Nagato has a thin waist

Chapter 112 A plan within a plan

Zhang Erbing was so angry that he jumped up and started cursing.

"Feng Twelve Niang, you framed me!"

Feng Yun sighed quietly in front of everyone.

"I just thought that you, the Zhang family, are very competitive and dissatisfied with me. Unexpectedly, you are so vicious..."

She glanced at Kong Yun'e, whose eyes were red from crying.

"Fortunately, brothers Jin Ge and Tiema of the Ren family passed by the farm tool shop, otherwise Yun Niang would have been killed by you... Unfortunately, brother Tiema was killed by Zhang Erbing in order to uphold justice."

She said sadly.

Zhang Erbing's eyes widened and he was almost mad.

"No. We didn't kill anyone. It was you who killed the person, the poisonous woman like you!"

Feng Yun looked at Jin Ge, who was lying softly in the corner, hugging the iron horse and making no sound.

"Brother Jin Ge, please tell everyone quickly, who hurt your brother?"

Jin Ge said nothing, staring at Zhang Erbing with a pair of angry eyes.

The crowd was in an uproar.

Of course, my brother would not hide for the murderer.

There is no doubt that the murderers were the Zhang brothers.

"The Zhang family is too arrogant."

"I came to the farm tool shop in the middle of the night to do something wrong..."

"It's a matter of great justice, but it's a pity that such a capable and strong man died like this at the hands of the bad guys."

"No! It's not us." The Zhang brothers were still shouting, trying to defend themselves.

Feng Yun called Xing Bing, "Gag his mouth and throw him into the cowshed. He will be sent to the general's mansion tomorrow morning."

Gagged, the Zhang brothers lost their voices.

Feng Yun straightened his shoulders and walked to the front of the crowd, looking at the faces hidden by torches.

"I, Feng Yun, want to protect the people in the village and live a stable life for a few days in these troubled times."

"But ever since the Zhang family came to Huaxi Village, they have been stirring up trouble and ignoring human affairs..."

"Tomorrow, I will ask He Gongcao to open a trial. You can go to Andu City to testify for Brother Tiema who died in vain, and for the people of Huaxi Village who were bullied by the Zhang brothers."

The villagers dispersed.

The Zhang brothers were also escorted away.

Feng Yun then turned back to look at Kong Yun'e and Jin Ge.

"You two are in love and should have been a couple. It's only because of fate that you ended up where you are now. But..."

She smiled slightly, "Fate is fate, fate is luck, who says it's irreversible?"

Kong Yun'e's voice was hoarse from crying, and she asked Feng Yun with red eyes.

"Ayun, why are you doing this?"

Feng Yun looked at Jin Ge, "For him."

Kong Yun'e was stunned and completely confused.

Jin Ge was not an idiot, and he walked beside Xiao Cheng all year round. His emotions calmed down from the excitement just now, and he already understood Feng Yun's thoughts.

"You took Yun Niang from Taicheng to Andu, and you planned to plot against me, right?"

Feng Yun chuckled, "How can it be called a calculation if I let you understand the truth?"

Jin Ge looked into her eyes.

Not angry, not surprised.

He controlled his emotions well and pressed his bloody hand on the wall, leaving five bright red fingerprints.

"I will not betray the Third Young Master."

Feng Yun raised his eyes, "You are very smart. You figured everything out in such a short time. Unfortunately, from the moment you stabbed the iron horse through the chest, you can't go back."

She stared at Jin Ge and suddenly laughed.

"Unless you want Yun Niang and Hengyang to live with guilt and pain for the rest of their lives, you have no choice but to listen to me."

Jin Ge remained silent, staring into her eyes like blood-stained mist.

Feng Yun smiled faintly again.

"Do you really think your third young master loves you so much?"

Jin Ge looked at her unclearly, his eyes full of doubts.

Feng Yun let him look at him, with a faint smile on his lips, "To tell you the truth, it was Xiao Cheng who asked Ping An to call me at Shuiyun Temple that day, and I left the Zen room to avoid the disaster."

Jin Ge had a lump in his throat.

"Third Young Master doesn't know Yun Niang."

"Yes, he really doesn't know about your relationship with Yun Niang, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed with his people to send Yun Niang to Andu... He won't sincerely feel bad for you, but what does that mean?"

Feng Yun stared at Jin Ge and said lightly: "Your master always puts interests first, and he is very suspicious. If he knew that the gangster in Shuiyun Temple back then was Tiema, he knew that Tiema had carried him on his back and done what he did. What would he think about such a nasty thing?"

Seeing that Jin Ge was silent, she pressed forward step by step.

"What would Xiao Cheng think if he knew that you killed Tiema and designed the Zhang brothers with me? Will he still trust you as always?"

Jin Ge took two steps back.

"What do you want, what is your purpose?"

Feng Yun's eyes were faint and cold.

"Like you, I also have a knot in my heart that needs to be solved urgently."

Jin Ge looked at her and remained silent.

But he already vaguely understood Feng Yun's overall plan.

She took advantage of Ren Rude's eagerness to make friends with her and brought Kong Yun'e to Andu.

Through the conversation with Ren Rude, he deliberately conveyed the humiliation of Kong Yun'e back then, attracting the attention of him and Tie Ma, and then secretly spread the news, asking him to come to see Kong Yun'e, and took the opportunity to tie Tie Ma, using Tie Ma's violent personality to lead them to conflict between brothers. , let him fail and act cruelly...

"If I kill the iron horse, or if the iron horse kills me, the result will be the same to you, right? One of him or me will be used by you?"

"No." Feng Yun said: "I don't want him, I only want you. Therefore, he must be the one who dies."

Jin Ge sneered, "If I'm not mistaken, you also led the Zhang brothers here, right?"

Feng Yun didn't need to hide this, "Yes."

Jin Ge asked, "Why?"

Feng Yun asked back, "Have you heard of the Jin Dynasty's Imperial Guards? They are from the Imperial Guards. If I don't get rid of them, I will never have peace in Huaxi Village. I can avoid them once, but I can't avoid them the second and third time. Sooner or later, I will fall into their hands..."

Jin Ge stared at her gloomily, not believing her at all.

"I remember that General Pei was about to kill them last time, but it was you who saved their lives?"

Feng Yun smiled: "I don't care about the lives of a few minions. If they have to die, they should die when they should die."

Jin Ge felt pity in his heart, "What a trick the girl has."

Feng Yun shook his head, "No, this is not enough."

After that, he smiled and looked at Jin Ge, "You and Tie Ma worked hard for Xiao Cheng, but what did you get in the end? You can't even protect the woman you love, is it worth it?"

Jin Ge asked: "What can the girl give me?"

Feng Yun said: "In my eyes, Feng Yun, men and women love each other regardless of family background. You and Yun Niang are a natural match, and you should stay together. And your son Hengyang can live happily in Huaxi Village in the future, or anywhere you want to go..."

Jin Ge lowered his eyes and said nothing.

"You don't have to rush to answer me. I'll give you time."

Feng Yun glanced at him with a smile, helped Kong Yun'e up and handed her to him.

"You don't need me to teach you what to say to Ren Rude, do you?"

Jin Ge remained silent.

But Feng Yun was not worried.

For Kong Yun'e, he would not tell the truth to Ren Rude.


When Feng Yun returned to the manor wearing the fox fur cloak, she woke up Ah You who was sleeping in her room.

The little girl rubbed her eyes and sat up, "Aunt?"

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment, and went over to pat her soothingly, "Go to sleep."

A You asked: "Did my uncle win the battle again?"

Feng Yun said that there would be good news at any time, so Ah You thought she got up in the middle of the night because Pei Jue won the battle.

"Yeah." Feng Yun nodded, watching the child's eyes become bright under the night light, and suddenly felt guilty, "He will win the battle."

Ayou nodded his little head, "My uncle is really amazing."

Feng Yun didn't know what to say, pushed him into the bed, tucked in the quilt, "Go to sleep, we still have to go to see your eldest brother's fish tomorrow."

Ayou pouted his little mouth, "Aunt, don't you like my uncle?"

Feng Yun was stunned for a moment.

Discussing this with a six-year-old girl late at night?

"Don't talk nonsense, go to sleep."

Ayou pouted, "My mother said that no girl would like my uncle, a big ice block and a big wood. Aunt, please don't abandon my uncle, okay? He is very pitiful."

Feng Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

She never thought that she would help Mrs. Ao take care of the children in this life.

She never thought that two children would be so annoying.

In the previous life, the two precious little bean sprouts were looked at by Madam Ao like eyeballs. Concubines like Feng Yun would be despised by her if they were even close to them. In the past three years, she had only seen them from afar.

She didn't say anything, but patted Ayou and coaxed her to sleep.

Ayou stood up and got into Feng Yun's bed.

"I want to sleep with my aunt tonight and listen to my aunt telling stories about my uncle's victories..."

Feng Yun: ...


It's especially lively in Andu City today.

He Qia has been ordered to govern Andu for some time.

There are always trivial matters and fights in the city.

He also dealt with them seriously, but he never went to court once.

He was a military general, and public trials of such things were done by civil officials.

He Qia felt that he didn't understand it, but Feng Shier Niang handed him over and made a lot of convincing arguments. Things were forced to the point, and Pingyuan County Lord lived in the general's mansion, so he had to do it.


He Qia sighed.

He wanted to go to Xinzhou to fight, not to go to court in Andu.

"Come on, take the Zhang brothers to the hall."

He Qia had no yamen runners, only soldiers, all of whom were armed and looked very fierce, but when the Zhang brothers were brought up, there was no fear on their faces.

"Feng Shier Niang falsely accused!"

"Mr. He, we brothers didn't kill anyone, it's unjust."

Many people came to watch the excitement outside the hall.

Everyone was trying to get in, many of them were villagers from Huaxi Village.

Before He Qia could speak, the outside started to shout.

"I testify that Zhang Erbing and his brothers killed someone!"

He Qia: "Quiet! Quiet."

The crowd quieted down.

He Qia looked at Feng Yun standing at the side of the hall, as well as the witnesses present at the time, Jin Ge, Kong Yun'e, and several villagers from Huaxi Village, and asked coldly:

"Did you see Zhang Erbing killing Tiema with your own eyes?"

Feng Yun said: "It wasn't Zhang Erbing who killed him..."

Before he finished speaking, he pointed at Zhang Sande and said, "It was his younger brother."

Zhang Sande was not as good at talking as Zhang Erbing. This black pot that fell from the sky made him dizzy and his mouth tremble with anger.

"What nonsense, what nonsense, we have no grudges with Tiema, why should I kill him?"

Feng Yun said: "If there is no grudge, won't you kill people? Huaxi Village has no grudges with you, why did you steal grain and frame me?"

The Zhang brothers narrowed their eyes and looked at Feng Yun with murderous eyes.

"Mrs. Li Zheng has a mouth, not for talking nonsense."

"Yes! We didn't kill him. He was already dead when I went there."

Feng Yun's face darkened, "Jin Ge and Tie Ma are direct brothers. You didn't kill them. Could it be that Jin Ge killed them? I will frame you. Could it be that Jin Ge and Yun Niang will also frame you?"

The Zhang brothers looked sinister on their faces and turned to look at Jin Ge.

"Ms. Feng, who would have known that he is not your adulterer. He is here to speak just for you..."

here we go again. Do you have to point her out as an adulterer?

Feng Yun glanced at He Xia, then turned to look at the people outside the lobby, "Everyone, come and listen, I don't want a heroic man like the general to just drag an adulterer on the street. I, Feng Twelfth Mother, am stupid. Still crazy?"

The hall immediately burst into laughter.

Feng Yun saw that the Zhang brothers were furious and smiled again.

"Don't think that no one knows about the dirty things you do."

After saying that, she walked into the hall and bowed her hands towards He Qia.

"He Jun, this morning, someone found sunken grain in the river in Huaxi Village. It was the work of the Zhang brothers..."

Then he glared at the Zhang brothers, "There are so many people who don't have enough to eat right now. They are chewing tree barks and digging wild vegetables. You are so good. In order to frame me, you actually sank the stolen food into the bottom of the water..."

The crowd was in an uproar.

Food is so valuable in this world.

But after the Zhang family stole the food, it was submerged and destroyed?

What a heinous crime.

Zhang Erbing sneered, "Ms. Feng, I worked hard to steal food, but I actually used it to sink the river? Then do you think I am stupid or crazy?"

Feng Yun said: "You are not crazy, nor stupid. On the contrary, you are quite smart. As we all know, your Zhang family is a poor family in the village. You complain about the difficult situation every day, saying that I treat you badly and do not divide the good land and let you eat. My stomach is not full, but look at it, everyone in the Zhang family is not full of food..."

After a pause, she hummed heavily.

"What's more, I boasted in front of the general and the whole village that day that I would solve the grain theft case within ten days. If you keep the stolen grain at home, it will be easy to expose the secret and have to sink into the river. "

Zhang Erbing was so angry that he almost broke his teeth.

"What evidence do you have to prove that we stole it? How do you prove that we did it to sink the food under the water? I also said it was you, so don't frame good people with red lips and white teeth."

Feng Yun said: "Of course I have evidence."

In the crowd at the door, someone immediately shouted loudly.

"He Jun, we saw it with our own eyes."

"He Jun, we have evidence."

Everyone looked over.

Those were Sun Tieniu and Zhao Heidan from Huaxi Village. Ever since the Zhang brothers moved into the village, they had gotten together and had a fierce fight with them. Last time, they openly slandered Feng Yun in Changmen Village. He was the Zhang brothers' " own people".

They actually came out to testify?

Zhang Erbing stared at them in disbelief.

At first, he had suspected that it was Feng Yun's trick that these two bitches approached them and knelt down to please them. But that night at Changmenzhuang, they came forward and gained his trust...

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Feng Yun's person.

Zhang brothers: I'm really blind. I just want to have a reputation as a thief with that Feng Twelve Niang. Why is it so difficult?

Pei Ran: Look at me, do you think Feng Ji can still steal people?

Chun Yuyan: And me, and me, if we are like this, who else will she steal from...

So the fight started again

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