night, but went to the farm tool shop to have a tryst with a man. It is really addictive..."

As soon as he heard the flowing sound, he knew it was Zhang Erbing.

Feng Yun said nothing and nodded towards Xing Bing.

"Zhang Erbing." Xing Bing said, "Shut your stupid mouth."

"Hahaha." Zhang Erbing laughed and walked in with a few brothers, "Today we are here to catch the traitor for General Pei..."

Before his voice fell, his expression changed.

The corpses and blood in the corner made him hesitate briefly, but he was soon overjoyed.

"Okay, Madam Li Zheng not only steals people, but also commits murders behind her back. Let me see what you say this time..."

Feng Yun knew what he was thinking.

But she had been planning for so long, waiting for him to come, and had already predicted his prediction.

"We were worried about not finding the murderer, and you guys came just in time."

Zhang Erbing suddenly felt something bad, "What did you say?"

Feng Yun stopped looking at him and asked Jin Ge:

"I heard that you are very skilled in martial arts. How many can you fight with one person?"

Jin Ge raised his red eyes and looked at Feng Yun, as if he didn't quite understand what she meant.

Feng Yun came closer and whispered in his ear: "Yunniang's dead husband doesn't have that ability. Apart from Tiema, you are his only man. Whose child do you think Hengyang is?"

Even if it's not his Jin Ge's, it's still his Iron Horse's. After all, he is their brother's child.

Feng Yun said: "For Yun Niang and Hengyang, you can't die. So, who should take the blame for killing Tiema, have you thought clearly?"

Jin Ge slowly stood up.

He didn't bring a knife, so he picked up the fallen iron tool and pointed it at Zhang Erbing.

Zhang Erbing looked into those cold eyes and suddenly felt like he had fallen into a trap.

Tonight, Sun Tieniu and Zhao Heidan, the two little brothers who followed them in Huaxi Village, suddenly came to tell them that they saw Feng Yun sneaking into the farm tool shop with two strong men, who seemed to be the two servants of the Ren family.

He remembered that Feng Yun often went to Ren's house, flirting with people, and even led people to catch the traitor...

But right now...

Watching Jin Ge walking toward him with blood on his hands.

What Zhang Erbing is thinking about is...

Just run away.

"Let's go, don't fall into the trap!"

He wanted to run away, but Jin Ge didn't give them a chance. He leapt to stop him and stabbed him directly.

Several tribesmen surrounded outside and blocked the road. The four Zhang Erbing brothers had no way to escape. They had to take the semi-finished farm tools from the farm tool shop and started fighting back and forth with Jin Ge.

There is a difference between people who really kill people and those who only practice half-heartedly.

Jin Ge remained silent;

But that superb kung fu is very impressive...

The four Zhang Erbing brothers looked like they had practiced before, but they didn't get any favors at all from the four-on-one fight.

Feng Yun said in his heart, what kind of trash did Li Sanruo raise?

It's okay for these guys to bluff the common people, but if they meet a master, they will get beaten.

In contrast, Xiao Cheng is really serious. The dead soldiers his father, King Jingling, trained for him, are all killed with their heads in hand, without water at all...

However, the Zhang family's losers cannot die here, let alone in Jin Ge's hands.

She is of great use.

Seeing that it was almost done, Feng Yun said to Xing Bing:

"If you don't want to help, arrest these guys who broke into the farm tool shop at night to plot against Yun Niang and send them to the police. Let He Gongcao interrogate them carefully to see if they are the ones who stole the people's food..."

Zhang Erbing was panting from exhaustion. After listening to Feng Yun's words, the veins on his forehead were exposed.

"Feng Twelfth Mother, don't think that with your little tricks, you can plot against your master and make your dreams come true..."

Feng Yun was too lazy to pay attention to the incompetent rage of his defeated general, and raised his hand to signal.

Xing Bing was already prepared, and a group of troops rushed forward to arrest people.

The farm tool shop was far away from the villagers' residences, but the sound of fighting was too loud in the quiet night and still alarmed people.

Within a moment, villagers came this way.

I happened to see the murderer absconding in fear of crime and was captured by the troops.

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